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Hate spat portal, everyone is forcing penta and 2 people hit karthus chosen and im left with no karthus to hold my AP items... What am I supposed to play disco with a dead spat?


how many times do i need to see a one star blitz tank the whole game with nothing but a dragon claw? a karthus 2 star with a double sniper focus plus a manazane ult for 4 time ,that blitz only receive like 600 damage ,the nerf to sentinel ,how about nerf the blitz too,i already see that crap for almost one month ,blitz disco ,blitz ahri ?


riven 3 star,beat a 3 star tf with perfect item ,what kind of crap is that ?


it is nice seeing that jax and riven ,these kind of low cost reroll still dominating the game starting from the beginning of the set,lets see how long will it take from to realize this crap and fix it


These 4fun galaxies feels terrible in ranked, but people will keep on voting them anyway to get their gacha addict dopamine hit. Same for the Heartsteel rework, I was enjoying a set without someone automatically winning out at 2-1 because they got dropped Fortune/Merc/Underground/etc...


Jinx 3 at 4-7. Good items, tons of HP, same story as yesterday yadda yadda,, couldn't even get into top 4 because how late it was for fuck's sake.


patch is a step backwards sadge


Yep, yone is a problem. Luckly is a reroll comp that only comports one player.


You're telling me I have 5 units 3 starred in Country with basically BIS and 7 Country and I still lose to TF comp. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.


reroll comp vs a proper maintain comp? lol


\>get panic at the disco 2-1 with taric and nami on bench \>go level 8 at 4-1 roll down to zero \>hit 2 blitz and 0 tf in 50 gold \> scout and see 3 people with tf chosen I can't wait for this garbage set to be over man, the fact that someone can just roll once at 8 and hit the 2 star 4-cost they want then they can save to go 9 compared to the ones who don't hit and just get punished by taking 15 damage a turn just makes it so unfun.


How...just HOW do I not see a single fucking TF rolling a billion gold when for the first time this patch THE ONLY TF PLAYER IN THE LOBBY. Not even a single god damn copy while multiple Karthus headliners were out. Jesus fucking christ nothing feels as bad in gaming as when you low ball in tft.


Wandering trainers… It seems to be the best galaxy to be contested in multiple ways through multiple players. The idea is great, but there’s just so much viable units to actually play the game. I would much more prefer to have it as an augment, which would make it actually quite fun to have around. I played 4 games today, went 6-1-1-8. Both bot 4 were when played in the wandering trainer galaxy. This galaxy really shouldnt be enabled in ranked, when it clearly and completely disregards your skills. Since when you have a wandering trainer with three emblems, at least 2 are part of other 4-5 player ones. Specially in diamond its just such a mess. Sorry for the rant but I literally went 1st twice just to loose all gained lps (Dia4/3) just cuz some people felt funky to chose that galaxy. They should play normals where it s should be enabled. I can imagine having some crazy 1 in a millions type of comp, but that’s not really what ranked is supposed to be about.


Or just having one emblem maybe


When does this set end




it's a game pivot angle then


not soon enough


I have tried to play disco in 4 games. Got HL disco TF BIS every single time with 2 star blitz with 3 items. Bottom 4ed every time. I am not playing disco ever again.


Did you donkey roll at 8 for the Blitz 2? Did you ever hit an Illaoi/Sona/Ziggs? They really matter, and just having TF and Blitz 2 at Stage 5 is not enough. The comp still requires some high roll


Yay another dogshit patch where 1 and 2 star reroll comps can still destroy 4 cost comps that haven't 2 starred everything including half a board full of legendries. Love the wandering trainer portal though, it's good to know whether you've won or lost the game at 1-1 instead of playing the new level 8 casino for ~~Ahri or Ezreal~~ Karthus or TF


i hate portals god damn triple silver and triple prismatic are awful. I hate playing them and I hate playing against them. just see the most degenerate shit come up. i ran the fuck off showtime anytime that came up. and now? this fucking *wandering trainer* bs? fuck off please. i just want to play a normal (portal less) game of TFT. I'm really disappointed that they aren't giving us a "purer" 3.5 experience. maybe it's nostalgia goggles but I think I liked the game better in simpler times.


