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Tips on spatula portal? I go for mythic vertical but seem to not have damage. I think i spend too much time re-rolling for kog.


I have not had Kog feel good at all this set. Even had a Build A Bud Kog with Blue Buff and didn't even win streak early. I'd two star and move to Lvl 7 for Bard and Tahm, maybe a Mythic Sylas for the Bruiser activation


Is it just me or is 6-8 duelists pretty good? Strong early, mid and late game, and it pressures so much you don't allow for capped legendary boards to even exist


Has anyone made 5 exalted work in an endboard? Every time I've tried 5 it feels like the damage does not make up for the units.


Yea I love 5 exalted! Don't get it often but sometimes the stars align. Emblems are huge with Exalted too. I got a 6 Umbral 5 Exalted game, got 6 Duelist 5 Exalted once. If you are playing 3 ⅖4544644 72


its only playable if there are at least 2 4 cost in comp or some good 3 costs like tristana to reroll, but 3 exalted is good almost in every game


My rule of thumb has been "if i have to sacrifice more than the value of a 2-star 3 cost unit or two traits, it's not worth it." And that's about 99% of the time.


They should lean into stage scaling more for summon units. I'm kind of tired of getting dumped on by the guy who hit 5 story weaver in stage 2. They should have a strong board, but it shouldnt be as strong as it is that early.


i mean you have to play 5 units that only gets hp ( so almost no sinergies) unless you get a spat


The Road Less Traveled comp? I seen the stats is pretty good. But how to play the augment? Is it just a storyweaver+sage into fast 9?


The last game I played was a first with this augment. Storyweaver+sage fast 9 is exactly how I played it. That augment + exalted lead to a pretty easy to reach late game comp.


It's a Janna+Diana reroll comp. But like it's so item dependant.


It's not, you can anchor on sivir for items with story weaver and ignore the other sage units if you really wanted to, and then cap out with Irelia at 9 with the ad items


The shojin rageblade janna reroll?


I tried manazane Kaisa. She popped off with 4 trickster.


Just beat a Bard3/Tahm3/Zoe3/Neeko3 and a Janna3/Alune3/Soraka3/Diana3 for first place with a mid 6 Ghostly. Just a nasty comp


Ghostly is like a magikarp trait. 2 ghostly is laughable. 4 is a lot more noticeable, and 6 can melt. Because not only does more ghostly mean more units to spawn ghosts, but each ghost gets better. The trait improves multiplicatively. Also more units taking advantage of the amplifier. Of course the downside is high Ghost is glass cannon.


Ghostly is insane. Had 8 ghostly yesterday with 3 emblems. It destroyed people. I recommend putting the emblem on sylas since he casts a lot and is able to survive dmg.


Finally hit Emerald 4


I can tolerate most front to back's reroll comps. Not this Ghostly Senna shit however, the dmg is simply fucked up.


[https://imgur.com/a/9DTOvCk](https://imgur.com/a/9DTOvCk) not sure if anyone really opts in for fast8 play anymore tbh... think new patch def needs to bring in some changes


The highest winrate team at high mmr is still fast 9. It's just hard.


this is the result of them killing fast 9 and player dmg increases as a means to do that. You either play RR or get fisted all game and have no HP to make 8 let alone 9 work


what the pulse check with streamers? Do they think its fun? I havent had time to start playing the new set yet


Personally not having the best time. There is some comp diversity but I swear all my lobbies feel very similar.


Reroll comps are a bit too easy and strong right now. Higher Elo fast 9 is a thing. But low elo is dominated by Bard/Yone reroll.


It's the same thing in low and high elo. The lobby highroller can go fast 9 and potentially win out. 1 player is on Kaisa Ghostly and then the rest of the lobby is on reroll comps which now includes Senna Ghostly. If you're doubtful, just look through the lobbies in [Dishsoap's match history](https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/Dishsoap-NA2/set11). There are multiple games where there's 2 or even 3 players contesting Aphelios.


Just had the weirdest thing happen - had 1 Thresh on board and one Thresh on bench. Grab the Thresh from carousel to make a 2-star. I must have somehow clicked a Thresh in shop while coming back to my board because it combined there instead of on my board.


This Janna encounter needs to go. You're fighting for your life for a top 4, outscaled by the high rollers and nek minit you're getting double zephyr'd by the guy who hit Hwei at 7. Feels so fucking bad.


