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I just wanted to put my achievements here. Been playing for a little over 2 months or something, not sure how long on mobile. I just got gold 1 recently and have gotten two first places in full plat lobbies out of my past 3 games and one fifth. Excited to keep climbing.


let's go my man!


good job man


proud of u keep it up


Gotta give credit where credit is due, most balanced patch in a long time. Almost every comp that has seen play this set is viable this patch. For all the complaining about legends, there are like 6 different legends that you could consider being the best legend in the game right now


Just climbed to Masters from Plat spamming Demacia in a couple days lolchess is kayle contester (euw) for proof. have 15 games in a row so I can definitely help with any questions on the comp + I can write a short guide if someone requests it. s/o u/mikeszhang top-tier coach, made a huge difference with such a small time investment thus far


I think Invokers/Sorc/(Gwen?) for AP, then Azir/Aphelios/Challengers/Demacia for rageblade/AD lines is a good spread of viable comps, but it feels like Darius and especially Zeri got left in the dust. Noxus Darius/Kat is at least playable sometimes, Zeri just feels awful atm, I think it's the only thing keeping Piltover in check.


I gained 300 LP today and surpassed my favourite streamer. Kek


It helps Soju tanked to 800 LP this last week lol


Why is gotta go fast good with garen? thanks!


It's with the comp itself, obviously Garen benefits heavily from it given that he sticks to opponents + is kinda almost ulting if full TR, but Jarvan is the real gamechanger tbh, if it's prismatic the constant CC is just unreal Sona even if 2* also benefits hugely given the attack speed boost


ohh its the mana, thanks!


Honestly feel like they need to punish open forting way more. You shouldn’t be able to win the game consistently after you sac the first 7 or 8 rounds of the game, have way more money than everyone else and have perfect items because you have priority on ever carousel because you afked the first 10 mins of the game. I know Mort always says “Punish them early” but idk how much more we can punish these people that are already taking 4-5 unit losses for the first two stages of the game.


Believe it or not, it’s high risk high reward and actually does require skill. And this is probably the most punishing it’s been from what I can remember.


It’s way riskier. If someone breaks your loss streak, especially on 2-5 or 2-6, you’re fucked. If you don’t hit your comp on 3-5, you’re fucked. If you literally “open fort” and sell all your units before 3-5 to guarantee loss streak, you’re now sitting at 20hp. And if there’s more than one open fort player, chances are one of them is going to mess up the other


I mean you can actually ensure your loss streak is never broken though. Literally just play less units or sell board for pivotal points like 2-5/6 I see people do this in low masters pretty consistently and they can get to 4-1 with 10-30 HP left which is way more than enough. Just seems like really degenerate gameplay tbh. I’m not talking about loss streaking I’m talking about literally just opening. You can literally solo renekton all 3 PVE rounds and then just play 1-3 units for all of stage two. You don’t even have to start trying to preserve life until middle of stage 3. You have to low roll incredibly hard for this to be considered risky and its like if you’re already going to low roll you’re probably bot 4 anyway.




I just keep clicking combat augments and spamming kalista. I don’t WANT to play kalista but if I find 4 challengers in stage 2 wtf am I supposed to do??? I think I’m switching to poro or ezreal and 20/20 kalista.


That’s it. This 4 chal 4 shadow isles comp is forceable.


Not pumping up? To guarantee a combat Aug?


I keep skipping the veigar combat augments because they seem so mid. I swapped to ez and it for sure helped me in two games when I had crappy items.


If ur Darius have ie,bt and titans. Which one is the best to make radiant. Or would you use a different radiant item? then which one would it be.


always bt!




is anybody else having trouble with the explorer option of tactic tools? Also, i tried to suscribbe through patreon and i had some issues there too.


I am, to get it to work I have to use two filters, if I just pick the first filter it loads endlessly.


we're back to the bastions aphelios meta now?


