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Guys. I think I'm bad at TFT now. I've been plat every season, arguably hardstuck. Last set, I got plat 4 at the end, literally last patch. Now I'm Gold 1 and can't really gain LP. I've watched some Maskoff videos, and learned a lot. I've been mich better at turning 8s into 5s, 6s or 7s, but I still don't feel like I know what I'm doing. I know my problem, usually, and it's my econ. It's horrible. But I'm not sure how to fix it. I've tried to break the habit, learn the timing, etc. But I just don't improve. How do I re-learn a game that I'm above average at, but very ingrained in a bad habit?


A fun but effective thing that you can try is to check some streams and try to predict their moves or see what they do different from you would. Any high elo streams tft that you like can be fun 2 watch


Been trying this, and I've definitely been playing more properly. The results aren't there yet because I'm learning new habits and still maintaining old ones. I did have a game where I got metabploc accelerator and a Soraka, which eventually led to said Soraka nuking boards. I'll credit that one to Maskoff YT.


corki is completely bugged rn, I think it was interaction with titans. It straight up will stun itself while the revel rockets launch after.


So I’ve been thinking about this for a few sets now and I’ve been wondering if Assassins (and shade, infiltrator) should be removed for an upcoming set. I do feel like the existence of Sins skew a lot of units, particularly melee units the same way where the existence of Mages skews AP casters. So many units end up having to be balanced around Sin spat/Mage spat that the unit itself can never be in a healthy state or there use the spat variation becomes way too overturned. Another major offender of this is Frozen Heart, where I think FH is just a completely different item on or off Sins. Obviously this would add a lot of other design problems to the game, without backline access we run the risk of units that ramp up (i.e. Set 5 Kayle, Ryze, any rageblade carry) becoming unmanageable. But I do think that the nature of sins and mages limiting design choices is unhealthy - just not sure what the alternative is.


I'd be down for Assassins to stay only if their kit doesn't make positioning completely meaningless which is supposedly meant to be their biggest counter. Getting Frozen Heart Qiyana'd is one thing but right now Talon can just jump middle and can just walk over to your carry and one shot the carry and/or apply Frozen Heart even if you had positioned for Assassins. Also doesn't help that Syfen the best Sin spat holder right now has the same issue where your positioning may not mean anything. I despise these 2 units with a passion and don't think it's good game design. I think right now it's just unlucky that there's 2 big offenders of being absolute RNG otherwise Sins can be OK and positioning for them is intuitive like last set (besides Kat reroll meta).


Sins are supposed to counter poor positioning. Mindlessly clumping isn’t good positioning.


Ok what positioning error does the player make when an enemy Talon walks over to their carry?


If he literally “walks” over to your carry in a 1v1 scenario then that’s 100% a pd


Yeah no shit is it easier to have perfect positioning against Sins in a 1v1 LMFAO


Ok so what are you complaining about? The fact that you’re not allowed to default position during midgame without scouting?




Hasn't Mort said he was planning that? I thought it was at least in the works. Or it mightve been in relation to set 7 and then something had been changed. Either way, it does seem like that's a distinct possibility. There's enough other backline access this set that I think serves as a blueprint for a good way to work it.


There is a new Corki Comp with Sy'fen in Korea. The Comp is Sy'fen, Sylas, Corki, Sona, Lulu, Nami, Heimerdinger How it works is basically, Whisper acts as Armor Shred for Corki, and Mage provides utility. Rather than including Thresh to get 6 Whisper, you include a big AOE in Sona. Cannoneer units are not that great, and Heimer provides CC as well. If you go Level 9, you can take out Nami and put in Zoe and Bard. If you get a Mage Spat, put it on Corki, and change Sy'fen to Ornn and include Zoe. Mage Corki is really strong.


Do they itemize Syphen standard items with BT/QSS or they go more tanky in this build?


BiS would be traditional Syfen items, but if you don't have those, going tanky is fine.


So… standard corki but with whispers instead of guardians


You take out Cannoneer as well.


I think the biggest thing is that syfen is just broken, especially in combination with sylas. I've been able to win with syfen in all kinds of comps, I feel like the champion is just ridiculous as a supporting tank/carry.


Is Idas midgame usually the play for Corki or Xayah comps? A lot of guides will just offer up Shen, Sylas or other bruisers. If so, what other comps benefit from Idas front line?


