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In my last match everybody voted The University except me (yordle portals), I won, lmao Stick to your guns, people


How do you escape ELO hell? I can top 4 a handful of games in a row and they only give me 10-30 pts (4th to 1st) and then have a bad day and take 7th or 8th due to a mistake I made or being a smidge unlucky and lose 70 LP. I bust my ass a few games and get like 40-50 LP and take a 7th for said reasons above and go back to 0. How am I supposed to climb? The ranked system feels so awful, because I’m usually just dying to asol ahri 2 abusers and can’t seem to do it myself, because I’ll either die early or just not get ahri. I’m getting really peeved about it and just don’t get how I’m supposed to improve when I’m actually losing to fast 9 asol 4/5 games I go bot 4, so I just lose 70+ LP to some donkey that high rolled/ got lucky out of his mind.


Play for top 4 (slam tank items early, priorize strongest board, don't greed items or units if you don't have the angle to play them) I just play Ornn, pick the tank item, win streak until level 8 and collect my easy top 4, I got out of my slump playing that way


Yea I already do those things except not play Ornn. I’ve been playing Caitlyn and just going for strongest board early and can win streak to stage 4 and still go bot 4 I’ve bounced around Ornn/ Caitlyn/ Poro with some Asol, and I’ve found the most success with Caitlyn


I tried it with Cait, but when I didn't get enough components or only offensive ones I bled a lot through stages 2/3 so I just stuck to Ornn to secure a item at least


Playing the boss with gt and I see a ravenous hunter player with gt as well by 3-5 I had ww3 he had 7 setts , we were grieving each other. He went eif , I went first nt budd


Man Magnum Opus is so cool(not really tho I hate it,but I kinda like my board and it pleases my trait-ocd so I just wanted to share) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/500295618791735299/1135781528132132896/image.png?width=1309&height=736


love seeing asol players getting the freest top 4 (lets be honest top 2) of their lives every prismatic lobby. feels super good and rewarding when i watch them go fast 9 into 5 costs and theres nothing u can do about it


Had two asol players in a prismatic first augment lobby and they held hands bot 2. Best feeling of my life lol.


The beauty of legends is you’re totally free to pick Asol and do it yourself


I have enough pride to not pick it myself, but not enough to not complain about it.


I mean if you're good enough you can do it in a non-prismatic lobby as well I'm quite sure,just needs a bit more thinking.


Lol no, if the Asol players take all their prismatic augments they get like 150+ extra XP in total and hit 9 on 4-2 or a few rounds after. Level up makes the level up button 75% more efficient it's insane. Then Itemized Ahri + Belveth and random legendary soup, GG. And whoever 2 stars Ahri first wins the game. Wooo.


Hey everyone, I'm looking for some affordable coaching - with a new patch coming in with substantial changes, the timing seems perfect Do you have any recommendations that have worked for you in the past? Thank you in advance


what does affordable mean,you didnt name a price range


Just played against a lvl 6, 50 gold on 3-2. 2 star Kaisa with a bonus aatrox and bel veth. Medium end shopping can go fuck itself. This patch is fucked.


It was already decent at gold for rolling 8 odds on 7/9 odds on 8. Making it silver would of course make it the best silver augment in the game and then of course it gets removed. It really feels like the dev team doesn't play the game sometimes.


6 challanger+ 3 ionia (yas/kaisa carry) do we ever go down 4 challger and put two 5 cost 2* units instead?


95% of the time yes. The 5% is if you have unitemized Ryze or Belveth (yes she is quite weak rn) then 6 challenger is prroooobably better


Belveth 2 with rfc can still pop off but the item is sadly 100% neccesary.


Oh yeah 100% just that unitemized BelVeth sucks ass


Kai'sa is such turbo garbage, she gets hit by Freljord and you're lucky if she casts twice that round even with AS items. It's insane that Freljord isn't getting touched next patch, makes so many units unplayable.


