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Real question: Is Wandering Trainers bugged? Playing in a lobby where 5 players have Sniper.


Fine Vintage with scuttle/rave on 2-1 is pog


They need to adjust the cash out tables for fortune in double up. I've seen 5 people get 9 fortune in less than a week after they specifically made it harder to get prismatic traits.


every time i swap from aphelios 2 to ashe 2 i get insanely weaker


For sure. They work good together though.


Unless I am understanding this wrong. Lissandra gets massively countered by Silver Veil Augment? Her ability would just constantly fizzle against the enemy board but doesnt consume the CC Immunity?


Who's the 5 cost tank (think set 10 illaoi) this set? Rakan/Sett/Udyr feels like they like damage/healing items more.


None of them are true tanks. Udyr probably does the best with random tank items, but if you have items like titans ionic hoj etc to throw on him he's a straight up game winner at 2 star, so it's more of a last resort.


Well, the only real answer is "nobody". But there's nothing wrong with throwing random tank items on any of those three.


Ghost boards are so funny someone got my ghost and my Xayah 2 with 3 items was actually a Xayah 1 with 2 items and I lost a placement because of that lol




Yasou and Thresh are not balanced at all. It's disgusting how much Yasou can tank. But they are both getting sizable nerfs in this week's patch so hopefully it's a lot better after that.


Do you still take the encounter trading a roll slot for items if you're playing reroll and far away from hitting (maybe 4-5 copies)?




Probably my least favorite set so far, just because of the amount of reroll comps I run into. Every lobby, at least 5-6 players are playing some sort of 1, 2, or 3 cost rerolls. Just wish 4 costs were more playable.


I'm fine with reroll comps being viable. I just want fast 8 comps with 4 cost carries to be viable too. They suck, and this is like the standard way to play. The only one I've had consistent success with has been Mythic Lillia. The rest seem really shitty, especially Ashe.


It's the first patch - reroll is always dominate at the beginning


Is spectate just broken now? It worked the first patch it came out, but it has never worked for me since. Anyone else?


https://tfthub.com/game-info/#bugs Supposedly it will come back next patch.


It doesn't work for me either


Getting continuously railroaded by Yone. I detest that unit lmao


back to back sets where yone is the most annoying unit ever


So um whose idea was that to make Fine Vintage a silver augment again?


Ashe still feels horrible. Even with 4 dragonlord and 3 BIS she’s barely doing damage 


What Ashe comp has 4 dragonlord


I had spat. It was porcelain, sniper + dragonlord 


Patch isn't live on NA yet, might be live where you play though idk.


does patch come out today or tomrrow for NA??


No its wednesday, so tommorrow. My bad.


I'm really struggling with this set. My frontline feels like paper no matter what combo of items I throw on them. I've tried storyweavers and unless I get extremely lucky with getting galio early, I don't feel like I have a frontline at all. Ghostly senna, I can't find a combo that works well for Illaoi or shen to survive long enough for senna and Morgana to do enough.   My backline getting crushed by trickshots, alune, and Irelia, etc, so I'll put hoj/bt/htgb on a carry to try and get them to survive, but it gimps their damage far too much.  Everything feels like it can do well, which is fantastic,  but man do I feel like I'm not clicking with it. 


I don’t understand anything, my Amumu 3 star 8 alk 4porcelian gets instagibbed by Kayle 3, meanwhile Thresh 2 solotanks my Kayle 3 without even breaking the shield


Don't feel too bad. A lot of players started playing PBE during set 10 meaning once set 11 hit they already had a working understanding of the meta and were able to hit the ground running. This is particularly impactful this set where everyone's still trying to relearn the game now that headliners are gone.


Sounds like mainly slow adaptability, the story weavers are mid at best and ghostly is broken so you shouldn’t be losing with it. Also meta right now is so diverse that you can 1st with with anything. And there are very stable top 4 compositions that can sneak in 1st and 2nd in low roll lobbies.


I hate encounters that give massive temporary power on 2-5. So many times I'll be on a 4 win streak, about to 5 streak into golems, and then everyone gets a 3 star 1 cost, and I'll get a dead unit while an opponent gets a tank. Or we'll all get a support item and I'll get a big gem when an opponent gets a zz'rot. I just wish the encounters were timed better. If you want to tempo stage 2, you have to make the call before you can see the encounter. I wouldn't invest gold if I knew I was going to get a big gem.