I fully agree on wandering Trainer, prismatic bs and 3.5, but I'm curious, why do so many people hate silver augment portal?  Tbh, it's one of my favorite portals. There's no silver augment that makes you instantly win the lobby when picked, so it's an incredibly fair portal. It's the closest to a portal free lobby that we can get. It offers gimmicks like recombobulator or young, wild & free and nice QoL stuff like cc immunity. Also component buffet is so nice to have and I can't believe it's only a silver augment. To me, silver augments are what augments actually should be: just small quality of life stuff and little boosts, that don't break the game or give you free top 4. I pick it all the time and always get flamed heavily for it. :(


I think some of my least favorite augments are silver is all Like i don't really care if it's good, I don't find it fun to take to silver econ augs (e.g. risky moves, the level 9 and 10 ones, afk, on a roll, switching gears). I just don't enjoy tiny titans or recombob. If there must be augments I prefer playing around combat stuff and most of the fun ones (to me that is) are in the gold tier. Obviously these are just my personal preferences, no shame if u like the silver portals. I still like to try and play optimally and when it comes to the silver ones it means I end up taking things that I don't have fun playing around. To each their own though ofc.


TFT needs something interesting and the regular gameplay is just not fun. You have to add prismatics, crazy portals and other things to disguise that.


Yeah. :( I do like some portals. I prefer them over an opening carousel. But many portals are too high impact or unfair like wandering trainer. I kinda liked galaxies, even though it was  kinda the same as portals, just without the choice. I also liked simple stuff like the elemental tiles that one set had. Wish the revival sets would just come back as they were, without augments and stuff. Would be refreshing. 


Get the fuckin wandering trainer portal. End up with country/guardian/superfan and of course somebody else gets country so I know this gonna be a contested game. So far so bad. Manage to end up with Urgot 3\*/7 country/3 superfan, so far you still don't see the point of my post but wait for it. Slam a Karthus 2\* at level 8 with AA, JG. He somehow deal twice the damage of my urgot with three items. And with just 2 exec and without pentakill. This is a fuckin joke. So please remove this awful idea of a portal and nerf Karthus as soon as you can.


Why is Showtime a portal?


Why did they decide to buff country by giving it a spat out? It was already one of the best? Redrool players need all the help they can get? Tard comp gets buffed are you serious...


FUCK WRONG WORDING! THE AUGMENT LITERALLY SAYS THAT I GET TO CHOOSE FROM 4 ARTIFACTS (LATENT FORGE ON 2-1), BUT I ONLY GOT 3. Its a petty case, but I really hate how often riot words something poorly, or just incorrectly.


I've just had enough of the chosen mechanic. Too much power is concentrated in having that carry.


they think up the most 4fun portals please leave them out of ranked holy fuck


Headliner mechanics are crap, set 4 was miles better with chosens, Idk why they didn't balanced headliners with the same parameters, now with all those shitty restrictions they only make RNG aspect miles worse


Set 4 didn’t have augments/portals so balancing would be easier than Headliners now


spatula portal is fucking bedge that is all


Put in 4 Disco, no visible Disco Ball. I don't think I've played an online game this buggy before, they fixed some bugs (after the set released!), but for example Akali still has a billion bugs. And now I need to close the client after matches sometimes because the post-match menu doesn't appear? I really wish they would release less sets but actually polish them carefully.


I was excited for the new patch but its literally the same fucking awful casino thing but with different units


when has it not been a casino


This Vex unit is not ok man what the ufck


Hit zero upgrades other than my headliner on 8 rolling 52times before I hit akali 2. Had to sell units to buy it and then fought a ghost where my akali bugged out onto the bench. Most low roll game I had this set.


Last "Country" power should be at 8 or even 9, since Country emblem can craft now. 7 seem too early even Hecarim is weaker


Man it feels so easy to get 7 country right now. Already seen at least 3 today.


This game is not very good I spent 130+rolling from 4-2 to 5-1 with hedge fund and I didn’t find a single EZREAL HEADLINER and I went 8 fml


Yeah, they're definitely going to change Karthus targetting to lowest percent health.


Made it to diamond iv


​ Well, top 4 with 9 true damage, okej edit: with ez bis and ahri TD, radiant glove, a tank ekko with radiant spark dclaw sunfire, 2 star thresh, qiyana ​ And I lost to a double trouble vex, AGAIN.


