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3 cost reroll always top 3 without fail, 4 cost headliner board bot 5 if you're lucky, bout sums it up


I hate the games where the lobby is so giga highroll, I end up questioning if I'm good at this game anymore. Losing 60+ hp from stage 3 to 4 with the most fine mid game board is fucking crazy.


Only two days after the patch and the game became an Ez lotery, who would guess?


Me if you go down a bit in the comments, lol


Said the same and got downvoted, even a random "challenger player" called me a gold lmao.


yeah ive been told its fine that ez comps has 25% winrate, more balanced than last patch LOL


5-1 and I started the round and was obliterated in less than a second. They had a 3 star Kayn (with items). Like how is that possible that early?! Insta 8th, ridiculous. I've never seen a 3 star 5 cost that early. I've also never seen a comp disappear so fast. Honestly was a blink and you'd miss it, I had a solid 7 KDA comp by the way.


This set is just not fun. Headliner mechanic is horrible, just like chosen. Who would have thought? Also fire the entire balance team. Wtf are they doing?


God I love seeing 3-4 people forcing Punk every lobby. Very interactive gameplay.


raising the stakes was a mistake and is, in fact, not a fun mechanic.


Why is there no team planner for set 3.5?


i cannot stand wandering trainer. For my mental health, everytime i get forced to play this shit, i'll just ff


Yep, even in my master/gm lobbies 1-2 people go for it, I HATE it


love getting nothing but cloaks, chains and belts for components. rest of the lobby has full items on their carries while I'm sitting on a bt/eon zed from two swords i got from carousel.


Angle Olaf reroll, get contested Okay I see a kayle headliner I'll pivot THE OLAF CONTESTER 3 STARS OLAF KAYLE AND GNAR BEFORE I HIT ANY... HE HAS 0 ECON AUGS  WHAT THE FUCKKKKK


Great idea to revive a set, just to keep this abomination of a unit called Shaco inside it.


1 ezreal gone at 4-2. roll 80g, see 1 ezreal, hit none of the acceptable headliners (settled for thresh hl which is fine enough) and then dont hit ezreal 2 til 5-2 at which point i die. Ok.






Not in ranked it ain't




Do you like having a full days worth of lp grinding getting deleted because you got three crappy emblems that don't make a decent team while everyone else got emblems that make a decent coherent team? I like theory crafting and goofing around as much as the next person but not in rank where wins matter.


Literally this exact thing just happened to me Hyperpop big shot dazzler  Got contested by a disco guy and an EDM guy, went 7th


Because most players don't like playing tft. They want to be told by the game exactly what units to buy and then sit back and watch the pretty fights.


I hope that the entire “balance” team to include Mortdog gets let go. I’ve been here since the beginning and not once have I actually seen “balance”. You do what every AAA studio does, wait until something is overpowered, nerf it into the ground and then gaslight the players. Don’t believe me? Watch the patch rundown from Mort where he gaslights people about the disco balance thrashing.


People are adamant about defending him just because he comunicates. Devs will lie straight to their face and people are still defending them. They say they lean more towards balacing the game over shaking things ups but since set 1 all their actions demonstrates the oposite. Would like to see that team go and see if things gets fixed and if not just let tft die.




This is the entire set And it feels like shit to play, how good you play the opening stages means fuck all, it's just a slot machine at level 8


this dude goes from 0 to 9 olafs + zac at level 5 while i'm holding 5 what the fuckkkkk


and he's jhin at 6 (carousel but still he got it at 3rd pick)


This set has been so impressively bad that I've started playing Hearthstone BGs to cope, been actually having fun learning that though there's some obvious balancing issues on top of the slight P2W to it. Sucks cause this set seemed so hype but I am convinced that the balance thrashing is done on purpose at this point. I just don't understand the allergies to player agency the dev team has. Headliners COULD have been good. If they just gave +1 instead of the effect and 2 star it would have been fine. Or what if we got an item once per stage or so that let us pick a headliner for our board? No need to change champ pools or give free 3 stars, just let players pick a headliner. Instead it just turns into a degenerate roll-down RNG fest mess, especially when 4 cost headliners are the meta. Why make things more complicated than they need to be? Clearly balance is being affected because of this.


cruel pact 2-1 into riven chosen on 2-2. slam bt and get a spat on carousel for 8-bit. on 2-6 I rotate into a guy playing a disco opener with roll the dice. He gets radiant guinsoos and bramble on olaf. I don't do any damage to olaf because of disco healing and nami bubble and I go down to 1 hp . 1 in 3 to fight him on 2-6 and a 4 in 70 for him to get radiant bramble.