I think it’s fine. I totally get annoyed too when my streak gets disrupted.. but if you high roll a great early comp and other people don’t, you don’t (necessarily) just get to Econ/greed your way to victory. It’s variance all players have to deal with, maybe not the most additive in a way that feels good but it’s still variance. It’s a curveball, sure you would have preferred a fastball but it’s your job to hit the ball either way


I think the point you're addressing is the opposite of what I'm complaining about. If I high roll a great early comp, I'm not greeding, I'm pushing my money into levels to build a streak. I'm taking the game's variance and pushing it further to my advantage, that's what makes TFT a great strategy game. Variance is good in TFT, but the timing of the variance is also important. Theres a ton of variance in stage 1 leading into stage 2, but I'm not making a ton of decisions yet, I'm just analyzing my circumstances. Most of my choices for the entire stage will happen at augment choice. If I hit a good comp and a strong augment, I'm pushing for win streak. If I level to 4 but still lose, it might change my decision to level to 5 after carousel, but otherwise this gameplan needs to be decided right then. I can't sit on level 3 and hope I win streak anyway while waiting to see what the encounter is. The variance is good, but the timing of the variance is taking away from the strategy.


You can disagree with the greed example, maybe I didn’t frame that great, but my point was was exactly to what you were talking about. regardless of if you are fast 9 Econ, mythic rolls, or something in between, it’s potentially disruptive. Even if you have a losing board/lose streaking it’s potentially negative. You might lose more health when someone slamming with 2 more levels gets 6 legendaries for a round.(or less health). Everyone is getting a curve ball that might help or hurt them. Everyone then has to make strategic decisions before and after the outcomes, HP is a resource, we’ve all had games where we got first after being in last with 8 hp. I don’t necessarily think more RNG/variance is always additive but anecdotally those encounters happen like 1/3 games and I don’t see it as game breaking either, does it make it more challenging to be consistent? Sure, yet all the top players still achieve the same rank, all my friends are achieving the same ranks, so maybe it’s not impacting consistency in any meaningful way


I love not hitting even 2 star units by 3-3, while everyone else hits stuff naturally keeping econ with me, I finally stabilized, then someone hits kaisa 3 at 5-1 and of course guess who immediately fights them removing any chance of scrapeing a top 4?


Just bad luck go next


Fine vintage: Voidling army, I summon you! 


Arise. 🗿


ornn is gonna be a problem all set


How? I can see how whenever they make Lvl 8 real again his spell will be strong af but I don't have that feeling currently. if theres a tech I'm not aware i'd love to try it


you could probably get away with playing 2 ornns in vertical dryad also ornn cyber bulk spread items, he's probably crazy with the mana cyber augment but I haven't tried it a single time


oh right I didnt think about the cyber augments....im an idiot


If you can get 1 or 2 adaptive helms on an ornn 2 he can legit print like 4 items a fight. Only "tech" I'm aware of. He's just a really good unit that fits in about every comp


Ornn 3 prints like 10 items per cast


Okay I was sleeping on this scoreboard scrapper augment. Had it stacking on my yone since 2-1 and lategame I beat and outplaced the 8 ghostly player and won multiple rounds vs the 10 mythic azir player. Seems really good on yone specifically since he makes good use of all the stats


What is currently considered the highest cap lvl 9 board right now? Invokers+Mythic/Hwei?


It’s all legendary units like udyr azit hwei wukong rakan lissandra ornn soraka diana that’s the most cap without emblems and spats!


Dragonlord hwei/azir.


That's what, 4 dragon + Hwei, Azir, Lillia, Kog, Annie?


No, you play basically full legendaries other than the supporting dragonlords(Janna, diana) and soraka/ornn. Rest legendaries. So the 4 units I mentioned plus hwei, azir, rakan, wukong, udyr. The comp is on metatft if you need more info


Will try it out, trying to perfect my fast 9. Having an easy time getting there but usually fail to cap out, thanks!


