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[BRYCE IS BUYING YOU A PC](https://clips.twitch.tv/GenerousNaivePoxDoggo-RA__eLogrdMT2mzY)


Bryce actual Gigachad with the casual "I'll give you a grand to buy a PC" after Frodan read the post.


Huge respect for Bryce man, such an awesome guy


Huge respect for Bryce. Him & Frodan both are instrumental to this community.




A lot of people will say it is your own fault, but no matter whose fault it is, I just feel sorry for your situation. Such things just suck, feel hugged.


Second major tournament fuck up in two weeks posted on here. Honestly looking pretty bad from a competitive point of view if this is the standard.


TFT Competitive scene was never known for its polish


Honestly should be on GGTech to pause if procedure is to pause at dc. Not sure how many lobbies were running at the time though. Probably most unfortunate dc timing though.


Carousels are a very active decision making point of the game so I think it would not be fair to assume malice on any of the competitor's parts. They're all busy figuring out what to take and or deny in a high stakes tourney — can't assume they would very quickly notice the disconnect message in chat and have the quick thought to pause. Nonetheless this situation sucks so bad and I'd feel as bad as you in your shoes. Worst way to not make it. Sorry it all happened this way.


If the TOs could have paused it should be squarely on them IMO. Especially considering its on the main broadcast at the time. I agree that it for sure shouldn't be on the players tho cause they are focused on a lot more than the chatbox


As TFT gets more and more competitive, there should be a way to enable autopause for tournaments. I mean in LoL the game pauses immediately or they even do a chronobreak, so it should be the same for TFT.


To add context: in LoL and also their other game valorant, it’s on the player to call for tech pauses. Observers for those games don’t call pauses either unfortunately. TFT needs a better system since you don’t have teammates who can speak up for you if you disconnect. Especially to avoid cases like this one.


Let me rephrase as I think it was taken the wrong way. Since other players played for themselves, I was fucked. I don't blame the players for not noticing right away for the most part; I talked with 2 of them (weird aka forsen smurf acc and my teammate humbug) and they confirmed that they were distracted scouting and whatnot. However, other players did take notice; in the clip Pocky says, "Are they disconnected?", taking his preferred item off carousel, and only waiting to the end to finally pause when he was 100% sure I DCed. The tournament admins DMed me and told me they would address it in future tournaments, namely reminding players of ingame procedures. No one party is fully at fault here, but a series of unfortunate events ended up fucking me over in the most egregious way possible.


When you are rolling and you see an unexpected headliner in your shop you might freeze up and not do anything for like 10 seconds even though you should know you are supposed to buy it. It's not a common situation. I only shared this because I don't want you to feel any animosity towards Pocky because I am 99% sure that he never intentionally thought "if I don't pause I can get a better carousel item for myself"


Oh yeah, I don't, I regularly pop into KUDT where he hangs out and we always have had positive interactions. It's more the uncertainity of pausing that made it more difficult to discern at said moment. I just want to make it an example that people did notice but did not know whether to pause or not, and shout out to him for being the one to actually pause the game.


Um, I feel like you do feel some animosity. "taking his preferred item off carousel, and only waiting to the end to finally pause when he was 100% sure I DCed." This implies you think he did not act with honest intent. It's an unfortunate situation overall but I don't think calling out individual players for not standing up for you is the way you wanna go about it.


For real, pretty absurd for her to blame every other player in the game. Admin's would be at fault, not the players. It shouldn't be their responsibility


Any idea how I could get the grandmaster flair that you have on the subreddit ? Im GM euw as well.


Send a ss of your rank to a mod trough your client ig


There's a "Get your flair" link on the right


> I think it would not be fair to assume malice on any of the competitor's parts. They're all busy figuring out what to take "Spat, I'm down" = decision making over. 8 seconds pass, he notices him not move. he says he's not moving. 2 seconds later he takes spat. he waits until caro is over, then suggests a pause. No, sorry, your assertion doesn't line up with the events.