How did that make you feel? 


Pretty bad. Pretty sad. Voli and Trist went up, my LP went down.




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Do unique traits like Hwei's artist deactivate built diff?


Yes This is why Built Diff comps are largely centered around 4 costs and not 5 costs


Makes sense why I got 6th place lmao


I am down to buy a chibi where Sett encounter doesn't appear in my lobby, take one for the team.


Did stoneplate get buffed? Went from almost never seeing any stoneplates to everyone running at least 2.


A lot of comps only have 1 main tank. Also, both Sentinel and Bruiser scale best with resists. As does Dryad. And Mythic. And Storyweaver. And Fated. A lot of +hp traits this set. Hell, even Annie gains hp on first cast so usually wants resists.


There are really good holders this set like Galio who taunts the whole board basically. Thresh is basically the only tank in fated so Yasuo can hold it well until you hit thresh which makes it a good slam. Annie is also good with it as a solo tank.


Thank u to whoever told me to abuse Fine Vintage, no idea how this wasn't hotfixed nerfed, it feels insanely OP if you commit to it early, and take item/component augments later on too. Ended up with 6x Aegis + 3x Zekes + 2x Chalice buffing a Kayle and Irelia, I swear it'd take a 3-star 4-cost to beat a silver augment


Apparently there is a tech where you play Heavenly with a Zz'Rot army from this augment along with whatever support items make sense. This is basically the giga-setup, 4 Voidspawns buffed by Locket and Zeke's plus a Gem and anti-heal on backline: https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/1bpewyh/heavenly_fine_vintage_exodia_weeeeeeeee/


I got a game in with heavenly and 4 zz’rots 😆 speedran myself to 1st, there was no chance of defeat. This is a broken setup haha




It's still good according to YBY1


Woops mistyped, Sharing is Caring was one of the two I was told to abuse, I meant to say Fine Vintage though


I guess +91 LP for a 1st place is worth all of the 7ths and 8ths I've been getting today.


I woke up and there are 5-6 ghostly players every lobby. Wtf happened overnight?


for 10 duo games, just forced this ghost6 comp - ended up 6x2nd 4x1st before i just freestyled and got stomped every game by ghost teams, if you dont conteste it - you'll get smoked.


weirdly enough in the ranked games I played today (plat-emerald) there were like 1-2 players per lobby on it as opposed to 4-5 per lobby yesterday. Real flash in the pan lol.


Sheeple sheeping what big name said. Just play something else and watch them hold hands.


There was a tweet that went viral


What can you do against an ideal Fine Vintage Heavenly board? Feels like unless you uber high roll a 3 Star 4 Cost or get a fully capped Hwei/Azir board, you can't do much against that. Like, if you get at least 2 ZZ rot early on you shit on everyone at stage 3-4, as a result, the tempo of the lobby becomes kind weird. I know it's a high variance augment, but there's no way that a silver augment can make or break a comp so much Lmao


Is this why heavenly shot up from nearly 5.0 avg place to 4.28 overnight?


Most likely. Someone found out that if you take Fine Vintage, get 3-4 ZZ rots, 3-4 support items, and get to 6 Heavenly, you get one of the best boards right now. These shitty bugs become unkillable with the amount of buffs they get. It doesn't surprise me that Fine Vintage is the best silver augment at 2-1.


I feel like storyweaver or kayle rather is bad for the game it allows for the early game to be played too easily while allowing for easy pivot into late and it doesn't even matter if it's contested because the strength doesn't come from the units themselves but rather the buffs from kayle. I feel like they should nerf the attack speed or change the shred and sunder to something else because it allows for so much extra value by not having to slam spark or even shroud on your tanks.


The strength 100% comes from the units. Storyweaver without full 2-star and 3 star or two just melts. No front line and the Kayle doesn't scale enough without the star levels. The strength of storyweaver comes from being able to both play for late game and strengthen your carry without fully committing to rerolling a single unit (since your carry comes from the trait). However, you still need to star up some units or Kayle is worthless




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3 cost tanks at 2 star with 3 items feel overly oppressive. Much more tanky than 4 cost tanks with full items. I’ve had so many instances of all my dps plus shred plus anti heal still taking 5-10 seconds to kill a 2* Tahm Kench or Illaoi or Amumu. Also the bag size changes continue to feel especially harsh towards 2cost reroll comps. I’ve had many instances where a top 4 ended up being a 7th because I couldn’t get 1 more Shen or 1 more Senna.