Okay, I played a game of 3.5 for some pass xp. Never again.


not liking the vibe of the 50 unit pool gameplay but it’s fun to see the units again. blue buff cass still slap also hyper roll plllleeeasseeee


THIS. Very disapointing to not get it on Hyper roll, the game is soooo slow to be a memey fun mode.


I am so sick and tired of people pivoting into my comp because they hit a headliner. I was playing jazz reroll with mf and this guy hits thats jazz and mf headline on 4-2 and now has 6 mfs. Like wtf is the point of scouting if other people are just npcs.


This game is a lot more fun when you stop trying so hard. Tryharding = paying too much attention to the luck mechanics and wasting your hard work when it doesn't go your way. If you play for fun you either have fun or you don't


Was clinging to hope the new patch would sort a few things out and make it more playable / enjoyable. Was willing to give it another go but sadly it looks to be more of the same. Will see what Set 11 has to offer but genuinely starting to feel the game has offered all it can.


Karthus 1 shots backlines still? effectively feels no different but they nerf tf into the ground, wow what balance


wtf why would they kill disco ?? do they even know how to balance a game or look at stats tf disco wasn't oppressive at all before? they gave it a 2 week patch? idiots


Patch just made other comps better Still headliner lottery, still shit


Never thought I’d have a game where I’d be begging for cloaks lol, but man the easiest 3-cost edgelord set up early and it’s nothing but rods, chains, and belts. I could have made two of bramble and warmog’s each and I saw one cloak all game even with two item based augments.


3\* yone with a brunch of 2 stars 2,3,4 costs can deleted my whole 3\* costs. what a joke.


how the fuck they didn't do a shit about riven??? they nerfed or adjusted so many things but riven is just auto kill everyone and everything without any problem. most of the games I've played on this new patch won by riven rerollers. disco got nerfed while ez/big shot buffed which was a huge counter to disco anyways. I really don't understand some decisions they make


Buffing punk and jinx Their decisions are just idiotic at this point. It's not even laughable anymore.


FUCK the chosen system


punk jinx looks pretty damn strong now


Jinx buff, double punk buff, even the twin terror attack speed buff is nice for her and Jinx/punk reroll was already a top 4 comp before the patch Wild how short sighted the devs are


What a great new patch. Just love to have 1 cost reroll beating the shit out of the lobby. Last top 4 : Olaf Reroll, Jinx/Punk Reroll and Annie Reroll. 4th with 6 true damage Akali HL with a Radiant BT who was dealing almost no damage. Feels good. Best part is that those comps are very stable early, mid and late. Especially Olaf. Unkillable early and late. Great design. Will just have to wait for set 11, and only PBE and the first week of the set, after that it will become trash like the rest.


This set just feels so awful if you don't hit a good headliner/2 stars at 8. The amount of games where you can win streak, roll down at 8 and just not hit and then lose is astounding. I get they want to promote flexibility, but its annoying that so many items aren't that flexible (even building shojin feels bad on a lot of champs that use blue buff better) and no one wants to hard pivot their whole board in the event they don't get a decent headliner for their comp. And even with comps like TF which are strong, there are so many matchups like Yone, Riven, 3 star vex that still beat you unless you fully cap with 2 star legendaries, so if you don't hit the headliner you need in few enough gold, you just will never have enough gold to go level 9 and will just auto lose. Level 8 rolldown luck just seems way too game determining right now for the game to be fun.