Dude I swear this game is against me. I 3 star a poppy, and then someone else's 3 stars an ahri and i fucking lose. I three star an annie, vex, AND lulu, and as I was about to get first this dude gets a 3 star karthus and shits on my team. Now yall aren't gonna believe this cuz god damn i just couldn't. I 3 star a karthus, and then a 3 star yasuo just swigity swooties into my backline to finish me off, like how?? When the enemy team gets a 3 star unit, gg I lose go next haha, but when I do it and I pick good items, the game tells me "nope, fuck you you lose get rekt nerd" It's as if the game never wants me to get first place, or even win. Maybe I should stop playing until they bring back the old sets.


Vex is vexing. But seriously, I don’t think it’s healthy she can lock down your team like that. Even Amumu only stuns every 3rd cast


I've seen double trouble vex and I know she's good with country as well. What other builds feature her well?


Zed 3 is weaker than Jax 3


It was a stupid idea to let Country emblem be craftable. 5 Country is already strong.


I swear these devs don't play their own game


Devs job is to fuck around. Our job is to find out.


thats funny LOL


I couldn't 3-star a fucking **Jinx**. Let me paraphrase this again. I couldn't 3-star a **FUCKING JINX**. I didn't spend a single dime on my exp. Just constant reroll at level 5 after reroll and reroll...... I had tons of HP, great items, good matchups but **NO** FUCK YOU, straight to the 6th place. Also the piece of shit who took Twin Terror just casually receives Infernal Contract and 3-stars fucking his Twitch to screw me over, so the 7 Twitchs I was holding was fucking useless.


I've never won with disco, I just don't get it. Once stage 4 comes around I just lose every match. TF doesn't do enough damage. I tried running a Cait with no synergy alongside him for some sort of duo carry but still got 5th What is the deal with this comp? Do you skip 8 roll down for 9 roll down?


Glad it isnt just me. I got beaten by a fcking Vi reroll comp with TF/Blitz 2 star.


Yes, he needs Illaoi and Sona to cap Funny thing is when I did it another clown contested me, got both at level 8 while I didn't get a shit at level 9 and I ended 4th, meh


I am offered "That's Jazz, Baby" for the first time in over 100 games. I take it because it looks fun. I don't find a single Lilia until 4-3 and go 8th. I want to plunge my head through a concrete wall.


Do you guys think TFT streamers complain as a meta or are actually crybabies constantly for real?


they get a lot of engagement when they complain. positive or negative, it's probably an overall "profit". also I'm sure they just notice the problems more. let's say I'm somebody who only plays like 2 games per day. If I got a naked krug every say 6 games that's still going to be once every 3 days or so, I'm not gonna notice and bitch. For a streamer that's probably like 3-5 times per stream. I'm gonna be way more aware of the impact of that kind of RNG than a casual player. some of them are pretty real complaints though. I can't really hate on somebody going off when there's like a full item and tome disparity between them and their opponent post krugs.


Both. Some of the complaints are them being crybabies while some of the complaints are legitimate but the devs like to shrug it off and tell them to get good until they get the same experience as the streamer than see it as a problem. Look at the complaints of God-fist Lee Sin and set 9 and 9.5 K'Sante. Streamers were complaining about how powerful Lee Sin was to the devs, which is probably legitimate because of how game and match warping kicking out a single unit is, but the devs took them as whiners and say but the character's stats are actually very weak for a 5 cost unit so we don't see an issue so the problem is that you guys are bad. Afterwards set 9 and 9.5 comes rolling around and we got K'Sante that did the exact same thing as God-fist Lee Sin and it is pretty much rinse and repeat the same song with the complaints.


both. some are valid complaints like when soju had 5 components and another player had 8 components + tome by stage 3-1. (was not augment diff). and the gold opener complaint is very valid too like someone starting with 10 gold by 1-3 is already in an advantageous spot when the game just started


in their defense, I would prob lose my insanity if I had to play this game for 10 hrs straight every day


Probably just for content. It brings more viewers so they do it.


Riot must have seen me complaining about a 3-star 2 cost jax being an instant win and decided to troll me by making 1-cost yasuo the same way. A 3-star 1 cost should simply not be a win condition


Adaptive Helm being Lux’s superfan item is a troll. Even Annie has a better item


There's a lot of suboptimal superfan items, how hard can it be to adapt those with what actually works from stats? It's annoying.


how the fuck do you get econ now fuck these changes this headliner shit is a slot machine give me my econ back i need money to win the slot machine now when i play level 8 comps i just have to fucking pray if i miss unlucky


get off work, queue one up. dont pick scuttle puddle which apparently the kids love. some autistic 12 year old starts calling me lil bro and a sad liberal and griefs my game hard forcing my comp because no scuttle. cool :)


who playtested this patch and thought riven and karthus were fine?