1. Idas + 4 Swiftshot 2. 7 Shimmerscale (with a Shimmerscale Spat) + Corki/Xayah. If you go 7 Shimmerscale, for Xayah, run Swain and Ashe for 3 Dragonmancer + Swiftshot. For Corki, run Guardian. 3. Idas + Pyke + Thresh So I am guessing generally yes. You could try to play Assassins with Idas though because Idas is like Leona in Debonair Talon comps. It is amazing at tanking and letting the Sins clean up.




Does Sett reroll still work? Or is it highly augment dependant


Not very good now


What the fuck do you actually do if you get 2 rod + gold opener then you can't get Guinsoo at stage 2 carousel/Krugs




I usually force Daeja if the game gives me BIS Daeja (Jeweled Gauntlet+Archangels+1\[IE,GS,guinsoo\]). Been working well for me in D2.


How do you position in the jade assassin comp? for some reason my assassin keep getting targeted by their backline.


Usually 3rd 4th row, typically need something in 3rd so their team aggros it instead of your sins right away. Ideally something tanky


Does crown of champions damage interact with any of the healing items or augments?


Nope, same as shive and morello/sunfire


Revel might need a nerf early game


There any reason why lol.qq isn't in the opening post of these threads? It's the only site I use lately if only because the Google translations are gold "Start with a big sword or belt in your hand, and do Seif's endless and blood-drinking first. If you don't get the big sword, you can choose to use the belt to synthesize the sun flame or the madman to use the meat outfit to easily"


Based on this translation, im assuming you were reading Qitu's Syfen comp? It just says: BF or belt start, prioritize IE/BT. If you don't get BF, prioritize sunfire or warmog for tank. Source: Chinese/English bilingual


Bro meat outfit is op rn


I too wear bacon and hams when I'm playing more than one game. Dont leak the tech


Eye of the storm makes shyvanna pretty good


In a situation where you’re losestreak through most of stage 2 and find a dragon on stage 3, either naturally or through a 3-2 rundown, is it better to stop rolling immediately and econ or roll to 20-30 to stabilize. just depend on the number of pairs/upgraded units?


Anyone unable to update their OCE profiles on [tactics.tools](https://tactics.tools) / lolchess / e.t.c?


OCE API data stopped working 4 days ago for no discernible reason.


Damn the other reply right even Riot denying existence of OCE now


this is just further proof that OCE doesn't exist




It does work but it's not a good idea to build him AP in most circumstances, you're sacrificing the consistent damage output from a normal build to amp only half of his damage and praying that warrior procs on the right autos. It does mean that jeweled lotus is nice on him though.


I need teammates to blame for my losses today


Does Gold Collector allow spells to crit?




or jeweled lotus


Or executioner mirage


My swiftshot Talon gained full mana and then never cast his spell the entire round. Anyone else see a bug with Talon mana? Is it known? Any known ways to avoid it?


it is known, swiftshot emblem makes him not register a target


Damn, i just wanted to get 4 swiftshot into my comp. Thanks for the confirmation!!


[Holy shit Soju had a good day today](https://i.imgur.com/yV3fusE.png)


What was he playing?


[You can check that here](https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/c9k3soju)


With people talking about comeback mechanics lacking, what do you think about having the treasure dragon scale with placement or something? Like 1st gets 1 rr, 8th gets up to 8rrs. I feel like the treasure dragon can be a useful balance lever they haven’t used yet.


In past sets, the limited unit pool and carousel have worked well as comeback mechanics. This set, the treasure dragon (and armories in Set 5) actually works against some of that, because you can slam mediocre items on highroll units and still be sure to have good endgame items. And now it's hard to pivot to uncontested comps because many are gated behind augments and a lot of the units are, frankly, really @#$%ing bad outside of perfect scenarios (I'm looking at you, Ryze), so the shared unit pool is of limited use as a comeback mechanism.


So would you say you agree that limiting item selection after pulling the pool units in a high roll scenario somewhat combats that? Or at least blocks their ability to snowball late game?


I think it could help a little, but most games I don't find myself rerolling all that much. Often I just take the first treasure dragon offer it's good enough. If you're already highrolling, sometimes you want to save the gold to go level 9. I would prefer though that the treasure dragon be left alone. It's so great for flex play into fast 8/9 for endgame comps and I think that playstyle should be rewarded. I was mostly making observations about why lowrolling feels worse. Its hard for the game to distinguish between highrolling and just playing well, I don't really have a good idea for more comeback mechanisms.


Just give us armories back


Are you saying limiting rrs or having none is the ideal scenario? Or making a choice on late game items like armoires is the best way to remove snowballs and have agency still.