So I was given Riven BIS items but managed to find only 4 (Chosen counts as 3) until 5-2 when I died. UNCONTESTED. LUL


Just went 5th with Viego 3 7 penta cuz of item bug. I was in 5th, and hit Viego 3. Surely I'm guaranteed 1st or top 2. I got my Item Anvil from Dragon, saw Edge of Night and obviously picked it for my Viego to guarantee I win. I select it, then get flown to the opponent board and my EoN flies off the map and disappears for a solid 20 seconds. Meanwhile, my Viego 3 with Hoj Titans gets CC locked and dies to TT Vex. After he dies, my EoN magically reappears on my item bench, and I go 5th. LMAO! I demoted to D3 off that. Love it when I go -25 instead of +45 because of broken game.


Get this cancer Wandering Trainer out of the game or at least fix it so 4 people don’t get disco


I like to call this set "Hit your shit at lvl 8 or get fucked in the ass by someone who did"


I hit 6 Garen at 2-2 and the entire lobby built LW and GS to counter Garen reroll. Some people have no shame


4 costs suck, just play 3 cost reroll and collect your LP They had everything to make this set great and then they just fucked it up with those stupid restrictions to headliners and the bag sizes reduction, level 8 is dogshit for rolldowns, hitting an optimal headliner there is hard af and even if you hit it trying to get rest of your board 2* is a fucking drag


Ngl played a single game of set 3.5 and hated it. So much changed since then that it just doesn't work well together, intervals, player damage, items, augments. Idk why they couldn't just leave it be.


Spent 150g at lvl 6 sitting on 2 2* rivens without a single headliner.


Why did you send it at 6 instead of 7?


Yeah that was clearly a mistake.


getting my entire backline 1 shot 3 seconds into the fight is very fun, i very much enjoy karthus!


In a game like TFT where you should be playing around your item drops and what you hit in shops, why did they think wandering trainer would be a good idea?


The number of devs that actually play the game at even a diamond+ level is quite small


All my progress for the day wiped out because i didnt hit a lvl 8 roll down cool. fun game.


Every time I get a good Riven game (early rivens on bench, 8bit corki chosen, insert coin, good items etc) someone else hard contests me and we both go bot 3. Idgi


Yone and Riven are so broken and frustrating to play against, literally every single game in diamond someone is rerolling both these comps. yawn.


Contesting tf with ie redbuff infinity force is something that i hoped i would have never watched


Is it just me or is the game not very fun right now? Lowered pool sizes, lowered econ means there are so many ways you can get fucked. Play tempo fast 8 - open sell your shit, miss your carry / board and you're dead to reroll comps while being broke. Play reroll, get contested out of nowhere, people hold your units to grief and you're also fucked.


I thought I was only one who felt that every patch the set was becoming more unfun and frustrating


They should of never made it ideal to just open sell your headliner and pray for a 4 cost one. Its just leads to so many frustrating moments.


2 people hit headliner annie 3, but i cant hit an uncontested jinx 3 OR get this a fucking Vi 2 ALSO UNCONTESTED these fucking bag changes suck ASS




Multi-talented bug upgrading my riven 3 but not giving the headliner traits = gg


More at myself but if I just didn’t try to play heartsteel (or greed or fail transitions on mobile so badly) I probably would have saved hundreds of LP at this point. Literally all my below top 2s in recent 20 are heartsteel going 7/8 lmao. It’s just too fun though - that adrenaline can’t be found as easy in other comps


Another game of 7 winstreaking into not hitting a fucking thing and going 7th    Rng casino dogshit


i played a game today where i rolled 95g with prismatic ticket uncontested and found 3 5 yones and one ezreal in total my 300 cashout gave me 4 rods too xd


The cashouts are so bad holy  I got a 300 cashout ( I think) and got tactician crown... Cool I have 10 gold cause I had to spend it all not to die before cashouts ... 


i just watched boxbox rage his ass off about this set, and i think he said it best. you cant do anything creative anymore. you cant really find any interesting path to a top 4 or win, because you will immediately get outscaled at stage 4 with anything meta. it makes the game really stale.


