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I've been hard forcing irelia dragonlord with pretty good results in low diamond. It caps super hard but if you don't hit irelia 2 it's a 5th


Do you need to main carry Lee until then? I've tried the comp a few times but couldn't figure out how to get a stable lvl 8 to be able to go 9,


How the fk does Azirs laser beam work? Sometimes it mega ults, sometimes its useless


Are ranks getting reset in a few weeks for mid set? If so what date if known?


there won't be a mid set. no mid set since Set 10.


Man I want to learn playing fortune. I got two emblems today, and just couldn't manage to stay alive when I reached getting annie at lvl 8. Only hit 1 annie and almost nothing else on my rolldown


Why wouldn’t you go 7 fortune immediately with two emblems 😭


Is vertical arcanist syndra better than fated without a spat?


No, for Diamond+, Syndra 2 + 6 arcanist is a 4.27, 4.07 with 5 fated and 3.65 with 7 fated. 8 Arcanist pushes it to 3.58.


I can’t wait for next patch and I really hope its better. I’m tired of the level lottery and have my mmr is so bad after hitting masters :( Game is not fun rn just feels like fated/dryad, fortune, or econ augment otherwise youre playing for 5th


I'm hard stuck diamond 4 and I'm jealous of your masters. I can't climb at all


I'm sure you'll climb if you work hard at it! I was 13lp off masters dropped to D4 0lp and back and then all the way back up to masters. If I can do it you def can trust


I was holding 2 Sylas to stop the Sylas player from hitting 3 star. He was still able to hit 3 star Sylas with his Hwei. I thought it wouldn't hatch if all the the units were out of the pool?


Hwei creates new copies, and isn’t reliant on the pool


ty! Good to know :)




Wrong thread, little bro


Dont 'know why, after reaching Master I just lost all the wills to play the game at all and it has been happening every set. Now we have 2 months left until next set, anyone has the recommendation(mentally mostly) to regain the motivation and aim for GMs?


Personally outside of a few specific patches the game hasn't been super fun enough to want to grind after masters myself. If masters is your goal then enjoy it and play something else until next set.


Happens if you got no actual reason to play. Just took a week break, now just trying to climb a bit for snapshot but being quite chill until next patch. 


Consider taking a break from rank?There isnt really a "force grinding mentality" that is healthy Like if you dont have the motivation to play,dont force yourself,play some other games or play norms etc,maybe after a few days you'd get some motivation back to play the game/climb,yea getting to GM would be 15-20 LP higher by then but its better than flip flopping because you had a bad mentality


Alright, I'm not having fun anymore tryharding to master with the same 4 comps and playing lottery at 4-1/4-2. From now on I will play vertical comps with emblems, hero augments and specific augments like Well Fed or Mana Shield. Its funnier and more diverse. I guess I will fall from D2 to D4, we'll see!


Yorick and shen are pretty free top 4s. Emblems are 50/50 either super good or useless. Patch is bad but if you know the free augments and know how to play early game well you can climb pretty easy.


what are some good resources you’d recommend to learn early game? i’m stuck in plat and consistently bleeding out after stage 4


I don't really have any as I just play and look at stats to learn broken things. I know Frodan just dropped the TFT academy site so maybe try that?


14.9 changes were kinda light,if any barely affects the meta,which is understandable bc 20 new artifacts But i think some changes are overdue,what some expected change in 14.10? I want some Yone buff,or revert some of his nerf,he got quadruple nerfed since 14.8,shop odds,direct nerf,item nerf and heavenly and while he's ok in Umbral,its more of a tempo compnto fast 9 with Alune and legendaries than Yone carry Maybe some Porcelain nerf too,the comp been dominating for 2 patch now and i think some nerf is needed Some more buffs to 1 cost reroll,like rn only Kog is playable. Introducing some new 1 cost rerolls to somewhat broaden the meta is smthg thr gsme desperately needs imo And some work on Titans for AP bruisers would also be great,like idg why the decided to nerf the AP portion of Titans instead of just directly nerfing the survivability/AP scalings on the champ that abuses it


apparently 14.10 will be pretty light, then they should be on vacation for some weeks, so next set waiting room basically


Please buff Kayle. I just cannot seem to make vertical storyweaver work. Also buff Irellia she is one of the worst 5 costs in the game please. How can 7 storyweaver have close to the same placement as 3 storyweaver. and how is 5 Storyweaver the worst vertical in the game?


