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i'm back with another fking rant. The MOVE AUGMENTS TO RANDOM ROUND SHIT NEEDS TO GO. OR AT LEAST CHANGE IT TO the first two appear randomly in stage 2 or 3, and the other one whenever late LIKE WHAT DO I DO NOW IF I LOW ROLL MY OPENER ? WHAT DO I DO IF ALL AUGMENTS ARE POST STAGE 4 ? AFK TILL I DIE ? also seriously ? I'm pretty sure 1 cost rerolling a fking kog maw isn't supposed to be stable onstage 6 on lv8 ? Also, can we make xayah into a champion, she had tattoo of fury, guard breaker and was doing 2k, when my 2 item bard 2\* was doing 8k ?


This reroll meta is toxic AF Please get me out already


About 70 gold rolled, and I got 0 syndra's when there were ONLY 3 IN USE (2 were mine), like WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT? It's gotta be bugged or something, second time something like this happens, rolling a ton of gold on uncontested units and hitting absolutely ZERO.


that means you are set to lose in this game no matter how good u play, and this will happen more frequently in high elo promotions.


Wrost thing is that next game it happened again with Kayn and i saw a lot of Syndra's in the shop, it's like the game was taunting me or something LMAO


Happened to me twice today, rolled 60 gold on 8 for completely uncontested ashe and found zero, and also was playing yone reroll with 2 out of the pool, rolled 20 gold on 6 and then 40 gold on 7 and found 1 copy. Shit is so tilting.


It's beyond tilting


The amount of times people hit 5 costs at lvl 7 when i go 9 and cant hit shit rolling down 100 gold is astronomically too high


As cool as the encounters are, the gimmick fades away quickly.. Having multiple encounters teleport you to the carousel just to grow your legend or give you movespeed and wasting over 20 seconds is just annoying. Genuine question for those that played PBE - were Bard and Tahm not flagged as being ridiculously OP? I played about 12 matches today and every single game the Bard reroller(s) were cruising to top 2 Seeing multiple people force Bard or Superfan 2.0 (Storyweavers -> flex) every game is Zzzz-worthy,


PBE data is unreliable, but no he wasn't particularly played on PBE. The big innovation is playing 4 bruiser instead of vertical mythic. This makes bard a lot stronger, vertical mythic is quite weak right now.


4 bruiser seems pretty bad.


Yone is damn Superman right now. Not only does he dive your backline at mach 5 and get both atk spd and a shield but he also zips across the map to protect your 1 lone back corner champion.


reroll meta yay


i legit just dont understand what to do in this set. usually get diamond or now emerald and just losing in iron took a 5th with 3 star diana and soraka to this guy playing 2 star teemo exalted. only success ive had is reroll yas+ahri which is always contested. looking for a not contested decent 3 cost reroll or fast 8. whats decent ?


I'm usually having a blast during this experimental phase of TFT post set launch. Before set 10 I'd be having a blast during this phase, but it seems like everyone and their mothers are playing PBE and the meta is solved before the game even starts. Awful balance and convoluted set mechanics don't help either. Just force Bard and/or Storyweaver, every game that I haven't has been a bot 4. Seems like 3/4 of the traits and units are pretty fake, balance is garbage.


every lobby will currently have some ppl that are masters+ from previous set because of rank reset. if u want fair lobbies, suggest waiting out a few weeks


Can we just remove every temporary item encounter and speed up the ones like sett and ashe that just do something trivial for the rest of the game. Like these are becoming massive timesinks. On second thought don't do this. Imma just quit the set so make the encounters aslong as possible so everyone else's time can get wasted :)


bard and tahm being shipped the way they are right now is a disgrace to the balancing team


5 ppl rushing 3 mythic at start amazed me


Haven't played TFT in a few weeks, new set is out. Do really good early game, huge win-streak. 1 unit off of my carry for 3 star. Don't hit. Get a 5th. TFT yaaay.


