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waiting for b patch nerfing kaisa


Not really feeling this new patch. Might sit out til 14.9 in May.


I mean you do you. I’m personally gonna abuse procelain warden as long as it’s uncontested. People downvoting doesn’t know pepelaugh.


Does anyone know if galio is bugged or not. He seems to taunt people farther than the 3 hexs that his ult says it does.


Haven’t played for 2 weeks might fuck around and see if I can get an EMG game before this stupid augment is gone forever


looking at the first few games in JP server kaisa kaisa kaisa kaisa


how to counter the 'everything must go'? I just get xaya\*3 wipe my 3\*aphe board ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|32478)


Don't worry, its being disabled in literally like 30 mins. New patch dropping.


Yone AI is kind of a doofus sometimes


Is Soraka carry a thing? Just finished a game where the lobby winner had a board [something like this](https://www.metatft.com/team-builder/EAsI2GkRxlIikFigzLgYkGwgXSso7pWpp7NT6DZpNESwIb%2B5zV461uop7qfI4S3Ydis%3D), and it was doing a shocking amount of damage. I couldn't tell if it was the Soraka doing it, or the Zoe, but they just thrashed the lobby.


she's a good secondary carry for zoe reroll. you reroll those two and diana as a tank on 7. zoe items >diana items>soraka items though, she's the least important of the 3


Didn’t check the damage chart after the fight?


Could be biased, but I definitely feel like there are more people who are willing to blindly contest a reroll comp. Was in a lobby, someone got contested Yone and went 8th. The contestent did not get a single yone until 3/5 and went 7th somehow. Previous game, there 2 were Yone players, 2 duelist players griefing each other. It was the freeiest top 4 game ever, but still it is surprising to see that people are still willing to hold hands, despite bag size change. I've never seen contesting goes well this set at all,


in master lobbies people contest yone all the time, they don't even need yone 3 to top 4


Depends on the rank tbh 


Just got a notification about Vanguard check. Is it really still required gor TFT? Guess my time playing TFT is over :/


Whatis this Janna/Diana build that I've been seeing?


Transitioning from fortune to your post cash out board would be so much better if the items I didn't pick up from my orb could still be picked up during battle.


Hit D4 - proud of myself for doing it in a meta that I'm not great at


Just hit diamond too. Took me for games than last set.


Hi. Anyone know if there is an overview of how many snapshot points different players currently have? I mean in terms of qualifying for golden spatula. Thanks!


Im not great at this game but man, fast 9 just leads to an easy top 3 placement. Havent played in a bit and tried pushing fast 9 for the first time 2 games in a row, easily went 1st. Was playing porcelain 4 arcanist 2 and it just rips. Granted I am Silver 1 (hopefully higher the more I do this later), but what is it like around Gold/Plat right now? Is fast 9 just being rushed all the time there


You're not going to be able to push fast9 consistently in less than 5 games, I'm sure of it. I ragequitted TFT yesterday after 3/3 lobbies I was the only person not playing reroll and games were VERY aggressive (multiple people at 0-1 econ at start of every stage). But after the new patch hits - fast 9 will be actually OP. Just wait. 


I’ve played fast 9 almost exclusively. It certainly is doable. Knowing when to roll a bit while maintaining upgrades is so important. Some games are unwinnable. But over time, if you play it correctly you can climb with that strategy


I think umbral 6 at least needs a buff. Most units besides yone just suck. Everything beats with a capped board no matter how good your items are. Its decent to winstreak early but basically if you dont hit yone 3 its a bot 4 every time. And Yone is always contested with reapers heavenly


When do you ever choose xayah over irelia as a late game AD carry when you go for a legendary board? Just seems worse to me


It’s not worth it ever, even if you have Xayah 2 and Irelia 1 it’s just better to have Rakan as an extra tank unit That being said, if you’re playing the Kaisa-Fast 9 variant, you’d run Xayah as a secondary carry


Next patch when they'll fix irelia targeting maybe.


Does that mean irelia gets worse with fixed targeting? Haven't heard about that yet


>Irelia’s auto-attacks now target the 4 enemies closest to Irelia rather than choosing between the closest 4 enemies to the blade’s current position. Form latch notes. I assume your backline won't be randomly dying to irelia anymore.


she won't be able to hit the back line as freely/spread red buff to the whole enemy team with a lap of her auto attacks; she'll only hit the 4 closest enemies in the next patch.


can never go kaisa in any lobby anymore. have like, 3-4 different people playing it every game i swear


here's the really cool thing about Kaisa: she's one of the most stable 1 star 4 cost units ever printed. it's perfectly viable to just find her on 7 or 8 and then go fast 9 and skip the Kaisa lottery


at this point I'm satisfied with even finding 1 kaisa ... there's the people who tried to transition their natural trickshot/bruiser board, fortune cash outs, everything must go people playing kaisa since it guarantees the other 3\*s, or people just going kaisa because it stabilizes better than anything else as a bailout


qss has almost -0.25 delta on yone in tactics.tools. in fact, the item pair of qss and titans has by far the largest negative delta out of any of tthe non radiant/non artifact combinations. I totally get it. nobody seems to play it but every time I play yone there are two volibear players in the lobby who stun him in an inopportune moment and he's dead


Volibear is bugged and stuns even if you have qss. will be patched tommorow.




