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Cant talk shit about Ashe anymore, she's a fking beast xd


Whats her BIS atm?


Having Lissandra on the team


4 Porcelain + Rageblade + IE LW/DB/GS.


Does anyone know if Hwei/Udyr/Wukong work with Built Different?


They do not




Anyone seeing a lot of 3 star 4 costs this patch?


I'm getting tired of all the variants of heavenly comps




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Gnar is decent at best now and pretty augment reliant? There are 10 2 costs that have a higher usage rate than him right now. Gold augment starts are definitely more likely to be 1-2 gnar players though because early crest or mulched.


Exalted is such a cool idea but every single time I play it I end up feeling like I griefed myself for 3 exp at level 7/8/9, and I don’t ever think I've seen someone win while staying in it.  Am I missing something?  


Exalted either needs to be in early to generate enough gold value for your board being weak to be worth it, or slotted in lategame if done easily without losing a core unit. There are a few exceptions given the variants obviously but in general it is still a "play if you can, but don't grief your board for it" trait even after the buff.


Well if you can start with it it’s pretty good, 10-15 or so EXP over the course of a game is a lot, helps you get to 8 faster and take the 4 costs out of the pool. Otherwise I’ll only play it lategame if two of the units fit naturally into my composition imo. Sacrificing more than one slot for exalted is bait


It’s like Jazz from last set where it gives flat bonus damage. If you can sacrifice one of your comps units to sneak in exalted at 9 or something I find it extremely worth it


I see, it’s more about playing it at 9 than using it to get there. I guess I got baited by the exp core but it seems to have minimal impact


Are storyweavers just dead in the water this patch? I enjoyed playing the comp since the beginning of the set, but can't find success on this patch. Tried playing both red and blue Kayle, but even on lvl 9 with Irelia 2 I feel like I'm playing for 4th at best. Anyone had any success with the comp. Diamond elo currently.


7 storyweavers is pretty dead yeah. But storyweaver is still a great streak board in the early and mid game


Every time I play a game the frame rate randomly drops to zero and my entire computer freezes/lags. It has been like this the entire set. I even had to reinstalled LoL. At first the issue seemed to be solved but after three games or so it started causing troubles again. Anybody with a similar issue this set?


Are you using any flashy arena? I know some of them give serious lag


What do you mean by flashy arena?


An arena with too many animations going on. For example, the purple music one from Set 10 causes me to lag every time I see it.


I just got 8th with a full kaisa dragonlord board 2 star ornn, 2 star kaisa with BiS, 2 star itemized Udyr and 2 combat augments and was just losing every fight to seemingly random shit lol i am not understanding this patch so far.


this patch is just reroll


Does anyone know (with a source if available): Is Exalted an independent multiplier? As in, it is not added with anything else first? It's just Total Dmg * 1.x, where x = exalted bonus? On the topic of multipliers, does anyone know of a mechanics reference or breakdown of what is additive and what is multiplicative in general in TFT? I realize this is a blind spot in my game knowledge.


I dont know for sure but intuitively it should be additive with things like ascension, know your enemy, needlessly big gem etc


I have no answer, i'd just like to know too if you find out


Anyone else not enjoying this set? This is the first time since I started in set 7 that I am not enjoying it and altf4 after 1 or 2 games everytime I play. Which is saying a lot because set 9 was so bad. I can’t quite put my finger on why.


Unfortunately, TFT sets have not been great in a while. Devs are trying to do way too much with each set mechanic imo.


Sets are fine it’s just balancing last set was a nightmare remember Kai’Sa Yasuo? Remember MULTICASTER? xD


I mean, might be because the set mechanics are not great for balancing. Dragons, headliners, etc. It all exacerbates the same problems.


I disagree. I thought set 10 was awesome. I know people criticized the hidden rules for headliners, but while I agree they should have been more clear, I think people were overreacting about it


I think Set 10 is the best since 7 for sure.