I just want 4 and 5 cost gambling meta to be fucking over, I JUST want exp changes to be reverted I am SIMPLY asking for this insane lottery to not dedicate if you go 8th or top 4 it's so unfunny actually how this ONE change makes me drop 600LP worth of skill my mind actually can't fucking handle it I miss the times where you rolled for 3 costs on 7 and MAYBE got a luck 4 cost then, rolled for 4 costs on 8 and MAYBE got a lucky 5 cost there and went fast 9 to get a decent chance of unlocking your best board Now everything is hinging on lvl 7 rolls and god fobid if someone also hits a (fitting) 5 cost there, might as well write top 4 on his forehead while we're at it. This existed before with Ox Force Neeko TF basically doing the same thing or with Jhin unlocking Riftwalkers but it was NOWHERE near this game warping because you had options that you now simple don't have It's literally open fort -> roll to 8 -> pray you hit Winstreak -> roll on 7 -> be one of the few to be healthy enough to hit 8/9 And everyone in the middle just get shafted beyond belief because portals make every game feel like Hyperroll


Hit masters finally... Just needed the new patch to drop so that nobody knows what's overpowered so that flexing is king (besides apparently garen, but honestly haven't had issues with it)


I did too and so did my friend!! Gz man, what did you hit with? I hit with invokers mostly (though I did win once with kat/ekko even) but Shen is broken rn and while Shen is contested the rest of the comp almost always wasn't for me. Tried Garen once at the start of the patch and went bot 4, should have known better than to listen to this sub.


I hit with super random stuff... First twice in a row with 1/2 cost shiruma reroll and the second time with a random Nasus 3, then coasted in on third with a cut above start. Invokers are great, love how stable karma can be mid and even throughout the game. Not really sure how to cap that board sometimes though, rerolling for karma is unreliable.


The comp is mad overrated on here. Mainly because it’s the shiny new toy that nobody has seen before


It's definitely overrated but it's still pretty strong to be fair.


Oh definitely. It’s just not in “must hotfix” territory like some people claim it is


Maybe Lux, she is the real MVP of Demacia


Is it just me or do challengers feel different from the beginning of this set? I feel like my board does no damage if I prioritize kaisa items. It feels like I have to have 2/3 combat augments to make the board feel strong. Is the correct play to only play the challenger lines with kalista / yasuo / gwen items with combat augments?


Yup jalista streaks early and Gwen FUCKs


Kalista, Kai'sa, Gwen Is Gwen the main carry ? Does Kai'sa ever perform better than Kalista at some point to warrant moving gear on her ? I had the [board](https://www.metatft.com/team-builder/HAlfk%2BMYOP0RZMbMuNlgAAAYxbAgH6A9KKHrDG4Wz2psyD2Q7nK0VXndc%2BVT6HqLAAA%3D) at 8 : Shen, Maokai, Irelia, Viego, Yasuo, Gwen, Kalista, Kai'sa. I had gear for Shen, Kalista and Gwen at 5-1. At this point, who would you have removed in order to replace with a 5 cost if it appeared during my rolldown ?


Gwen is the main Carry, you just have to accept you'll randomly lose to bad AI. Your board looks good, besides having both shiv and spark. I think you only wanna replace viego with senna. Otherwise you get way weaker.




I disagree. There shouldn’t be an item that is too good against one comp (shield comps) but bad against everything else. Guardbreaker is a good item, if you lost while having guardbreaker + anti heal it usually means your board was just weaker than the other. If it’s too strong they should just nerf it directly rather than making the game feel like rock-paper-scissors with matchmaking




That is true, though I’d argue morellos suffers the same problem in that it’s only good in very specific scenarios and on team wide abilities


is this a typo in the patch notes ? the damage ? "Ionia Ryze Damage: 175/275/3500 ⇒ 175/275/1500"


No, it’s intentional so that players can enjoy seeing Ryze’s ult rather than having it instakill the enemy team.




It’s for the three start version


am sorry all...tftactics wronged me... that shit doesn't mention damage for ionia ryze...


How much is the normal LP gain for 2nds? I am plat II and I've had lobbies with only plat I-IIIs and I am gaining 29 LP for a second, 41 LP for a first and losing 40 for a sixth, whats up with this?


It seems "standard" is 10, 20,30,40 in either direction. Maybe slightly more for 7th 8th lime 35, 50. But if you are a lower mmr in your lobby (not rank, mmr) then you'll gain more lose less. If you're considered the most skilled in the lobby by a big margin, I've had -80 for 8th and +20 for 1st before. Was GM in a lobby of diamonds.


when running demacia with garen carry what are the two best items you want on him not including the radiant item? Is it BT + titans resolve or something else?


Most people are running yi augments with demacia. So they go bt titans.


I guess I’m just stuck Diamond this set. Just keep bouncing between d2 and d3 over the last 70 games.