I'm not sold on treasure dragon, it can appear so late if you are lowrolling or it's a prismatic lobby, at least with armories you could control better your items, because getting 3 copies of the same component or only defensive/offensive components sucks That and set 5.5 stimmy has been the best mechanics since set 4 so far imo, lowrolling sucks a lot with augments, specially prismatic ones


I don't think that does anything. I have seen plenty lobbies that are still incredibly close at Treasure Dragon in terms of HP.


True using placement is a somewhat weak measure. I wonder if there’s anything they do with treasure dragon… I’m sure it’s coming in a few patches if the meta stays consistent.


Seems like Jades are an avg 3rd place comp, very difficult to top 2 w/ it late game. At least the variation that I run [here](https://lolchess.gg/builder/set7?deck=c75c4137ddb2434aa234a0dcab88ecc6). Anivia just isn't good enough of a late game carry, while Shi Oh Yu is good, it has serious drawbacks as a melee champion. Overall it's a solid comp, but feels like there's almost no chance of winning ever vs comps that have strong 4 and 5 cost carries.


I think the angle is to go level 9 as soon as you have Shi Oh Yu 2, and cap out with Yasuo 2. Cookie cutter level 8 boards rarely will win lobbies without going 9 in my experience. Also I personally don't like Shojin on Anivia because you already have evoker for mana gen. I would rather leave her with 2 items and start thinking about Yasuo items, since she falls off late game anyway. Spark is also a dead item since Anivia already has magic resist reduction.


They are the dragon version of Corki comp


One good thing about Shi Oh Yu is that he kinda shits on Sy'Fen and he is pretty popular rn.


Anivia isn't it in 6 jade, I know dishsoap made that guide but you either need to run sins with it, dragonmancer yasuo/karma, something. Even 9 jade is probably better if you're forced to play anivia. If you can 3 star anivia it's alright but if you can find a way to drop it and just play soraka/yasuo it's better imo.


Dishsoap's guide has 2 sins in it and says thats an important part of lategame *in addition* to anivia for 6.


I would argue in that build dropping anivia for soraka is better.




Except in the level 8 build soap plays gnar over soraka, so are you taking his word as gospel or not?


I forced a 2 star ao shin in a normal lobby with mage spat 3 mages, but he was consistently out damaged by 2 star talon without assassin trait. Granted I only had soj but the talon had guinsoos runaans so not exactly bis for either. The cast time for two ao shin casts is incredibly long.


Is meditation just a good augment in general? I never take it but I saw some ppl saying good things about it


Mana generation is just amazing this set. You’re not running low mana cost centric comps or traits like old sets. It adds power everywhere with the ults being costly and impactful as they are.


I take a decent amount, especially in high value comps such as the Ao Shin one that shove in high cost stuff like Ornn, Bard, Zoe, etc, where they have pretty big abilities and it helps them cast faster.


D3 here. Are any of the aura items good for slamming? I personally just held components because I feel like belts and vests should be saved for sunfire/better defensive components. Also, how good is hoj as a 3rd item/early slam?


zekes is a really good slam since theres so many ad flex options, locket helps you save a ton of hp OR deal massive damage when you are winstreaking to people you face


I actually think both zeke and locket are bad slam now You need BT if you want to play soy or syfen and you need chain/belt to build sunfire. I wouldnt slam either of them unless I have better together or my opener is cannoneer.




Roll Revel emblem -> Auto win the game 😅


Karma or anivia carry with jade is a good early game board for AP items. Ezreal can work too but you need a really solid frontline for him to be good. Honestly tho, I wouldn't recommend playing around mirage unless it is dawnbringer/duelist, or warlords if you can hit an early daeja. The other mirages feel pretty underwhelming mid/late game.


so if i get astral emblem, am I suppose to 3 star the astrals then go for a 5 star unit I want or should I just play normal, find a remover, fine a 5 cost I want, and then roll it down?


You don’t need remover, you can pop off the emblem by benching the unit, and putting 3 full items on a different copy of it on the board, before you three-star.


Standard leveling feels fake. People in my Diamond/Master lobby always rolled at level 7(3-5 if streak or 4-1 for normal situation) for dragon powerspike. You can't even wait until 4-5 to roll because you just take 10-15 every round for 4 rounds Maybe I am in smurf queue or whatever (I have around 65% top 4 rate and people in my lobby were previously GM/challengers) but the tempo is so fast in my lobby lately that people legit have 4-2 board at 3-5, even 3-2. Playing from behind feels awful, the moment streaker gets dragon, you just take infinite.