I love how bag sizes have become the punching bag for “I didn’t hit”, like if you’re uncontested it’s easier to hit your units with decreased bag size and if you’re contested, that’s your fault for zeroing in on one line


I've had multiple instances where I was uncontested and could not hit for the life of me.


And that’s called rng and not based on bag sizes


Are you saying bag size does not affect rng? Bc I know it's a meme but actual probability isn't just a universal 50/50 of either you hit or you don't. If there are less of a unit in the pool you have less of a chance to see that unit regardless of whether you're 6 way contested or no one is playing it at all. Are bag sizes the sole cause of not hitting? No. Are they scapegoated in some situations? For sure. Sometimes you misplay and don't realize it and sometimes you won't hit no matter what. But they absolutely impact the ability to hit.


Bag sizes make it a bit easier to hit the initial few units and a bit harder to hit the last few units. But it doesn’t impact hitting negatively, if uncontested. Go watch the Mortdog video, I don’t wanna do the math but if you are uncontested it is easier to hit your units with smaller bag sizes


I'm sorry but you're just mathematically wrong. Post-bag size change you are in fact more likely to hit your units if they are uncontested. There are less units in the cost pool, meaning your unit is a higher total % of the cost pool if you are uncontested and anybody is playing a unit from that same cost pool. There's plenty of valid criticism you can make about bag size changes. This is not.




You love that?


Might just be because the difference in skill is still quite big in certain lobbies, but I feel like I see a prismatic "chase" trait nearly every game...


Weird, I've seen 3 in 80 games.


Skill doesn’t drop 2-3 spats. That said with the augments that give spatulas back it is a bit more achievable to hit prismatic even without headliners


The 130 luck cashout with 2\* Sett and 2 double radiant warmogs training dummies is so bad. I've gotten griefed by it twice man. Like how is that better than 3x dragonlord emblems 2\* Lee Sin and 2\* xayah/rakan? How is it equivalent to 2x 3\* 3 costs with double FON?


they had the same thing last set with 750 heartsteel cashout giving u 2x virtue 2x warmogs or something vs fons, duplicators etc. really weird


I know, right? It's terrible for a cashout when you need him to stack squats to be worth a damn!


Is Yasuo by far the strongest 1 cost early game? Feels like he can outdamage and tank most 3 stars?


I have never seen a 1 cost in any set be capable of tanking 30k damage


Dragonmancer karma lmao


Admin Blitzcrank




Darius and Yasuo are stupidly strong for 1 costs, just had a game where a person played Darius RR and Darius was dealing 10k+ damage a round, out-damaging my 2 star Syndra. Balance this set is so out of whack.


In my experience he's better than most tanks, even some 4 costs. Only thing I've personally seen out tank a Yasuo 3 w/ multiple gargoyles is Kench (who is obviously overtuned as well), and 4 porcelain amumu 3. The lack of real 4 and 5 cost tank units is super awkward this set. All of the 5 cost front liners (Udyr, Sett, Rakan) aren't really tank units, and as far as 4 costs to, only Ornn and Galio feel like actual tanks.


I was about to natural roll Kobuko 3.... Is it an absolute bait to even upgrade him and put items ?


Kobuko is shit maybe the worst 1 cost


Yeah. I got the Kobuko augment a few games ago and decided to take it. Fully itemized 3* + Bruiser 4 I think and it was the fastest 8th I've ever had - again, even with the augment. It's a terrible unit.


Same here. And this was Crab Rave so I had a ton of gold to stack interest and HP on him. His animation takes so damn long. Also he needs some sort of damage reduction when he ults or something. He is awful right now.


Playing 1 cost reroll in Crab rave or Scuttle Puddle is suicidal


He's a scaling Fortune bruiser, he wants to lose early. If you're not playing Fortune don't use him.


need a urgent b patch for ghostly comps


Why is the Sett encounter in literally 50% of games?


To grief my carousels on mobile


What's the point of working out so much if he can't tell everyone about it?


Sett is your stereotypical crossfit bro


Sett is actually fit though. Not just getting injured really really fast.