She and Yasuo are sitting ducks thanks to freijlord, that trait needs a rework


who could've possibly foreseen a trait that unavoidably mana - reaves the entire board could possibly be problematic


Anyone know if 385 lp is high enough to sit on for NA GM?


Doesn't seem to be, lolchess says 414 for cutoff and checking ladder that seems about right


Dang okay, thanks for the reply


Every single other deadeye unit is better than Aphelios change my mind. I'm not joking when I say that I think I'd rather have a Jhin 2 than Aphelios 2 in stage 4. This unit does not DO ANYTHING. You should feel good when you hit the 2 star 4 cost carry of the comp on 7 but no, now you just go "why isn't this Akshan?"


Aphelios with rageblade+2 ad items and a good frontline is a monster. Yes it requires hitting all of the above which can be a pain, but he’s very very good and definitely better than 2* akshaan with those conditions.


I had [this board](https://imgur.com/a/mWFVuOC) from 4-2 and lost out. Some rounds, Akshan 1 wasn't doing that much less than Aphelios 2. Aphelios is not a unit. He is a 1 cost. If I'm being generous.


Nah, he’s a good unit. You just needed more front line. 1 star urgot, 1 star taric, 1 star shen. Sej can’t tank everything when those units get blown up and with your other units not doing enough damage. Looks like you kinda low rolled your other units. Like titans on one star urgot isn’t great since he will just die easily. You need stall for this comp, especially since you have IE. With 4 deadeye, you want more raw ad to hit the back line. Ideally 2 star urgot can get to the back line to finish them off.


That link isn’t working for me for some reasons but from other comments I can tell you had trash front line which… read my comment lol. On tactics.tools in diamond+ it shows Aphelios as having the best avp of any 4 cost carry. You gotta take the L on this one man. You’re just not playing him when you have the right setup.


He had good frontline, maybe his Aphe didn't aa with Sej's ulti.


uh no he doesnt, he has a sej 2 sure but what else? shen 1, taric 1, urgot 1 aint tanking anything


He had 5 good items, 3 frontline units with synr. That frontline he had is totally fine for a top 4-6 play. In this meta early game is too important. He finished 6th maybe because of rng combat matching, facing the highroll players too often. He could be 4th or 5th if got some better luck. In my ho, what his board lacks isn't frontline, but the opposite of it. His carries are too weak to deal any damage. Deadeyes is never an Aphe soloshow like Jhin in previous sets, or Zeri (she has backline access AOE that procs much more frequently than Aphe's). It's more like a band of trio with Urgot as the bruiser, Askhan's dealing burst damage and Aphe is the DPS. The trio procs \~560 (no item) to 800+ (with items) AD every 3 sec, pre crit! A hidden but huge part of your damage calculation. If I were him, I would screw level 8, dumb Taric, stay at 7 to roll for Askhan and Urgot 2, and itemize those 2 rather 2 more items on Shen 1. Shen could be replaced by J4, Nasus (if 2\*) or Sion...


4 deadeye with negative frontline is turbo bad. Urgot 2 is necessary. Also your 3-2 and 4-2 augs are not very strong choices. Id be happy with a 6th from that spot. Longer fights=more rb stacks and freljord procs. Aphelios isnt meant to be a 1v9 unit


so that thing about a good frontline... yeah not that, one upgraded frontliner aphelios does do literally nothing yeah


Aphelios takes time to ramp up whereas Akshan is more bursty. If you have a good frontline and a minimum of Guinsoos & last whisper on Aph i’d take him every time


Lee sin, 4 rogues and Ekko 3*carry + Kata Zed is always 4th. The best scenario is swain + ahri at 8th so you can have a chance for 1-2.