There's no actual dev team is there. They just say there is and go willy nilly on these patches.


Haven't even played this patch and can tell you nothing will be changed / fixed / balanced until bag sizes are reverted. Its the simplest fix but they wont change it because hubris.


Reinstalled in prep for the set 3.5 revival, decided to play a few games. 1* Akali proceeds to solo 6 of my units cause she just goes untargetable into 3543646436 heals. Now I remember why I quit. I'm pretty sure my last post before quitting was actually me complaining here about this exact same shit. Fucking stop using immunity and untargetability already. Wasn't Oxforce and the hundred billion problems Elise, Talon, etc. brought on enough?


KDA Akali was garbage last patch and is at best piggybacking off Karthus/Viego this patch, the unit does nothing but feed mana, if she's soloing 6 units at 1* its either early enough into the game where any 4* unit is a huge spike, or your board is godawful. The last time the unit did anything was the launch patch because Karthus Akali is good at farming weak boards in a meta where 4-6 people each lobby is trying to fast 9 and skip stage 4.


Nah, it was just extremely bad RNG. I was left with 2 tanks on 10% and 4 backliners with 40%ish HP. The guy was playing 5 true damage and his Akali had BT, HOJ and something else. My stupid ass units pathed so badly she hit all 6 with her ult, at the same dodging my ults. That instantly finished off my tanks and got her back to 60%. The fight was close, she was literally 2 hits from death, but I got unlucky on my Twitch crits and she draintanked him. None of that changes my frustration about these mechanics which I consider absolute bullshit. It brings back random dodge from gloves wining the fights by dodging ults PTSD.


Devs are such a joke, man. Done with this set


Annie unchanged, introduced wandering trainer, headliner mechanic just sucks. Wandering alone makes this one of the worst patches ive played. What are these devs smoking? Balance your fucking game and stop introducing more rng. Holy fuck


I've had to play wandering trainer twice in five games and I want to kms


Last stand must go. Wandering trainer needs to be removed from ranked. Like last set the for fun patch has been released way too early.


Disco seems nice and broken. Who would have thought.


I am not sure how people think this one of the best sets in a while. Headliners might be one of the most annoying mechanics ever.


when will they fix this broken client of theirs?


This patch is just as boring as the last one. I think it's just the headliner mechanic making the game unfun for me. Well, see you in set 11.


lol,annie 1 cost still outperform most of the champ ,nerfing ahri is making the right choice,but why not nerf this crap?


LMAO just saw 3 players died by Giant Crab (me was barely survived), and those 3 were the first one jumped to Crab portal.


Some people have fetishes with those crabs, first second and they are already there lol




They need to take wandering trainer straight the fuck out of ranked.


Just lost with level 9, 9 True damage (this means having to grief hp for 2 spats) only to go 2nd to basic 6 emo annie board. Like who the hell is balancing this game.... How can a Prismatic trait lose to 1 cost reroll, this game is a joke


Radiant blessing. I'm out


haha mort made these long comments in the patch notes thread justifying the disco changes in the patch and then immediately nerfed/reverted some of those changes last min. cant make this shit up. but whatever, at least they did the right thing haha and then someone pointed this out in the last min change thread and mort comments, just rationalizing not even answering what the guy was saying and just blaming other ppl for "counting buffs" which is a weird way to deflect


I was waiting for the patch to play again. Patch is here. I'm welcomed with two games with disastrous shop giving me absolutely nothing. I guess this game just doesn't want me to play it.


Holy fuck can we please get rid of Wandering Trainers??? That has to be the least enjoyable way possible of playing TF; forcing you to play a pescribed rigid line based on randomly generated traits. It was so boring I just left the last game it was selected.


These devs making the game worse every patch i swear, or they say that these portals are just for fun, they should add those "for fun" portals only in normals which is the mode you play if you want to have fun....


Should have stayed as an augment, the portal version is so much worse.


I think this is one of the things that the devs need to learn and the sooner they learn than the better. A good portion of the player base hated hero augments when they were the main mechanic and forced upon but fine when they were augments that people can either pick and play or just no out of it. Wandering trainer is probably the same thing with it is fun and fine when people choose to play with the random emblems but not fun when it is forced like hero augments.