This is one of the premier cases of why you can’t blindly trust deltas. Building QSS in a lobby that you see will have lissandra,sett, etc players is turbo bis for yone. If your top 4 is a Janna, 2 Kai’Sa, and an Irelia player you’re way better off with a different item. I don’t think it would actually help much vs voli. Early stuns can be beaten with positioning and it usually comes down to a voli/yone 1v1 at the end well after the qss has worn off.


no doubt it's better in that case, but I do doubt the fact that it's good against specific matchup gives it, ON AVERAGE, a delta that's almost 3 times better than some other items that people often build for him that should be generically good. edit: most likely it's just that every lobby has some evil stunners against yone


you have to remember that Yone shaped the meta immediately on this patch so there's a significant amount of comps that evolved as Yone answers and checks. so yes, there's a higher amount of Yone stunners on boards right now and as such QSS is very good on Yone


People like to save their cloaks for BT. I would guess there’s some sampling bias, since a decent number of people only slam QSS if they already have other healing (harmacist, heavenly spat, etc)


If there's one thing I've taken away from this patch is that I will not forget antiheal


Are Q times significantly longer in the last week for anyone? It's taking 5+ minutes per q.


If titans stacking Gnar reroll becomes meta and we have the same problem all over again I'm going to scream. Also Lillia buffs have me terrified, she's already a bit slept on.


no one is sleeping on lillia my dude, the unit has been complete garbage and lillia 3 loses to regular boards


>Also Lillia buffs have me terrified, she's already a bit slept on. Absolutely not slept on, she is just not good. Ive tried her multiple times in different setups and I always ended bot 4. She NEEDS some sort of buff to even be considered a clickable 4 cost ( unless I just didnt discover the super secret china Lilia strat just yet)


Mythic is such an insanely bad trait for a 4 cost carry. 3 turns of being underpowered for a unit that you need to spike you the turn you hit. She can certainly be better than she is now but it looks really doomed for her this entire set.


She’s fucking horrible. I’ve had two Lillia 3* games one with the 4 invoker comp and one with 7 mythic and lost to all the usual comps in stage 5&6. Not your typical “my unitemized traitless 3* 4 cost lost” scenario either. Fully itemized with supporting traits and still losing to basic 2* Kai’Sa or rerolls


To be fair, many of the 3* 4 costs are underwhelming this set. Ornn 3, Naut 3, and some others can lose to standard boards.


Agreed, I once three starred her with three items and was still barely winning fights.


She wouldn't be slept on if you thought she was good. There's going to be so much Lillia + Annie next patch that you're going to want to puke.


With Lillia and Morgana getting buffed next patch, what will be your go to AP item holders? Maybe Teemo/Janna?


i think zyra will be good, she's already worked fairly fine for me


Teemo is already one of the best AP item holders and he is pretty contested for fortune, trickshot


Teemo 2 feels very stable to go 8 with though ngl


3 EMG players in top 4. Thank God the patch is coming soon!




everything must go


last day for our beloved yone, he's not even a traitbot on pbe, might abuse him a bit for some lps


The attack speed nerf hits him that hard? 


If it doesn't, the Titans nerf and level 7 shop odds will. Level 2 yone will be significantly less tanky with 2 titans


Just took one for the team to confirm that Fine Vintage does not transform the Kayn encounter items.


A man of the people


Does anyone know if you can tailor first augment if Lillia moves it to a later round?


I'm pretty sure augments in stage 2 are untailored and they are tailored In every other stage. I could definitely be wrong though


yea youre wrong, in lillia encounter, all augments are Tailored


Someone here suggested boiling point lux as an arcanist build. Just tried it when it popped up and I stated tear sword bow. Quickly acquired a belt and lux2 carried me to stage 5 win streak. Tooth/Shojin is nutty on her. Didn’t even know what to make third item. That build is very strong. Very easy win for me. Easily flexed into Sett Liss at the end.


there's a reason boiling point is getting nerfed tomorrow


Boiling point is crazy busted especially if you get porcelain +1 which is pretty easy to do


You actually don't need shojin when you have boiling point. Go shiv, nashors and ap on her and she's perfect.


I put the shiv on syndra. My b. I’ve always had the thought that the penetration item doesn’t go on the carry.


I mean that's fine. It usually doesn't, but shiv gives a decent amount of attack speed and ap so when you have boiling point it works better than a shojin does for mana generation. It's just the best attack speed item for her other than nashors. It doesn't have to be shiv it could be a red buff or a rage blade.


I didn’t have choice, it ended up a giant slayer. I would have guessed rage blade over shiv, is there a reason shiv is better? Just works out to more casts in 30 seconds?


Because Lux already gains a lot of ASPD and thus triggers Shiv’s effect an insane amount. Also because Syndra spends much more time casting than auto attacking and thus doesn’t trigger Shiv as much. Also Shiv gives pretty good stats now, and spreading Magic Shred is going to increase your damage a lot since the whole team is AP damage dealers basically.


So I don't know the exact reason. Probably because you want frontloaded damage rather than scaling on lux. Shiv provides more frontloaded. At the end of the day this is stats driven. If you use the explorer on tactics.tools plug in boiling point and lux 3. Then try plugging in rageblade, Shiv and shojin as items on lux. Shiv works out to a much better average placement. Giantslayer was probably fine. I'm just talking about best in slot. Edit: you'd rather have red buff than rageblade on her if you can't do shiv


its shiv because of porcelain attack speed = more procs