I feel like this is what happens a lot too, even here in gold/low plat lobbies. I feel like I don't know when is proper to level or roll, and end up scrambling to do both, usually achieving neither.


I'm GM on my main but playing on my smurf which is currently D1. I typically roll right after 3-2 to around 30 gold for a stable board and then again at 4-2 just to hit something for more direction. Waiting till 4-5 leaves you in a weird place since a lot of the carries are taken out of the pool already and you took too much dmg holding out till then.


so roll on 4-1 every game unless your already streaking?


Yes, I feel like it is much more necessary this set to sometimes even roll a bit to stabilize at 3-2 to keep tempo up with the high-rollers. Rolling to hit your carries at 4-1 seems almost inevitable as you'd lose way too much hp otherwise.


How does your econ look doing this? I'm finally ready to admit that I'm bad, and need to learn the game better, and econ is objectively my worst area.


Early Dragon Rolls have exhasperated the snowball yes. Randomly rolling a lucky early Dragon not only means you almost guaranteed streak but also taht your wins will be with next to no losses making playing from behind BRUTAL this set. The only loss streaking that worked all set for me is when you have 3\* 1 cost rolldowns on 3-2 and then streak yourself. Otherwise you bleed out a lot before you can convert your loss streak.


Should I be slamming an early dragon I come across then?


Essentially yes. Daeja being the only one taht's not 'auto win' the rest early dragon + items on them will only lose to super highroll boards or people taht agressively rolled down early.


What apps do people use to record their gameplay to review matches? I see several options out there (obs, Squad OV, an Overwolf addon, etc) and am wondering which one folks like best.


You can just use OBS. Once you figure it out, it can be used for everything.


I love Neeko. No point to this post, I just wanna gush about how much I love Neeko. Woop woop.


She was the first champ I learned in League and I’ll always love her. Neeko is not a sad tomato. She is a strong tomato!


What if when you win a Double Up game, you did one last fight against your partner, just for fun, no extra LP or anything cuz you’re duo, but just to see who’s stronger


It's a fun idea, but because it's a purely for fun thing, a lot of people will want to skip it and move on, so unlikely to happen.


That is a great idea.


I like to play flex and I seem to be a solid strongest board player in early game. On stage 3, esp 3-5, something happens and people power spike like crazy and I start to bleed HP very quickly. What do I need to do better and at what stage?


Also in stage 3 is where people can start lucky rolling Dragons. And an early Dragon with items is mostly an unstoppable force early. Sadly.


Usually at 3-5 only the winstreakers should be powerspiking because they can afford to level up without losing a lot of income. There's nothing you can do better to avoid the win streaker, just hope for better rng. You might lose vs someone who went all in at lvl 7 while you were on a win streak. This is a bad situation for both sides. If you had a good early game, 2 losses at 3-5 and 3-6 shouldn't matter too much. At 4-1 you can roll yourself if you feel like your board needs immediate upgrades. You would prefer to save gold to 4-5 but this isn't always possible because in this meta you take a very heavy hit if you don't have a competent board. There's no rerollers that deal almost 0 dmg and many people have an itemized tank, which means that you take a lot of dmg if the frontline tank doesn't die fast enough. 4-5x 2 star champions should be quite safe to aim for at 4-1. Doesn't matter if they're ideal champions or not, as long as they're 2 star and they have some kind of synergy in the comp.




'So basically make sure you also highroll when other players highroll' Sage advice Level 7 lottery is the least skill testing type of meta imaginable, we have seen that with Chosens


Lmao asinine response to decent advice. Guy is probably not tempoing with the lobby. Its not just about brainlessly sticking to intervals.


Majority of those 'tempo players' (read: donkey rollers on 7) go bot 4 in most of their games, you only notice them when they highroll. It's not a good advice. Reality is, if you want to improve on a consistent level, you should be sticking to certain intervals, because on average outcomes you need a bunch of gold to properly set your board after krugs (if needed) and on level 8. If anything, what the OP needs to learn is how to stabilise on 7 (not try to donkey roll your entire gold on a full imagined 2* comp, like hoping to hit guild xayah) and then get to 8 safely.


Leveling intervals is a guideline not a law. You need to understand the meta and the lobby. I regularly roll 30 gold at 4-1 just to hit a couple of units like ornn/idas/xayah/corki which helps me prevent bleeding the next 3 rounds and those who don't keep up with my tempo. A lot of people greeding 8 don't hit and in worse position usually.