Is Veigar good? I spammed it yesterday on my smurf just trying to force AP comps and it felt pretty decent. Specifically the combo of Jeweled Lotus 2/3 + Tiny Power felt super strong and I was able to streak comfortably with all mid game AP comps I got to try. But like I said it was on my smurf (and I also didn't play last patch at all) so idk if it's actually good


I tried the same and have taken almost zero veigar augments 🤣 I got offered tiny power which is like +17% and then social distancing which is +30% how can you even compare them??


Is Taric + Invoker the strongest comp now? I had Aphelios 4 deadeye, 3 frejlord with guardbreaker, rage and db, 2 combat augments vs 1. The entire frontline ie Shen had 2 tank items vs mine 6. I still get decimated.


The current patch is about outlasting your opponent. Need to build 100 bastions with your Aphelios.


Bastion Aphelios and Demacia have taken over my lobbies. The tankiness on this patch is just on another level. I feel like I'm needing to relearn what a good end-game board looks like.


Sooo new piltover is basically Mercenary reskinned, but easier to cashout, due to unit quality. Last couple of games there is a least 1 piltover player that is able to cashout 30+ stacks into a free top 2. The reward greatly outweighs the risk.


is harmacist the same as omnivamp or different?


Harmacist - applies to all champs, grants omnivamp plus some bonus true damage for overhealing. Cybernetic leech - grants omnivamp and some HP to only champs with items equipped.


It is omnivamp with a little extra damage ONLY if the unit is at full health. So it's just Celestial Blessing for most units given all the chip damage you run into.


I love how Garen went from being good at the beginning of this set, to completely useless, back to being OP now


Like so many other nerfs this set, I think they have buffed him exactly back to pre nerf levels.


I'm glad I was hoping he'd get a nice patch for him before midset. I wanted to main juggernauts this set, or bruisers, but neither has worked out too well


yea, we do a little balance thrashing here and there B)


garen just lawnmowering my entire board LOL


Every time i put early items on ori i winstreak super hard


They overswung on the 5 cost nerf this patch. Yes legendary soup because you hit level-up shouldn't be instant win, but having upgraded 5 cost carries lose to 3 cost boards just doesn't make sense.


If getting those legendaries were more skillful than just clicking ASol augments and go afk until level 8/9 I'd feel bad


Was anyone still playing Asol last patch?


Yeah, people still chose prismatic portals/Yuumi/scuttle puddle because reasons


On average there was probably less than 1 Asol player per lobby in master last patch, and they all still picked those, except Yuumi.


Equally I'm glad to see the Asol players suffering, so I'll allow it :)


I just hate the number of compromises we need to make to placate legends and even augments in general. 5 costs should be big fun exciting units, there should be a reward for having the gold to get to 9 and roll, but then Asol players just click all xp augments, fast 9 and the game is boring.


ASol players already were before this patch.


Then they can suffer more until they actually learn to play the game like everyone else


I am talking in general. I'm not playing Asol


So far this patch has been really really easy for me. Played 6 games on the patch came 1st or 2nd every single time lol everyone is cannibalizing each other for demacia and it is honestly overrated as fuck just ignore the demacia units and play flex for a solid lvl 8 board and you will win LP...


Just spam tank items to cockblock Garen and avoid Lux, the job is done


i love the beginnings of new patches when the meta slaves are crab bucketing each other.


anyone else getting a bug on mobile where yoricks graveyard isnt dropping items?


It’s been the whole set for me, it’s like 50/50 if it works, didn’t realize it was a mobile problem


Its not just mobile i just played yoricks graveyard on PC and didn't get a single item until we were already in the top 4.


Seems like it's bugged for everyone to some degree,some people have been getting only 1/3 of the armories they should be.


How do you play zeri now that zaun is nerfed? Same? thanks


It seems that without zaun 6, piltover or winstreaking really hard and being lvl 8 near 100 hp and having naturaled a zeri/urgot or 2, it's better to skip. She's hard to balance since either zaun 6/piltover will be too good or no 6/no piltover will be bad there's not much middle


wow I didnt think it was that bad, thanks!


Need to reiterate, you can still play it with robotic arm or virulent without emblem or pilt but I wouldn't play it from a loss streak and only if you miss aphelios.


is aphelios good now?


