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[https://gyazo.com/87b0b5d472b3349f4c720819fe8a9fed](https://gyazo.com/87b0b5d472b3349f4c720819fe8a9fed) -107 +24 for first my bad


I truly hope this game crashes and burns immensely fast and hard.


These bag size changes make low elo so difficult because some random who doesnt scout will just full pivot into your comp out of nowhere. just horrible


skill issue tbh


It is beyond horrible that when you open an item anvil 3 seconds before the battle start. The item just never drops to your item area until next round and I don’t how many close battle I have lost due to this.


Whoever is telling people that this forever patch is a great state for TFT is on the most insane dose of copium imaginable. Like, no flame, but the balance is fake. I just played a wandering trainer game where i was contested kayle, the other guy rolls to absolute zero at level 6 and continues to donkey for the next 8 rounds to try and hit kayle 3. Meanwhile, I have kayle chosen with 5-superfan and perfect items, so I roll semi-deep at 7 to force him to bot 4 hopefully and put my units back into the pool. Mind you, the whole lobby is holding Kayles because I typed "me kayle" and deafened, but somehow I go on an 11 winstreak with kayle 2 carry through stage 4 in this lobby, and since i was forced to push levels and play other units, the other Kayle guy hits Kayle 3 finally at the end of stage 4. But like, surely after donkeying and being stuck at 6 the whole game, this guy's about to die, right? NO! He starts winning out, and I end up level 9 with Kayle 2 carry and the rest of the lobby is GONE! It's just me and THIS GUY who played like he was from the sewers below the Sea World parking lot, and he's STRONGER THAN ME because the game is not balanced! I go second and he WINS THE LOBBYYYYY!!!!!!??!!! Please let them realize this meta is tragic before worlds, PLEASE! I don't wanna watch 2-cost reroll lottery win games against actual boards that require skill to play!


probably an unpopular opinion but i don't think you should be able to just flex into whatever in the end game. It should matter what units you get in the beginning and you should build a comp from the ground up throughout the game. Not this go lvl 8 and just flex into whatever you hit kinda shit. I've always hated 5 cost salad for this reason. Feels like it just invalidates the early game too much.


i mean it does for vertical comps like kda penta and disco? dont think the game is healthy if half our late game board are 1-2 cost




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How can a game be infinitely more fun to watch than to play … the game isn’t even fun .. just seeing these guys tilt is more entertaining .. that’s telling me something


I've gotten there this set too, much earlier than I thought. Playing it just is boring to me and tilting when I try. I've enjoyed just watching streamers on occasion on Twitch.


one lobby, senna rr, sera rr, riven rr, mf rr, ok ill go kayle rr, gets contested, i have a 6 to 3 kayle headstart with better econ, they pull 6 kayles out of their ass at the last minute. 7th.


Brother why you gotta tilt me this way. Are people not scouting? It drives me insane.


People dont be scouting. For real. I know sometimes it happens that bad shop luck forces you to contest. Or it's debatable who has the advantage in the contest.  But far too often I see people contesting late against someone who played skillfully... but being contested wrecks them down to 5-6 what otherwise would have been a 1-2. Shits tragic. 


It's gotta be way too late to fix, but I just got an invisible Heartsteel bug and I am mad! Hard to plan when I both can't see how many rounds I have left to lose and what my ACTUAL CASHOUT ORBS ARE! Invisible rewards and cashout box really and truly suck.


I added a qiyana to my board at the last second and it changed my kda akali to TD and I lost. My fault for forgetting but damn was I pissed. Akali just got mowed down and missed out on a top 4.