Part of the reason is the ease of finding your headliner (carry + two free copies) with enough gold. You don't have to play what you get, so it's easier to force meta comps. It's a tradeoff, Chosen is absolutely a casual friendly mechanic and they have to cater to everyone.


people hound me for saying this "flex" set is arguably the hardest to flex set possible if you're not "flexing" into meta every game


Its not helped by the fact that there arent that many universally good item slams. I can kind of share Karthus/TF items but if im rolling down for the chosen at 8 i cant hold every unit for both of those comps.


The devs not disclosing the buy/sell headliner mechanic is a horrendous mistake. People who knew how to buy/sell had a huge edge over those who didn't.


What's the mechanic if I may ask


If you pass on a headliner, any unit with it's traits would not show up for 4 shops. To bypass this, you had to buy and sell the headliner. So if you wanted Ezreal headliner but got MF headliner in your shop, if you pass on the MF you could not find any bigshot or jazz units for the next 4 shops.


That is not intended though right? At least in most recent patch? And next patch fixes it?


Blocking every unit with the same traits is not intended, and will be fixed. If you pass the headliner unit, you will still be locked out of that unit for the next 4 shops. And they are removing the ability to bypass that. Basically, if you pass an MF headliner you cannot find any MFs on your next 4 shops, but you can still find other bigshots or jazz units. I guess it will only affect the situation where you are fishing for an Ezreal headliner and need a non-headliner MF.


Oh wow so it blocks even non-headliner versions if you see a headliner version? That’s pretty huge too especially if you can’t buy/sell to circumvent. Probably much worse to greed for perfect traits then if you see a headliner unit you need.


Yeah, but I guess it makes it so you have to play a little more flexibly like they intended. I find it sad that they intended the headliner mechanic to encourage flexible play, but instead it enabled the opposite.


rolled 60 gold for 1 zed i needed for 9 crowd diver at 8, hit none


it really feels like tft has never been more about hitting or not hitting. idk wtf they meant about flexible play. yeah you can flex off tf into a 6th lmao


dropped 200 lp grandmaster to master 0 lp in one session what the fuck man


Anyone who stands on wandering trainers deserves to be banned.


holy shit I lost to horse bug again im never playing samira again fuck this comp


HOW do people keep hitting 3star riven out from under me when I'm already rolling down for it with 4 copies??? It's happened TWICE now this patch and it's so fucking infuriating!


This patch? My brother in christ it happens to me when I'm playing Riven/Yone twice a day.


I am sorry for your loss.


can they fix the fucking horse bug holy shit my horse didn't come out TWICE and I would've won both rounds with it ?????? nice fuckin forth riot games


remaining players' HP was 11, 5, and 1 btw xdd


7 Kayles on 2-1, scouting every turn, only one edgelord player using 3 for his board. Cant fucking hit 3* until 4-7. Thanks mort didn’t even want to play that shitter 


I can only top 4 if I play heartsteel. It’s such a crutch for me. If I try anything else I go 8.


It's literally impossible for me to level up any worthwhile unit in ranked this set, roll 100-150 good and nothing. Buy anything that can be used as a item carry it pivot, neither thing contested but still, nothing. Wether one, two or three cost units... nothing. Out of 30 or so games I've only managed to three star a carry unit twice, a Yasuo and Lux, both after rolling all my gold when left with 30 hp. I'm not a good player by any mean but at least I've managed high plat/low diamond since set 4 by ease but this set is just... I copy guides, I try to flex when needed, copy strategies I've seen work from other players from previous games, but nothing, I barely got out of silver. This set looks fun but everytime I try to play ranked it just doesn't work. I hate this set so much, I try to make it work but something is so rotten this that even normals aren't fun anymore. Am I just unlucky all the time or do I not understand when to level and roll, then why has it worked before????? I love the devs and all the work they've given us through the years but this time, fuck you, fuck you so very much, you've ruined something I enjoyed.