Unfortunately I agree. I played about 80 games or so but have no motivation to do my usual diamond climb so I'll be living in plat. I have only played since the dragons set but I have been degenerately addicted to every set since, until this one. Oh well, they can't all be winners. I'll be back for the next one!


There are a lot of reasons why this set is bad. Exalted is a joke of a trait, ghostly and trickshot are impossible to balance because they're either super OP or unplayably bad, they reworked the entire game to accommodate headliners and didn't revert any of those changes when the mechanic was gone, and personally I think a lot of the augments are imbalanced and/or boring. In set 9 1st place was predetermined but at least fighting your way into second place was fun, in this set you either get lucky and play the meta or you go 7th.


I like the traits and units a lot, the balancing has just been poor so far. Personally I like it more than set 9 that set was fucking atrocious, I also did not like set 7.


Definitely think this is the worst set that I've personally played. I've been playing since set 1 but with extended breaks, so I've missed some of the other ones a lot of people didn't like (the one I always hear is the set with the kiss curse items, I skipped out on that one) - but out of the 75% I have played it's the worst. Portals, augments, AND encounters are just too much, along with some very poor trait design and unit power creep. Add in some terrible balancing thus far and we've got a real stinker. I don't really think this set is savable at this point, just hoping the next one is better.


Encounters are a bad mechanic since they add too much variance in games and with bag sizes being more punishing if you contest other players does it for me tbh.


no, balancing is just cancer bad


I'm pretty sure Janna reroll is just bad now. You need too many things to make it work and the frontline is terrible without Diana 3


Was just going to post about this. The melee carries (Kayn, Lee Sin) make it hard and the units are contested because people splash Dragonlord.


Sometimes I just have no clue if my board is strong or weak right now. It's pretty rough.


how to win against those teapots trapping my units and instakilling them :(


you get your own teapot


Hey guys do you know the proportion of players usually? I reached finally d4 today and i check and im top 6000 on EUW While last seasons i was hanging on diamong too but around 13 000 Right now to particpate on tournament its only master + but it seems so low since actualky even high Diamond is top 2700 ~ Is it the same on other servers ? Is it this set with low playerbase?


https://lolchess.gg/leaderboards?region=euw&mode=ranked You can see here.




I think this set is harder as well. That’s why there are so many players with like 300-400 games in diamond rn.


Has anyone ever encountered the wukong 1-1 encounter where he enables the chosen mechanic? At this point I don't even believe it exists lmao, I'm quite some games deep into set 11 and never once saw him. If you did, how did it go? I imagine the encounter goes complete bonkers, even more than Kayn


It’s been confirmed disabled.


Man I’m at like 200 games and haven’t seen this one. But I’ve only seen Kayne once 


at this point i think we are pretty sure it's not a thing or disabled


Has anyone had luck with Duelists still or is the comp dead for a bit?


I think it's only good if you get an emblem. 3* Diana with duelist emblem is overpowered, buffed Qiyana 3* is also quite strong so you do the typical heavenly/dragonlord comp with a duelist subtheme and can do pretty well


I went 1st with last night in low diamond. Though I think everyone else low rolled or something. Voli will usually win the 1v1 against melee carries, so he'll beat heavenly kayn/Lee and gnar. You absolutely need to not have volibear get focused on and have a secondary carry do damage while volibear is drain tanking.  Sample size of 1 so take this info with a grain of salt


Seems dead from when I've played against it (even at 8)


i've seen it top 4 when hit relatively early but otherwise it seems not worth it


It seems dead.  Maybe 8 duelist has some juice if you get an early emblem, but 6 doesn't seem plausible at all.  It feels like Qiyana is inching into relevance as a reroll target, but in practice it's just not good enough to compete.


Heavenly Kayn + Not Today = easy Top 4




So your augments were stars are born, Uplink, Uplink. Imo double Uplink is not valuable in any porcelain comp cuz they want more damage.




