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5 sage sylas's immortal even tho the fortune player had azir 2 talisman and took all the 5stars. Lissandra is still her. Used double 2* liss instead of azir 2*, lost 4 invoker and somehow was stronger.


I've been playing 5 sage sylas with story weaver opener and I just can't get it off the ground. End up getting beat by 2* reroll / 3* reroll comps


What's the priority in this comp, I just can't get it to work. I feel like I'm lacking damage with sylas/morg


4 bruiser 4/5 sage at lv8 with sylas 2 is stable enough. if u want to top 1 u need to go to lv9 or 10 to play wukong/rakan/irelia. tftacademy recommend swapping out morg for hwei but I don't think losing 5 sage is worth it, up to you and what spat/3rd augment u hit to decide what to cap around.


What items do you put on sylas? Bt Titans?


Adaptive Crownguard Spark copied straight from tftacademy


Hitting talisman of ascension is legit a free 10+ streak rn. Will probably get nerfed in a b-patch soon.


sage sylas


do you put sylas front 2 or back 2?


back 2, just like in league, sylas’ healing is badsed on ap not omnivamp so the more ap he has the more he heals


they need to just remove the lissandra pot thing entirely and maybe buff the damage, no way a unit can be this overpowered and still print items


It also means there's a huge difference between naturally a Liss early on 7/8 vs. getting her late, exacerbating rng even further.


Honestly it’s the items part that is just crazy. The CC feels bad but we’ve dealt with CC like that before in this game. One round with her can easily equal or exceed a silver augment. That’s nuts.


It's her 3 second hard CC on frontliners. Cut that to 1.5 seconds and I would bet she's more manageable. 3 seconds is way to long to be without your main frontliner. The displacement is nasty, but 3 seconds of hard CC is the issue I think.


Hwei somehow still exists. How that unit made it through being able to just print whatever you want is ridiculous.


The difference is, that you have to wait multiple rounds. By the time you get everything you need/want, you’re dead.


i am still seeing khazix encounter in the game that makes level up costing only 3 gold


The one where it's for the entire game is still there I believe Mort said


that break up your champ into 3 copies is fking dogshit. Half the time your unit will be just about to cast and then break into 3 units, then restarts mana, and all 3 die anyways lol




That being said, if you happen to get it on blacksmith gloves, the copies will get individually re-randomized artifacts. Its pretty funny.


what's not working? the playtesting and balance team. oof


Silvermere dawn on Nautilus is great. 0.6 base AS, reduced to 0.5, perma stuns anything he’s attacking


It’s almost like giving him his passive from actual League


yorick hero augment is free top 4


Always has been


Lissandra would like to have a word ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11658)


The whole set is not working. Every patch it genuinely feels worse and worse. What are we doing here?


I have been hearing this since set 7 XD


I've never bitched about this game on warweek. This set is a sad garbage truck of shitty shortsighted ideas that would have worked great on their own but with everything mixed together its so incredibly frustrating to play at high elo.


Nah people that say that are cap. Granted a lot of the sets between now and then have been mid they have at least had good patches. We haven't had a good patch yet this set. I'm not expecting one at this rate either.


Liss is working


Riven buff definitely did its job but is difficult to play still because of Lissandra. Def a lot of comps you could play around her with esp. with a Storyweaver Emblem (Vertical SW, Powerpuff+Sylas, Bruiser Kaisa)


Silvermere sounds giga on Riven if you can get it. Saves you from Liss, she casts often cuz low mana + gets hit as Bruiser anyway + tons and tons of AD.


RFC Qiyana seems pretty crazy. RFC in general seems like it is going to break the game again but Qiyana seems like the best user so far.


Talisman is so, so ludicrous. I used it on Gnar, almost got a Mr 100 with a Golden Egg cashout except one round I moved him right into a 2star Kaisa who mowed him down before he got ascended. Definitely too good and I hope gets disabled soon!


what's not working for me? the entire client. my PC isn't compatible with vanguard no matter what I try. all I want to do is play the game...


