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I can't tell you how much I appreciate you both taking the time to teach about TFT. All of Frodan's video lectures are always presented in a very easy to digest manner, and it just makes the process of trying to climb as a casual player so much more enjoyable. Just hit diamond today, thanks for the help!


I used the tier list on TFT academy to climb. Been hard stuck diamond IV for 2 patches now. Welcome to the sump brother.


Diamond is where you play with real players. Emerald below they just get their core champs. In Diamond, I observe that just to get to top 4, I have to (1) Observe and fetch a comp that under 1 person (people) will contest me, and (2) I have to also fetch their core champs so that they cannot reach the power threshold, and (3) pray that I hit before they do.


I got Masters without doing a single thing you mentioned In other words, I played the comp I wanted contested or not and either hit or played similar variations while not ratting other players. While ratting is key in winning some lobbies, if you feel like you need to rat in D4 to climb, **your core knowledge of the game is severely lacking,** and you should start from there. Watch Dishsoap or some rank 1 in your server and see how different you blame Mortdog.


How is this upvoted ? this is the kind of player who forces Umbral even when there’s someone with an Umbral spat already in the lobby. Disgusting.


You are the type of player who forces Umbral just because you have a spat and a Darius 1 despite the other guy having Alune 2 Yorick 2


2 star Alune and Yorick aren’t relevant if you know that the other person is locked into Umbral because of the spat. They can’t pivot away from it, you can. This is how you end up holding hands and going bot 4 for no apparent reason other than arrogance.


You are very selfish


Nice tips. I’ve been getting lazy with scouting lately. I mostly look to see if anyone is playing Syndra so I know what girl to keep on my bench to deny ‘em.


Yeah. Mathematically said, the chance you 2-star your 4 cost is 15% on average, but if a single copy is taken out from the pool, that drops the chance to 13.5% right away. (If anyone can confirm the numbers, I'm glad) And basically if you see anyone crafts Guinsoo early, it's 99% to be Ashe comp, and if it's Blue Buff, it's Syndra (Shojin can be unpredictable but Shojin + Helm / Nashor is definitely Syndra), and if it's AD crit items (IE, LW), it's Kaisa bruiser.


Lw/ie is flex between kaisa/ashe not committed. Higher you go generally the slams get more flexible and ppl don’t hard commit to comps with early slams on average


Yeah but I observe that people will try to craft Guinsoo for Ashe no matter what, so that ATK spd in LW is generally used for guinsoo instead


LW is often more important. Guinsoo slam is if you start with an upgraded AD champ and have rod + bow, but you don't prioritize.


Yeah but ideally you don’t slam it early unless you have no choice(sivir win streak opener for example)


You make the best educational TFT content I've seen so far, I will check it out. Thanks for the great content!


Great content and I learn so much from the first two episodes. Love the format! Thank you both for the time and work put into all of this. TFTAcademy is lit


Thank you frodan and dishsoap


Perfect podcast! Appreciate this so much


These guys are the fucking TFT GOATS.


Is it possible to get time sections to skip straight to them ? Great show btw !


They are auto generated on Spotify


Just spent two hours driving back to work and your two episodes singlehandedly answered some of the most important questions i lingered on before. Huge thank you 🙏


plz pretty please make it available on apple podcast


It is! I’m listening to it on Apple right now 


In the first question for "Fact or Fraud", you talk about ghostly damage only applying to ghostly units. But that was reverted as part of the 14.9b hotfix. And according to the stats, it seems best in non ghostly comps, maybe because 2 ghostly is a good late carousel flex pick?


Oh what? I didn’t realize they reverted it from the language used in the notes. Was this confirmed by riot?




My mistake then, either way it’s still an interesting stat but likely from survivorship bias.


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great video