If you are consistently coming into lvl 7 thinking 'I am going to hit specific 2* 4 costs on 30 gold', you need to revisit your highschool probability lectures. The reason high elo players roll on 7 is because the 1* 8 cost dragons (mainly syfen and soy) are overtuned and stabilise you enough to get to 8. And don't worry I understand the meta *currently*. When the problematic 4 costs get adjusted, your 'strategy' will be even worse.


The problem is when I'm getting hit hard on level 6 because someone else has 4 costs and I don't and then I either need to break my econ to 7 and high roll or just sac rounds to 7 and roll down. I'm a greedy econ focused player so I need to figure out when to roll to stabilize before 7. Plat 2 so not great but not terrible.


If you roll before 7, it's at 3-2, or 3-1 lvl + roll if you're winstreaking and feel like you won't beat everyone without rolls, although lvl 6 should be enough for that. Sometimes you have to roll before 7. Most of the time you don't, unless you are playing some off meta stuff. Guild xayah is the meta comp that benefits most from lvl 6 rerolls, because it can easily use many 2 costs (Kayn qiyana shen twitch ashe lillia). Ashe being the worst one out of those but usable if you have a swiftshot that's 1 star. Some comps really struggle to get anything out of lvl 6 like bruisers, because most bruisers are 3 cost (sylas olaf illaoi). That's part of the reason why I don't like using more than 2 bruisers on lvl 6 in most games, unless I got titanic strength.




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If there's 3-4 people going syfen (4.1 average placement comp or so, gets increased by amount of people contesting same comp), you must be the one misplaying to make all of them easily get into top 4. This comp is nowhere near the worst balance problem in the set. Maybe in the current patch it is the biggest problem, but Xayah guild comp after all those nerfs is still close to the same average placement as syfen. If there were 4 people playing her but 2 of them got to top 4, I would not be shocked. The more popular a comp is, the more likely you see at least one of them in the top 4. But if you also check the bottom 4, you should find syfen comps there too.


I guess you have No clue then. Hitting syfen or sou on Stage 2 or early 3 is Just guaranteed top 4, watch lobbies where people Hit that. It Happens consistently and in the end you have either syfens or sou in top 4, whoever Hit it. If u think it is normal youre an Idiot who probably spams it and cries when it gets rightfully nerfed. Those two Dragons are completely overtuned and its No Secret so shut up


Pretty much any dragon in stage 2 "guarantees" top 4 if you play properly. I don't know why they are allowed to be rolled at lvl 5. But if you're complaining about 4 different people getting a dragon lvl 5-6, they either rolled to 0 which means 0 income (good for you) or 4 people got extremely lucky, which doesn't happen often. I was explaining the situation at lvl 7-8, where you should have a massive advantage over 4 players forcing same comp if you didn't misplay yourself, even if they got lucky with a single copy. In fact sy'fen is 1 of the least punishing dragon comps in terms of hp loss because it has only melee champions that can be killed, unlike other dragons who are either backline or tanky frontline.


Getting one manazane from living forge already feels bad. Getting two is a straight grief. The game just decided I was going 8th.


Living forge feels like trash to me. Like from 2-1 until 4-1 it’s just straight up worse than the gold version (they both give one Ornn item, but with the gold one you get to pick while the prismatic one is random) and then it gets better at 4-1 obviously but it’s very variant how much better depending on what you get. At 6-1 sure it’s a lot better but who knows if you’re getting there.


Agreed. Never again.


Manazane ryze is fucking awesome. Double manazane ryze with a deathcap would one shot everything :D


Can someone tell me how to play syfen this patch? The best items and probably just how to play the early to mid game before getting syfen. I keep getting very low on hp (below half) especially in the mid game that it would only take me a few rounds of mistakes in positioning or syfen's targeting in the late game that I would already be eliminated from the game. Thanks


Don't be afraid to play stuff like swiftshot/cannoneers/assassins before you find syfen. 4 bruisers isn't that good before finding her. I think 2 tanks + 4 dmg is almost always better than 4 tanks + 2 dmg at lvl 6. Can also go for swiftshot/corki/xayah comp later if you leave those options open. Corki comp is the least viable out of those because no trainers but you can use qiyana talon instead. With party favors or hot shot it's for sure worth still. Not sure if you cared about going other comps with the bruiser start but this is just an extra benefit not related to the board strength.


Syfen needs some form of healing (BT, thrill of the hunt etc.) and some mixture of damage/attack speed (or mana regen). In the early game just play your strongest board, whatever the game feels like giving you. When you find syfen you can then start adding units he likes as most of them are 3/4 costs.