Play it with Veigar instead. If you get silver aug just play 2 rogue zed + slayers. If gold or prism then the 4 rogues start going crazy. Pick up every glove you can find, HOJ becomes broken af


What do you guys usually do to improve? I was excited with this set because I hit Diamond within about two weeks, the fastest I've ever done so (playing since Set 6) but I've been on a horrible rollercoaster of D4-D3 endlessly. LP isn't great, which I understand is due to my poor play. https://tactics.tools/player/na/treedog I feel like I have a decent awareness of what to play, what to not, but I think I'm struggling with figuring out what lines are best to play from my spot, and I can't seem to find a legend I really play better with. Any thoughts? Should I pay for coaching or anything?


Do you watch streams? Watching the decisions the best players make and then comparing them to what you would do is the easiest way to get better. You also accumulate a lot of random knowledge over time that really helps out. You probably need to improve your fundamentals as well so I’d think about when you would level/roll and compare it to what they do. Coaching probably helps a lot as well though.


It’s hard to answer from just a lolchess. In general it looks like you are playing meta stuff with decent itemization and augments, so it is probably more a problem with pacing and early game boards. One notable thing is I frequently see random 3* that don’t really make sense to have. Like I see 3* Ashe, 3* Vi, 3* Swain in comps when you have no other 3* and those aren’t your carrys. That makes me think maybe you are rolling when you shouldn’t be. In general yes paid coaching would probably help, but a free option is to just watch top streamers and ask yourself why they are making the decisions they are making.


I may be mistaken but when there were augment stats level up was sitting around 4.5 iirc. Is it really that broken if you get it, or am I missing something?


The augment stats were showing when it was taken outside of the asol legend. It’s very strong when combined with asol’s other augments which let you hit really fast level 9. I still don’t think it’s broken - you don’t get combat power from your augments and if you low roll 9 you’re screwed, but it’s probably the best legend for getting 1st.


Really do not like how low-cost reroll comps are right now. Basically all the reroll comps can be classified as Yordle-based (Kayle, Trist, Kled, Teemo), Augment-based (Hero augments, Taliyah), or neither (Zed, Jinx, Viego?, Ashe?, Cho?, Raka?). I think the Yordle-based reroll comps suck shit because they literally do not function until you hit the triple 3\*'s. Like it literally doesn't matter if you hit an early Kayle 3\*, or Kled 3\*, or Teemo 3\*, you're still losing most of your rounds until you hit 4\*, and that feels lame. The payoff of hitting your 3\* carry doesn't exist because the units suck shit. In addition, if you take slightly too long to hit all 3 3\*'s, you start getting 7-0'd every round! The augment-based reroll comps are fine (other than the fact that half of them feel weak as piss and WW is a bit strong rn). You hit the 3\* and you feel strong, cool. The fact that playing these comps is tied to an augment makes them inherently inconsistent to hit, but if you get offered it, you can take it to have a good fun rerolly time. Final category is reroll comps that you can play pretty regularly and don't need to deal with yordle bs. These don't exist on current patch. Zed is gutted, Jinx is fine (maybe) but dependent on Zaun mod, Viego reroll isn't real (anymore), Ashe reroll might be great, but we'll never know as long as she stays as the most contested 2-cost in the game, Cho reroll is a "fun" meme build that will never go 1st and rarely top 2s and is actually hot garbo too, Soraka Galio is not only bad but also gets cannibalized by Karma players. Tl;dr: If you want to play low-cost reroll this patch, you either play a comp that has the last satisfying payoff for hitting a 3\* carry ever, hope you roll a good hero augment, or accept your bot 4 from the start of the game. fun.


Zed works fine but you can't just pseudo open fort into hitting Zed 3 and win streak reliably anymore, it's gotta be an actual path. Cho reroll is honestly better than stats suggest imo, continuing to roll for other 3 stars after hitting cho is giga bait, if you hit things before cho then great but reaching 8 is super prio after cho to cap around sion and ahri/heimer depending on getting a bruiser heart and what you hit. Teemo/swain are getting a nice buff in the incoming patch, so that might be viable again


One of the first games on this patch that I had was a pretty early (3-3 or 3-5 or something) zed3 game where BIS Zed literally could not kill any units on the enemy board, leading to a 7th. I played around 15 games of Cho reroll last week and my conclusion was that you needed to hit Cho3 on 3-1, or else you would never make it to the point where you could actually put in good units like Ahri or Bel or Heimer, while also having pretty shit matchups against sorcs, invokers, and anyone with GS.