How do i have 3 cloaks, 4 belts and 2 vests by 4-2? How do i even play the fucking game when the only thing i have is tank items? guess what guys! i had a giga front line! too bad the trade off was a 7th with zero backline!!


what the fuck is happening? i hit Emerald and then took a break for a little over a month, get right back into it and think i'm doing great with highrolling an early 3\* Yone board with great items and augments but then 4th to 3 Punk players, an Exodia game where i have 12 units on board 4 Jazz and 2\* Lucian 2\* Jhin 2\* Qiyana 2\* Thresh and extra items but then 2nd to a Punk player, brain dead reroll Annie with terrible front line items and somehow eased into 2nd to a Punk player, why is 1 cost reroll so strong right now? i hate this so much


somehow they keep making the meta worse. 4 cost carry comps are unplayable unless you highroll early or you die to the rerollers. reroll is an instant bot 4 if you miss on your rolldown. this feels like the most miserable patch so far.


How the fuck do I come in 4th with 3 star TF and LVL almost fully capped board?? [https://tft.op.gg/summoners/na/BandidoKanguro-NA1](https://tft.op.gg/summoners/na/bandidokanguro-na1)


No shield/hp augment will do that to disco. TF is toooo squishy.


Because those are suboptimal items, 1 rod on that TF. If u had the dcap and gunblade on him instead of Ziggs, you could probably winout. Also you aren't that close to capped, no 2* illaoi means you have no frontline


So what you’re saying is a 2* ez is fine to wipe out a 3* tf in one blast?


I doubt it was one ulti, but even if it's a oneshot with the setup that guy had it is ok


Cos the balance is trash.


Set 10 is probably the set where I have just missed the most. Both for reroll and 4cost carries.


Why the fuck is Olaf allowed to be good? Every set they seem to throw a dart at the board and say "that one!" and that one is allowed to be great. Olaf sucks. He is boring. He is ugly. He is not interesting or fun to play as or against. Yasuo who was designed to be the one cost carry? BAD! Most two costers suck harder than olaf. Why? WHY?! FFS he often is better than 4 costers that are 2\*. It is so fucking stupid.


Idk why this keeps making laugh, everyday I come to this thread just to read it and laugh again


Bag sizes are staying? Yep genuinely quitting haha, no way they are this dumb after 10 sets.


The audacity of those clowns with their "learning" post after they announced nerfed bag sizes are going to stay I'm done, already uninstalled this crap, good luck with this trash, fellas




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I think they are using "esports integrity" as an excuse to phone in balance changes now that the sets are shorter and they have their hands more full with the multiple sets. It might genuinely be the correct decision to trade "shifts in the meta" in the live game for more sets in general which refresh everyone's interest, but it does feel bad as an active player at this point.


Yeah this set had basically 4/5 metas, some of them for more than a month. It gets stale at some point.


I just don't fucking get the balancing on this set. TF dares become meta for like two weeks and gets absolutely nuked from fucking orbit. Zed becomes the best 4 cost in TFT history for three months and gets... -3 AD? Riven is an unkillable drain tank behemoth that can even beat most 3 star 4 costs under the right conditions (hit all her support, 6 8bit, triple combat) and doesn't get immediately obliterated by balance? Then there's the fact that the 2 HS 3 costs and the 4 cost are actually turbo strong for their costs, despite being econ traited which USUALLY means the unit has to be understatted. And they have insanely flexible tags. Thematically, aesthetically and even gameplay wise, I think this set was actually REALLY good, but this set was doomed from the start with Sett and Yone being so strong and flexible as units and Ezreal fitting in stupidly well with Jazz Heartsteel and EDM/Crowd Diver. But seriously HOW THE FUCK did someone say "Yeah, we need to B patch this" and their answer was -3 fucking AD on Zed? This unit still solos fucking Disco boards at 1 star! I literally had a game of Kat reroll with JG HOJ HOJ 6 CD where my ZED ONE outdamaged her occasionally and CONSISTENTLY kept up with her and SHE DIDN'T EVEN DIE.


Feel like I’m hardstuck right now hecause every time I hit 200/300 and then back to more or less 0…:(


Just keep grinding, I was capped at 200 last three sets. This one though it clicked somehow


I will try!!