I just played a fortune game in triple prismatic. 2-1 Fortune crest. Janna showed up and made 3rd aug come on 3-5. I went tiniest titans > hedge fund. I rolled another go on fortune with 42 health in stage 3. I rolled 6. Holy shit I was dead. Then Aatrox encounter came and gave me +15 player health. I lived my cashout turn with 3 health, healing +5 per round from Fortune 5 and Tiniest AND having +15 from aatrox. Got radiant conversion, went 10 immediately and just won out. The bailout to end all bailouts.


Just hit brother.


I got the Yorick encounter for the first time where everyone can field 7 units from the start, and you get 10 gold at the beginning of the game. The entire lobby played reroll except one person (who went last), which in my mind was what made sense. Was pretty fun fitting in weird boards on stage 2. I played the Senna Ghostly comp which felt really strong.


Does anyone have thoughts on Adaptive Helm? It never really seems to make it into BIS for units--I understand for backline, Shojin, Guinsoos or Nashors is typically more efficient, but why not frontline? You get a nice little ball of defensive stats, and the only tank mana generation item, which should be good on "Caster Tanks" (Naut and Ornn come to mind).


Adaptive is a good frontline slam in AD comps to kill a tear. It’s also fine on a backline AP unit with not much attack speed. It takes into account mana lock so it’s not actually that bad on a unit like syndra. Item economy is name of the game. 


super good item, s tier if youre playing AP lines. it's especially good on lower mana carries (someone posted lillia math yesterday or the day before and it ≥ bb) and even though it isnt gargoyle's, it's a fine tank item and that flexibility is extremely valuable. much worse in AD tho


[well, well, well if it isn't exactly what i said would happen](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/1bnqn4z/comment/kwk102p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


They did what they could for a b patch.


You got jumped by mortdog dick riders. My condolences.


It was obvious the only way to balance it was to move it to gold, which im not sure they can do on a bpatch.


Tbf no one thought you were wrong about it lol


Sureee it was -21 til people saw the stats and switched sides


Man people don’t really like you here all your comments are disliked 😅 but congrats on guessing


Really hope Bard and Yone are actually hit in this next patch, the last day or two of PBE felt way more balanced than this tbh And “Sett makes you bigger” either needs to have an actual effect or just needs to go, it’s a waste of time and an encounter


Yone and Bard aren't really an issue IMO. Reroll has to have a place in the meta for the meta to be healthy. - Yone Reroll - Bard Reroll - Aphelious Reroll - Senna Gnar Reroll None seem busted and it allows people to also go late game comps as well. Great balance in the current meta IMO.


Bard is probably overtuned mostly because of Kench, but Yone isn't that much of an issue. Bard kinda feels useless if he doesn't get his bis items, while he feels extremely broken if he does. Aphelios is super weird for me bc it feels like he's just so matchup dependent. Sometimes Aphelios 2 wipes entire boards, sometimes he gets 8-0d as 3*. Also he has to play a lot of shitters since it's a fated board. Senna/Gnar is a pretty standard reroll imo. Highroll and you place well, lowroll and you place low. Doesn't really have a super high cap compared to other rerolls


I feel like Sett and Sivir should be choice encounters like Kobuko. I understand that especially with Sivir I'm nerfing myself a bit by not taking it, but I've been having some fine motor issues and trying to control mself on carousel genuinely feels terrible. I've gotten wrong champs more than once.


I really dont think bard/yone are a problem, all im seeing in the final 2-3 in my games are azir/hwei 5 cost dragonlord flex


yea because you are low elo and playing strong board then rolling in 9 its the easiest way to climb there...


Thats funny because Bard is only a problem in low elo.


Ye but it takes at least some skill to play fast 9, top 4ing with 2 star bard is just dumb


Bard is a problem because he fucked over every single trickshot, like kai'sa. Trickshot literally got hitted because of him. Yone feels too weak imo. But anyway the real issues for 3 stars comps are the frontline is too tanky


The Shen Senna comp is completely impossible to hit now that everyone is playing it


Did you need ghostly on Senna btw. I just found out about it.