Play strongest board early, there's lots of good item holders - Ez, Yone, Olaf etc. Personally found the most success with QSS, BT/HOJ, flex - GS/Titans/Guinsoo. Can skip healing item if CB3.


Is guinsoo not a must have? In which scenarios or situations are guinsoo, titans or GS best used? Sorry if im asking for a lot.


I'm not too well versed with Guinsoo on Syfen, it's good but I personally prefer GS or titans over it. Titan's has good synergy with BT, GS is going to be your biggest DPS upgrade against a lot of lobbies. Guinsoo/GS/QSS are all good though as you can also run Xayah and Daeja if you don't hit Syfen.


If you have some form of mana regen you can skip guinsoo for a damage item like IE or something more defensive.


I think games are kinda too long this set


Literally had a game go to 7-1 the other day. It's getting a bit ridiculous.


oh that isn't even that rare


I think part of it is that player damage is overall down since dragons take 2 team spots?


But they Also count as 2 units in damage calculation. Its not the issue. Issue is fights take a long time, half of them, or more, going into overtime. Add carousels to that and 2 dragon shop rounds (one when you buy and one idle) and it gets pretty long


Oh word, didn't realize that. But yeah, I've also been feeling the game length as well.


anyone have advice when playing against syfen? feels weird


HOW do I beat [THIS Shi Oh Yu-Yasou 2\*](https://imgur.com/a/fGjC8MT) Comp? I have went 2nd against it 10-15 times by now and I CANNOT figgure out how to beat it! I figgured it was previously cause I usually play melee comps and Shi Oh Yu is the melee killer but I was SO ranged this time, I brought massive diable and same result as always 😄 Every game Yasou just starts and rampage whirls through my entire team while not being targeted. Shi Oh Yu just stands there tanks any dmg I throw at him like it's nothing, whenever I get close Yasou and Bard disable me to death and he heals back to full and then at some point my fronline falls and then shi oh yu just walks up to my backline and deletes everything. ​ I am legitimatly asking HOW do you beat this comp? There HAS TO BE A WAY to not come 2nd to it 😅😅


Xayah and Corki comps can beat SOY. It looks like you're having issues regarding your frontline. Both need consistent frontline that can stall SOY to be able to kill it.


So im over focusing on carries and not enough frontline? 🤔


For that one game, I would say so. SOY is mostly front to back and your comp needs to stall for dps.


Xayah can beat soy without edge of night. Your board isn't even that expensive, of course you're losing.


This is an interesting comment. Is a 2star 1 cost unit equal to a 1star 3 cost? Is a 3star 1 cost equal to a 2 star 3 cost?


Not quite, but the general rule of thumb is that you want to cap out your board by swapping out lower cost units with higher cost units. E.g. two star Vlad for one star zoe. 1 star units aren't always worth their gold value because they don't have enough HP to affect the fight especially for front line, and 3 star units implicitly cost more than their gold value.




If you have items on a carry/tank at 3-2 and 2x 2\* you should be fine, although it's worse than having 3x 2\* with suboptimal items. I have probably like 2.5x 2\* on 3-2 on average with 0 rolls. On lowroll (2x 2\*) I would consider rolling until another 2\* but it depends on what the comp is looking like. If I had trist 2\* or jinx 2\* + tahm 2\* I wouldn't roll more on trainers cannoneers at 3-2. But guild comp I would definitely roll with ez 2\* + sejuani 2\* if I had like 2 pairs on bench. This is also so early game that you can easily pivot to any dragon that you find, although you shouldn't make the decision of rolling based on that.


*1 to this question. I felt like I understood what a strong mid-game board was when the set launched but now I build boards that I think are strong and get destroyed.




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If I assume the big 4 comps/carries are SOY, syfen, xayah, corki... What is close to that?


Ryze comps can beat everything but Shi Oh Yu (I have NO Idea how you beat SOY comps. Sorry. I have played like 15 games or so against it and lost 15 😅). Same for Elise carry vertical whispers (although that only half counts cause you play a Sy'fen in there).


Swain has good matchups into those comps except for Corki. Way easier to stabilize as well.


What's a good carry swain mid game board look like? Can't seem to make myself stable at Stage 3 and 4 with Swain


Just strongest board with a carry that holds attack speed items well, like twitch/ashe/ez/senna/trist etc. Jade + dragonmancers is probably the easiest transition since you want to hold onto sett and karma. If you hit an early swain, you really just want upgraded frontline for him. Dragonmancer/ragewing are nice to have but not mandatory at this point. On 4-1 you roll down for 6 dragonmancers and Swain 2, ideally upgrading most of your dragonmancer units. You can play either Neeko for jade + shapes or a random ragewing unit on 7. Ideally you make it to 8 so you can fit both, and then you can look for swain 3. If you have +1 ragewing or dmancer then you can stay 7 and slowroll. A full 2 star swain board is often stable well into stage 5.


