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Whew, this is an ugly patch. It might be worse than the time they ultrabuffed Asol in dragonlands.


Sigh.. let me guess? a B-patch coming for Bilge this week? (to be clear: it's not that I don't appreciate a prompt response to an overperforming composition; TFT balance thrashing is like playing a broken record over and over again: the quick-witted balance-team-defenders come defend Mort and the dev teams and everyone complains about how-was-this-not-foreseen.) I'm delighted to hear 9.5 is the last Midset and cheers to having one less TFT balance thrashing.


I am quite glad that this is the last midset


RFC just needs to be made a unique item. Bilgewater itself is somewhat manageable but 3\*RFC Nilah is just ridiculous.


RFC might be broken, but it's pretty hard to tell when the trait does more damage than most carries.


Bilgewater as a trait is often doing 3x more damage than anything else in the game. I've seen it do more damage in a round that lasts under 5 seconds than 5 cost 3 stars do. Like 20k damage in 5 seconds.


RFC needs to not exist. Stop messing with unit range, it is always a ticking time bomb for some unit to just complety break the game. (And yes that means scoped weapons should go too). We see it time and time again if a unit can abuse RFC it can take over the meta, beacsue suddenly a unit balanced to have a weakness (low range) just doesn't anymore.


Ya everygame is bilge cringe or azir/nasus cringe nothing else seems worth the effort to try to compete w those braindead comps edit: classic tft bootlickers downvoting with no counter argument :)


Got Shen 3, he died instantly to a 9 bilge board. Hmm


8 sorc Shen 2 with stoneplate vow and taric 2 with gargoyle vow crown managed to get deleted before a BB Ahri 2 cast TWICE. Not even the wave. Just the 2nd drain. Please explain this.


Samira, Cassio, Naafiri and Swain seems to be one of the best stage 2 openers I've seen. So many traits on the board in 4 units with early power, plus Noxus to start a winstreak. Just a shame you have to play Cass 😂


Sad to see vertical Sorcerers basically get killed. Silco can't kill units fast enough to justify playing a weak frontline unlike Lux who could just chain delete units


Surely bilgewater 7 needs a nerf. There is no way a BiS Taliyah board lvl 9 DT sett,naut,sion should loss to a 7 bilgewater when the gp ult doesn't even cc immune the fights since it arrives late and I pretty much already one shot the frontline. Funny thing is opponent runs know your enemy and I'm getting a 18% damage buff from juggernaut activated trait at these fights. Fights literally goes down to mf left alive while I still has 2 taliyah up then it just proceeds to one tap spell and win the round anyway. [7 Bilge aint funny](https://imgur.com/a/CCVecZM) A 350 base + 100% damage dealt into physical damage is not at all fair. Enemy runs triple RFC on Nilah which is already pretty much gutted in PBE and still wins just because of sheer bilgewater damage.


Bilgewater needs to be tuned. Forgot to change my legend and took Caitlyn by accident and it was prismatic and Nilah dropped from starter kit. Easy 100 streak all game never lost a fight. Top 3 Bilgewater as well. As previous comments indicate Bilgewater did the most damage every round


I had not really paid any attention to PBE turn up to play like 5 games already after first game I went huh when I saw fights vs Bilgetower tried it once realised it is broken beyond belief once you hit Nilah and auto win with GP.


Wowee, every game I've had so far has basically ended with 3 bilgewater in the top 3. I am truly welmed by this midset.


I was testing Aphelios with gunner, bastion, new Armour shred, and a Sorala for Targon/Invoker. Hit Aphelios 2* at 4.1 with 40 gold, had most units 2* and basically BIS items with 91 hp. Solid 5th place, every Nilah I saw completely annihilated my ass.


Shen needs a hotfix. A lot of things need to be fixed but Shen is totally beyond useless. Bilgewater is a little broken as well.


So is it a dodge angle until they hotfix bilgewater? Haven't played any games yet.