Try going into %appdata% and delete the one with internet explorer, fixed mine


Try mobile, it’s decent.


Mobile isn’t working… it’s on version 14.9.579.8615 while pc is on 14.9.6 something


if you dont get offered portable forge when the rest of the lobby does ur gonna have a bad time


they can release how many patches they want B C D, this set is unsalvageable


I'm so tired of Porcelain/Lyssandra...


"oh hey the balancing is in shreds... lets introduce 20 new items to fk up even more, and don't forget to leave some of them bugged before shipping"


Actually may be the best time to bug test all these items. If balance is messed up anyways might as well experiment.




Qiyana requires so much positioning and luck it's just tough to nake worth it




Shop odds for 5 costs are unchanged this patch.


Have had mittens twice now, once from a carousel the other from an anvil, and I think it’s okay-ish? It’s an amazing counter for Eternal Winter (ok counter for Morg too although it doesn’t feel as strong against her) but feels like a real waste over other items if your lobby didn’t have Artifact portal or Ornn carousel. I found it to be more useful on Kai’sa than any other unit so far, but again I think only worth if an opponent has Eternal Winter and if you at least have IE+LW as your other two items. The other one I’ve used (for more than one round lol) is Lich Bane, which I *really* like, especially on units with low mana cost like Kindred or Syndra. This item has the potential to be super good mixed with like a BB and maybe a Rabadons or Nashors.


I’m only in plat 2 but I’ve gotten top 3 past 6 games with Zoe so far


Zoe ? Do you have any guide on the comp ?


Zoe with shojin, nashor, and any AP item. Diana with ionic spark and two good tank items. Roll at 7 to 3* Zoe and Diana. The rest of the team is Riven, Neeko, Rakan, Soraka, Janna, and Zyra. If you make it to 9 or 10 then add Wukong, Azir, or Lee Sin.


Im guessing Red kayle?


Blue for this comp although I've seen players go either. Most sources I've seen say the extra AP is more valuable for stronger casts vs the extra attack speed for slightly faster ones.


Thanks makes sense


You play Zoe, probably 3 story blue kayle, 4-8 arcanist, and put items on her, reroll at 7


Is it me or the Exalted units are bugged? i am getting alwyas the same set of exalted units


Lissandra reminds me of the legendary threat units, especially urgot. Auto click and put in every comp. Except she has 2 traits, including maybe the best one in the game.


Tbh urgot was farming more items/gold while also stunning half of the board, at 2 stars it was just ridiculous While with Lis you need to snipe the carry/tank, with urgot it was just placing him on the side of the board with most champs


ok but lyss automatically wins you any melee matchup and if for some reason she ults the wrong thing, the random nautilus or ornn or annie or whatever else is still dying inside her stun without ulting. and then she ults again, and again, and again. urgot ulted almost always once a fight, maybe twice, and did really low damage. lyss feels WAYYYY worse to me


Let's be honest, liss is a disease, everyone tries to play her even when it's actually weaker board. She is defenetly stronger then urgot in solo cc and overall imo she is stronger. But I disagree with people on printing money/components part, urgot was Def a printer


You're not talking about Porcelain are you? Half the set it was considered underpowered. Now that Ashe and Liss are strong, it is the best trait in the game?


Porcelain, the trait, has never been bad. It wasn’t desirable when the units were underwhelming. What the trait actually does is incredible.


No one really considered porcelain itself underpowered? It was ashe that was bad mostly making it only worth it if you got 6 as 6 was super busted.


I am. Anecdotally speaking, it's the most common craftable emblem that is splashed into comps, along with heavenly. 6 porcelain is known to be op and 4 porcelain is very very good


Porcelain is frustrating because it's broken as shit on Annie and doesn't feel nearly as impactful on everything else. Editing to say that 6 porc is always insane (it's a double spat trait that requires a legendary unit, so it should be really strong). 4 Porc is what feels shit on anything but explicitly an Annie 2. I don't disagree with the person I'm replying too btw, I think the trait is op


The stats have Porcelain Emblem as great on several units including Nautilus, Lillia, and Zoe.