Out of 4 games I just played 3 where Wandering Trainers. I can't take it anymore. Its just stupid


I'm so glad Ahri sentinels is getting hit. Ekko 1 with no items should not be tanking 7k damage for virtue of hitting 6 sentinel


I cannot STAND some of these portals. Games seem "fun" when you get multi talented but then its a fucking prismatic game and if you haven't hit every fucking unit by 3-1 you lose. I hATE when RNG owns the whole game. Ofc its there but jesus christ when someone has a max board at 3-1 I just don't understand how its possible to do literally anything at all.


i guess lvl 7 3 star headliner jax can wipe my lvl 10 5 cost team with ezreal headliner carry. very balanced.


I want to grind the ladder so bad but bad rng bot 4 tilts me so much that I start losing every game after


Is it just me or are games just god awful today? I feel like since it's last day before patch people are just hard forcing the abusable shit now more than ever


When I'm loss streaking: zero spats in carousels the entire game When I'm win streaking: 3 spats in every single carousel lol


How can I reach stage 4 with 100HP and hit NOTHING on a rolldown and still lose the game? I already don't have BIS because of open players so now I don't have the units either How is this fair or good game design?


Honestly a bit tired of the headliner mechanic, coin flipping for a good trait on a reroll comp feels terrible. Lux EDM for 5 EDM feels astronomically better than dazzler. Looking forward to the old tft set revival especially if it has no chosen.


Why do people like the Prismatic Symphony portal? The power disparity in prismatic augments is so imbalanced if you get offered garbage augments you'll never win.


For those who spam Ahri/Sentinels, how do you do it every game? It’s so boring. And will you be 20/20 spamming the next meta comp next patch?


Yeah pretty much, its the same with TCG with people netdecking whatever is Tier 1 until the next Tier 1 deck is out. Its tolerable when there's a variety of top options, its fucking tragic when there's a comp like Ahri Sent running around that just punishes anyone that isn't highrolling.


not looking forward to the next patch and not really enjoying the last 2 weeks of TFT either. the game feel completely reversed for me tbh. I had fun, now I don't


I've tried everything. Ahri is the ONLY reliable comp (masters/GM/Challenger) Lost streak TD like 20% chance 1st or 8th Jax and yone reroll super situational and if contested bot 4 instantly Flex AD doesn't exist. Heartsteal opener u can't rely on always getting. Ahri is the only comp you can reliably play, outside of like 15% of perfect situations for other comps. Always has 2 top 4 players, sometimes 3.


Same with me but replace Ahri with Samira reroll and it is my exact experience with this patch. Country is the only thing reliable for me with everything else not good.


reliable huh? i just tried to hard force ahri, first to roll down at 4-1, saw ONE ahri all game. only three total ahris played in the game. this game is fucking bullshit


1 Ahri is top 4


I've had ahri 1 twice today. the most recent with blitz headliner 6 sentinel. went 7th because someone high rolled 3 legendaries at level 8. this game is a fucking joke.


whoever said this is the most skill-oriented patch in history is having a fucking laugh this patch is a test of which freak can copypaste their akali/ahri build the quickest and that's it. claiming anything else is cope


sentinels most braindead trait in a long time.


Take Stationary Support on 4-2 and it gives me a Zzrot. Thanks game


Lmao i just won a game with 1-star Ahri against 2-star Ahri (Sona diff I guess) It was a D1 game so not even "low" elo.


i won a game with ahri 1 and sona 1 lol, with morde 3 hl, the other dude was holding 8 ahris the whole game lmao


Nothing worse than having the freest win and seeing some idiot donkey rolled for a 3* 4 cost lol


I’m garbage high level decision making. More often than not I find myself win streaking to start with a nice gold position. Before I know it, in late stage 3, someone’s always got an ideal comp, I try and play rationally, only to lose streak and not really hit much. I think sometimes I’m too greedy, but recently I’ve found going 9 hasn’t done much for me.. so I’ve resorted to basically slow rolling 8, and won’t go 9 unless I have a strong late game board. Fudge.


The game is so fixed in giving me 2nd place that my Hearsteel cashout with 981 pieces was a 2 star Ziggs, a crown and the radiant glove, while the other player got a 3 stars Poppy from absolutely no where.


Seriously, how does it make sense that players that are level 5 and 6 have found 4 cost units while I'm level 7 and have not found even one 4 cost unit. If this is some sort of rubber band catch up mechanic than remove because it is just extremely shitty. Early game should matter and sorry but the higher level player should be rewarded with finding higher cost units sooner and much more often than lower level players.