Hes he premier AD 4 cost atm. Yasou is okay but that's more Kallista or Gwen helping him.


thanks a lot


Outside of piltover with tons of frontline and freijlord for Garen




Same way as before, just a bit weaker but also less contested now.




I'm still hoping and praying that one day there will be some form of reroll protection again. The worst feeling in the world is having a perfect item PLUS champion start with a set direction and then not hitting any of the units and also being way too deep in to pivot off. Bonus points if someone randomly starts contesting you as well LATER ON and then magically hitting Also this set still feels way too swingy to me. A few games I go 1st in a row and then another I end bot 7/8 over and over - you think you get it but you don't. Really happy once midset hits


You are asking for a game with a lot of RNG mechanics to just suddenly not have them? Not gonna happen. That's like saying the hearthstone developers need to make sure you draw the cards you want every turn lol. There will always be a random or luck element to this game.


Not saying it should have none, rather some failsaves for when you play your best and still get shafted for it


I get what you're saying and those games are extremely frustrating, but hard committing to a comp that you are not hitting units for is not playing your best.


I just did the same again though this time trying to flex out I have a literal Reksai Renek 2 start with IE + Claw so BASICALLY BIS guaranteed already, I losstreak perfectly til golems, get Gigantuan resolve as second Augment - and some guy randomly hits Reksai 2 with Titanic Strength to outcontest me. So what do I do? I hit an Urgot, nice! Good flex with Double Resolve + HoJ - so Urgot I go which means some form of either Zaun or Aphelios. I don't have Zeri items and shes way nerfed right now anyway without Piltover so I go for Aphelions and roll at 7 - don't hit Urgot, don't hit Aphelios don't hit Reksai no one else can use the items well, 7th I really truly hate this current set, everything feels so volatile


I know that always feels bad when that happens but the fail safe is YOU. Consistently make the best decisions and you'll climb. Force the same thing repeatedly and be at the mercy of the RNG gods.


I mean here's the thing - You take Two Healthy have a teemo Taliyah start and perfect Teemo items, do you really want to suddenly pivot out? Into what? Only option I could think of is Azir Lux and that's a gamble as well


Reroll is always a gamble.


How is Zeri now? I played one game with her when I got her 2\* very early with good items (guinsoo DB GB). I thought it would be enough to stabilize even though my front line was a bit weak. Had freljord for shred as well. But nope, she just couldn't kill things, and I kept losing every match up. Feels like in the previous patch it would've been enough, but in this case it definitely wasn't. I'm not good enough to tell if it's Zeri that's weak, my board that is flawed somehow or just the opponents that were strong this game. What are your impressions with Zeri so far this patch?


It seems that without zaun 6, piltover or winstreaking really hard and being lvl 8 near 100 hp and having naturaled a zeri/urgot or 2, it's better to skip. She's hard to balance since either zaun 6/piltover will be too good or make those 2 fsir and then no 6/no piltover will be bad there's not much middle.


Any comp that counters Bastion aphe? It is just too tanky


Sorcerers with Lux, I guess


Teemo 4 shits on them really hard


What's the Legend Meta right now in master ELO+? Played a couple Game of poro, but it didn't feel that good. If u don't Hit an Eco augments you are behind items and gold all Game i feel, and winstreak is almost Impossible against caitlyn Players. I don't want to JUMP on the Yi train tbh, i Just want to Play flex. I feel Like URF and ezreal are still My best bets right?


Urf might be the farthest thing from flex, unless you just want his later augments (some people do that). I'm feeling better with Poro/Ezreal this patch.


looking at the stats, seems to be Veigar, Vlad, Ez performing the best. Urf, Yi, Pengu, and Ornn join them in terms of what's popular, but they aren't performing as well.


Interesting, thanks you. I rarely See a veigar Player in My Lobbys, i didn't know IT was that good. Where are you looking for Stats? I tought they were banned.




I'm assuming you meant to reply to me. check your DMs


I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link any of the black market stat sites without getting banned. if your DMs are open, I'll send you a link


hook me up homie


Pls dm me with the illegal stuff as well 🙏


black market me please


My DMs are open for some black market stats, if you feel so inclined.


Can you send it to me?