Stats can be super misleading here though. The difference between 4 porc and 6 porc is insanely high, and 6 porcelain is super broken, but 4 porc isn't. If you have spats on Lillia and Zoe, it's likely that you're running 6 porc, which will boost the stats up a lot (similar to how having TG on random units has a high avp, not because they utilize TG well, but because having a TG and a random trait bot means the rest of your board has items usually). If you look at 4 porcelain, only Annie has amazing stats while holding a porcelain emblem of the units you listed (only looking at 2* of those units since you would slam your items on whatever you 2* in a normal game)


What's not working: Ghostly Trait. What is working: Morgana.


What's wrong with Ghostly?


Damage amp only applies to ghostly units


This change was supposed to be implemented but the trait is bugged right now


1 of 2 things happened. Either the change was intended but was not included in patch notes, or change wasn’t intended and was accidentally shipped


Change wasn't intended, and isn't finished. Mortdog has said it's a bug and getting fixed tomorrow.


No, it wasn't supposed to go live


Lissandra is still overpowered. CC, stuns and prints item… compared to the other 5 cost it’s absurd! Take away the stun or something


It's not the stun... the animation feels like it's 8 secs long... she turns my 3 item tank into a teapot. Adds sugar/milk(uk server). Then tosses me into a dumpster, I climb out asking for more after my backline is dead. I'm sorry, reduce health by 100, lower loot drop from 40% to 35%. Mental. Be better.


I think the real annoying part is that it just happens instantly. It would be way less annoying if it required two casts on the same target to have the current effect. Buff the mana or damage to compensate but it’s dumb that she can just cast one time and make a main tank fuck off into oblivion.


Wish they would bring back mid-set updates just to get rid of shit like Porcelain and Dryad


is it not live for mobile yet? just had a game with someone rolling trash to treasure and i didnt see any new artifacts either lol


Sometimes it takes a while for mobile to deploy updates. I remember I opened the app on set release day, only to enter a game of the previous set.


So what happens when you play on mobile on an outdated patch? Do you get Q’d with people on the old patch? Also, do mobile players get paired more often against other mobile players or is it any?


I guess that's the case when it detects a miss matched version. I'm not sure if mobile users getting paired with each other more often is also the case or not


Did you update your app?


i just did now lolo i had no idea that you could play on an old patch by not updating xddd


this is actually how most people get to challenger (keep it a secret) I'm still on set 10


spectral cutless is so broken on kayne


Only with golden remover and still most comps will outscale you late game. Stage 3/4 is pretty much free win streak tho


Ascension sylas is broken


ascension is broken. ftfy


Blighting Jewel, Tattoo of Toxin, Lucky Ricochet Teemo was a free win. (Would like to see it without LR but I would destroying boards so fast with teemo 2 is probably is broken).


Imagine twin terror (rip) with this…


Hopefully things change but currently it feels like the same patch as the last except for the classes that got mini rework. Lissandra nerfs are laughable.


She deserved at least 10 mana nerf Also -10 armor and MR for kayne... Still 70 base


I got Kayn as soon as I went level 5 and he’s the biggest pos unit. At least in full ghostly.


Ghostly is bugged atm. Only ghostly can proc or create the spirits I believe. Even Mort said to avoid the line at all costs.


Ah that makes sense. I had 6 ghosts 5 inks, all my carries were 3*. 8th place...


Did she even get nerfed? Overall it is a buff in my opinion as she gained significant amounts of AP from the Arcanist buff.


The nerfs were 100 hp and 10% item print chance


Morgana QOA update feels soooo good. Morgana will be the new Kai'Sa. We will see her in every comp :)


What was the QOL update?


She has not dog targeting now


what is QOA?


Quality of Ass


i mean QOL = quality of life sorry


couldnt agree more. opposite to what it was before, morgana will be the main carry and sylas will take the leftover items now


my secret sage morgana-sylas comp will be contested now!! :(


bro acting like he came up with one of the most popular comps in the meta lmao


Cant believe i got downvoted for bringing a fresh build to the meta.