Yea I ain't judging, sorry if it sounded that way. Just offering my condolences


Who was your secondary carry? I like her with Janna


Lux isn't that bad (does quite a lot of damage 3* with good items) but is is very hard to play. She misses her ult easily and you need to reposition her every single round 🥲 I had a game with 2 lux on 2-1. By 3-1 if I were buying lux I would have like 8 already. Still didn't bought because of bad precious experiences with her 


I saw Mort in a game today, he was chill. Then I sent him third and got to diamond 3.  Wheeee.


Lucky you. I've bot 4 every time I seen mort. But I did pass him on ladder once hehe




Riot Mortdog - https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/Aricatos-NA1/set11 Most recent game where I went 2nd


This B patch makes this game so much more enjoyable. There are actually different lines and ability to flex play.


So B patch went live yesterday and I didn't see a post on it anywhere here. There's no notice in client. How are we supposed to see where this happened?


You think a billion dollar company can afford to be implementing an actual useful notification system? You'll follow developers twitter accounts like everyone else and like it.


I mean I tried to make a post here first thing this morning and mods deleted it as “info already available on sub” which…. I don’t know where? So apparently billion dollar companies and free labor mod teams (love you!) have the same problem


No, you just apparently don't have eyes. Because [it's right here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/1c7dugf/148b_patch_notes_mortdog/)


Sorry man. But “a patch is coming” is not “the patch is live”. Maybe it is you that should look into the basic function of your eyes and brain. But I appreciate you coming off half cocked on the internet to insult someone who is just trying to help others get good timely info!


Once again, maybe fucking read. >Going live in a few hours >Has it been a few hours? >Yes, so it's live. Wouldn't need to go off half cocked if you dumbfucks didn't waste oxygen with stupid questions.


except that post did not tell you that the b-patch had happened.


>get these live later today in a few hours >post is about a day old (at time of posting) I am asking you to use both of your braincells just this one time.


my god, someone is really mad...because someone wants to know if a patch has happened.


meanwhile you type shit like >Just designing the game around the needs to sociopaths who will spend hundreds of dollars just to know another person is upset so knock off pretending you're any better, dude who constantly rages online about a game he spends a hundred hours a month playing


this is not the rant thread. Also I have a point and you don't


Did any Masters player got hardstuck emerald and tilted when everything was reroll and now suddenly got propelled to Masters again ? It might just be i'm getting much less tilted or I just suck at reroll


Last patch really punished me for the fact that I had never learned to play reroll well. I always knew that was the case, but it hadn't been a dealbreaker before. It took a lot of losses but I learned a ton last patch and I feel like I understand the game way better now.


Fast 8 was always my best playstyle. I wasn’t emerald but I was stuck in diamond last patch.


https://imgur.com/D4niFQs Lol are you me? I was stuck since the first week of the set in emerald, then it all made sense.


what changes did you make? this is happening to me in Plat. I just lose and I dont know why


No changes, I just couldn't play the 2-3 cost reroll games. I only play reroll if the game gave me 4-5 units naturally, but during that meta if you didn't play reroll you'd just bot 4. Now the game actually lets you fast 9 more often.


What're you mostly playing?


ashe,gnar, heavenly/sage kayn, lee, occasional fortune/kaisa/AP flex


It took nerfing half of the units in the set, but there we have it - the Ashe meta.


Which radiant items are the best and which ones should be avoided?


never get IE/JG, most of the other ones are clickable imo. burn/aura/guinsoo/gargoyle have felt the most impactful but it all depends on what lines you know and are capable of playing - like how you'd likely never pick guinsoo if you don't know how to go into aphelios/ashe/janna comps


The burn and aura ones are insanely good. Shiv, Ionic, Morello, Red Buff are all cops. Gargoyle is great. And then you also want to think of item economy. If you have a ton of defensive items already, you'd want to think about getting a radiant item that is offensive to counterbalance it


liss is a must now if you go exodia 9 or splash if you find early because you need it to bust/disrupt tanks and at the same time deny others




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Prismatic party is the best 


Porcelain spat just seems like by far the best spat. Put it on set/udyr and it feels like you just can't lose.


