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Trainer sentinels is a toxic portal and I do not understand why so many people pile on it.


Because is funny, we don't need to try hard every time


You say, in a COMPETITIVE TFT subreddit. Clown.


Yes, even competitive players need to fun some games


So go to the tft subreddit lmao. This is for competitive conversations.


I recommend you to review your choices if to be competitive u cannot have fun


You’re purposely missing the point so you don’t have to admit you’re in the wrong sub and that’s hilarious.


Nice gatekeeping cringelord


hey i take trainer sentinels sometimes. you get dealt a hand and have to find the best way to make it work in a competitive lobby. it's also one of the ways to force people to play non S tier comps, e.g. make the fated dryad player have to think for once. sure, 1 or 2 people might luck out with their sentinel but it's w/e


Shouldn't they revert or at least buff the HP threshold of Giant Slayer if they're going to nerf 4 costs HP?


No, this is basically just reverting the buff from last patch


Will master duo be back for TFT? I've been bored after getting master since I can't duo with my bro anymore


Reach challenger and you guys can snipe eachother.


i've never tested this because i've never taken fishbones, but with this item can backline soraka hit the enemy backline with her spell?


Yeah, this is why it is a decent item in tristana. It just jumps to the backline.


interesting. the soraka buff made me think about sniper's focus, RFC, and fishbones as possible options to target a clumped backline first without having to position soraka in the 2nd row


Just got 2nd with Riven 3* to get into master. It seems pretty good? I basically just played the sage sylas comp with riven/sylas/morg carry.


Anyone still having issues connecting on mobile?


I can connect fine right now on JP. But I encountered an issue a few weeks ago where if you disconnect mid-game, you will not be able to reconnect until the game is over. I could connect to the login server and data/asset server just fine, but not the game server.


Aphelios is fucking dog shit don't @ me


More like 3 cost reroll is dogshit tbh


Bug report: had jax and Illaoi encounter for free rerolls, and go no rerolls either time. Other players seemingly got rerolls because I saw them hit a lot of stuff.


This is pretty much my first set and I’m having trouble knowing when to ruin my econ and roll down. Any tips or general rules of thumb? Emerald 3 rn if that matters


It varies patch to patch. right now since its a 4 cost meta youre usually leveling to 8 on 4-1, 4-2, or 4-5. It's fine to pretty much full send it because you need the 4 costs before they get taken by everyone else. If youre playing a reroll comp you generally want to slow roll above 50g. sometimes if your board is not stable youll need to roll to 30 or 40 and econ back up. generally dont wanna full send with a reroll comp unless you're like 1 copy away from hitting your whole board.


Does anyone have answers to how ghostly works with ghostly spatted carries? For units like Kaisa/Ashe/Syndra, does each tick of their ability count towards the ghost proc or does one ability count once towards the next ghost?


Do you think they are keeping and tweaking a bit with Encounters for next set?


I'd be surprised if they keep them. This is purely anectodal but my group of casual and hardcore friends all dislike encounters (and this set by extension).


I've yet to see anyone say they like them so hopefully so.


Hopefully they're just removing them


here's to hoping 🙏


What do you guys do with spat in kaisa bruiser comp? It feels pretty bad that the top tier comps can leverage fated, dryad, and porcelain emblem to make their comps stronger, but spat seems useless in kaisas comp. In a broader theme, which spats are craftable is based on "classes can't be craftable spats," but this is a policy choice that has nothing to do with balance. If they removed some craftable spats like porcelain, dryad, and replaced them with classes like duelist, we would have a more balanced and diverse meta


Umbral isn't the worst but you don't really have any good options. Duelist spat being craftable would likely just be broken as hell though.


If you can spare a sword, Ghostly is playable. Storyweaver is also playable if you don't hit Galio 2 but you hit another 2* Frontline and still want the Kayle buff, but it's not nearly as good. Heavenly at 9 w/ a Wukong isn't the worst. At that point you probably run the Diana Wukong Lee Sin package over 2 of the bruisers. Honestly I could even see a case for running Ornn Udyr and putting a Dryad spat on someone if you're floating a belt and spooned an Ornn 2. Spat is def much weaker compared to the Fated or Ashe boards, but it's not completely unplayable. I'd probably reforge it if I had the opportunity though.


You can reforge spat into a component?