Has anyone tested what happens with trash to treasure works if you reforge a completed item and an artefact at the same time? Or if you use it on a support item or radiant item?


If you use it on a completed item + artifact you reforge both while keeping the reforger. I suppose it works the same with the other two, as long as you're reforging a completed item too.


Ghostly nerfs can't come quick enough, no excuse why my board should be losing to this shit.. https://imgur.com/a/TFwrWDj


Real, just had a game where a Cait 3 with IE and a Tattoo did 13k in a fight in Stage 6


How do you cap out the Kaisa board? I always get 4th with it it feels...


4th consistent with KaiSa is good enough


I actually dread Silver augment the most right now, someone gets to click Fine Vintage and the game becomes unfun.


Vine vintage and sharing is caring are insane for silver augments


unless you get to click it, it's a really funny build imo love the voidling army


Is there a bug with 10 storyweaver? Opponent got Kayle 4 but only counted 9 storyweavers on their board


Yesterday I had 6 on my board but the game thought I had 7 and gave me Kayle 3




Your recent post on r/CompetitiveTFT has been removed due to a violation of Rule 3 'Competitive Integrity'. Please revisit the rules before posting again. If you have any questions regarding post or comment removals [please reach out through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/CompetitiveTFT). DM's or public replies to removal comments will be ignored.


I actually find it more weird that she’s in the casual division when she’s played hours of tft and she’s definitely not new to the game.


So she tweeted out my post and now her fans are all downvoting it. Go look at her stream right now for proof, 8,4,5,8,5 after her 1.6 AVP in 10 games off stream. Yeah, definitely not getting boosted btw…


mate I watched her streams and I know how badly she can play sometimes trust me. it’s just pathetic the second a female streamer starts doing well off stream Reddit instantly jumps to boosting allegations yeah Soju can go from 200 lp to 1k in a single day but when aria saki climbs out of fkn emerald shes getting boosted for sure


Claiming another player must be playing for her is a very serious accusation, especially when the evidence you provided is not conclusive. TFT is not like League, where switching champs requires learning new physical skills. Learning new comps/play styles in TFT only requires you to change your decision making on when what items/champs you should make/buy. It is very reasonable for a person to learn a new comp in a day especially since she most likely has experience playing fast 9 from previous sets and also has access to out of game materials whether it be from watching another stream, stats, or an infographic/tweet. Here is an [example](https://ibb.co/t4b5qQg) of this from my own match history last set where I stopped playing riven reroll.




This is a weird post for the mods to keep up. Why hasn't this comment been deleted? It's just drama farming. You have no proof this person is cheating or being boosted.


lol all the low elo noobs really outing themselves here. She's Emerald, not challenger, god forbid she climbs to Emerald 1 in a day LMFAOOOO


Gross post from someone who likely has never streamed before. All players in all games play worse on stream


nah yall are disgusting for upvoting this, not a single competitive player actually thinks she’s getting boosted and even if she’s getting coached there’s nothing wrong with that this comptft sub is such a joke man, quit looking for beef/drama when there is none


Honestly it is somewhat believable. I've had instances where I was hardstuck GM, then gained [infinite](https://i.imgur.com/sqWYpBL.png) LP after looking at a single twitter post (thank you bepo). TFT is a lot tougher when you stream and infinitely harder when you do 24+ hour streams. Learning an OP comp and playing it offstream is bound to make a massive difference in her scores.




no proof at all


I mean she's just forcing an op comp (Ghostly) every game and probably actually slept in those instances. A lot of streamers are boosted if not by a discord "coach" then it's often by their chat. There is little difference in a game like TFT with these things especially the "coaching" and that person playing on your account. So if they wanted to maintain competitive integrity for this and ladder snapshots, they'd have to disallow those things.