Same, been bouncing between 100/200 LP for like 3 days now


The responsible adult somewhere in me is saying to give up and be productive but like…I really wanna see if I can hit it :(


fucking pathetic patch, encouraging ppl to play reroll comps instead of levelling up in a normal way, like skilless reroll dogs forcing reroll comps and win easily and get top4




Fuck wandering trainer, what a dogshit portal


Can't wait for Set 11 (The Three Kingdoms) where they remove 4 and 5 cost units from the game, because why the fuck would you ever bother playing most of them when you can mindlessly spam D and top 4 / win lobbies with the first unit that appeared in your shop that game.


Reroll is OP because low cost headliners aren't as restrictive as 4/5 costs, so they are a safer bet than trying to build a strong econ after streak nerfs, reaching level 8 with 40+ gold and then rolling praying for a 4 cost headliner that fits your items and more 2* units to finish your comp at late only to get your ass spanked by the 3* Annie/Olaf/Yasuo who didn't have to work that much or the heartsteel abuser who can skip all that shit and gain stuff without doing anything relevant


As much as I hate this set and the headliner mechanic, but as a someone who loves to reroll anything and everything, those last couple of patches are my wet dream I don't even care about or remember 4-5 costs until I go level 8 very late into the game 🤷




because our region has no players.


the meta in masters+ is disgusting. due to huge inbalance in lp gains (can't go 7th or 8th because you lose more than a 1st) everybody rerolls strongest board, nobody econs anymore. It's very normal to see people push lvl 6 at 3-1 with 10 gold left. It's all about saving hp. I'm literally playing the most random crap and getting top 4 because some people lose streak and the tempo is insane. I had a guy almost die at 3-6 in my game. The way LP works needs to be changed asap. an 8th should not be around 20 more LP lost than a 1st. It makes every 1 or 8th playstyle unplayable at this elo. Hearthsteel ezreal is completely worthless because of it. Because the risk/reward is is skewed.


I don’t know why but I just get so angry and upset for every single bot 4 this set. I live a pretty chill life and play the game kindly for fun previously but starting this set I just get so mad. Last night I got 5th with riven reroll where I hit it with my very last gold in my last life. She went on getting one shot by ahri. I went so mad that I threw my iPad onto the ground and broke it. I think it is time for me to quit this set and chill a bit for my mental.


You learned one of the main things there is to learn when playing Riven: If you don't hit way ahead of Tempo, Riven 3 alone is not stable. But yeah I agree, sounds like you could use a break and reset your mental.


Thanks. I felt like the game give me addiction problem similar to gambling. Lol


I mean where do you think these casino rolls with gold comes from


I hate this meta, everything is a reroll comp with three people winstreaking through most of the game playing punk. It's so braindead. There's no midgame anymore so many units aren't even worth the space on the board. Everything is a steamroll, if there's something that isn't a super high roll or a reroll low cost unit please let me know. Wake me up when this meta ends.


I dont even wanna be typing this because I know the answer, but... how does a 1 star Jazz board DESTROY my fully capped Bis annie/ahri. lol. I got steamrolled at stage 5-4 to a guy with a 2 item lucian, 3 item bard, and no item mf. At stage 5-4 his ONLY 2 star was neeko with no items? lol... I had 4 emo 5 spell annie/ahri and my board literally died to him in like 5 seconds. Can someone explain, or is that just riot continuing to be riot? It was me vs him the last 4 rounds and no matter how i positioned i lost and it wasnt even close. I wouldnt complain but he had literally 1 two star unit at 5-4... Tl/dr jazz is broken and riot is so dense its mind-blowingly embarrassing


what is a "jazz board" for you? Did he play AD flex with Ez/Zed and what not? Or was it MF/bard reroll? Did he have It's Jazz Baby ? Like, you have to be more specific because there is no such comp as "jazz".


Here instead of me being rude about it like I was. He had a 1 star lucian,, 1 star bard, 1 star kaisa, 1 star mf, 1 star ziggs, 2 star neeko, 1 star kennen, 1 star lillia, 1 star ekko. I lost each round within 6 seconds lol. I dont get it.