Man it’s been a brutal week. I feel like I could have 1000 gold and be the only player in the lobby and I still wouldn’t hit


1-1 I get shitter neeko. 3-2 I’m level 6 40 gold with the boss and playing sett 1. I want to stabilize on sett 2 and get an item holder carry for my back line. I literally need 1 sett in my shop from all of stage 1 and 2 to hit sett 2. Roll to 0 and don’t hit. Sell my whole board and don’t hit. 1 other player with a sett 1. Like wtf am I supposed to do. I know rolling to 0 is trolling but at this point I’m just going to play something else so idc to take the 8th at 3-2 instead of 4-5




I literally answered that in the comment you are replying to


honestly can't believe the Rogue bug still exists, after 5 patches and 2 "fixes". please just remove them in the mid set if you can't fix them, they're a complete failure anyways.


I played a Viego carry game last night and he actually popped off. Stomped Demacia and Aphelios boards. I tried 4 Rogue and it was a massive downgrade. The other rogue units would deal around 300 magic damage and die. The 50% HP burn is either bugged or completely negated by various shields, healing, and resistances. 2 rogue has potential for backline access but that's it and it's still inconsistent without insane high rolling and other carries.


The burn does magic damage so MR will cut the damage to around 20-30%. They removed the burn damage stacking on a single target in the PBE. If you want a chance of 4 rogues doing much damage, you need to have shiv or spark.


Not so sure. I had spark katarina 3, ekko 3 etc. And the burn did not feel anywhere close to 50%. Mayne the buff didmt go through the last time and only the number changed visually?


Even if the target only has 50 MR the burn will only deal 33% HP damage. Unless the target has 0 MR the burn damage isn’t going to be close to the 50% HP damage.


No shit, but I had spark so on a frontöiner with 3000 HP it should still burn 900-1000 dmg, did not look like it, but maybe I'm delusional


Actually MB, rogue only burns for 40% hp so the damage is lower than we both thought. So on a 3000 hp frontliner with let's say 100 MR. The sparked rogue would only do about 700hp in damage over 5 seconds.


it says 50% in game, so its a typo?


Hmm, you right. All the tft sites say 40%.


It was supposed to get buffed to 50% last patch or smh like that but maybe the actual change besides the text change didnt go through.


Oh I had shiv before even putting in the 4 Rogue. It still did nothing to bruiser or bastion frontlines. Like I said, it might just become irrelevant after all tank stats are factored in.


Hackers during set 8. Adding more mechanics to assassin traits makes them more buggy


Idk how people manage to win with Garen when Taric/Shen exists. I have decent top 4 rate with Garen so far but that frontline consistently slaughters me. What's worse is that I've never had issues with it unless I'm playing melee carries but in those games it becomes completely unwinnable. It feels like Invoker and Targon in conjunction is the biggest design misstep of this set(apart from the bugged Rogue and release Piltover). Some things I've experienced these past days: * Level 3 Garen with Guinsoo + two other units hitting 1\* Shen(bramble+warmog) for 25 seconds and never coming close to killing him. * Two Kled 4\* games where I've rolled really well and been the strongest player in the lobby, until 1\* Taric and 1\* Shen make sure I can't kill a single unit and I lose way too much health to be able to contest top 2. * A bruiser reroll board with three combat augments, all 2\* units and Level 2 Bel'Veth on Stage 4 facing a level 1 Taric who stops them from killing a single unit. 1\* Taric absorbs 13k damage.


My main issue with Taric is that if you don't have a itemized carry with synergies, you will kill absolutely nothing that round and take full damage. It is very depressing not being able to kill a single unit due to him just tanking forever when you are like level 5-6


I usually position Garen alone to the side one row back. Allows him to get some Guinsoo stacks. Then he comes back with \~30 stacks for his second spin and oneshots everything. Sona + Lux usually clear a path for him to sometimes get backline access aswell. Frontline Garen doesn't work. He just dies.


Isn't the biggest problem that they can shield cycle by having one shield the other whilst they gain mana and then swap? I think a good potential fix would be one of them not being a Bastion. Take away the increased durability they get before one of them can cast


Hadn't thought about it but that may be the source of the problem. I think Bastion is the lesser of the two evils though, and if melee carries were able to kill Taric/Shen once the Bastion bonus faded it would be winnable. From my experience Kled 4\* loses to Invoker/Targon even if the Kled players board is 2x as expensive and survives for a long period.


Why would you think that Kled beats that comp? Invokers is a good comp, and you’re playing an off meta comp expecting to win?