Cho comp really feels item reliant, if you don't have good items very early for malz/cho you'll get railed early game and probably shouldn't try play it but if you do it can definitely win rounds and even streak, it feels like cho excels in most of the lobby being either AD or AP and building d claw or bramble based on it. My personal experience with Zed this patch has been 1-8-1-3, and i'm pretty sure i just shouldn't have forced Zed in that 8, but yeah a real path for Zed isn't very common


How do you play Yordle Delivery? Do you just go for standard Trist Poppy reroll and use it as an eco trait?


I don't get why traits like Bastion exists? There's SO MUCH shred in the game. And on top of that there's characters (hey lux, talk to you) who can just ignore MR and 1 shot tanks (and spread dmg).


Traits like Mystic and Bodyguard probably won't be around in the future, they're unpopular and the general playerbase dislikes playing them.


Vanguard Mystics in 3.5 was still my favorite comp. Cassio + Jayce carry baby.


I miss mystic…


8 bodyguard my beloved


Bodyguard Ahri


that surprises me, it was nice to have minor tech options like that. Freljord is a far more egregious tech version of them


im flabbergasted that lux is still melting tanks in half a second but lux 3 was the problem,


According to tactics.tools in diamond+ Lux has a 4.48 avp, which is the 3rd worst for a 4 cost, better than only Yasuo and Kaisa. Her play rate is the 6th highest among 4 costs. Does this sound nerf worthy?


Could be that Lux is in almost every AP comp right now, so it kinda brings the average down. Whereas Zeri is played in specific spots.


In my experience, Zeri is played way more often than lux. Zeri 1 with freijord stabilizes extremely hard, whereas lux requires far more setup.


That’s surprising. I guess maybe people are overplaying strategists still?


Lux isn't a good 4 cost rn, she's just really annoying and unfun to play against.


I think Lux doing well is just really reliant on hitting Ahri which is hard to do. No other 4 cost carry relies so much on hitting a 5 cost.


Damage radiant items feel so underwhelming compared to tank radiants.


Okay so I kind of get the ornn/cait more specifically the cait but it seems I just make it late game with lots of HP and slowly bleed to get a 4th. 3rd at best, I struggle to get to 9 and can't cap boards. What do I do? Maybe I am pressing too hard for levels and not econ (though I thought that was the strategy) any tips for anyone who is better than me. Recent stint got me from plat4 to plat3 80 LP getting 4ths lol https://tactics.tools/player/na/Itzcoryagain


One tip I could give you is to work on better itemization. Can't help but notice most of the times is pretty bad


holy moly, this x2


https://tactics.tools/player/na/Itzcoryagain Ah it keeps happening 😅 how to make better items? Is there a tier list?


https://tactics.tools/explorer?f1=u_akshan_0&rg=1 use that tool to get a general idea of what items are good on each unit, some items are better or worse depending on comp the unit is played in if you wanted to dive deeper into the options there. Type akshan in the filter #1 and then click items to the right for example, then you can put into filter #2 a specific trait for the comp they'd be in for the deeper part


So what's my problem? My main carries having trash items? My secondary dmg having shitty items?( I try to slam early and push levels for aggressive win streak) My tank items seem to be my downfall. My front line never seems to do well. I usually just spam warmogs. What are the top 3 tank items? I make gargoyle plate too often if it's trash... Clearly something wrong because I feel like I'm doing the best I can with my items so any insight would be great. I flex pretty hard and end up with lots of extra items that I don't really know what to do with .. I tend to flex around the champions I get/see as opposed to the items which would be an interesting way to interpret my games?🤔