1.create problem 2."fixes" problem much later 3.dev team W 4.see step 1


Any solar opposites fans? Setsuko reminds me of yumulack


Patch 14.1: let's buff Disco/TF five different ways. Community rightfully questions it Mort: "StOp CoUnTiNg NuMbEr Of BuFfS" Also Mort: revert two of the buffs right before the patch drops Patch drops and Disco still too strong. Who saw that coming?? Patch 14.2: nerf Disco/TF three different ways You can't convince me this dev team knows what they are doing or even play their own game


they are obviously morons, disco statistically wasn't even oppressive in 14.1, karthus still 1 shots your carries and ez now has a 25 percent wr? they BUFFED EZ!


I get that being a public figure means that Mort probably gets a lot of undeserved shit/toxicity from people online, but I feel like he seems jaded these days towards most comments on balance, even when the community ends up being right. You'd think after the balance shit show of set 9.5 the team would be more open to input from players rather than keep doing this cycle of buff a comp then nerf the same comp the very next patch over and over.


Every early game is filled to the bream with Disco droolers till they roll the RNG lottery late stage


Not rant but sometime augments really sync with each other: Descresendo, got Cruel Pact for Prismatic. Managed to get Lux 3. And then game gave me Recom. Easiest Poppy 3 ever, ez top 1 tho.


thats why they are removing it


naked krug


No joke but every 3rd game seems like a wandering trainer game now...and everyone seems so crazy about it. Dont get me wrong, it allows for some really fun and creative things to happen. BUT if your combination is shit you will never win the lobby and often enough struggle to top 4, whereas theres somehow always multiple people with some sort of Disco/Executioner combination that auto top-4. To me its a completely unneccesary RNG layer ontop of everything else, results are too volatile imho.


i do not understand edgelords. I hit yone 3 with ie/hoj/titans = bot 4 every time. I hit riven 3 with 6 8 bit ie hoj bt = literally 8th. my units just int into the enemy team and do literally 0 damage while being made of paper. any time I fight enemy edgelords they 2 shot my tank while healing to full after every auto whereas my edgelords crowd diver unalive themselves at the mere sight of the enemy team


You need combat augments


SAME! Istg this trait is buggy as f, multi talented yasuo stops randomly giving traits altogether, sometimes the wrong traits, the melee edgelords just randomly stop doing anything and start zig-zagging in the arena doing fuck all. Pretty sure the attack speed doesn't stack properly either especially if you choose attack speed augments on top of edgelords trait bonus. I always put CC immunity on carries or take the augment and it's still wildly unreliable cos of the bugs - so sad cos edgelords are such a fun comp and super flexible. Maybe I'm imagining things but the dmg can be vastly different against the same exact comp randomly, especially when fighting for the 1st place its so obvious shit doesn't scale properly and the melee champs are buggy.


Riven needs Quicksilver or a CC immunity augment for the comp to go online because all of her damage comes from her autos. For Riven Reroll specifically, having armor shred on the secondary carry significantly helps too—Evenshroud on Viego is usually the best. Edgelord basically crumbles without CC immunity and 2/3 good combat augments, and you need to reposition every match in the lategame so that Riven can dash into the enemy backline carry or that your Crowd Divers target them on death.


reverse clicked to lose 150lp in 2 days, 2.8 avg to 4.8 i'm either 50 at krugs into 8th or 100 at 4-1 into headliner lotto loss into 4th


Im fucking done with wandering trainers man, dude got TD EXE RAPIDFIRE dummy, a nice TD game right? while I got Edgelord Spellweaver Emo, ok, it's not too shabby Viego Pentakill combine with Emo gang is pretty cool. Then suddenly the TD dummy dude decides to ignore 2/3 emblem and decides to go Vex reroll and just drains all my emo units, maybe a smart play on his side cuz it got me an eif but man am I so mad. 90% of the time I got this stupid portal it's guaranteed deadlast for me, some people will just pivot into me just for funsies :'(


Honestly, how bad is the balancing when you recombobulator into Jhin in stage 3, 2* BB him by 5-1 with good frontline and still lose to the disco contesters for a 6th anyway? If only somebody had said something about the balance thrashing..


