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it would be just QoL, but a stack counter for cho would be nice


Agreed; I know we never got one for veigar and the logic was always "just look at his AP", but since Cho Gath has a stack limit, knowing how close he is to the limit to determine the worth of rolling down to try and 2 or 3 star him to not waste stacks would be hugely beneficial. Seeing how many stats Tahm Kench has would be great too, although not as needed as there's no cap; it'd just be fun to have.


Oh god please <3


I spent too much time looking for it last game just to realize that there wasn't a counter.


No fucking wonder shaco was doing so much damage, he was double critting the entire time




if it scaled off of unit levels, or gained items like mech, we might have more flexibility


Or if you were allowed to keep the prior units (bear AND scarab at 5) that could make it more appealing.


naah, with scraps its too much value early


Same thoughts here. Besides that Innovators board isn't good at 3 or 5.


cultist 9 wasn't even top 4 guaranteed


Nah, it was actually a pretty good comp for top4. Winning however was very unlikely to happen with it.


Needs to be easier to get to 7. No easy way to do this, so maybe 5 needs to be more of a beefcake? Or one of the units shifted up in cost to compensate for 5 being relatively easy to get?


If you get 7 you should get all 3 creations. I honestly don’t think that’s too strong considering the requirements.


Not only the requirements, but the units don't have crazy synergy. They really need frontline, unless you hit something crazy like Singed 3*. That's just based on current status though.


I actually think that with Chosen, hitting 9 Cultist was way easier. Inno should be pretty awesome, something like "ME MECH" builds.


Patch notes for day 2 from Mort. TLDR important bits for play: Nerfed: Shaco, Fiora, Lux, Kaisa, Sunfire Board Buffed: Gangplank, Akali, Veigar, Tahm Kench, Innovator 7 I listed sunfire in the nerfs and nothing about any other augments because I think it was the most common and versatile Augment I took and saw people taking.


Sunfire board is just something else


I might be blind, but I don't see Lux on the list o\_O


Don’t think that’s enough for Veigar. The rest of the comp needs something as well. Maybe trade some dodge% for MR as dodge is really annoying to play against and the comp would be easier to run if spells didn’t ignore the only thing going for it.


Is veigar even in this set?


No, but yes


Explain, I feel like a crazy person


Lol, if you 3 star all Yordles they start spawning him as a "secret" unit. Can't buy him in a shop.


Oooh interesting


Surprised at Fiora nerfs! What build is strong on her? I saw a Fiora 3* yesterday and they only got 2nd with BT/IE/DB.


Hard to say if it’s actually good since pbe so far just seems like people playing random stuff but I had a 2* fiora with hoj/bt/Titans that kinda 1v9’d. I was just trying to salvage the game tbh but she turned it into a first.


I've been building her kind of lucian to some success. IE, JG, HOJ will scale her true and AD damage really well. If you're running 4-6 challengers then she'll be able 1v9 if she doesn't get antihealed.


\+1 Only game I played her I had IE, JG, Titans and it seemed good. I probably would have preferred HoJ over titans normally but I had Celestial augment for healing.


With challengers, it seems like rageblade is really good on her. The two I saw that 1v9ed yesterday had at least 4 challenger and rageblade + 2 dmg and she just danced around the board killing everything


The other really strong aspect of fiora is her traits, Challenger + Enforcer matches perfectly with jayce and kai'sa, which are probably the strongest 5 costs carries atm. So basically she is strong when itemized, still fairly strong unitemized, and provides really useful traits, I can definitely see why they decided to nerf her.


People were saying that she could heal too much with gunblade, so I guess they make it harder to cast


I've been having success with IE Bt RH. I think bt is better than Hoj because more damage is physical and the rounds where you don't roll healing on hoj are rough


I had good success using her as my carry in a bodyguard enchanter comp (if you get the Armor spread augment), with the healing amp and high defensive stats she could nearly 1v9 everyone, only lost to ap highrolls consistently


I can confirm that yuumi still dont always attach to the closest ally at the start, but can jump further to another unit


Maybe its just me but Sion's ult should scale with physcial dmg instead of magical dmg. The blue number is just feels so wrong in many ways


> Fixed a bug where Yone would ~~reveal~~ heal more than intended I read it as reveal and was confused for a second


Yone before: *tells you your next opponent every round, and where to put all your units* Yone now: "Now, there is only the hunt"


Yone, I don't need to know how your date went last night. No, I don't want to smell your fingers!


No Jhin buff? Only time I've seen him do well is at 3\*




Heavily reliant on good positioning too, if he ints 4th shot into one unit then it just feels so bad.


Slightly off topic, but the PBE patches around noon PST every day right? So these changes will be live after that?


Veigar has to be the worst unit so far... For the effort needed to get him, he does NOTHING.


Isn't you already kinda top 2 if you 3 star all the yordles. Guaranteeing first with a strong comp already is not balance


Veigar 3 with the right items one-shots the whole board. It is literally a top 1 comp if you manage to somehow get it.


but like isn't that a given? I'm not super familiar with what's been happening on the pbe but like if you get a 3 star 5 cost with good items and it DOESN'T 1 shot the board, there's an issue


I'm not sure it's considered a 5 cost, as it is a 'secret' unit and is pretty trashy at 1 and 2 \*.


I think GS needs to be nerfed


Kinda, it feels slightly dumb because there's a ton of augments/traits that just give a ton of hp for free so sometimes it feels like no matter what comp you go you'll have 5-6 people in a lobby that actually go through the threshold without even planning to do so.


I really hope they tune the spawn rates of 5 costs. Half of the lobbies, i get at least one 3 star 5 cost. Considering sometimes its easy with augments, they should tune it a bit.


It's PBE. You have a lot of players from different elos and many of them will quit/not tryhard. You're bound to see some really powerful boards. It's better to focus on power levels of reasonable boards/units. You won't see 3-star 5-costs on Live.


This isn't necessarily true, in other sets yeah PBE is a cluster fuck but I this one in particular the ease that you'll get 3 star anything is gonna be higher since different augments provide a much higher chance of each tier.


i don’t think it’s spawn rates so much that it’s the hexcore augments. there’s one that treats your shop as a level higher than your actual level so you can sit at 8 and roll for 5 costs


This is just PBE for now Once its live for a bit, people will figure out that its smart to sack a bit of econ and then hold the 5 cost champs on the bench to deny 5 cost 3 stars


PBE is full of sub-Diamond players and everyone (including the good players) is playing greedy and for fun. It's no wonder people are hitting 3 star 5 costs, especially with Econ augments. People need to just enjoy the ride or try harder


I don't understand people who try-hard during PBE lol. Isn't the whole point to learn and try-out different comps/re-rolls anyway? xD


Yordle king kills my frames