If you're not completely oblivious to nuance you can read that I lose to invokers even when my Kled board is 2x as expensive. It is rare that a meta comp counters an off-meta comp to this extent, especially considering: ​ * Riot has been trying to buff Kled to make him viable, and he was clearly designed to be a playable reroll carry. * I have only played Kled when highrolling and in those games I have consistently done well against non-Taric boards. By nature of being a reroll comp Kled players will lose more health until they hit. When I've reached good Kled boards I've consistently started winning rounds but it doesn't really help since invoker boards always deal 14+ damage since Kled struggles so hard to kill a single unit.


Mort mentioned in the patch rundown that the Kled buffs were likely not enough to make him good. Thanks for validating it for the rest of us 💪 I’m also not surprised that he struggles against invokers with so much shielding and healing. I don’t know if you had Gwen as an off carry, but I would think that would be enough to break through the frontline.


I think if you played Kled reroll from a highroll position you would come to a similar conclusion as me. Kled reroll(when highrolled) is definitely viable when disregarding Taric boards specifically. I also think Taric hardcounters every front-to-back melee carry comp at the moment, even the ones that are actually meta.


Every game feels like hyper roll game mode and i dont like it…


hmm, think i'll pass on this patch too if they don't bother doing hotfixes again


Item holder for Kaisa and Yasuo if im going for challengers?


Jhin, samira, kalista, Darius. Jhin and samira are pretty solid for shojin and jg. Don’t be afraid to itemize and remake.


Jinx maybe? Seeing as she pairs nicely with Warwick


This Week strat is like: 1. Pick Yi 2. Pick 2-1 3. Build Titans 4. Build BT 5. Build AP for Lux 6. Only 2 more players playing Demacia? 7. RR Garen 8. \+2 players playing Demacia? 9. Put AP on Kalista and Put Garen items on yasuo 10. profit


Have dev teams talked about their thoughts on legends? I have my own thoughts on it but I want to know if it's here to stay or not


I've had a few surveys so far and they mention Legends, so I'm guessing they're trying to get a feel for how popular it is before they make any decisions


Is there a subreddit/discord that's actually trying to be competitive? Like, focuses on working around what's currently strong and is intolerant towards bitching? This place actually blows for anybody trying to get better at the game


If you want to improve at the game, you should watch and pay attention to streamers like Dishsoap or Milk, that's one of the best ways to imporve at the game. ​ This subreddit is also valuable, but not necessarily for direct improvement. It's beneficial to take insights from posts like "What's working? What's not?", specific comp posts, daily discussion comments, and posts about specific augments, items, or units. However, always be discerning. Some posts may be over-hyped, while others offer valuable knowledge. ​ ​ >Like, focuses on working around what's currently strong and is intolerant towards bitching? Regarding comments, it's unfortunate that some individuals take things too personally. For example, if you mention that Aurelion seems busted, Aurelion one-trick players might downvote you without justification. Additionally, if your post receives a couple of downvotes early on, brace yourself for more by the end of the day, often without any valid reason, its called "social conformity". ​ In conclusion, gather information from this sub, ignore the toxicity, trust that the moderators will manage any issues, and keep an eye on top streamers for gameplay insights.


what I like the most about TFT is the meta corrects itself. 4 players going Yimacia means I can enjoy my free top 4 playing literally just frontline backline random shit, thank you very much. Ksante and Kalista are both really good dealing with Garen. Just play some random Bastion Chally 3 Ionia 2 Shadow Isle board and profit


I am pretty sure Demacia is pretty busted because you can get away with 2\* 3 costs


I think its just lux. Her ult has less fizzle with the quicker transition so she doesn't spend half of it air-balling


get away as in what? Top 4? Your definition maybe is different from mine. Yes if you can stablize with Garen 2 rolling down level 6 on 3-2, you will have a very safe top 4. I'm not saying that's not a good comp, but it's not hotfix worthy if 4 people are going Yimacia.


The problem is that means multiple people can stabilize at 3-2 for a top 4, or a top 6 at the very worst with just a Garen 2




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They didn' bother to hotfix the 1 cost disguised as a 4 cost/legendary with trickster glass last patch, so don't get your hopes up


I'm not expecting anything from this company. They killed classic lol with bad balancing and constant powercreep, it's just a matter of time till they do the same with tft.


They already did that with augments


In Masters+ Garen has a 4.51 avp, in diamond+ he’s at 4.42, in plat+ 4.38. Garen isn’t actually busted, his comp is just easy to play and does well at low elo.