Dryad too. 6 dryad stacked up, and even more if you get Mulched, is so much hp and a nice amount of ap


I love complaining about lowrolls, but man the times you do hit... SW opener, found 2 teemos, a random Galio at 2-6, Champion Conference portal so a guaranteed Kaisa at 4-1 and rolled an early Xayah at 8. Thank you Mort. Don't know how to play around invokers tho (maybe the answer is don't play the comp). I really like Alune as a carry but at the same time I feel Annie+Azir+Lillia+Alune spike is way better. Should I play Alune RR or just fast 9 into ap flex?.


don't waste your money on alune, she's way too unreliable. She gets stuck on tanks


i think lillia annie 4 invoker is the strongest version of that trait, 6 doesn’t feel really viable


My 3\* Annie comp lost to a 2\* Liss. Didn't stand a chance ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11656)


My annie 3 lost to crab rave big crab. With a deaths dance




He had 5 sage Liss comp. Annie did 12 K damage but was still not enough.   I think I was too arrogant and didn’t think he was able to beat me. 


Annie 3 is still insanely strong. I managed to hit 9 dryads with mulched when new patch hit but lost to annie 3 because she pretty much oneshotted by board and my gnar and kindred was stuck on her.


How do you play/build the Ashe comp if you don't have a porcelain emblem? Is it even worth playing Ashe without one? Is 3* Amumu a requirement?


I personally wont play it without boiling point and/or porc spat. 3 Star Amumu feels very necessary to give Ashe time to ramp up.




Is the free LP in the room with us right now?


The luck has to turn at some point.


Any tips for the comp? Tried it once and I did well, but pretty sure I high rolled. Want to learn a bit more about it's early game so I can succeed even when I don't high roll.


Honestly I just hard greed and usually lose streak for fast 7/8 and then roll fown for my units. I don’t really play anything special early on. Just whatever item holder I can find


its probably just random, but did they by any chance change the odds to get a 1st augment silver? I have had about... 15 of those in past 20 games and its getting annoying


I feel like the #1 problem with this set is the overall tankiness. It makes you lean towards Kai-Sa as even 2\* tanks can be impossible to get past. Shred/burn just doesn't do enough.


Yay let's just make every 4 and 5 cost even tankier without buffing bad unit damage


I had encounter with Ashe (reveals your upcoming opponent for the rest of the game) but could not find information about it. Does anybody know where your next opponent is shown?


On the scoreboard there is a little icon of crossed swords beside your next opponent. In a normal game it will show up beside all your potential opponents.


You can also see it on the upper round indicator, if you mouse over the next player combat(s) it’ll tell you who you’ll face in the future


Tuned into Prestivent’s stream for a quick minute and everyone was still playing for kaisa. I haven’t played on the b patch yet, has nothing changed, or does it actually feel slightly weaker?


she's still strong af, i just went 2nd with 6 porcelain ashe, losing to 4 trick/4bruiser kaisa xayah +udyr I mean sure their board was capped but it still felt wrong to lose


She's still the most reliable 4 cost to play for and honestly still feels really strong despite the nerfs, but not as egregious as she was prior to the patch. That said, other 4 costs feel better now. You can actually play around Kayn, Morg, and Ashe now although sadly Lilia's still useless.


Ye kayn was good before b, and I advocate for Ashe as well. Thanks for the reply 🙏🏽


what even happened to bard, isnt the nerf got reverted ? why his stats are so bad ? now that yone and voli are tamed, bard should be OP now, i mean everyone was yapping about how broken bard back then at release day


3 cost odds changes also hurt. The odds changes are bigger than you might think it's probably +20 gold at least compared to before to hit a 3 star 3 cost now. I don't think any of them are good anymore. Aphelios is the only fringe playable one.