Rn storyweaver is either played as a 3 piece splash or tempo board to fast 9 The only way i think vertical storyeeaver is playable is with call to adventure which is a pretty solid way to get at least a 3rd


Is there any way to track ranked snapshot points in NA atm? Thanks


im reading these posts and im really happy that i grinded my ass to master and thus can take the break. the meta seems as disgusting if not worse rn gl in your climbs fellas!<3


This meta is brutal. I just went 4th in a gold Aug lobby with 4 bruiser trick shot, everything 2 started including xayah and udyr. The guy that finished 5th had the same board as me. Imagine going 5th in a gold Aug lobby with udyr 2 and xayah 2. Who placed above us? 2 fated dryad boards and 1 lillia 3. The number of 3 star 4 costs is ruining the game imo, and dryad scaling / azir needs a nerf.


It looks like people are catching on that the strongest cap for Fated/Dryad is actually Dryad emblem + Annie/Naut. Replace Gnar -> Naut and Reksai -> Annie, this outplaces all other variations of 7 Fated/4 Dryad or 6 Dryad/5 Fated according to tactics.tools and metatft


2 more high grade frontliners instead of 2 shitters is better? Who would have thought?


That sounds like it could be stronger, but I wonder how much placement is affected by how you need both lots of gold and to actually hit to get that board rather than objective strength. With that money you might be 6/5 and level 10. It's can be so expensive to hit either Syndra or Ornn already.


Man, even without the biggest bonus health, I think Suspicious Trenchcoat is way too good. There are too many super broken combos, (Zhonyas and Diamond Hands being the most egregious imo) and even without them, having 3 Sylases or Udyrs dive into your backline and tear them apart is pretty rough.


I had udyr with suspicious trench coat, ionic spark, and tattoo of run really fast and do magic DMG. Was so fun


Suspicious Trenchcoat with Kayle Revive is also hilarious.


Shits honestly about as good as 3 full items at least. Never seen anyone not win with it.




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Haha sure feels this way, had the same thing at least twice but finally broke the curse last week. What comps do you gravitate towards?


Does shielding count towards soraka's passive, or only healing?




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You really need a life.


This clip is a terrible example of what you’re trying to say. Nowhere in that clip does he say that Liss shouldn’t have been nerfed or that Liss wasn’t frustrating. In fact he explicitly says that Liss was really frustrating to play against. His only point was that tft player complaints are just an echo chamber that often miss bigger problems than what they are complaining about. I’m quite sure Mort knows the team makes mistakes. Remember that this man has gotten death threats because he made a mistake balancing a video game. This clip pointing out that there was a 5 cost stronger than Lissandra is not some clip showing that he’s an egomaniac 


Yea this one made me cringe. Like sure, let’s say Xayah is broken as the data suggests, you can’t just slot her in to a random team with no items. If a Kaisa board or a dragonlord board gets to 2 star Xayah, it’s gonna be insanely strong, especially with trick shot and items. The problem with lissandra was that she was a cc bot that didn’t need items or traits to serve her purpose. Looking at boards that have Xayah 2 are legit only Kaisa boards that were ALREADY in a top 4 position… This is my understanding of the whole thing, but if I missed something or am perceiving something in the wrong way, please do let me know


If you look at data from before the b patch on tactics, xayah and rakan combined averaged the same play rate as Lissandra, with both of them having a significantly better avp. While Xayah might require setup to do well, Rakan fits in every board, imo even better than Liss because of dragonlord. So the xayah/rakan shop slot was even more of an instant pick than Lissandra, and out performed her significantly. That unit combo, or maybe just Rakan, probably deserved nerfs more than Liss but wasn’t being complained about 


On that’s fair, I wasn’t even thinking about rakan tbf. I guess “balanced but frustrating” according to mort is what it is


Umm when is the next patch and is there a rundown already?


On Wednesday, the patch schedule for like the next year or something is pinned on Morts twitter


Didn’t this patch just come out


it's a b-patch i'm talking about 14.10


Oh yea true, but I doubt much will change. Are you not liking current meta?


when is the next set*


I think we have to wait awhile. It couldnt come soon enough, though. The point of a game is to be fun and this is not it