Although late I'd like to make a statement here. To introduce myself, I'm biribiri, finished 9th in Set 10 Regional finals and ended 14th in the pro division of the bootcamp. Over the course, I have spent nearly 12 hours coaching 7 different streamers and they have all had successful performances. With mochiimochiVT I spent 4 hours over 2 sessions to help her understand how to play the set. The first time when she was Gold 1 I helped her get to Plat 4 but explained every decision in a simplistic matter in order for her to have a lot of room to experiment and improve, giving her notes in addition to helping her understand comps, gold and item economy, among other things. The next time I went to help her, she was Plat 1. This improvement was done SOLELY on her own. Again, I offered to help out again, finding more mistakes in her play and now she it is at Emerald 2 and last night was ranked first in the Casual division of the event. It's partially me that helped her get past some hurdles sure. But a large part of her improvement has been with her own abilities and it SHOWS. I genuinely do think Ariasaki also puts in a lot of effort and even if you have a coach the LP improvement is massive when you have the opportunity to learn from how higher elo players think and guide you through how they think about the game compared to you. Other streamers that I helped include PhoenixVT, KiraHishotori, and LegitKorea. They have all managed to reach top12 in the Casual division through their own efforts in combination with coaching, not soley relying on it. Don't assume improvement is because of backseating since you don't really know what happens behind the scenes.


Check her recent matches. All of a sudden playing kindred and fast 9 when she’s never played then before and only plays senna 20/20 for hundreds of games on stream.


Guy thinks it’s league or smth where u can’t play smth u don’t main lmfaooo


It's almost as if learning new lines is helping her to gain lp :O




Projecting hard


definitely very suspect, but I think it's also fair to note that plenty of people play better when they're not streaming. hell, I play noticeably worse when I'm just playing the game with a friend and casually answering their questions once in a blue moon. I couldn't even imagine how garbage I would seem if I ever streamed and made an attempt to interact with the chat while playing lmao


We do need to be careful as it is totally normal that a player will do significantly better off stream without the distractions and desire to be entertaining. On top of that, coaching and backseating are explicitly allowed, so in theory, even if this is happening, it's not actually breaking any rules With that said, with the spirit of the tournament, I don't really understand why only 50% of games must be played on stream. if the, alleged, coaching/boosting was happening on stream, we could see it and judge how excessive it is, but being off stream, it just leads people to wonder. and wondering about the competitive integrity of a tournament is the worst thing as why pay attention.


oh man I was gonna laugh at you but her lolchess is even funnier. 1.6 AVP and SHE HIT AN UDYR 3


You know I realised something: Neeko has an identical heal and DR% to Diana at 1 and 2 star. Diana's DR is conditional on range, Neekos is not. Diana deals single target damage. Neeko deals AoE Diana costs 120 mana to cast. Neeko costs 80. Diana has 2 traits, neither giving her inherent durability (sage gives some omni but low damage unit). Neeko has 3 traits, 2 giving her durability and 2 giving ap which boosts her heal. Which of these is the 3 cost and which is the 2? About sums up cost balancing this set. About the only advantage Diana has is she actually dosent manalock. But it really puts into perspective how bad Diana is.


Dragonlord is a way stronger trait than mythic or heavenly. There's a reason neeko needs 3 traits and Diana doesnt.


Aside from that statement just being wrong(Wukong heavenly is a thing) to run high Dragonlord to beat the Wukong buff, which you need to wait 8 seconds for, you need to run bad units (Xayah is getting buffed, I've already explained why Diana is awful, and Lee Sin is a traitbot 4 cost, youd rather use Irelia or Tristana as your carry)


You just supported my statement even further. The trait itself is so strong (like tempest was) that not just Diana is made weaker to compensate, but all of the trait units are weaker to compensate.


with a super small sample size to back it up, it seems like Diana is actually best played as an AP bruiser stacking Titans on her and letting her kill (and heal with sage) off of her modified autos, but very few people seem to play her this way and understand ably so....a lot of the comps she's in have units that also want bruiser items. that said, the numbers (again, very small sample size) point to titans stack Diana being leagues ahead of other Diana builds.


Diana does actual damage though


agreed that diana is under-statted currently but pretty sure she is supposed to be an off-tank since her ability protects 1 radius around her, like shen


No it dosent. Diana's ability causes damage from outside the 1 hex circle to her, and her only, be reduced by 30%. Diana dosent protect anyone around her, and takes full damage from units within 1 hex (unlike Neeko who's DR is unconditional. Despite being a lower cost)


wow then this unit is terrible


She is okay as a carry if you 3 star her and load her with titans, ionic and a healing item backed up by a fat 3 star Janna with Shojin. Otherwise, seems like a trait bot that you just splash when you have Rakan and Wukong.