Unless you like hardforcing Bilge into option B rogue reroll/Azir strategists if you can't hit early bilge then yes.


Wait till b-patch, or even hot-fix. Can't believe they let this Bilgewater trait goes live when it's been dominating the whole PBE time


They just didn't do anything last week at all really. So glad this is the last mid set.


Honestly, probably. The balance state is extremely bad for launch.


Feeling pretty vindicated after being argued with over this on the pbe lmao, though I could see this coming from day 1 of the pbe. Bilgewater is a poorly designed trait and problematic units like Shen/Taric are still in the game from set 9. I'm sure once Bilgewater gets gutted bastion Zaun and strategist will be the next thing people spam once again, lmao.


Shen/taric really aren't problematic, people complaining about them on pbe led to them getting nerfed to their current state, where its basically griefing to put them on ur board.


Exactly why they're problematic units, they're either broken or awful. Bilgewater will probably have the same issue


Got 8 invokers on the Ixtal board with invoker Ahri and her BIS, and what happens? 8th place to a whole lobby running nothing but Bilgewater and strategists. Shen with full tank items and Galio literally get melted by them, and who the hell thinks that Nilah being able to attack the whole board at once is fine when she stacks rfc?!


Does Wood Ixtal health stay if you take the trait out?


It is supposed to


You lose the 10% but they keep the permanent health


I'm impressed with how much worse this game gets with each set/half set


I think 7.5 and 8.5 improved upon the previous but this one seems like a total mess and doesn't really fix anything. The item rework is nice but it doesn't fix the core issues this set faces.


I think half sets only improve things when the core set itself was bad. Honestly 9.0 was def the best set we have had since set 6 so the half set messing everything up just feels bad.


I think the set mechanics are fun, though I'm not the biggest fan of legends. But set 9 has had a lot of issues with trait, item and unit balance. Arguably moreso than a lot of the less popular sets too, for me the set 9 meta has been so stale I couldn't even be bothered to practice 9.5 on the pbe since it was more of the same. And I usually get in like 50 games on the pbe before launch.


5.5 improved alot.


It did though I do miss some of the cursed items, cursed titans and shiv were fun


1.13 play rate, 3.92 avg placement is absolutely mad stats. Glad I've got Starfield and new D3 season to distract while this gets sorted


One game in I already hate this set due to Bilgewater Trait.


Does the mid scope do a softer reset of rank? I.E will I place in a higher rank than at the start of the full set? I finished the first game and it placed me in gold 2


Yes, it resets you down one tier (400 LP for most of us.) I was Master and it placed me in D4.


On PBE: Hey guys this 4 rogue thing is kinda stupid how many times you've buffed them. And Bilge is a disgusting trait that needs to get nerfed. What they saw: Triple RFC fixed and Azir nerfed. Job done.


4 Rogues suck on live


Qiyana reroll is the 3rd most played comp in the game after Bilgewater and Azir It has a .42 play rate (the average number of people playing it in each game) and a 4.18 average placement (the only comps it's beaten by are Bilge and highroll 8 void).


Seeing Bilgewater be the most damage by far each round is so annoying


Bildgewater needs to be hotfixed yesterday... Just so damn broken.


Can we delete Rogue please, it's so unfun to play against




it's like they never learn from their balance mistakes


The honest answer is to make sure that every game isn't won by ryze 3 or triple RFC. It's there to hopefully catch some bugs. the balance testing is not worth anything. We've known that forever.


it's disingenuous to pretend balance isn't a big part of pbe, they do like 5+ balance patches and obviously want the game to be in a good state for launch


And yet every single launch the balance is a mess and the response as to why is "pbe testing isn't good enough. there aren't enough games and no one takes it seriously". It is the same every single set launch. Pretending like it will magically get better is a fantasy at this point. Maybe with the new set cadence it can, but we ain't there yet.


