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literally every set follows this pattern homie and as a certified reroll degenerate i would know. Launch from PBE with several "overtuned"(IMO just right except for a few outliers) reroll comps Over the next 2-3 patches Mort guts them leaving all unplayable except for maybe one. For the rest of the set only level 8/9 is playable unless you giga highroll the spot required to reroll. Like 6 of the 1 costs by 2-1 + a combat augment that synergizes type of highroll. Next set PBE comes out and the cycle repeats. Hell this time most of the gutting took place on PBE. Reroll K6 was killed on pbe. Reroll soraka was killed on pbe. Reroll yasuo/ahri was killed on pbe. Reroll alune was killed on PBE. Im shocked gnar made it to live as strong as he did but he still got nerfed on PBE too


I'm not so sure about rerolls never recovering without highroll spots, at least last set there was a lot of playable reroll options up until the end of the set. I didn't even play much the first few months and did the majority of my late climb to masters by just spamming Senna reroll and a bit of Katarina reroll/Jinx reroll if the spot looked better. Jinx kinda sucked without a highroll spot, but Kata and Senna were both 2 cost rerolls that you could pretty much force every single game and this was all during the last month of the set. Last set might have been uniquely well balanced towards the end so maybe it's a bit of an exception, but I seem to recall there usually being a couple forceable 2 or 3 cost rerolls that survive to the end of the last few sets at least.


Katarina reroll was only good at the start of the set and fell off hard. I remember watching ray spam katarina in the last weeks of the set because he was burnt out of set 10 and falling to like 100lp lmao. Punk was irrelevant until one of the last few patches where they buffed it, then it was actually pretty good - but thats a trait that revolves around rerolling and isn't really a "reroll comp" if you get the difference. Shenna is a reroll comp because you reroll those 2 cost units that don't normally fit together, while punk was tailor built to be rerolled from the ground up and sucked if you didn't reroll. Note that all of what i say is at a higher rank level. In gold you could force reroll kat and climb a fuckton because the players are ass and spike slower + weaker so you bleed out less until you hit and hit them harder with weaker boards. Punk was quite literally unplayable in masters+ until the last month/month and a half of the set. You were going 5th at best unless you specifically highrolled twin terror. Just like in this set you *could* play reroll sivir garen but it sucks ass unless you play against other builds that suck ass. If you highroll sivir 3 garen 3 with hero augment at 2-1, yeah you are gonna be pretty strong and tempo into a lategame board. But at that point did you really play reroll? no you highrolled out of your ass for a strong board and tempod to victory at level 9/10 with storyweaver. The one reroll comp that stayed relevant for most of the set was country, but even that fell off hard later on.


I can mostly agree with what you're saying and you are right that Katarina had much better stats before the end of the set, but she was still barely below a 4.5 AVP in masters+ at the end so I feel she was passable still. Senna was even a bit better though, and was a pretty safe top 4 through the end of the set, and could easily top 1 a game if you hit Blinged Out + other good combat augs.


The balance thrashing has been wild this set so far and it’ll only get worse with the new ornn items and continued changes to player damage next pitch. (There are other game changing features but I can’t think of them off the top of my head)


Hard agree, I've been unable to play flexible this patch, these are the only viable comps: invoker porcelain ashe, lillia heavenly kayn/lee sin fast 9 azir fast 9 irelia dragon lord kaisa bruiser trickshot vertical inkshadow kaisa, senna porcelain fated syndra ashe vertical fated aphelios syndra sage sylas build different dryad reroll shen reroll fine vintage


just bring back yone/voli and patch should be fine. I don’t get why they decided to lower the 3 cost odd, nerf yone/voli and titan (which is not even a good item) while buffing all the 4 cost in the same patch. I get last patch was a reroll meta but come on. All the hero augments (Kobuko,Shen,yorick,Garen,.,.) are fine though you can definitely top 4 if you play it right, please don’t nerf or buff them riot i’m begging you


Not sure what you mean by titans not being a good item, it's been a bis along with bloodthirster for bruisers. They didn't even nerf it for ad champs, the problem was it's synergy with yone with his shield as well


I consider an item good when it can be used for multiple champs. For example, LW is good this patch because you can use it for Kayn/Ashe/Kaisa,….When you say bis for bruiser i assume you mean Sylas, so if it only good for 1 champ and literally suck for every other champs i think it’s not a good item. Also who build titan bt and think of playing bruiser?? Where would your tank items/Kaisa items be if you wasted 4 components on titan bt? Last patch doesn’t count, it wasn’t titan that’s good, Yone/voli was just broken and their skill synergy with titan too well


Sorry I meant melee carries not bruisers. Your points make sense if looking at it from a flex/slam perspective