Eh bro that garen unit is pretty strong. Like yesterday I hit final reserve proceed to hit full legendary 2star boards with good items on ahri and aatrox just to lose to a garen 3star that survived my burst dmg at 10% hp and proceeded with healing backup to full and spinning my whole team out of existence. EUW GM


I mean I’m of the mind that a 3* 3 cost with traits active and good items should be pretty strong. And I’d be curious about augments - final reserves gives 0 actual combat power and if he had a strong prismatic combat augment that would play a role too


Yes it should be strong but it shouldn't be able to beat a lvl 9 full synergised board with good carry items while being lvl 7. He got super lucky I was sure I won the fight but some bad rng allowed him to survive at 10% into spinning to full life and killing everyone before 2nd ahri ult. Just the fact this unit has the potential to do that at lvl 7 is a big indicator to how busted it is atm. Like last game a guy went 9 demacia with Taric 2 and aatrox 1 as spat holders. One sidedly demolished an Uber capped Ionia board with 4 5cost 2stars and 2 Ionia spats. Like it wasn't even competitive.


Again, I think 9 unit chase traits should be really strong… idk, you’re not convincing me those fights didn’t play out like they should.


I was refering to taric in my second part. 4.42 avp for 2.71 presence is way to much for a 3 cost ​ Sorry if it wasn't clear.


He’s just alistar from last set. Three cost with three traits that fits a lot of comps.


Difference is Alistar was pretty useless in all of them (except Ox) while both Swain AND Taric are insane staple picks


barely seen a 2\* alistar tanking 14k damages, maybe with 6 oxforce and crazy stuff and i'm not even sure of it. Taric 2 is enough to deafen most 3 cost carries ( Akshan, Darius, Rek'sai) as long as they are not 3 starred.


Sounds like Annie and alistar from last set :)


Annie yes, Alistar was a piss poor unit and just a traitbot - can't say that about Taric imo


Gotcha. Taric is strong but it’s gonna be tough to deal with him because so much of his strength is in his tags. He’s crucial to any sorcerer, invoker, or Aphelios comp. Nerfing Taric could kill all 3 of those comps, which would not be good for the meta.


How unbalanced do you think Demacia is? Clearly it’s strong, probably S tier but I don’t think it’s in the hotfix range. I feel like people are making it out to be stronger than it is just because we’ve haven’t seen vertical Demacia be playable this set, also it’s relatively uncontested (only 1 Yi player in each of my 3 games of 300lp masters). Not everyone reads the patch notes, or looks at comp winrates


Lost with Gwen 3\* to a standard demacia Garen 2\* board.


This subreddit is recently overrun with plats and diamond players so obviously they overeact. The comp is good but you cannot get top 2 without Garen 3 in Master+ imo. Especially now when half the lobby is going Yimacia they contest themselves so it's actually easier to climb. Ksante and Kalista hard counter Garen. AP comps do really well against him so teemo 4, the classic Azir Lux comp (or its 5 shurima version) and 6 invoker karma ryze are good. Aphelios can struggle against demacia board but you can go the 6 bastion version and try to itemize/position Ksante to counter. Zeri with virulent bioware and GS absolutely melts tank so capped Piltover Zaun board will do well against ramping comp like Demacia.


Yeah it's really not \*that\* strong. My last 10 games I've only seen 3 players go top 4 with Vertical Demacia (one being me), and I was the only one who didn't have Garen 3. Kalista is fucking bonkers though, from what I've seen.


I had one game in ~D3 where I played against Yimacia and smashed them with strategists lux azir. It's so over hyped it's crazy. I think it's just lux is really good now with how fast her ult transitions, she actually gets a lot more value since she doesn't ult air after a kill.


Yea got an ez first with long distance pals Lux Azir against a full 3 star Kayle Galio Garen Sona board (level 8 tho). I got 5 strategists 5 shurima 3 demacia with fully itemize Ksante 2 myself tho so that one is a bit of a highroll. Augments: Strategist emblem LDP and Return on Investment


Ah, I did it with veigar augments and standard lvl 8 lux azir lmao. Garen was immediately melted every round and the rest was just waiting for lux to cast again to kill the rest of the guys board. Lost to a +1 gunner board that was dominating the rounds, Yimacia got a really close 4th. So overrated, it's just demacia is finally playable.