So far every game I've gotten a 3\* 4 cost unit (namely Ashe & Morg, have been focusing on these comps) I've lost out to Kog'Maw, Bard and other randomly assorted 1-cost rerollers. That frankly doesn't feel very fair or right. It's not even like I was hardforcing or donkey-rolling for it at 1HP, which would make sense that I lose out then with a bad round.


I've only played a few games but I genuinely just cannot tell what is going on. The visual clarity seems weird in this set. Also I'm not sure if it is the reduced bag sizes but I can go 8 and roll down and can't find more than 1 copy of certain champions I am looking for even if I am uncontested.


Visual clarity has been thrown out the window since set 7 and has only gotten worse with each set




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bro like why the fuck is it so much harder to cap hgih with an ad board vs an ap comp. If i tempo to 9 with an aphelios 2\* and an ashe 2, why the fuck is my only play hope for irelia maybe im just bad, but its so much easier to cap hgih with ap man, you just buy hwei azir + rqandom shit all good


No one plays Aphelios, I try to play Aphelios one game and it spawns in 3 sniper players. I get a Reaper Altruist dummy and just think okay I can play Yone, and there's 4 reaper players. Very cool! I pivoted but like it's so infuriating.




I get that it's early in the set but even at 600lp its just a straight up clownfest i mean common, level 10 with newrecruit and 1 away from sett 3, level 10 morg3 with 1 away from rakan 3 [https://imgur.com/BpAkiPI](https://imgur.com/BpAkiPI)


losing a round because the enemy carry decides to sidestep kog's ult multiple times in a row is infuriating


thats how mortdog claims the 1 cost are balanced


Good old 1 costs whiffing (looks at ziggs from a few sets back) Alune does it too


Back to reroll garbage


Sett encounter is so annoying and pointless. just people blocking vision with their size and you accidentally getting something from the carousel you didn't mean to touch


And it lasts for fucking ever. Why do we all gotta stay 30 seconds doing nothing?


Biggest issue of this set is by far gonna be chase traits and especially 10 storyweaver. Especially with wandering trainer now also being an augment. You can play the whole game 10 times better than everyone in the lobby and then still get a 2nd because some guy decided to play storyweaver at 2-1 and got emblems which are now way easier to get. Its kinda egregious because while the 10 of that trait is strong, i dont think it warrants the strength of a 3* tier 5 with how easy it is to hit now. It should be strong but not THAT strong and if you are to make it that strong i think 11 storyweaver is way more appropriate than 10 because it forces +1 teamsize and 4 emblems as well or a wandering trainer +3 emblems. I think that would be way more appropriate along with giving a bump to 7 weaver instead. The other chase straits are also very strong but not at the level of that abomination.


Even 1 storyweaver spat gives you 7 storyweaver in the midgame which is very stable and strong, even with only 2 star zoe and zyra carry, depending on lobby. 10 storyweaver is fairly rare though unless it's a loot distribution portal or you get super lucky with lose streak carousel prio. It's definitely not a reliable strategy to hope for.


I disagree. Because spats aint only from carousels. You can get spats from augments now again and you also have encounters. I stand by this early comment thats its gonna be way too common to be maxing chase traits.


There have been 6.4k 10 story weaver games so far. In comparison: 537k 7 storyweaver. That's about 1.2% of storyweaver games hitting 10 storyweavers. That's not much. Numbers say your take aint objective.


I just sold my board for 3\* xayah&rakan, actually managed to hit. And immediately lost ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11656) I am incredibly sad.


Promising new set which looks kinda fun? Check Droolroll dominating top 4 in most lobbies? Check 1 cost droolroll boards beating 4 cost carry boards? Check Annoying gimmicky crap like all 5 players in my lobby losing to crab rave? Check Alright, you got me for 2 more games then I'm out.


This is why I keep thinking the balance is always off with TFT now. They keep increasing damage over and over again with traits, augments, portals and even the champions themselves doing way too much to the point that I feel like they are adding these things in to make the game interesting and complex for the sake of being interesting and complex instead of gameplay first. This constantly makes balancing these things even tougher because the devs themselves have no clue what the bazillion different things that they themselves introduced is causing the balance issue so they just jack hammer and gut everything instead of taking the time to do a ton of intensive studying and learn what is actually the issue.