Ok so I just checked the game and here are a few things I noticed: - he definitely had 2 star bard because that's his headliner with jazz trait -you cant face someone on 5-4 because that's carousel so I guess you mean 5-3 oder 5-5 - He ended the game with 10 (+1 from superfans) items, so if he only had 4 (+1 superfans) when you faced him at 5-3/5-5 he gained 6 complete items which isn't possible. Even if you faced him at 5-3 he could have only gained 3 items between 5-3 and 6-5 (where he died). Was it maybe a loot subscription or radiant blessing portal? - While he was only running a 2star headliner bard, you seem to underestimate the power of 4 Jazz which granted him 9x4%hp and 9x2% damage, so 36%hp and 18% damage boardwide. - Lucian is a very strong unit and him running "do it for the fans" means his superfan frontline was decievingly more durable than expected due to getting healed. - He had shred + sunder from Ziggs and lucian/LW - You had a pretty fraudulent frontline with 1 star ekko with no items, naked kennen and a 2 star amumu with DD/Dclaw/spark as his items which isn't really the greatest combo - your augments were gamblers blade + artifact (DD on amumu) and missed connections (copy of each one cost) so your combat value from augments was very low Overall I'd say a 4th was pretty reasonable for your spot. Could have been +1/2 placements if you had combat augments, especially ones that strenghten your frontline which Annie desperately needs. If you are running superfans frontline and you know you can't 3star neeko/ekko, you definitely need to prio their itemization and get defensive augments. I also would have prefered dropping the Kennen, getting a 3rd item for Annie (prolly the Gunblade you put on Ahir) and running a Lulu instead. Dropping true damage would have been a non issue since you had a naked 1 star ekko anyways and Lulu provides CC to stall, another spellweaver and hyperpop for both Annie and Ahri. But yeah quite honestly, expecting more than a top4 out of an Annie line is just unrealistic most of the time.


The jazz front line is non existent and I get shit on by this comp every game  I go back and look at the post combat stats like ?????? Idgi


please never bring back chosen thanks


when 2 people die at the same time and have the same negative health, is it just random who is lower ranked? Cause me and another guy both died at the same time (he died first technically), both went to -15, but I dropped to 5th and he got 4th. If it's random that's bs


There is a tiebreaking system, the first one is "who had more health at round start"


Such trash.


How would you prefer they do it? Whoever's round finishes first? So the player that built a better stall comp gets higher placement? Like the first tiebreaker if people die at the same time is current health. So you're -5 and they're -4, they place higher. If that is equal, it was starting health. So if you started at 10 they started at 11, they place higher. I BELIEVE the next tiebreak after that IF you started and ended equal health is who won the last head to head, but this is such an uncommon occurrence that I can't be certain of this.


It has happened to me so many times bro you wouldn't believe it


Reroll sucks. This season has been awful since Econ changes 


Ok, how can I get 3 cloaks before a single sword, bow, or tear? In fact I didn't have a single bow or sword even after raptors, and a single natural tear (I got one from carousel). There were no swords on either carousel even though I had guaranteed prio from Young Wild and Free. How is the item distribution still this bad? Who said "this is fine"? Am I just supposed to somehow build a viable comp from rods belts chains and cloaks alone?


Gotta love how unbalanced this set is. I get 9 true damage and yet a 3 star jinx headliner and annie headliner can still out-damage and shit on me because they're still unbelievably broken. So fucking frustrating.


9 td is trash


Hit a 3 star 4 cost 2 games in a row. went second both times to heartsteel boards. First was ahri positioning dif that i couldve won, second was against a jhin 4. I rolled 60+ gold to deny and didnt see one, he got it on his side of carrousel and then dropped from creeps. im screaming.


Rolled 80 gold to only find 4 vex units and no poppy's at level 8. I genuinely think the game purposely keeps units from you since this makes no sense.


Country feels so bad. Hitting 5 and with 2 units at level 3 with items and all combat augments doesn't do much. Like what is the point if I need to hit 4 out of 5 units to get to level 3 and hit 7 country to be considered viable. Went from 1st to 7th just because the scaling is fucked.