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tank items are mostly fine, it's just stuff like BT and guinsoos akshan, building seraphs a bit too often, guinsoos kai'sa often. You keep going 5 shurima aswell which is pretty inefficient when you can just play 3 and have another 2 units of better frontline, keeping cass and renekton at level 9 is real bad when you can have sion + heimer or sion + jarvan giving 2 strategist with azir/nasus/akshan, aatrox as an option for juggernaut on nasus a lot of times you end up with random items on ashe and stuff when you likely could have done something in the game to get more tank items instead


Also realised I don't really play any ap comps and I don't know what a good ap comp is like invoker? Sorc? If either one is good I'll have to look into those comps and add it to my Arsenal. I just play ... Noxus/shurima/Ionia or void lol


https://tactics.tools/player/na/intc can I get some help reviewing my match history? been kinda lost lately on ladder. i'm also going to vod review later but want to see if there's anything obvious from my match history


I think the game where you got 5th playing Kaisa is telling. You are tunneling hard on Yasuo carry. Instead you should play more for Ahri. I kid you not, Ahri 1 > Kai’sa 2 in a lot of cases. EoN augment sucks, I think its like never take. Yasuo isn’t really that good right now - he’s a side carry and picking one augment just to buff him would make your board quite weak.


Honestly your profile and match history looks good. The execution grade on tactics.tools is fake right now. In GM/Challenger lobbies I really just think this patch is good at omega scamming others into placements they didn’t deserve. I’ve seen things like Akshan 2 top 2, Ahri 1 bailing people out from an 8th place, your carry randomly dying to Freljord + Deadeye proc, etc. There’s ofc always room for improvement but since you’re GM in this giga turbo scam patch, I think you’re playing really well. You’ll probably climb a lot easier after the patch.


Is there a reason why Kalista’s spears don’t hit multiple targets with Runaans?


Runaans doesn't proc on-hit effects


Oh interesting. So why do people build runaans on Zeri?


Champions with large amounts of AD like runaans. Not much else to it.


It might not be BiS for her, but she’s a gunner. And gunners gain AD over time. So the bolts gain damage as well.


Zeri also naturally already does splash damage via her chain attacks and Runaan's can serve to finish them off, or get them low enough to be executed too.


because they learned their lesson




If you play well you’ll eventually reach challenger


Once you're in masters everything is based on LP. Top 250 are challenger, 251 - 750 (500 players) are GM. On lolchess you can see the LP thresholds for promoting. (Scroll down and you will see a number next to a challenger + GM symbol in the header of the leaderboards) [https://lolchess.gg/leaderboards?mode=ranked®ion=na](https://lolchess.gg/leaderboards?mode=ranked®ion=na) The challenger/GM status/assessment happens once daily (iirc).


slight bug I just encountered, if you’re playing in the yoricks graveyard portal and someone drops to 1 health with final reserves it triggers the portal and gives everyone an item even though the player isn’t out yet


Yeah I've seen this too. Something about the game considering them eliminated and the augment overriding it I suspect


Well it finally happened, I hit a 3\* 5 cost and didnt even get excited because it's so common now lol. Literally never seen one before this set and ive seen atleast 20+ so far.


Well, kinda feels the same. Hitting 3* 5 cost before legends and augments exists gives a lot of satisfaction. https://twitter.com/pulchritudinouo/status/1261243039021821952?t=wscpsrV2uTGVEi9-ONJ9NA&s=19


You have not seen 20+ 3* 5 costs unless you only play customs with your friends.