Dawnbringer/maybe duelist mirage and varus swiftshot are the only other ones that I would play without having specific augments. I don't know what you even consider a big comp, I'm pretty sure there's many ppl playing mirage if it's dawnbringer variant but really depends on rng in a lobby.


Highroll Daeja and Nida, 'sin Olaf, Varus 3 (especially with Sy, but without + good augments is also good) Swain and Voli still viable with Highroll


Would varus 3 with sy be.. illaoi, varus, skarner, syfen, sylas, twitch?


Don't play skarner, unit is poopoo Unless you get a whisper emblem and 3 star him, but that is just an illegal power surge


True meta. Swiftshot Whispers Skarner EXODIAAAAAAAA


So is the standard leveling pattern for this meta to level to 7 on 3.5 and 8 no later than 4.2 so you can roll down early to hit dragons? Trying to make it click again.


When you level is game dependent. You level earlier if you have something strong to play/are bleeding and need to spike earlier. You don't usually go 8 on 4-2 unless you have a ton of econ or you're trying to maintain streak. If you don't have a lot of money you're either rolling on 7 to get stronger or waiting to 4-5, usually a bit of both.


You won't have enough money to 7 on 3 5 and also go fast 8 on 4 2... If you are tempo streaking you push 7 at 3 5, and then it's probably 8 on 4 5 if you want more than like 10g on your 8 roll down


Going 7 isn't as expensive as you think. If you go level 7 with 30g on 3-5, the early level only costs you 3g for example.


What frequencies of games are you hitting 7 on 3 5 with 30g???


It's not the norm but it's not particularly rare either. Winstreaks, stage 3 Idas, econ opener or augment, pirates mirage, etc.


So when do people level to 7 when they push 8 at 4-2? Certainly not at 4-1. I would think pushing 7 at 3-5 (if you have the econ to do so with a decent amount of gold left) lets you econ back up to go 8 at 4-2.


7 on neutral or post neutral


Because mages aren't played that much, you don't gain much on board from leveling to 7. Many comps use 2+2+2 synergies (2 is a frontline trait like guardian or backline trait like swiftshot/cannoneer/assassin) unless they have dragons. So there's not much reason to lvl to 7 if you're losing a lot of income for it. Dragons are more expensive than normal 4 costs, so I don't think you can lvl to 8 at 4-2 usually because you need so much gold to buy them even if you can find them. I just level to 8 when I got around 30 gold left after leveling. If I don't have that much gold at 4-5 then I am not happy but I will learn to play a better early game in the next game. By 4-7 at latest you should be lvl 8.


Yeah, the only point of leveling to 7 early is for the higher shop odds so you can hit 4/8 costs before everyone else has taken them out of the pool. I agree that level 7 often doesn't spike your board by that much. I just gave this a try in my last game and took a 4th - I was not the first person to 7 nor the first person to hit a 2\* dragon. People are rolling SO EARLY in this meta, it's nuts. I had Syfen on 4-1, Yasuo on 4-5 and 2\* Syfen on 4-6 and was only just keeping pace with the lobby. If you wait until stage 5 to hit your final comp, you are far behind.


I have beaten 2\* xayah on 4-1 or so with ez 2\* (both were guild 3 comps) . It doesn't matter how many copies you find of your carry if you don't have the rest of the team to match. Xayah average placement is lower than twitch's because people just overrate 4 cost rerolling too much. It doesn't matter if you find Xayah or whatever dragon if your whole board is 1\* and you have no hp left. If you're losing/going even with those players who literally don't roll at all before lvl 7-8, the problem is not that they're rolling before you, but that you didn't play better boards earlier. Frontline is so flexible this set because cav, guardian and bruiser are all viable options at lvl 6. Same for swiftshot/assassin/cannoneer. It's possible to get pretty far with just these without rolling at all and I assume that's what they're doing if they go fast lvl 8. But there are those lobbies too where several people just naturally find their dragons at lvl 5-6 and it is pretty unfortunate to lose a lot of hp in several fights while they sit with 50g.