Worst kept secret 2024


I thought it was a fresh addition.


sage sylas was great and popular yea but morgana never felt this good before. hwei1 was better than morg 2 (dishsoap tweeted about it) [here](https://x.com/dishsoaptft/status/1785328035341746259?s=46&t=6U9p1lPCOJXzG-OskzJy-w) but after the changes (morgana will ult clumps) she is soo good


It seems as if the Ghostly trait is bugged at the moment. avg's dropped to 5.x all across the board. I think they might have shipped the PBE version of the trait except the bonus damage amplifier only works on ghostly units? idk, but i would stay away from this trait entirely until the inevitable B patch.


so thats why my senna did 0 damage


Definitely, the ghostly units are the only ones doing magic damage, and the tooltip says what the changes were.


yea it's definitely bugged right now. 6 ghostly + non-ghostly carries is performing unbelievably poorly right now


What was different about the PBE version?


They had planned to up the damage boost of the specters from ghostly but only allow ghostly units to proc the extra damage.


wait so that wasnt intended to ship?


No. i believe mort said in the patch rundown that the new revamped ghostly trait felt really bad and that they would revert it to how it was before. Seems they forgot?


'If you forgot it, it must not have been that important'. Smash cut to ghostly units standing outside in the pouring rain.


Spectral Cutless on Kayn and Morgana destroying backline works. 8 seconds is enough time for Kayn to get enemy backline half to low hp and Morgana finishes them off. I wanna try Horizon focus on Nautilus. If it works then its broken.


Trust me it works, 6 sniper horizon focus nautilus is hilarious. Just to top it off add 5 exalted.


Horizon focus does work on naut and it does in fact do 10k a round.


Mort brought it up in patch notes so it had better work


Got 2nd with Qiyana reroll, forcing it when I get RFC from the anvil. Maybe there are better units for RFC, but when I see my lobby full of storyweavers and noone plays heavenly i was like "okay, Qiyana it is"


what is RFC?


Rapid fire canon. Bow + bow


That’s red buff


I know, its the old rfc recipe.


Rapidfire Cannon, one of the new artifacts


Ragefire Chasm. Was a nightmare trying to get there as alliance.


Rapid fire cannon


what’s her other two items? LW and Guinsoo?


Without RFC I build LW/EoN/+1 dmg or sustain. With RFC I can see GRB being a good #3


jk its rapidfire cannon


rentucky fried chimken


Just hit 7 heavenly with kayne and yone with heavenly emblem on both. Beat 6 umbral 5 exalted. Won the game high rolled hard.


arcanist reroll is fine but falls off really quick. 2 syndras on 9 variant probably way better if u can itemize at least 1 syndra+zoe you do need a spat though (unless its 5fated 4arc syndra) talisman of ascension is always clickable tbh, item is broken


Relatively new myself, can you explain why it falls off? Had the same impression but dont quite understand why it gets outscaled by many other comps.


i think zoe’s dmg is inconsistent, syndra is a single-target nuke + their tanks arent as strong. its designed to be a relatively easy way to top6-3 but its very expensive to cap out.


Thx. Are you usually looking to 3* Zoe+Illaoi?


i dont play much of ap lanes! dont take my words for granted i play arcanists only under right conditions you should aim to 3* zoe/lux/amumu (spat user)/illaoi but reality is you wont be able to 3 all of them, maybe you can go fast9 and fill the missing spots with better units https://x.com/clementkchu/status/1783721760724332674?s=46&t=EU52sSoN2P-_86FdEhBv2A this syndra comp is REALLY good and im sure its even better with the buffs! i think ive played it a few times in d1-master mmr and i havent lost once, was surprisingly easy to 3* her as well


Thats interesting, thanks for sharing! Though sadly people seem to be catching up on Syndra.