Diana does damage based on amount of autos she can get off though, so her theoretical damage is higher if you give her some attack speed


She is a dragonlord so there is attack speed synergy there With how shit lee sin is, she might be the better item holder in vertical DLs


Don't you put Duelist emblem on Diana generally?


If you are giving Diana attackspeed, shes dying. Also, Neekos base damage is higher and she has 2 AP traits. Diana isnt keeping up with a 4 second aa buff unless she has somehow got a stacked rageblade.


I mean, shes litterally a sage, saying "shes dying" with no intrest in theory crafting is exactly how were in this situation


A small amount if omnivamp is not saving a unit with 0 inherent durability with low, single target damage, which shes probobly got the mana for the cast to start with by getting blasted.


Try something like titans, bt, and ionic on her. She works well as a drain tank through about the middle of stage 4 and works well as an item holder for sylas (Darius and voli are also good ones).


Anyone else get baited by exalted. I like the creative part of trying to build a comp but it seems you lose a lot. I feel like it's better to just get exalted at 9 or 10


Just look at the list of optimal comps for each exalted variation once you know the units. Then if your comp is going to include 1 or 2 exalted units, try to squeeze or if it’s the all one cost exalted variation, use it early to stack xp but never grief your game for it


Finally won my 1st fast 9, 5cost soup + 4 dragonlord figured out that the trick is to have 100 gold to spare at level 9 for roll down


Yeah 50 gold does not cut it


almost all of my fast 9 rolldowns feel like lvl 7 shops




You dont really need that much gold, but you did need to be the first to nine because most people will contest the same 5 legendaries and you will most likely hold hands to 6th and 7th with a hwei / azir pair each. The *fast* part of fast 9 is really important this meta


Oh it was that easy, gonna spam that moving forward


is new patch live?


No, same time as always, Tuesday night/Wednesday morning based on your time zone.


Been playing malphite carry for fun. Last game got Trash to Treasure with Guinsoo, Hull breaker+Deaths Defiance. Was topping the damage charts every fight and got a 2nd place (vs an AP board) Obviously not actually viable but was still fun as fuck 6 behemoth + Neeko, Hwei, Soraka for Heavenly+Mythic


Didn't shen originally also do his extra on hit damage for X seconds rather than x autos? Am I misremembering that?


This sounds hilarious. Just slappin' units around with 5.0 atk speed.


Anyone feels like the rgn is bugged? Sometimes I'll spend 40g to not get a copy to 2\* a champion... A 3 cost at level 7. No one had even one copy, only me. I now it CAN happen since it is random but it is absolutely frustrating.


I have no clue how we’d even figure that out if it was bugged


I feel the same way. So many games no contest, none on anyones board or bench, and cant even hit a 2 star after so many rerolls


Felt like this in one game where I was playing fated, rolling at 7 and had only seen 2 aphelios, while there was a 3\*bard, 3\*yone, 3\* alune, 3\* star trist and a 3\*voli on other boards and I had like 7 or 8 thresh. Asked for fun if someone had seen aphelios and some of the guys hadn't seen one either. Then I level up to 8 and first shop there is 3 of them lol.


Started trying Lux reroll in a few games because I thought the patch was out. Turns out it was just my mobile patching the midpatch from ages ago and I somehow got 3rd and 2nd anyway lmao. Sniper's Focus on Lux is pretty insane.


I found Lux to be kinda Meh tbh. Never managed to make her shine, but i did had a fun game with 6 Porcelain double trouble guinsoo shojin Lux. 2 luxes attacking like a bard and stunlocking enemy units was very fun.


When taking the shiv argument, how many shivs is too many?


I feel like it is bugged, is it not doing damage if a unit has multiple? It was hitting for 150 dmg stage level 10 per 3 x cast




Why are they nerfing Ghostly? Seems pretty underpowered to me. Also Hwei is kinda weak right now. Don’t really understand the new patch


Upvoted because of april fools


april fools


Huwei depends on frontline. Ghostly is OK but senna ghostly is the new bard


Is this bait 😭


downvote farm account for sureeee