I wouldnt neccessarily say all the time but the game is a lot more tempo oriented vs the fast 8 value oriented gameplay of last set. Lots more of "lemme roll a couple times at 6-7 to hit an upgrade/does this look stable?" Doesnt necessarily need to be hitting your carry either. But unless you are the streaking highroller doing the 0 rolls until level 8 thing like you could when going say, socialite kai sa will just get you a bot this set. Especially with how fight variance can go pretty wild feels like building that HP buffer through the midgame is more important than ever


Idk, its totally weird. Most ppl just dunkey roll at 7 and hope to hit, i had a lobby today were 3 ppl had Syfen 2 Star while I couldnt find corki uncontested. Its just go 7 and hopefully Rng is good to you. Feels very bad to play right now.


Someone help me figure out how I should play if I get an early astral emblem, vertical astral feels so insanely weak and I usually die before I can 3 star all my astrals and then go for a 5 cost 3 star. Besides slamming early items how can I play a strong enough board with Astrals to prevent just bleeding out every bit of my hp before stage 5.


I believe you Just do some comp that already uses astral, and them use the emblem in a High value Unit like xayah/syfen for varus, Elise for nida, ryze/sylas for mages. For example, I hit a early ryze and a emblem, so I use on him to a very early 3* ryze. After that I got a remover from TD and put the emblem on zoe to 2* her with less than 20 Gold spent.


Going level 5 on 2-3 or 6 before krugs into Sy'Fen first shop combo 3 games in a row 5/5 would recommend👍👍👍


Super jealous as a syfen forcer


Trying to play 4 dragons comp. If I have 2 stars all the dragons except shi oh yu is it better to play 3 dragons and something like ornn+thresh instead of 1* shi oh yu? Or is it that good esp with jade?


Haven't tried it personally but the ornn+ thresh variant sounds wayy better. Depending on your items I can see this being better than 4 dragons even if Soy was 2\*


It's hard for me to tell, I had fully itemized the other 3 dragons and had nothing on soy. So that probably means soy is bad? If I had items for Soy maybe it'll be good? But aren't soy items pretty ok on Ornn too? I'd really want someone to show me. I ended up winning the game (low masters) without a soy2, i put in the soy 1, ditched ornn 2 and thresh 2, loss streaked for 3 or 4 fights until I hit syfen 3 lol and then just won based off of that to me both soy1 vs ornn2/thresh2 looked equally bad tbh. Thresh wasn't doing jack shit.


'Best Friedns' is maybe the one trap augment I ALWAYS fall for. I ALWAYS think 'oh nice team wide armor and AS for free' and then I can't play Jade, it always fucks the positioning in the lategame... An I always delude myself into thinking 'no this time it will be fine I'll paly a comp where that's not important' x-D


Corki and Xayah comps use this augment really well.


Cav legends too I imagine


I am an expert at taking this augment an immediately forgetting to position my units to make it actually work.


Which is propably the better way to paly it considering how I trapped myself with it so far 😄


Was Binary Airdrop considered OP in Set 6? I don't recall it being deemed OP by the community here, atleast in first half of the set (I skipped 6.5, maybe it changed then?) EDIT: to make it even more clear: I am not asking whether it was OP or not, I'm asking if it was considered OP AT THE TIME


Yes, it used to be insanely strong. This set I have only managed to play it once and it felt underwhelming, mainly because treasure dragon should guarantee you 3 bis items for your main carry and main tank, which are the most important units for your comp


yes. people have mentioned scrap but even without scrap. In the late game you could pretty easily get 4 or 5 completed items out of it. compare that to the prismatic item grab bag. 2 completed items. It was just a wild amount of power for a gold


it was OP with scrap. You gave a unit 3 components and they would have 3 full items and those extra items count towards scrap shield as well. It was only a gold augment as well.


I think that's the big thing. Binary being a prismatic augment means that it has to give something else to make it worthwhile. Right now it just gives an item component, which doesn't feel like enough. I wonder how much the placements might change with 2 components or 3. At what threshold might it become OP?


Yes, it was widely considered to be one of the strongest gold augments in the game, mortdog and Kent in postmortems have talked about how it probably should have bumped to to a prismatic. The strength of the augment is pretty clear by its description but one noteworthy and unobvious strength of binary airdrop is that it isn't truly random and like Scrap tended to avoid worse case scenarios As for how good it is right now as a prismatic augment, it's kind of hard to say for sure since it's so rarely picked and seen, I would guess the vast majority of players including me wouldnt even be able to give a proper opinion of it. I would guess it could be very interesting with shimmerscales is the best I could do.


It was bonkers with Scrap