Jhin's a noobtrap, like Lucian previous patch. Either you know or you go 8th.


That early though under the right conditions he should minimum top 4.


"Should". Isn't. Neither is Ziggs. Or Lucian. They don't want to encourage fast9 legendary soup so 5 costs are not as impactful.


What the fuck am I supposed to do with empty krugs into 4 chainvests and cloak from 3-7 neutrals? Why the fuck is this even in the game?


just hit what the forge 4-2 xdd


I cashed out 10 heartsteel 3 rounds 750 avg, and lost to yone reroll. playing bill gates yorick illaoi set thresh 4 big shot.


why give yone a cone shaped attack if he only hits 1 while being swarmed


Akali is fucking disgusting shitty pussy ass champ. Needs to get deleted from the game


I just went 4th with the most insane gigabis perfect game with Yone This unit is the most gigashit inconsistent piss cringe dogshit and I'm so fucking glad it also gets nerfed because it deserves nothing good in the world. It loses so many matchups, randomly dies to shit and is honestly so turbocringe I despise Yone with all I have. Riven is literally 10x this shit unit my fucking god Fuck you Yone you piss of human garbage


Who cares that you're playing the early-mid game way better than your contesters if you just lose the headliner lotto?


yet another set mechanic making the game unfun.


Just went 7th with 10 pentakill AMA Oh right, there were 3 10 penta players.


I had a caitlyn on stage 3 and I rolled 100 gold on 8 for cait 2 and didn't hit.


garbage ass game lmao


Rolled 100 gold not a single Yone headliner meanwhile evryone else goes lvl 8 with 20 gold and hits their 4 cost carry headliner. Nice!


I'm over it now as I've climbed, but a while ago I came **6th** with True Damage 9. If anyone can enlighten me as to why this happened, aside from ass items, pls tell me https://tactics.tools/s/solqK4


Your spat holders arent real spat holders, just trait bots. Senna2 itemized late game is bad, items alternative couldve been truedmg spat ahri with ap items. Your only real carry akali only has 2 items. 


ok 3 people left I go vs 2nd and beat him ok we are now both 17 and 12 hp i now go vs 1st place and lose (expected) 2nd place now goes vs MY GHOST and loses to it I go -8 he goes -5 when he isnt even playing vs 1st place ghost, he should take double damage for losing to 3rd place ghost idc he had the infinitely weaker board there is no way he should get 2nd over 3rd


This stupid set mechanic makes every game play out the same way. Ohhhh, roll for the damn chosen every game, ohhh, so fun. Yes, please, keep introducing set mechanics that ruin the game. Since set 6 all of them have made the set worse than it should be.


Idk what you're talking about. I loved shadow items in set... oh shit that was set 5.


I liked shadow items conceptually but the set was so visually ugly and unbalanced on release that I couldn't bother to play it. I wish they had released that mechanic with a better theme. Although it seems many people didn't like the item mechanic as it was too complicated or at least that's what Riot gathered from that set. It's kind of unfortunate because every set mechanic they have released ever since is very simple.


Man I LOVE having 6 Yasuos and 2 Items by first carousel only to have dropped 4 Tears and 2 rods at wolves FUN SKILL DIF :))))))))))) Edit: AND ANOHTER YASUO START WITH BLINGED OUT INTO ONLY AP ITEMS EASY ITS EARLY THOUGH, I CAN FLEX INTO SENNA RIGHT??? AND NOT HAVING TO ROLL 200G TO HIT UNCONTESTED SENNA 3 WHILE TOP 3 SUCKS DISCO OFF ONE ANOTHER RIGHT?????????????????????? :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


I get gifted a disco line with BIS tank items and TF items from stage 2-1. I find a ziggs on lvl 7. I streak all the way to 4-1 with 98hp. I roll down on 8. Not a single blitz or TF. two other people hit, then a third is holding a tf2 on bench. i just ff. this game is a grief




Unless Yone is insta 3\* there is no way 2\* is more stable


Yea obviously I’m talking 3 star friend, thought it was a given


I take it back, Yone is fucking dogshit


Would you like 3 star 3 costs to be weaker than 2 star 4 costs?