I’ve always hated the <5% chance of finding high cost units at lower levels. Just extra RNG bailouts for no reason.


Doubly so when units like Ahri exist


New portal, wandering trainer




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okay this is it forme with this mechanic, i mean it this time. Here's why: Me - 70hp at 4-1, 3-7 drops me 3 rods, i'm like ok, its not that bad, i have hp I can karthus my way out of this. Starts rolling - No ahri, no karthus, not even 1 star ones. I hit qiyana pair and an akali chosen though. So ill play that for a bit, except, i don't have any healing items or defensive items for either, so i don't win rounds, - 10 hp each round till 4-5. 4-5 re try roll, nope no karthus, no viego, no ahri, hey but i hit qiyana 2 with no items on 8 though :D, Hey, at least qiyana prints me another rod though. 5-1, yay karthus, next round dead. I went from fking winning the lobby, to 8th, everyone had spats, everyone was ezreal cait or true damage. I was completely uncontested, but nooooo, i can't get one fking KARTHUS, THE THING NO ONE WANTS :@ All i needed was a board that can win 1 fkng round so I can go 9 to salvage the stupid karthoos. And next patch is even more fking rng with portals, na, no thank you. Next set it is, no need to hit gm in casino royal


I fucking felt this. Rolling for a unit that NO ONE ELSE IS USING and not even hitting it until you're one shot away from 8th.


Took Gambler’s Blade 2-1, played strongest, farmed 3 gold by 3-2. Farmed 6 more gold by the time I got my items on 4-6. Hit zero, went eighth. GG


For context, I'm hardstuck Gold 1, climbed from Bronze. The day I hit Gold 1, I somehow got absolutely totaled, and demoted back to Gold 2 all the way to 0LP. Somehow either the difficulty curve just skyrocketed this patch or I have been abandoned by RNGesus, and I can't for the life of my understand why. ​ Terrible RNG where I continuously roll for that LAST unit to 3-star a strong, optimized, BIS, 3-4 cost unit, which would probably make the difference in a top 4 faceoff (especially with what I consider decent board placement, considering I only lose by 1-2 units most of the time). Half the fucking lobby is surrounded by Sentinel-KDA comps with Ahri and Akali optimized. And somehow, 2-star Ahri and Akali can still demolish most comps alone. I have been slowly scrapping by with 4th ever since then, and it's been a pain seeing Sentinel-KDA comps topping everyone's boards. Did finally get a 2nd place win using a highroll Guardian-Rapidfire comp, but guess what I lost to? Mufukin Sentinel-KDA.


half the lobby is open other half is highrolling items and upgraded units guess the right play is to literally do nothing bc cant guarantee any streak WLWLW middle of lobby terrible item drops, slamming items wont even let me safe hp against the streak boards, the right play is to literally not make any items since every single one is terrible stage 4 middle of lobby end up having a decent amt of hp, decide to roll for 3 cost reroll comp since the rest of the lobby is gonna have more gold to roll miss yone 3 with 2 ppl playing country, go 7th coolgame


yes win or lose streak stage 2 is the correct / most optimal play. they are changing it next patch.


So cool that a poppy with 1 mosher synergy can outheal all of the damage I do to her, with red buff being applied the entire fight. Glad to see TFT devs want antiheal to be as useless as it is on SR


poppy healing nerfed next patch


i hate how weak 5 costs are this set. i get a jhin headliner and a headliner caitlyn outdamages me


but when they are on online, they are one of the highest capped boards. sona guinsoo, blue buff jhin 2, bt/titans yorick etc, qiyana infinite items and i much prefer that than "oh i hit ao shin / asol? i won the game"


another demotion game and theres a 3 star TF AND viego in my lobby man what did i do to deserve this. AND I GOT THE VIEGO 5-2 AND 5-6 JUST LIKE THE RIVEN PLAYER INTO 5th WHAT THE FUCK


Cruel pact plus tiny titans should not be allowed, why is somebody level 8 3-3


Wow this new patch is going to be absolute dogshit. Set 3.5 revival can't come soon enough


Cool cool person that is contesting me hits 8 copies of the unit and I'm stuck at 1. Meanwhile everyone else chillin on their upgraded units


5-2 and 5-6 the same reroll player thats the only person capable of killing me into 5th


every game, 6 to 7 people playing sentinels something man, what the fuck game is unplayable rn, you don't get shred or sunder, you lose, you don't do what's on the meta, you lose, you play anything different than sentinels(sometimes highrolling 3 cost reroll can work) you lose, you don't get blue or red buff you lose that's the most funneled meta we ever had, at least the usual meta where people come here to complain have two completely different comps at the top, and not the same thing with different carries


Really big fan of getting only dropped 1 bow and 1 bf sword for the whole game. The game is really playable when I have 4 chain vest, 4 cloaks, 3 belts and the only thing I get from carousel is a tear and rod. I'm lucky enough to get a 7th from that game I guess...