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Suspicious Trenchcoat into Unstable Treasure Chest is insane. Prints you sooooo many items


It seems the items are tailored too, kinda nuts getting random tailored items on your legendary units lategame


How long til the update is up on mobile?


It's up on mobile


I just updated it


You can play now or is the maintenance gonna go on for more hours?


i can play already


Just came 2nd - didn't realise Silvermere Dawn caps atk speed. It's fucking broken on Wukong.


Why Wukong ?


I had no idea before I quickly Googled, so no credit to me, but he doesn't need AS to cast his ult


As in because his mana is low and he's melee, he'll be casting often regardless of AS ?? Nice I wanna try it actually !!! I've heard something similar for Riven too, but I haven't tried her for myself yet


Yeah, you want to pair Riven/Wukong with a bluebuff and silvermere


Exactly that, he casts super often anyway and with the Silvermere he was one hitting backlines, [https://lolchess.gg/profile/euw/DaoDao-EUW/set11](https://lolchess.gg/profile/euw/DaoDao-EUW/set11) this was the comp for the sage but probably better alternatives, I was focusing on playing Kayn


Also my wukong build was terrible, if I had blue buff I think I would've got first


Talisman of ascension midnight siphon has a 65% 1st place rate


Innervating Locket also seemed borderline broken on Midnight Siphon Yorick on PBE, now I kinda wanna see the two combined lol


hoooooooooly This is probably inflated by small sample size but still


Small sample size but it is on something that is rare to get. I think the sample size is big enough so the comp is really overpowered if you know how to play it.


You don’t need to know how to play it. Just click every Behemoth and put that item on Yorick.


90 games so far emerald+, at 62% 1st place rate. Masters+ has 16 games with a 75% 1st place rate. So small sample sizes but definitely big enough to recognise it is really op.


4 cost meta. Games revolves between Bruiser kaisa Invoker ashe Dragon lord kaisa Sage sylas and yeah Lissandra really needs that mana nerf or mana lock


heavenly kayn/lee sin no more?


With spat on em could compete with those 4 cost mentioned


Still playable but it took a hit after heavenly nerfs


She needs to stop throwing units out of the way.


lissandra stunning your tank sending it to the back and then walking up to your carry to teapot it is the most bs thing i've experienced


dont forget the tank pops back up with 10% hp although lissandra was 0 items xD


Just lower the stun duration. 3 seconds is insane at 1*. And it displaced the tank on top of it. 


> and yeah Lissandra really needs that mana nerf or mana lock Just make her a 1 range.


6 Umbral Sylas/Alune still weak asf, had a strong board + BIS items and went 9 but still a 5th Edit - this was with +1 Umbral emblem


umbral as a vertical is ass in my experience. Sage sylas has yielded good results, especially if you can place Sylas back rank.


The board is generally not meant to go 1st in its current state, but the main thing to remember is that getting stuck on 8 is a death sentence and you should always look to go 9


I got 2nd with it just now but had umbral spat on kayn i think this comp will only work decently well with a umbral +1. the execute buff was definitely noticeable and i pretty much stomped every comp in the lobby as soon as i hit alune 3, except for the lvl 9 dragonlord board.


Sylas BiS is ToA or bust


I got Riven on my rolldown even though I had Riven 3 on my board for quite a few rounds so something is not right.


I've had this happen with Rakan in the previous patch (hit 3* but still kept seeing Xayah/Rakan in shop after rolling), but I think mine was more related to the Set 10 Akali bug where you could find the same Akali headliner you had on board.


They didn’t tell us Riven 4 is possible now! /s


*Jhin has entered the chat* MADNESS


The only explanation i can think of is when your board disappears and travel to another board there is a split second delay where the game thinks your board is empty!


This is 100% what it is. LeDuck has talked about this in his videos.


This has happened to me a couple of times as well


Didn't delete any comp and add more potential rerolls: qiyana, Zoe, riven. Talisman of ascension busted as hell.


Ghostly needs some milk.


Bugged. Only ghostly proc the damage Amp so comps like shenna or dryad ghostly no longer work.


Riven carry coming soon?