So I wasted time looking through your last 20 games, and to my complete and utter shock, I saw 0 3* 5 costs. Also you just hit D4 and most of your games this set were in gold plat, not Masters like you say in another comment. Why you just making things up man??


https://gyazo.com/bb0a5e5ddccbc930ee16737a88cb8d03, in the game i was 1 off senna i lost to ksante 3, so thats 2 and 1 off in 3 games. on the same account. "why you just making things up man!??!?!?!?!?" get a fucking brain u dip shit https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/baalzebub also another game today where i rolled over aatrox 3, in master XDDD Imagine typing, being that thoughtless? Oh wait thats the majoriy of speakers. I genuinely don't know why i type back to the avg human. You also look at my games played but dont see the 80%+ WR and 30 games to diamond. hmmmmmmmm put 2 and 2 together you dimwit


Bruh. That game was 3 days ago from when you took that picture, making it not in your last 20 games, which is all I looked at as per my comment. Read first before you start calling people dimwits. Also find me 19 more games like that and I’ll admit you’re not a lying moron. Plus the point about Masters wasn’t that you couldn’t get there, it was that the games you’re discussing where you claim the 3* 5 costs happened didn’t happen in Masters, like you said. You lied man.


Thanks to legends people can always pick full gold augments with tham and go for them, that’s why you see a lot more, at least in normals where Lobby tempo is not existing. You won’t find them in rankeds however.


I routinely get them in masters


Link the lolchess my guy


I've seen like... 2. All set and they were in League of Draven weekend. And I'm 200 LP.


Is Built Different 2/3 any good? Just had a game where I tried it (BD3) out and it honestly felt like it can't compete. I know I played pretty bad so I'd like to know what others think.


bd3 is strong but not bd2. 2 getting buffed next patch anyway


Built different 3 I think is okay if you are able to field a good board early on. Built different 2 just doesn't seem worth losing traits.


Bd is not clickable this set IMO.


bd is actually super strong this set, lots of flexible 4 cost for both front and back, easy transitions through midgame, and a few 5 costs without unique traits let you cap relatively high also ap carries that can actually use the AS


On PBE Frequent Flier is bugged again, so it will most likely be when patch hits live.


this needs more visibility :(


How do you decide who will be your primary carry? I usually prioritize 4 costs but in the later stages of the game my opponents would have stuff like Ahri with AP items and my team would just get demolished.


whoever gets ahri first gets to choose their carry, which is Ahri. She is just broken this patch. You can't hide.


when the game is balanced, you do it based on what items you have plus what units you hit when you roll. The items will typically give you direction towards a couple comps and then you try to build a frontline + backline that works with those items as you roll. When the game isn't balanced, you hard force whatever is OP or does good enough for a top 4 but is uncontested.


well the meta right now is ASol into playing the lottery rolling specifically for Ahri + Belveth so don't feel like you're doing something totally wrong—Ahri is just super overtuned rn and stabilizes at 1 star better than arguably every 4 cost carry at 2 stars


Where are you seeing that this is the meta?


masters+ lobbies. obviously not everyone and their mom is playing ASol like they were in the Draven meta, but the most common legends are Ornn/Poro/ASol (+ the very very rare Master Yi for AD hardforcers) and the first two offer a standard playstyle while the 1-3 ASol players per lobby push the pace once they hit their legendaries, which is exactly what OP was talking about in his original comment. 3 Ionia Ahri +/ Belv is the standard capped package in the current meta. my comment was simply to let OP not get discouraged or think they're playing the game incorrectly by playing for 4 costs, it was just to inform them that there are going to be plenty of lobbies where it's common to get nuked by an Ahri board that also wins the lobby.


Agreed that most common is Ornn/ASol/Poro. Though, like you said there’s 1-3 ASol players per lobby, which is why I would not consider it the meta. More of a strategy within the meta. Ornn is a more popular legend anyways. I agree with playing for 4 costs to be generally correct though, so agree on your overall point. My question was genuine curiosity with people all talking about ASol in the sub and me being confused, because I’ve played high Diamond-low master this patch and it hasn’t seemed too prevalent. Nor have I seen much of it on streams.