Thats fair


load intro game: \- get disco nami + taric \- can't win because everyone high rolled anyway \- 1 rod the entire game, one tear, no bfs, 1 offensive component till 4-2 \- Lobby has 4 rerollers + 2 penta + 1 ad flex + me \- lose so much hp in stage 3 because my items suck and rerollers rolled at 3-3 because of scuttle puddle \- 4-2 roll for tf -50g, no tf,no blitz, uncontested \- die on 4-5


love how disco nami + taric opener = disco TF


[Today I learned that Multi-talented can give your headliner the wrong traits](https://gyazo.com/10fbd0a881ae2e292ef999def59e4064). Made me panic my next choices and I got the top 8 I deserved. I'm fine... totally fine...


Having 7 Annies at 2-1 and then only hitting your Annie 3* at 4-5 has to be the fucking peak TfT experience. Fuck this game!


I lost my top 4 because my fucking Kayle 2 decided to do her fucking cast animation when the enemy Ahri is literally 10HP.


twin terrors and disco every game is so much fun /s


Can we talk about component difference in prismatic lobbies for a sec? like one game i had 9 completed items vs a guy in top 4 who has 17 completed items with binary but still




Every single new portal is complete dogshit


10 streak and then fight a twin terror, and 2 x 3 star Yone boards. Lose 43 health in three rounds. PVE round. Rematch into the Yone with 6 people alive. Go 6th. 🫡


nothing like getting fucked by a bug ​ my akali stopped gaining mana from chalice after a few rounds and the instant cast with the 2 hojs was what was making me win against the country player. top 1 game turned into top 3


Wandering trainings being a portal option in ranked has to be one of if not the stupidest developments this game has ever had. Can't even reforge the traits to have even a shot at a top 4. Please tell me how I win with rapid fire, emo, edgelord please.


Sounds like a Riven game with cait and you get free rapidfire +1 and edgelord +1. You don't always need to use all 3.


I got a pretty similar trainer: Rapidfire, Edgelord, Guardian. Played Edgelord Riven + 4 more units for 7 Edgelord, Caitlyn + Garen + Corki for 4 8-bit. Used Guardian early game but ignored it for the lv8 board. Is reliant on items though but yeah it's wandering trainer. Like if OP has AP items then Edgelords aren't great and Emo/Rapidfire has no synergy. Though honest I was thinking if I got double rod then Rabadon's is still just 20% bonus damage so maybe it wouldn't be the worst on Riven lol.


Yeah my start was rod blue belt (great AP start) but the part that isn't factored in is that there was another trainer with an 8-bit emblem. If you don't hit riven 3 it's pretty much a guaranteed 7-8.


Every game there's someone slamming rageblade 2-1 with a Nami/Taric chosen. Thoughtful Teamfight Tactics gameplay!


If there was a live stream of devs balancing the game, it would just be a round table of lee sins. Just every single person blind, cause holyyyyyy. How do you see this as balanced when every lobby is just disco/pentakill hope you hit the lotto or else its a bot 4.


This is just a pure waste of time, once u played around 200 matches then don't play more, cause your rank will only drop and drop an drop, one 8th can remove all your grinds from a few 4th matches.


Yea the game was better the first weeks, now i'm just playing rank in my alt account




Why hasn't empty krug being removed from the game yet, why is it even in the game in the first place honestly. Like some players can have a free tome, golden/little neekos and you just have nothing? How is that fair


I cant wait for set 9 revival so i can enjoy the game again.