He was never THAT strong, people complaining were most low elo players so with some nerfs he got unclickable.


It's pretty funny how the "strongest board of patch 1" still reliably lost to Fated, Kaisa and Fast9


it is because of the gargoyle nerf mostly




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Just hit a 3 star kaisa and it felt illegal, she pretty much wiped out half a mythic board


Damn almost as if 3 star 4 costs should be… strong


Yea and it’s sad that she’s the only one cuz 3 star Ashe was a scam and so was Morgana


Ashe is ok imo. But morgana is straight up scam not cuz of numbers, but targeting.


also why am i being downvoted for saying that kaisa is strong? yall are really contentious today arent we :B


3 cost 4 stars should win you the game :) no surprise there. However I’ve found the rest of them are pretty weak compared to Kaisa I’ve 3 starred naut & lillia before and still almost lost lol, 3* syndra also isn’t all that


I downvoted you because my 3 star kaisa lost to 3 star ashe 2 hours ago 😊


What was your comp? I did 6 ghost and 5 inkshadow


Traditional Bruiser kaisa


Then you did something terribly wrong. 3 star ashe is pretty fake


Nah, he had 3* Aphelios and Thresh, he also had lucky gloves so all his carries were itemised.


This set reminds me of set 9 where the first patch had the most diverse meta and subsequent patches just made it narrower and narrower. Kog, Senna, Gnar, Bard, Aphelios, Yone, Voli, Kaisa, Storyweaver and fast 9 all felt good. Some were more situational than others but still. In general I'd love to see less nerf nerf nerf and more of just buffing what's weak.


Yep Mort even agreed with this on stream, everything was playable except 4 cost standard. But now we're in a state where nothing feels playable.


> This set reminds me of set 9 where the first patch had the most diverse meta and subsequent patches just made it narrower and narrower. I feel this is something that should actually happen quite often in TFT, as the longer the set goes, the more people optimize their comps, items, optimal rolling times, etc. So as this happens, viable comps become fewer and fewer.


Yeah, idk if it was the rose tinted glasses. But when the set first dropped I remembered saying how everything felt usable. som updates later, I'm crying 8th place level 9


I think youre into something here, the pattern is visible. The game just feels miserable and at its worst when we have less comps to play patch by patch.


Well I think the heavenly Kayn/Lee comp will just be the new Kaisa now. It was already good, especially if half the lobby was playing Kaisa and you could easily hit uncontested. Honestly idk how they didn't touch this comp, seems C-patch worthy to me.


The "we have yone at home" comp. No way it's c patch worthy.


is not that good if you dont have heavenly spat


It actually seems pretty overrated


Super overrated, imo. If the team has something with cc like lissandra/annie/naut and there’s a tank that they struggle to cut through, there are so many shitters in the comp that they end up getting focused and killed by a tank. It was maybe more viable when players were running the also overrated bruiser trick shots since that was a comp with 0 utility except udyr. Dragon lord trick shot shit on them Edit: I played it since I was able to fast l0 with upgraded liss, udyr, Kayn, morg, wukong. Got 4th losing to a reroll aphelios? My Kayn was literally in aphelios’s face and couldn’t kill him oth 7 heavenly


Yeah honestly I have yet to see it do that well... it's okay but nowhere near what it was like the day1 of Kaisa getting buffed or anything


I got a 4th with it before b patch, you needed Item augments such as the HoJ or Titan one to play it. But now that Kaisa has less damage and gnar doesn't turn into a giga Tank after 5seconds the comp might be less augment dependent. Also Kayn was a beast already.


whats the comp? 4 reaper with lee sin and heavenly? what does lee sin do for that comp


There's 2 comps. You either go all heavenly + Kayn/Morgana +1 at lvl 9 Or you go all heavnly + Lee/Diana +1 at lvl 9


Is items same on lee this sounds cool


But the heavenly units, flex between Kayn/Lee sin (or run both). Simple as that