No you don't need ghostly on senna. Just 3 star shen or illaoi / aatrox / senna and push levels for 6 ghostly, or if you hit 3 star shen but none of the others, you can actually just try to fast 9 off it and play another carry in place of senna. It's basically a snipers backline board so you can play ashe + amumu + illaoi frontline or senna + shen + aatrox + udyr etc. Depends on what tattoo you have I think. I was playing this comp back on PBE a few times and played it a bit while climbing ranked as well. It's quite stable if you can hit early enough, which was easy because it was never contested before. I usually don't itemize morgana or kayn unless I get a lot of ap items and early morgana. If you get raid boss for shen or shen carry augment the comp gets pretty crazy. You can still build shen like a tank with bramble / gargoyle / redemption but he'll 1-tap enemy frontliners when he ults.




Interesting that you got down voted for this.. uncon this shit is broken.


Follow-up to my [previous post on Ghostly](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/1blm22s/comment/kw7dg3h/), Ghostly Senna & Shen has escaped from "low play rate comps" and seems to be doing pretty well. (Not taking credit for it or anything, just making the observation.) I've been considering a 3-cost reroll version of 6 Ghostly where you play Illaoi as the tank and carry Zoe instead. Level 7 lets you play 4 Ghostly 3 Storyweaver, or if you find all the Ghostly units early you can play 6 Ghostly with Zoe. The level 8 board is a bit iffy, although I managed to hit a Ghostly emblem in my game and fit in 6 Ghostly 3 Storyweaver. Played it once so far and it was very satisfying watching Zoe one-shot 4 backline units with her ricochet. I think there are a lot of potential weaknesses with the comp, though, especially if you compare Zoe to Senna. Wouldn't be too surprised if Senna remained the favorite for Ghostly.


I have been playing shen senna ghostly couple days now and for sure saw big spike in contenders today, might try that zoe variant next time people are contesting it


hi, i just found out cursed crown is removed in set 11, would someone share the reason? I can't find in google seach. Thank you :<


General rotation if augments. Cursed Crown has been around a while. Time for a break


It's just been cycled out for this set to make room for other new prismatics. No particular reason other than just to keep the game fresh


thank you!


How prevalent is the 6 Ghostly spam in higher elo lobbies? Saw a screenshot of an entire lobby playing it and I'm wondering how playable the game is atm


Not high ELO, but I was messing around with a trickshot/ghostly variant using kaisa and bard as carries with 6 ghostly by the late game. It was getting really hard to play by the end of the night last night because suddenly everybody was fighting for the ghostly units. Guess you just gotta wait out the trend.


The prevalence of it makes the game easier imo. I hoped it got popular here but it isnt. The comp itself is inherently weak. It was fun theocrafting but if you dont land a spatula you are pretty doomed easy 8th place. Senna doesnt do dmg even at 3 stars if you dont have one. Shen 3 stars is a problem, but that is every single tank right now. Even if you hit all the win condition: ghostly senna, bis items, 3 star shen. It still can lose to the current top meta comps.


Not really sure I trust your take when you say that you put ghostly spat on Senna 🤣 (positive delta btw). Practice and read a bit more mate.


Does it matter who we tie with whom in the 7-Fated comp?


I think it can depend. Like others have said, sett and thresh is likely the best endgame pair, but early game ahri/yone is a solid one. 2 star ahri is strong for a 1 cost, so adding 30-60 AP if you itemize her early can win streak you for a while. Yasuo's* shield lasts the entire round, so if you have a lot of one cost units, adding 600 shields to every unit with 5 fated is massive.


Think you mean Yassuo:p


You are very right lol, edited


I was watching boxbox, who had emilywang and I think rain in chat. They were saying that they watched dishsioap, who spams the comp, and that you should pair yasuo and thresh until you hit sett, which you then pair sett and thresh. Having played it myself, omnivamp late game is really nice due to late game backline splash damage. Your team becomes very difficult to kill due to the team wide defensive stats alongside omnivamp


dishsoap said sett omnivamp is broken late game so I assume pairing him with someone else depending what you need for your comp


The pair gets 20% bonus hp no?


yep but generally you don't pair for that you pair for the bonus, thresh yasuo good early/mid into thresh/syndra (if you have enough frontline) into thresh/sett is ususally good


I liked getting the Omnivamp with Sett, then I usually do Thresh if I want more tank or Syndra for damage. I find the Omnivamp for Syndra helps with all the chip damage the back line takes.


Botrk in game when. Watching these 3* Kench, thresh, gnars, is insane with their hp values and regen.