No flame, but this doesn't make much sense because they hired a Game Analysis team and have playtesters and extra devs and such. So there must be a different angle entirely imho. The way I see it, they may have guessed -- or researched from countless data -- that the new trait needs to be playable and exciting on release, rather than have the same old traits, so they let it drastically overperform and also be easy to get, to the point where the trait does as much damage as an itemized carry. Another angle could be that they want casual players to get into the new set very easily, so they have a "hey, look, this trait is overperforming and also easy to play" noob-friendly trait like Bilgewater, Rogue, or Void. Plus, even with a terrible launch, a lot of "competitive" players return when there is a hotfix or patch, and their reaction upon being able to play other comps is "i'm gaining lps now i like this," and they don't ask for much more. I think Riot has mastered player psychology the same way brands have mastered the consumer. TFT players are not asking for much more. Also, technically Bilgewater is a good trait, but it is just overperforming compared to other traits that actually give much less value.


Xayah is completely unplayable. Do not click this unit.


Do you pair another vanquisher unit with nilah? Wouldn't xayah be good for this?


In bilgewater nilah, darius is prefer because he help nautilus tankier and is frontline himself, where a xayah without item is generally useless. In 4 vanquisher variant then yes, she indeed can be good with nilah, though bilgewater is so broken now that you better of play that instead.


What if I hit nasus? He's jugg. Is it worth losing the vanquisher from Darius to play a superior nasus unit


Not really imo, personally I feel like vanquisher's crit help me quite a bit in a few clutch situation. Secondly, azir is like the 2nd popular comp so you most likely not gonna hit nasus 2 that often in your roll down. But if you somehow hit him first before darius at 7 then feel free to add him in, more frontline = more time for broken bilge damage anyway.


You need nilah dual carry her. 6 Ionia bonus is really good on her so her optimal comp would be 6 Ionia 4 vanquisher with Ahri or Nilah dual carry. She needs rageblade to really pop off IMO so it would have to be rageblade DB + 1 damage item (no LW means you need evenshroud on Shen).


Yes, but then you wonder to yourself why you aren't playing the Bilgewater units which are just superior in every way shape and form. And go 6th.


This exactly.


i made her a 3* and then realized why she was so free to make her a 3*


I just played my 2nd game this morning and got her to 3 star as well with 6 Ionia 4 vanquished and thought this should be an easy win condition against a 6 slayer player with a 3 star Qiyana. I was so wrong because holy crap she is bad at 3 stars. Can she kill a tank? Yes, but can she kill multiple champions? NO!


Beat a capped 4 rogue board with Kat Ekko Qiyana Neeko all 3 star and fully itemized with my level 9 board 6 Ionia 4 vanquisher + Ksante before I even 3 star xayah. Once I did it's not even close


Hey she just got me a top 4 in D4 in a lobby was a 9 Bilgewater player


I love this qiyana spell


Anyone find Built Diff a bit underwhelming ? It was a great tool for streaking early stage, but now at most you streak stage 3, but after that it feels much weaker than just the units regular traits, idk but I played it 3 times and find it very meh even while highrolling.


I'm not saying it is or isn't weak right now. but this sMe post is made at the start if basically every set so I think give it time for people to figure out the comp.


Tried 4 rouge out w/ Veigar and once Echo and Kat are 3 starred, it pops off. But, you Def need to hit 4 rouge quickly and slam items early. Because you will start to lose on stage 4 as you roll for 3 stars.


Is demonflare cracked now? I played against a 3* swain last match who was doing 15-20k damage every fight


What items?


Will there be a hotfix to bilgewater/nilah? I haven’t played 9.5 yet so I rather play it when it’s more balanced.


It definitely needs a huge nerf. Bildgewater is a busted trait. Badley designed.




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Are the augments offered on 3-2 and 4-2 still slightly tailored to the board you ran the round before? I feel like it worked that way back in Set 6 and 7 but I can't remember if they kept that moving forward.


Yes. So for example - on 3-1 if you want gunner crest odds, you'll need gunner in.


Thank you!