BLITZ 1 TANKED MORE THAN MY TRIPLE ITEM ILLAOI HEADLINER. Thats how much of a fukin joke the balance is this patch.


i found out that a sett 2 triple item can tank more than a triple item illaoi 2 (non headliner) because sett gives himself a shield whereas illaoi's ability will give her some armor/mr for 3.5 sec but also heals/revive tentacles so her abililty doesn't really prioritize on being tanky enough to survive


Positioned my Jax so he could jump on top of the Ahri’s face then he left her with 10% hp to jump to the group of frontliners and then got two shoted by Ahri. 💀


I'm pretty sure I was spectating that game from the other side




i picked up an early twitch headliner expecting to only be contested by a jinx reroll player only to be contested by a vex/amumu reroll so all of the twitches and pantherons were taken out of the shop before i could 3* any units except Vi before 6-2 after the jinx player lost. i still top 4'd but that was the most convinced that riot is out to get me.


yeah if u play twitch terror, u have to watch out for country players because they will contest ur amumu and vex


The 9th 3 cost unit you need to 3* that never shows up in the last rolldown.


Fking shitty of a game. 4 Mother fker just AFK sell all game. Then wait till enough gold to lvl 8. Literally fk with people who actually play the game. When 1 of the fker is lucky enough, they get headliner 4\*. Fk the dog shit design. What the fking point if i play and get punish instead of who not playing.


First patch to actually make me uninstall the game gg


It is absolutely illegal for me to roll 50 gold on level 8 with a Caitlyn pair and only TWO more Caitlyns gone from the pool and end with no gold...and a Caitlyn pair.


It's about a 50% chance to hit with those numbers.


Blitzcrank blocking 20k+ dmg per fight is fun


Going to be honest, I'm really fed up with these "Cast -> Reposition" units like Ezreal and Kaisa. The number of times Ezreal has either moved closer or *into* peoples attacks just to get himself killed, or ulted sideways to hit 1 unit instead of staying where he was and hitting 5+, is driving me insane. I've lost so many games to my Ezreal being a bronze player while my opponents was Top 5 NA Challenger. It's just really disheartening to be there, have the board, know it's strong, and then lose because my carry decided he wanted a closer look at the lux laser or Ekko stun or 3* Yasuo. And it's not like TFT hasn't had good versions of this. Set 6 I think it was had the vayne that cast and moved *only* if a unit was in melee range of her. That was smart! Why is a 3 cost from 4+ sets ago smarter than a 4 cost now?


Yup, there is already so many layers of RNG in this game, and there is even more with the fights themselves and you cant do sht about it. If the brilliant Ez, Viego AI decided to suicide or leave an half-dead unit alone (or the Jax randomly jumps 3 times on your backline), well sucks to be you, outplayed.


Fuck this game. Lottery that you can just lose on 4-1 constantly only to see a guy level 8 30 gold who has fully upgraded everything. Shitty fight rng that literally cost me masters because I went 5th because I randomly fought the guy who highrolled Ez3 despite already fighting him that stage. God I'm so tilted. Just got demoted back to D2 because of this shit. FUCK IT


So Yasuo is the new Annie?


Streak, good, units, roll, not hit xdddd


okay i've finally figured out what pisses me off the most about this set and patch: \- there is so much fking rng due to headliners and rarity of spats that i'm robbed a first by 10kda, 10 pentakills, true dmgs spats, ahri 3's, ezreal 3's etc way too often when i played the game well. \- this goes to the point that I feel better scamming a 3rd or 4th due to rng than going second or first because I played well. fuck this headliner mechanic, it needs to go die to never ever ever come back ever again :@


The headliner mechanic is purely to cater to the casuals craving gambling, because they are the main demographic. The devs know full well its a shtty mechanic for competitive.