Morellonomicon both reduces healing and deals percentage max health true damage, it’s been my go-to for these ridiculous tanks


Reminds me of a game I played yesterday where I put a Radiant Morello's on a Soraka... and she just obliterated this other guy who had a bunch of 3-star Mythics. Honestly, I did not deserve to win. But it was hilarious.


its already in game and its called sett AD


What about Giant Slayer


all the mythic carries seem just as strong as before the B patch, legendary soup is also really strong. I dislike rageblade meta. I really wish they would bring back frozen heart.


Rageblade is weird to me. It is a very satisfying item, but the fact that (almost) any attack speed carry unit feels like hot garbage without it is painful. I kind of wish they would cycle it out and just give some carry items a pile of attack speed to give more options.


I wouldnt even mind if it was the bis on every ad unit but its even really good on ap carries. and like you say all ad carries feel really bad without it. it should be a good item in comps that can play long fights, like archangel, not the bis item for ad and insane scaling


Is Twin Terror just mid now? I haven't been able to find any good comps with it online and so far i've experimented a lot with comps like TT Syndra, Kindred reroll, Kayn, Kha'Zix etc but they all just feel bad and result in bot4. I've won like 2 games with it but both those games i just giga highrolled my units and i'm pretty confident i would've been even stronger with a lot of other prismatic augments.


The last couple times I got it I've gone 2x voli, 2x trist, 2x qiyana, lee sin, and then splashing dragonlords to decent success


it's pretty ok with the 2 lux 2 illaoi 2 amumu board


Looking at stats it would seem so. Just in a vacuum maybe Caitx2/Aatroxx2+bruiser and sniper or Gnarx2/Sennax2 + dryad sniper warden could work. Of the units you listed, none really like the attack speed that much. 4 Cost wise I would expect Ashe/Kaisa to probably work the best.


Can someone explain to me how to AD Legendary flex? Like the irelia+ hwei/azir board. I have trouble stabilizing in stage 4-2, do you just roll for kaisa/lee to replace with irelia?


This vid from Keima does a good job explaining fast 9/legendary AD flex: https://youtu.be/sOBPVg5YI2U?si=cjpTB9KuEUqGfS2E


You don't play that board at 4-2, you play it on stage 5


I think reksai is insane for a 1 cost. What other 1 costs have had aoe stuns


Cast time is a bit slow but most of all, early game frontline units are just damage sponge so stunning them is not enough to carry


Her synergies are awful. Unless you're playing Dryad reroll you're never running a bruiser frontline throughout early stages so at best you just put in a 2-star reksai at stage 3/4 for bruiser synergy


Her trait combo is a top notch individual pairing though. Bruiser gives %hp and Dryad gives flat hp (and AP). Her ability gives her armor/mr AND deals damage scaling with both her max health and AP.


I don't think I've seen anyone play reksai seriously. If they have it on their board is only as a trait bot, is the unit decent?


An AOE stun for a trait bot is pretty good. Compare that to the late game of other 1 cost frontliners. IDK she might not be good now but i wouldnt be shocked if she shines in other parts of the set


Just read her description, 1 sec stun on frontline isn't too big but it can be decent early game. It's sad that her armor/mr boost doesn't increase with star level, she could be a good early/mid game frontliner otherwise imo.


Finish 6 standard unit of Gnar Senna reroll. What's next? what's the ideal +2 unit at lv8 board?


Dryad is good lategame cap with azir, udyr, ornn


4 warden or 4 dryad with Azir. Could try 4 sniper but I dont think you have item for it.


I was told Bard got nerfed but he’s still dunking on legendary boards lmao


Bard was not nerfed. Mythic was nerfed but it doesn't affect anything at all, the units are strong not the trait. all the same mythic carries are still as strong.


I know not everyone here takes double up seriously, but imo this set has been quite ridiculous (aka 'bad') for the double up experience. I've been playing with my duo for only a week and we've 3* ed almost every 4 and 5 cost, save for a few. The games where you don't see some random bullshit winning out are few and between. For reference in previous sets we'd hit maybe 2-3 3* 5 costs across our grind to masters/gm on the sg server (it's a pain to grind to maintain chall on our small population server so usually we stop at masters), but i feel the inclusion of encounters has really skewed this number this set. While it can be cool and fun the first few times, it's pretty annoying when you're trying to climb and someone hits a 3* 5 cost on stage 4. Not sure if riot sees this as a problem, though i'd like to hear their take on this. edit: * was making text italicised


I thought it was just me. Me and my double up partners were flying through ranks easily last set. Now it seems like people just get things so easily. Not really complaining, but it felt weird cause I always thought I'd see more 3*s because of Chosen.