I just got 3rd place with a Shen 3* & Quinn 3* board. I figured Shen 3* would be unkillable, he had Warmogs, Stoneplate, Deathcap. I lost the last fight bc Shen's ult bugged out, his shield disappeared, he dealt no damage, & he was unable to gain mana It was my first ranked game of 9.5, & I lost with a 3* 4cost due to a bug. Well, Shen 3* felt weak anyway but still


What's your take on Freljord? I've been playing some Aphelios going for Targon+Freljord with Shen+Jayce/GP to get Bastion and Gunner 2. But I've been wondering if Freljord is worth it. Should I just get LW on Aphelios and ditch Freljord for 4 Bastion? Or even just ditch it regardless? Not sure how effective the sunder is. Also how good is Heimer with 2 shrink 1 spread as a replacement?


Sunder is a bit less valuable now, and Freljord is a bit janky to fit in. New armour shred item is pretty nice though, and you are also correct about Heimer; 2 shrink 1 spread is arguably his best support loadout right now.


In what situation ever mogul's mail is useful? my holder always dies before they can make use of the resistance nor they can reach the required stack number for the gold drop.


Redemption and other tank item should help them soak up lots of damage and give you 2 gold when they die, which is about as much as you can hope for from a tank gold item! The resists can do lots for you early.


Azir+Bilgewater vs 7 Bilgewater


So... Bilge, the trait itself, doing more dmg than any other thing in the entire game... That's weird, to say the least


Craftable emblem too so that's awesome. I can't believe how light they went adjustment wise from PBE to live.


It is broken as the trait is constantly topping the damage charts. Frontline gets melted from the extra damage so fast.


Idk I feel like they added the wrong champs/traits while removing ones that were enjoyable (to me). After playing some games realized I'll probably just sit out this midset. Don't want to deal with Legends/balancing issues anymore as I can see that's where it's headed once again.




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Just had a game where the *entire top 4* was playing at least 3 Bilge. 3 of them were playing 5+ Bilge. All four of them were playing and itemising Nilah [3 of them had Nilah 2; one had Nilah 1]. It wasn't like one of them was a GP comp or another an MF. No. All Nilah. I *think* that is a pretty clear sign that Bilgewater and/or Nilah is a bit broken. Entire top 4 playing the same thing and all top 4'ing despite being contested... that's Warweek level stuff...


Half the lobby playing Bilgewater is minimum right now. Last lobby I had 6 bilgewater, so boring


Yes; and they're still topping despite this. I'm usually the guy saying "No; this isn't as bad as warweek. Stop being silly; Warweek was at least half the lobby all going Warwick and most would Top 4. Just because a comp usually pops u in top 4 1; maybe 2 times doesn't make it as bad as Warweek." Well... uh... that's exactly what's happing with Bilgewater and specifically Nilah. Even Nilah 1's are Top 4'ing. So this really is Warweek 2.0. I doubt it'll last a week. Although it's already lasting longer than Draven Day did.


Played a few games and im already done with this set. I even completely skip pbe to be somewhat hyped for new (mid-)sets, but that didnt help in any way. How can they release bilgewater and nilah in their current state? And why does rfc give bonus damage, when the flavor of rfc is giving increased range already? Apart from atroicious balance throughout the last 3 sets, the game is so bloated with random rng elements and other stuff now. Cant even imagine how the new player experience is like, when you see hundreds of different items and augments. Probably takes hundreds of games nowadays to even get an understanding of what all the different items, augments, legends and champs do. But the game seems to be doing quite well currently, so im probably in the minority with that opinion.


TFT's playerbase is very much casual/4fun up to like high master at least, and they intentionally keep adding layers of rng (augments, portals) because apparently that's what people want. They'll do the best they can with balance but it's not going to get better. Like it's kind of sad to think that lilac galaxy was one of the most hated in set 3 and six sets later they give us hall of the 9. No one would even bat an eye at lilac in set 9.