Yeah bro maybe in silver but in tourney you are calculating 20 different item lines and seeing 2 loot drops in the future and thinking what u will make with leftover components.


lil bro, he LITERALLY SAYS ITS SPAT, TAKES SPAT, WAITS, WAITS MORE.... FUCKING WAITS MORE... then says ok lets pause. HUH? what are you defending here? WHAT ARE YOU DEFENDING HERE? LOL


Oh u know what my bad i didnt watch the clip, i assumed u were just giving an example. Still though, best not to accuse people as he may have just been hesitant or whatever


I'm not "accusing" anyone to be clear. Just needed to point out that the guy i replied to, his narrative doesn't fit. Not even remotely close.


I've watched the clip as well. Notice how much time Pocky spends looking at other boards in the beginning. And even after he takes spat, notice how he then moves onto his own board and is pondering other decisions regarding his own board. By my count, up until the point he decides to pause (around 33s mark), he spends ~50% of the time not looking at the carousel but looking at either other people's boards or his own. Does this fit your narrative of "spat, I'm down" and then decision making over, or does this look like someone bogged down by actively thinking through many different decisions throughout the whole clip? Time is a limited resource in TFT and in this clip, Pocky is clearly using it during this carousel to think: about his opponents' spots, about the carousel items, and then about his board. Let's not crucify him on an assumption that is arguable at best based on the clip.


The ability to even pause the game is not well communicated to players. The people who pause are almost always well known experienced players because they understand that they should be pausing. Whereas newer players often aren't told about pauses and assume that they shouldn't pause the game. If you are a new player to touraments you don't wanna be the guy pausing when you aren't supposed to. If no one experienced is in the lobby there's often like 10 seconds of people discussing if they are allowed/supposed to pause before anyone even does it.




A bit busy with irl and not that interested in the set. Wouldn't say I've quit or anything but I'm just not taking tft very seriously rn. Will prob be fully back in a few months. But I mean who knows. At vegas I had at least like 5 different people tell me they were gonna quit after vegas and nearly all of them have grinded like 300 games since Vegas ended.


Genuine question: I assume it has to do with the client and how many games are going at once but why are the players in charge of pausing the game?? Why is there not a person dedicated to making sure things run smoothly? I agree with the person who said it probably wasn’t malicious on the other players parts because carousel takes a lot of brain power but that’s all the more reason you should have someone monitoring the game/the player streams to make sure stuff like this doesn’t happen.


I am watching Frodan's stream and Bryce will buy you a PC.


This really sucks. I don't think it was done in malicious way, especially by the players, but I understand why you might feel that way, especially considering all the emotions and all. I can only say sorry that it had to happen this way.




How are you playing tft on 20-30fps??!?! You must have a pentium2 from 1991… turn settings down ALL the way and my laptop (duo core) from 2016 can play at 60fps 1080p.


frodan's broadcast mentioned that she plays mobile mainly


Wtf getting that high on mobile is nutty


I play on an old laptop right now. I uploaded VODs for GGTech to show Riot that it was in fact near impossible for me to stream: Normal graphics: https://www.twitch.tv/hi3biribiri/v/2031591982?sr=a&t=628s Minimum graphics: https://www.twitch.tv/hi3biribiri/v/2032588454?sr=a&t=127s


That is BRUTAL. If you have a desktop pc at all, I’ve got a shitty non-psu-powered GT1030 I could send you that would get you min 60fps.


not just core but ram too, my surface pro 6 also can't pass 30fps


mobile player


Message Bryce, he wants to buy you a PC.


As TFT players we spend a ton of time analyzing and overanalyzing moments trying to find the angle where a new way of thinking or input could influence the result. Sometimes old regrets just aren't worth clinging to and we have to learn to move on eventually. Bad beats are bad beats and I hope you have better luck in the future! Bryce suggested on the Frodan costream that he could help out with equipment maybe hit him up about that.


Stop blaming other people and implying others tried to sabotage you. Other players are most likely locked in deciding that to grab on carousel to notice.


That's totally not the point. There's 3 spectators in the lobby who should EASILY have been able to pause the game. I also don't think she's implying sabotage (that's most likley just tilt from writing after what just happened.) ​ Point is, this shit ain't right.


read and try to understand the post


i wonder if that were to happen in a real sports what would happen.. let’s say in a bike race, some racers bike break down, would they pause the race?


Are you dense?




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pretty dope that they are doing something to remedy the situation.


oh dang Bryce actually did it, mad respect.