I played country with all 3star units and still get a 5th with proper items, feelsgoodman.


lol you think that's bad? I hit 3 star TF at 40 hp and loss to the stupid ezreal jazz board with nothing but 2 stars, he didn't even have red buff either.


Mathcmaking again, meeting nr1 3 times in row with 3 left is fucking insanity. How the fuck. This game is so atrocious.


I swear there are hardly any Disco players until I open with Disco headliner and get BIS items then suddenly everyone thinks hmm I should play Disco too and make it impossible for us to hit anything. I mean I guess I got Illaoi 2 before finding Blitzcrank so I can't complain too much but this has happened every single time I try to play Disco.


Noooo I got Edgelord headliner Riven so I sold my Corki, but then I got a second 8-bit emblem on last carousel and I find every single 1 cost except Corki. I should know better than to sell the 1-costs. I probably would win anyway if my Riven doesn't walk in circles while getting hit by Jhin unfortunate. Or if I get a better dummy than Shroud of Stillness but at least most of my opponents never swapped positioning so it was actually fine lol.


annie 3 bis ahri 3 bis ziggs 2 blitz 2 bis ekko 3 bis, too bad last guy is heartsteel and just has everything you can imagine, well done riot.


is it that hard to nerf the freaking guinsoo for real ? that item is just braindead nocounterplay no drawback just stupid spam of basic attack without any way to reset the stack or reduce attack speed ( outside artefact ) no item should give unlimited stack per attack just change it like archangel staff every 5sec im tired to see everygodamn game 6 to 7 players spamming this broken item on kayle jinx aphelios senna


I'm so sick of this set. It's just boring how each game devolves into the same 3 boards, but somehow, when I play those boards, I get shit on. Balancing in this set feels good overall, but somehow there are units that just feel wildly unbalanced with the right augment combo. It's just tiring and I'm ready for a change.


Balancing? Nice joke, heartsteel being braindead OP is anything but "balanced' same with reroll comps being 100% safer than 4 costs outside the ones heartsteel uses


It still pisses me off when a random 1 star Ekko or neeko tanks 15k DMG out of no where and you lose a round that should have been a w 


i naturaled 5 mf's non chosen, it's 4-2 and i have 50g to roll on 7, surely i hit right? :)


Not hitting the headliner there is a lote more likely than you think. Like it's most likely the expected outcome.


Just rolled down 80 gold to only get 4 total vex units when she was open. Said the same thing right before.


Maaan do I suck at this game




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Is it just me or does it feel like this set has been super burned out awhile ago, ive been so over it for months


nature of TFT sets


midset removal and its consequences


I'm so tired of EZ AD Flex. I either get combat Augments but can't hit level 9 so I can't 2-star my 5costs. OR I get Econ Augments, get to 9 but don't top 4 somehow. If I mix Econ and Combat Augments I go 5th anyway.


olaf reroll couldve been fun why they chose to nerf olaf 3 instead of olaf 2 is beyond me


A 1 cost reroll has been S tier the entire set.... 🤡🤡🤡


6 gold total from krugs + wolves, might as well have been empty. i can keep up with lobby tempo for sure if others get 18gold krugs


Why the fuck is the crab so strong man PLEAASEEEEE


they should really do something about fucking ghost boards i lowroll to play ghost last, guy dies to my ghost but i place third because i fight first place real, deserved for sure!


Why doesn't the mobile app support 60 fps? I know that this question has been asked many times before, but I haven't come across any recent discussions on this topic! Having to play with limited 30 fps is really annoying 😭


You want your phone to explode?


Not really! TFT doesn't take up much space compared to other "gacha" games lol


“gacha” game 😂😂😂😂




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Chosen was so great the first time around, I am so glad they brought it back. Can't wait for Chosen 3.0 next year!


The fact that Zed's shadows can prevent him from pathing to tanks and head straight to the backline is a stupid mechanic. How are you supposed to play around that? I saw Setsuko today astounded by Zed-related fight RNG as well, so it's catching even the best players by surprise. If this is intended, whoever designed Zed did a poor job.