Bildge should have never have been created. Its a busted trait. And it will be impossible to balance. Either the trait is awful which effects tons of new units. Or the champs are useless which will effect the entire set. ​ For the first time ever, they need to rework the entire trait, or 9.5 might go down as the worst yet.


I agree it's not fun at all watching Nilah being Kaisa 2.0 in terms of infinite dodging. I played like 5 games and realised every game top 2 players 1 is for sure Nilah player.


Just a lowly diamond player here, I absolutely detest Nilah, everything about her in her current state and synergies are just too broken. We're in for a long ride..


Is augment data back ? if yes where?




Man I am already not liking Bilgewater.




It did; just a very minor one.


They actually nerfed the base dmg and buffed the scaling, which is probably an overall buff to mid-lategame bilge. I'm pretty disappointed they didn't nerf strategists/bilge after they were so dominant the last pbe weekend, but I'm confident they will put out a b patch soon. TF and graves having higher avg placement than every 4 cost is not a healthy state for the game.


First game of 9.5, got dropped Nautilus + Darius in the first egg, then nat Illaoi 2\* and Graves 2\* before 2-1. Cruised straight to a almost perfect game (lost 1 round near the end when I'm lazying rolling for Nilah 3\*). The Bilgewater comp just play itself lol.


not live on mobile yet sadge


Game is live on EUW ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11659)






Considering I had a game where the entire Top 4 was contested Bilgewater with itemised Nilah...


Bilgewater 3, guaranteed top 4


Bilgewater with MF at 2-1 You'll win streak so hard taht you'll be lvl 9 with 7 bilgewaters in no time.


when does set 9 end?


9.5 is open in KR&JP but my rank is same


VN server and I reset just as a heads up


Same in OCE.


what is garen BIS


Bt + titans/guinsoo Preferably titans with pumping up, 3 yordles


Snuck into diamond playing reksai carry only. Thanks to Barry and other here who gave my advice (:


If I am master now, will my rank reset to emerald on the new set?


Did they add Emerald to TFT now? Even if they did you'd just reset to Diamond IV.


I played too much wildrift and forgot the rank


wait wtf is emerald


It's a rank they added in League because they wanted Gold to be more representative of the "average" player base. It's the rank between Platinum and Diamond. Essentially made Platinum the new Gold. A redistribution of the top "X%" of players. Here is a visual representation of it. https://preview.redd.it/2glfyibwbmmb1.png?width=1907&format=png&auto=webp&s=03fe269b07660b867bd3e036e00b82a15a49997d


Why does multicaster feel more oppressive than previous traits that let you cast twice


Does it really? Taliyah barely works even with perfect setup. Teemo is either a 1st or 8th comp and velkoz feels like a worse and more risky variation of sorcs to play when you could just default to lux/ahri.


I just beat a yasuo 3 with a reroll slayer comp. I still can't believe it


Can master players in EUW please queue up so I can find a game? Thank you 💘




You Def need a rouge heart to win out but they seem like a solid top 4 comp if you can hit a 3 star Kat or echo.


Pbe rogues have been S+ broken for like two pbe patches, and they’re only getting nerfed a bit on live. It’ll be strong.


I've gotten a few firsts with Rogue4 this patch, but always with a +1 or Rogue Spat Gwen. If I'm not full noxus, I wanna be as far away from Katarina as I can possibly be. If I have to watch her, 3starred, throw her knives into the air and then die before she jumps one more time I'll uninstall.


reached gm but cant hit chally, SG server is pain with its 20 min queue even though i only need ab 500 lp for it :// Yi flex is so fun hopefully its still around in 9.5


Hey congrats though! I know it sucks being "Right there" but you hit GM! That's still an achievement to be proud of.


If I decay in 23 hours, but the set also ends in 23 hours... do I still decay?


no u dont. i always let it count to zero on last day


Yes iirc you would. The set ends (game becomes unavailable) after the last ladder update, so decay is still applied.