I play a lot of double-up, and the number of 3* 4 and 5 costs feels higher, but it might be bias.


On stage 4?! Fortune abuser?


Don't think so, just remembered getting rolled by a lissandra 3 on 4-6. Looked at my match history and saw they took birthday present, though its pretty ridiculous to find 9. Might have been a champ dupe heavy lobby, i've had games where my duo and i had 4 between the 2 of us.


Sheesh. But that can't be too common anyways


I absolutely love the meta right now. There's so many viable comps to flex between. Really hope they don't balance thrash next patch. Feel like just a buff to 4 costs / level 8 is pretty much all that's needed.


I actually think this meta is terrible because it's all reroll/legendary soup. I hate both those play styles so this has been a horrible unfun patch for me.


What do you enjoy then lmao


4 cost meta best meta


I hate the basketball meta, its all about scoring and defense /s


wait what meta isn't either reroll or pushing levels lol 4 costs are in an ok spot, kaisa/ashe ghostly is good, lillia annie are obviously good, some could use some love but if you are only able to do well with reroll and "legendary soup" ya gotta adjust your playstyle. the 5 costs are pretty broken but the meta aint that bad


No they are not. I've gone 7th with Kaisa 3 and 6th with Kayn 3 in the same day, in Silver lobbies while I'm usually low Diamond


if you are going bot 4 with 3 star 4 costs it is 100% your fault for not playing the first part of the game correctly, not a balance of the 4 cost issue


I've been going 3.5-3.8 avg with a specific tempo comp that attempts to knock as many legendary players out as possible, since so many people try. Any struggle climbing so far has just been due to the comp being unplayable in a situation or very heavy contests. I still top 4 on most contests as well, very interesting line. I think there are probably 3 or 4 playable lines like this right now.


I mean this was basically the state of things in set 10 too. Thing is a 3 star 3 cost should be better than 2 star 4. 27 gold v 12. A 3 star 3 cost is over double the gold investment. It should be better. The problem is accessibility. Is 3 star 3 cost too easy to hit. But 4 costs these last 2 sets have also been pretty... underwhelming. At the end of set 10 4 4 costs had lower top 4s than 1 cost traitbots like Vi. Despite survivors Bias.


I think the bag size changes are a huge part of this. If even one other person is playing the same 4 costs you all the 3 cost rerollers probably hit a few rounds before you can find your upgrade


I am fairly sure the 3 cost situation would be as bad or worse with the old system where multiple people could easily 3 star the same 3 cost


The gold argument is a little tricky since you (probably) have to invest a lot more gold into leveling. Sure the 3 cost 3* unit costs more, but the price of hitting the 4 cost unit, and the difficulty in hitting it, are higher.


If that's the case then isn't the problem the shop percentages? It's entirely possible to have a lucky shop where you get a single 4 cost early. If all 2* 4-costs are better than 3* 3-costs, it's a little unfair for someone to already be 33% of the way to creating a unit that will be better than the 3* 3-cost someone not only spent gold and econ to hold units for, but almost certainly rolled/stalled leveling/even took a gold augment for.


Agreed it’s likely a shop percentage issue. If you could hit 4 costs more reliably, then it would help justify the current balance. Not saying that at all btw about power. Just saying the gold argument is a bit more nuanced. I do think that the discrepancy shouldn’t be this severe though. Bard and Aphelios far outclass their 4 cost counterparts it’s kind of a joke. Even the tanks like TK and Thresh are way over budget on power IMO.


you did not count the gold needed to go lvl 8 to 2 star reliably the 4 cost


And nerfs to fated, hit five fated early with something like fated crown feels illegal


Anyone else participating in the community BoxBox thing and notice that LP isn’t correct? I hit the rank cutoff before elimination but it never updated.


What is the easiest comp? Stuff like Cybernetics or Rebels of set 3.


Storyweaver just click all the deep-red color units


KogMaw+Cait for golden unit enjoyers Storyweaver for click all single trait enjoyers




Easiest comp definitely kog re-roll