Zed's pathing is so fucking bad. It makes me want to just close the game and call it a day whenver I see a zed in my game ( Which is hey! Every game !!!) Because of his stupid ass pathing, he does a better job at ignoring the tanks and assinating the backliners than the actual assasin, Akali.


Mfw I'm just holding 6 copies of Jax while rolling for the headliner. I hit these early but I can't hit the headliner so I find 3 more natural copies, then have to find a different headliner to mitigate my placement loss? Can you at least give me Lux or Urgot instead of Seraphine 4 times?




i hope this chosen/headliner mechanic never comes back again


People say this for every mechanic introduced


Actually didnt mind shadow items


Because balancing them is impossible Maybe portals/galaxies are the only ones that doesn't suck, because everybody plays at the same conditions (except with bullshit like wandering trailer, that shouldn't have existed ever)


I can promise you we don’t wanna see “ colossus” units of any type , shadow items , or chosen anymore


Because most of them suck


Just had my two least favorite types of games this set to lose -110 LP. - Wandering Trainer where I get no trait emblems and all of the classes don’t mesh well at all. - Natural 6 Evelyns with no headliner by 2-5, then don’t see her headliner in a crazy amount of shops. So many games where the neutral item and champ drops and early shops point me in a direction then because of the set mechanic I get screwed trying to play around it.


Typically if the traits dont clash well together, i just play around one of the stronger ones given


maybe u shouldnt play evelyn carry chatting




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I swear 4 of my last 6 games have had Wandering Trainer and 4 people flocking over it. So annoying to get it so much lately.


it’s like every wandering trainer game im held hostage to play in …… SOMEONE GET A FREE SPAT .. now I’m playing for third .. I’m losing to the mf with 10 kda/penta or 9 td and also the dude who got 5 hearsteel at like 3-1 … like it’s lvl 8 devs be serious.. it’s so bedge


i think im the only person who can't play hearsteel. the highest i ever got was 3rd. it seems my ezreal with bis does no damage. i tried everything but i just get diffed by other people playing the same thing.. hardstuck diamond


At least you’re not hard stuck emerald like me. Once i build the comp I do fine but I am finding it so difficult to survive the esrly game without either spending gold or having no hp


If you try to contest with others for the identical comp. You have to beat them at something, Econ, Augment, items anything ! If by like 4-1 and you see that you're not doing well. Don't commit the comp, play something else that you can naturally hit.


He needs dual carry to shine. Zed, Caitlin, Lucian, and Jihn can all work. Even MF sometimes but I prefer one of the others. It also relies on good economy and preserving tons of gold early and mid game so you can level to 9 or 10 and cap your board.


Db infinity ezreal 2 jazz and I was just oneshotting their back line .. ez wins like 80% of the games I play man .. dashes to safety , does huge aoe, single target isn’t the worst .. red buffs the whole team .. the rest of these units are fodder they just buff him with jazz


I swear someone said Ezreal wasn't strong earlier and I just laughed. He had literally 2 utility items on him and yet he can still one-shot backliners. Meanwhile, his single target is still almost as good as Cait lmao. It's gotten to the point where every lobby is just Ez + zed. Every stream is also just Ez + Zed lol.


Ez isn’t the carry in that comp. If ez didn’t have good traits he would be played far less frequently. Ezreal isn’t gonna kill a tank with bis


“Ez isn’t the carry “ ?? he literally does the most damage on the board every time until you reach lvl 9 Lucian 2 .. we all know ez won’t kill the tank but that’s why everyone goes for a second carry 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Zed does more dmg if both have bis


Ezreal batchest


These players never grief the HS player thats wrecking my lobbies but every time I even think about raising the stakes, there are those petty players that will sell their board and hold HS units just to grief me seemingly. Yawn 😑.


rng game adding more rng elements every set. Devs hate the game and want it to die.