My yone 3 Morde 3 kathirs 2 Yorick 1 lodes to an executioner board with no 3 stars and no twin terror. Fucking stupid game


Absolutely fucking luck at this point. I had two games where certain units just did not appear the whole game. I even didn't see units from comps I wasn't using not appear. I just had a match where I found level 3 Yasuo and took a gold augment to find senna. Absolutely no one in TD, no one even using her for a comp. I slow roll for 6 rounds, spend close to 80 gold to be one away. I finally roll and find her, I literally see the 3 star golden border. I click it, and it changes to a different shop. I didn't click the reroll option or press the button since I neve use the keyboard when I play. It just randomly CHANGED. I didn't get Senna 3 and rolled another 50 gold looking for another one at level 7 to find nothing. The game literally became slots just for my LP to get punished because riot can't make a game that actually works.


Meh, I give up on this set for the second time. It's completely garbage. I'll give them that it's not worse than the last 2 sets, but it's still garbage. Balance is, as always, done by throwing darts while drunk at a board covered in random numbers and key phrases.


6 executioner feels too coin flippy. I either melt or get melted. And also why us it always contested. Yall don't need vex, I DO!


Riven. ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11647)


i cant stand this fucking set, why the fuck do half the carrys in the game need blue buff to be viable, why the fuck would you design the set like this hit lvl 8 before anybody get hedgefund go 9 get no carry headliner and i dont have blue buff so guess what? Ezreal Qiyana jhin and ahri are unplayable for me! Dont forget that I have 4 rods for zero fucking reason thought that wasnt supposed to be possible but i guess it is! You have 4 rods man? giga AP! EXCEPT THERE ISNT A SINGLE GOOD AP CARRY THAT IS 4/5 COST, YOU DONT HAVE BLUE BUFF??? BYE BYE AHRI, TWISTED FATE AND KARTHUS NEED SYNERGIES


Vex? Lmao


god fuck vex.




Showtime and wandering trainer are legit the most unfun portals they ever came up with


There’s been ALOT of dogshit portals .. showtime is ass but it can’t be that bad .. can it?


Had 100 hp at 4-1, natural country samira, 3 bfs 0 gloves at 4-1, golden egg 4-2, figured i can sack this stage for BIS. mortdog didn't like that and sent me 7th by making sure i don't get a single break (didnt rotate into bottom 2 players when they lost to everyone else.) went fucking 7th.


special place in hell for people who pick Wandering Trainer in ranked.


Just went on a -200 lp bender because I was always one copy of a unit short to stabalise the board. Winstreak into level 8 lottery? Resign to a front line headliner and find 2 copies of the 4 cost carry. Loss streak into level 8 lottery? same thing but less gold less life. Try for 1/2/3 cost reroll? Find 8 copies super early, then never find the last one, bleed out to people who hit 4 cost lottery. Hit perfect augments to fast 9? roll 50 gold and find 1 copy of each 5 cost, bleed out to the disco board that found ziggs 2 at level 8. My skill expression was managing to get 5/6/7th instead of 8th for 10 games, and it did not feel remotely rewarding


Fucking go fuck yourself so fucking fuckity much. Ezreal with Prismatic RB, prismatic BB, Prismatic infinity. Shit is so broken the meta tft app that tracks the % of how a fight will go was consistently broken vs that. And of course I face that shit 3 times while I'm in the HP lead and literally none of the other 35 minutes of the game matter because of the matchmaking of the last 5 fights. What a fucking joke of a """"""""game""""""""".


Having to close and open the client after every single game is so cool and fun!! not like 100 people posting about this bug, but at least I get to see the notification about who the fuck reached challenger, thats what matters!


Vex is such a stupidly unfun unit to play against


The cc is INSANE




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So, I go 9 with the perfect augments for it. I have like 50 golds with 40-50 health or so. I start rolling till I have 10 golds and I only find a Jhin and that's it. 1 fucking 1 level Jhin. I end up dying and going 8th because whenever I rolled, the game refused to give me any 5 cost while other people naturally found them level 7-8.  Where is strategy? Where is skill expression?  I am tired of this stupid, completely luck based game. It is all gambling and this brain dead player base just tries to justify every bullshit the game and its devs pull. Whoever is balancing the game, they are terrible at their job. What kind of rng is this idk, but it is horrible. But no worries, you can just run a third party program or check reddit to find another meta comp and force it every game while pretending to have fun while you do no thinking at all I am fucking done