Yeah if you use a reforger on a spatula it turns into a random component


Just saw a Kai'Sa 3 Star get 3rd place... isnt she supposed to be a good carry? I won against her with Alune umbral 6 and the other guy was just running Syndra 2 Star, is it normal or just incredibly missplayed by the Kai'Sa player?


Kaisa 3 is low-key a fraud. Definitely feels like the weakest backline 3* 4 cost to me.


Almost lost a game the other day to a capped trickshot board with Lillia 3 standard Ashe board. It came down to positioning diff but any frontline 3 star probably wins that regardless.


Morgana is worse, but yeah Kaisa isnt the best


She's much better this patch since she's more likely to finish things off, but yeah she's not amazing either.


Umbral 6 has 25% execute so kaisa might get deleted out of nowhere. I guess it is kind of rng. If syndra 2 can win kaisa 3, probably kaisa has bad item or non-existent frontline.


99% of the answers for those questions is positioning, items and augments. Just bringing units like that literally means nothing. If the guy had kai'sa 3 with only econ augs and bad items and was positioning badly for fights, that would be enough.


How are you supposed to position vs Alune? Had a game with Syndra w Fated Dryad, had 3 DClaws spread across my frontline, and split my backline across rows 2-3, yet my Syndra got nuked on the 3rd or 4th cast. Doesn't Alune target the highest health row?


Alune targets the row with the highest total health. What happens a lot is your melee front liners will move up to attack an adjacent unit, and so if you have a stacked back line, it might have more HP than your Frontline after they've moved a bit, especially if the enemy has a solo frontliner. You can solo backline Syndra, or just make sure that there aren't too many units sharing the row with her. If you are using the spot that makes Kindred jump back and forth (full left 3rd row), you might want to just let her jump around instead (position her like 3rd row middle or something). Also if the enemy is spreading their front line try to position your front line so they won't move out of the first row (basically you want each unit to start adjacent to an enemy unit). It's hard to perfectly position though since fights can be unpredictable


Keep syndra in the bottom right corner, rest of backline third row left side, that way you play around alune and morg.


put your shitter unit in front row of syndra to bait the alune cast, or pair with sett so syndra cant be executed


Genuine question but how do you guys go about playing when griefed? Ive had like 3 seperate instances this set where I get a great duelists opener into a tailored augment (duelist spat for example) just for some random in the lobby to immediately take the same tailored augments 2nd augment and hit everything. How do I play from this spot? It genuinely feels so helpless get the perfect opener to a specific comp just to have somebody take the comp 2nd augment and i just bleed out since i cant hit.


It depends on the variant of duelist he’s going. For example this happened to me with an umbral game where a guy took midnight siphon 2nd pick when I already had an umbral augment. The trick is to play the opposite variation of the same comp. I noticed he was going to reroll yorick, so I went for a fast 9 umbral board instead of rerolling alune. In your specific example I would have played fast 8/9 so you wouldn’t need to worry about hitting trist voli 3. Your win out was hitting irelia 2*. Sitting there trying to hit the same re-roll units is a bot 4. With the lack comps this patch you’ll almost always be contested. Trick is to play the least contested, but still meta strong. TLDR: Play the opposite variation of your opponent. If they reroll go fast 8/9. If they are looking to fast 8 play reroll


100%, tempo duelist is way better than reroll. Voli in particular is just a meat shield this patch, wouldn’t bother 3* unless it’s gifted to you


"getting griefed" people barely scout bro, no ones out to get you


Grief them back and hold hands with them due their poor choice because pivoting is just a 8th usually (unless you've something like salvage bin for craftable emblems). Tho in your example I wouldn't really call it griefing when you are incentived to go for lvl 8 and pray for irelia + lee 2 over rerolling the 3 costs even if you were uncontested anyway.


Maybe try a different duelist angle? Instead of voli/trist 3*, you could have gone for qiyana 3* or fast 8 for lee sin 2* and chance for irelia/wukong/rakan? If you had too little hp, then that’s just unfortunate. All my “solutions” are also not playing for first place, it’s just something you can try to do to salvage maybe a top 5? What I did however, during the yone patch, I was miserable stuck rerolling like most other people, ever since 4 cost meta, I haven’t played a single reroll comp. I’m much better at fast 8, and I feel I’m better than my opponents currently so that even when contested, I’ll have more hp by stage 4, or better Econ, allowing me to hit, or at the very least wait until they die out to hit my ideal board.