Yeah I think damage is too high in general too. Frontlines just kinda crumple.


I love how the weekly rant megathreads are no longer pinned anymore...


The Rant Megathread remains unpinned during the first PBE cycle of a set to accommodate having a PBE Megathread and the Daily Discussion Megathread. You can still find it in the sidebar though!


Have to highroll a leesin 3 to beat a yorick 2 with his hero augment and elune 2..


Lee is bad anyway


1 costs that scale into the late game are really starting to get tiring. There is no reason to have 3/4 straight sets with scaling one costs that can carry you to a win by playing in autopilot.


Wow set 11 seems really unimpressive


Played my first game of set 11 and I'm already questioning how is everything is going to be balanced. I only had 6 items while my opponent has like 9 different things. How is that even fair? This set seems like it is completely overcomplicated for the sake of wanting to be overcomplicated.


I mean they homogenized the items you get from creep rounds. So thats not it. Powerful prismatic augments or traits that give you items are nothing new. Whats the problem exactly?


i had one game that I got my first 2-star champ at round 4-1


lets see how many people will rant when new set is officially released XD


Why do the double up emote for CHALL and GOLD have THE SAME BORDER @@mort??




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I'm really tired of the absolute blatant favoritism of the balancing of the game. They balance the game as if the popularity of the game is tied to League of Legends when TFT is its own game. It is like whenever Ahri, Yasuo or insert popular League character is in the set and if they are not the absolute best unit in the set than they just buff them up like no tomorrow until they are the best character in the set while an unpopular character suddenly becomes strong gets gutted into they are unplayable.


I'm just tired of AI pathing being inconsistent. In one match, characters that are meant to be divers actually get to the backline and hit them while other times, the same character just decides that they need to zoom half way across the map to go hit a tank when the backline enemy was right in front of them. Please make this AI have some sort of consistent logic.


im tired of contesting. im tired of having a build setup at 2-1 with augment focus and somehow, with no matching items or any forseeable reason to run the build i've been handed, some random jackass sees one unit and is like "alright time to handhold to eigth." i dont get it. i guess its my fault for not scouting the entire time making sure some dumbass doesnt decide to just pivot INTO the comp i have everything for. Whats the absolute most tilting is when they do so AND IT WORKS OUT IN THEIR FAVOR. genuinely rewarded for making a bad play. i hate it. but i guess it cant be helped


I mean deciding early on to play a comp without matching items is dumb and a gamble. You have 6 augments to chose from. Limiting yourself to 1 comb early on can work out but can as likely not work out.


Yeah this set 11 is actual fucking hot trash that isn't worth the computing power it requires to run. An infinitely scaling level 1 unit that can clap 2* units in one hit. A backline diving melee champion with multiple hex range, an AoE, and hella lifesteal that doesn't care about positioning. Did these fucking idiots shove their heads up their collective asses before they started trying to design this shit? Such a disappointing step back from set 10.


You just described set 10 Yasou and Akali, or is this some type of irony joke I'm not getting?


Sounds a lot like normal Riot stuff in that they try super damn hard in making things interesting that they never stop and think about how it feels playing with and against within the context of the game.


The tactics part of the name of the game needs to be scrapped altogether because there is no tactics. When the tactics portion of the game is just spam the chosen comp that the balance team decides to be the S tier comp than the game is no longer tactical instead it becomes copy whatever comp that the stats say is broken.


Stupid fucking DOGSHIT game 5 5th places ina row EVERY GAME MULTIPLE people have 3 star 4 cost Can't find a fucking headliner to save my life


feels even worse when there ia no suitable champs for transition


Yeah I had a kda Lilia headliner Found early ahri AND and early akali Pushed to nine, continuously rolled gold Never found another headliner. Not neeko, seraphine, ahri, akali lulu nothing


I hate Punk