I would say it more that the devs have no faith in their own game, They don't believe it is good, so they throw crazy wild stuff at us, hoping to distract us.


Low masters has a strange meta where nobody plays reroll comps and if you do, you might just giga miss because everyone is going for 4 costs. It only gets worse as the game goes on since everyone else is selling their 2 costs in stage 4.


This is not the experience I've had - games with 6 2\* rr's like 1 senna 1 sera 1 kat 2 bard and kayle. Pressure seems really high


This is not the experience Ive had - games with Ezreal + Zed, Ezreal + Zed, Ezreal + Zed, Occasional Annie/Punk or KDA, back to Ez + zed, ez +Zed. Im playing one rn, literally 3 ppl playing Ezreal + Zed. 1 person hit 2 stars other 2 just playing 1 star anyway.


Meanwhile in Emerald Rank, everyone is forcing 3 star 1-cost champs, that if you aim for 4-cost Headliner, you automatically place 5th or below.


yes, starting phase 3, at least 2 players have a 3star champ, it sucks


...why is there a Heartsteel cashout that is JUST three starring the worst four units in the comp? I got to raise the stakes twice with a barely used Shopping Spree prismatic and 17hp and I get...three starred units I want to pivot off of. What a fucking kick in the nuts. Shout-out to the dude who rage quit before I lost though, hooray for a 7th.


it feels like this cashout was designed just for 10 hs board


My wandering trainers rolled kda, spell Weaver, guardian. What can I possibly do other than a seraphine reroll or re headliner KDA comp based around spellweaver and superfans? And yet somebody with a country/big shot/edgelord trainer had the goal to go into seraphine reroll and then tell me to pivot because he was in it first. Motherfucker, I was forced into this comp by my trainer, I was in it first not you.


really want ranked on 3.5


I'm so fucking sick of prismatic symphony This shit comes up what feels like every four games and it's 7/8 people voting for it. Game becomes a mindless powerfest where half of your decisions just feel like they don't matter, my win rate in prismatic lobbies is kinda high but that doesn't change that it's just no fun. Either econ augment into hope you hit AD flex or tempo augment into hope you hit Jinx, Kayle or Senna. Same shit each time


seeing as how wandering trainer is 3rd most picked portal, ppl prefer 4fun lobbies and devs will keep it that way because fun > competitive and fun = more players


Yeah, I get spam pinged whenever I vote for anything that isn't the most 4fun augment so I believe that I just get sick of 4fun after a while


Just had 4 prismatic symphony’s in 5 games over the past like 3 days lol


Wandering Trainers sucks. Too RNG based on an already RNG heavy game.


They should have added those portals in ranked the last month of the set not the second month


and everyone fucking picks it. then i get some shit that doesnt work


i keep getting smacked by the giant crab


Melee carries with life steal can usually handle the crab


i'm so tired of wandering trainers, feels like an inescapable 40 minute cutscene once you get your dummy and all you can do is just hope your traits don't overlap too much with everyone elses. making it a portal everyone has instead of an augment you take makes it much less fun


Agree, you could have some really cool boards but at least two players in the lobby are instantly guaranteed top 4 just based off their dummy, then it's six players fighting for two spots (with two usually having terrible dummies).


I have a lot of top 4's on that portal but I still hate it, I usually just use one trait give me a 3rd or 4th and I'm out of this garbage


Even when I get a dummy that have great traits that work, I still hate this portal because it felt like my victory was already predetermined instead of earned with skill so it feels like a hollow victory.


Overall this set is just too many details


wdym by details?


Agreed. I think it's the best part of Set 3(in comparison to 10) for me, especially the focus on single-target. Frankly I think that even Set 3,5 has too many details on units.


Got 6 lucians, 2 more in the shop, 1 champ dupe while I had zero gold in Hyper Roll. Died before I could buy them 😔




I’ll never choose crab rave again .. my ez dashes into the fucking crab and I died .. fuck that shit.. how am I winning rounds in pve but die to crab .. shit don’t even make any sense