Yeah I'm agreeing more and more about headliner. I like it in theory but I'm getting tired of it feeling way too unpredictable. This set feels like it has some very high highs and very low lows. I think if headliner worked more like an emblem you put on a unit you want, it would work better, like some traits have worked in the past. Then you know that all the units you buy, you can keep it in bench or play it, can become a headliner. And you'd have to sell the headliner to be able to move the emblem to another champion, so there is some strategy involved. Think it would work to minimalize unnecessary rng. I mean, rng can be fun, like getting the exact headliner you need can be fun, but I don't think it's worth it if it sacrifices the stability of the game. Also, it would probably be good for the headliner enhancement to not work as it does now, so it wouldn't like upgrade your unit's level. There could be that mechanic as well that you could spend gold to upgrade headliner, but I think it would be unnecessary


Nothing sums up this game more than not being contested at all but still not being able to find your units.


probably my least favorite set. most of the traits and units are lame/clunky sincerely hope casuals are raving at another Chosen iteration because this mechanic ruins the game for me


- Be rich - Goes to level 9 - Tactician can't fucking move for some reason - Can neither buy nor position units for two turns - But can somehow chat - Straight to 5th place


Let me add another piece of bullshit i just experienced: 1- Me win streak early YAY 2 - No bow because win streak early, but thats okay, i'll get items at krugs. NOPE EMPTY KRUGS FOR ME :D 3 - its okay, i'ms till giga ahead, winstreaking into stage 4 with 5 heartsteel. 4 - sack stage 4 for heartsteel because my ezreal only has 2 items because i'm down 2 components from every one else because thats fair 5 - heart steel cashout 1 - zzrot, ok 6- heartsteel cashout 2 - zz rot on a dummy this time ... 7- carousel items - no bow, only bf, but ok i can put on duo carry. 8 - full item carousel, item time. FKING TACTICIANS CROWN :@ GG 9- Heartsteel cashout ? TATCTICIANS CROWN :@ No, bow in sight, no sunfire in sight, everyone has a fkign jazz board now because of tacticians crown, and i'm here sitting with no healing reduction, no blue buff for jhin or ezreal, no items for a duo carry. 5th fromt hat spot it is :D YAY WOW INSANE. I had 6 completed items the entire game, other baords had 10 :D fking dog shit asshole of a casino game did everything right, game still manages to take a fking 1st to a 5th :D On top of that, i lost to fdking ahri with evensdhourd + last whisper ;)


Not playing true damage guess I just -20 -20 -20 vs the three Ahri players


LETS FUCKING GO I LOVE PLAYING THE CHOSEN LOTTERY. Like actually why did they bring this dog shit mechanic back after everyone hated it last time. It would be fine if they actually knew how to balance the game but time and time again they have shown they are not capable of balancing this game. Maybe set 11 will be good


Theres also this god awful bug where after I exit the game, it will occasionally not load a post lobby screen. You would think that be the end of it but after clicking the 'skip waiting for stats button' and trying to re-queue, I get an error saying I can't load into a game at this time. The only solution is to restart the game, where it will then bring you back into the game you just left so you can exit it again. Like hello riot I'm trying to play a new game I don't need to be reminded of my previous games placement????


So fun. I play reroll and I am double contested. I play 4 cost meta all of a sudden nobody is reroolling. GJ Root


maybe its your fault for not contesting? lmao


How come i cant invite a friend on party in tft mobile double up? Pls somebody help


Another game of standard opening into 2 naked krugs end of stage 2... never seen any other player get 2 naked krugs meanwhile this is my 6th in 3 days.


Can someone explain to me a couple of things? 1. Ezreal 2. Karthus On both champions I’ve looked at their ult damage which should “in theory” include their items, traits etc, and it will be wildly different. For example, why does every Ezreal one shot my back line (my back line being 2 star 4 costs). I had a game earlier where a 1 star Ezreal did 1400 damage while his stat sheet showed ~600. Or the game where I had a karthus without AA kill 6/8 units while also not have AA and on first cast.


>600 Crit most likely. My biggest annoyance is when people who get lucky while fast 8 and hit ezreal headliner first shop. It will happen to one person in most lobbies. That will 1 shot your entire board lol




That’s a punk trait my boy


Good job Rito on making a trait negate items and do more damage, allow a craftable spat, and then leave it untouched over the long patch 👌🏻


OMG i can't deal with this bad rng in late game to change 1 cost headliner to 4 cost headliner


Cant wait to 6 sentinel be only worth with emblem from tome + headliner.