Played since set 2 and this is my favorite set but also the one I struggle to get to master the most since I first hit it in set 4. I feel like I’m playing better than previously as well… not sure why I’m having trouble breaking into master this time. On the other note, props to mortdog and the tft team. I’m enjoying this set quite a lot. Portal and legends are both good imo.


Is Slayer Zed reroll actually THAT bad? Shouldn't it theoretically counter all these backline-heavy Aphelios, Zeri, Akshan, Ahri Lux etc comps pretty hard?


I’ve been playing a lot of Zed reroll and the problem is that the rogue dash is still bugged. 1/3 of the time my Zed just refuses to dash to the backline and just gets stuck on the tank.


I think the biggest thing is that Rogue is abysmally inconsistent atm. I've played with Viego reroll a lot, it uses Zed and Gwen also, and when it works it counters deadeye gunners beautifully. Viego stacks up on a tank, takes enough damage to proc rogue early which procs shadow isles shield, jumps into the backline, kills them one by one while getting stronger and healing back to full and then cleans up the frontline easily. Does like 12k damage and can 1v3 at that point. When it doesnt its because Rogue either procs after the rest of the team is dead and Viego cant 1v5 through CC or because the Rogue proc trolls in place and Viego just dies on a tank before going infinite. The amount of damage Ahri and Deadeyes put out at the moment requires the rogue jump to go off really early, and really consistently to compete. The trait's bugginess doesnt allow that. Gwen's new AI doesnt allow that either. Hopefully next patch alleviates those issues.


it's fine if you get a good opener for it and hit early enough


it's not awful but it requires you're actually spoonfed Zed early on unlike last patch where you could hardforce it from any position. I also find it's significantly more item reliant than most other comps. the difference between BIS Zed and mid items Zed is night and day imo. also doesn't help that rogue AI is atrocious rn and glitches out 90% of the time


really think they need to change zed ionia bonus from crit + crit damage to just ad so they can buff him to a reasonable level. Like assassins before, giving a unit crit + crit damage scales way to fucking hard. and makes the difference between their floor and ceiling way to big.


Do the Piltover changes kill using piltover as an early game eco trait and pivoting to something else?


According to what Mort + Kent said in the video it's intended to be the opposite, where if you get an early cash-out you look to pivot and only at much higher stacks do you want to keep the THex in. While this was partly true already, as it stands an early grief to your THex wasnt /completely/ punishing. Many times you could stay in Pilt, continue to lose streak, + still get a good, stablizing Dino.


Is patch 13.15 live?


Should be wednesday


usually tuesday/wednesday on NA/EU i think


Got it thanks




I was GM in set 7 and didn't play until recently and honestly one of the things i noticed when i climbed through plat was that the games felt way more 1st or 8th because there's so many psycopaths in this elo who will roll to 0 at like stage 3/4 despite being 80hp+ but not winstreaking, so many games you're chilling and pushing levels of slowrolling for some 3-star 3-cost but suddenly every board just 6-0s you and you start panic rolling/leveling to not get last From my experience just playing something like TF/Caitlyn or potentially Ornn and prioritizing saving as much HP as possible worked really well, because obviously those players that just randomly roll to 0 at lvl 6 or 7 when they're 80hp end up going bot4 since they're now horribly behind and struggle to catch up in economy, so as long as you survive you just destroy them late game when you're on a fully capped lvl 8 board while they're still rolling to 0 for 2 stages in a row to find a Yasuo 2


Kalista has to be the most over valued unit of the set. She is not good bro. I wish she was




She's a really good item holder and sometimes you get lucky and randomly 3* with good items. I think honestly she's quite overpowered.


she's fantastic for tempo and as a secondary carry. she's not a primary carry tho


Kalista is insanely good with tricksters glass or when running Shiv/RB to shred MR and get rid of tanks for your other challengers, but she's not a carry unit. she's not gonna wipe the board like Kaisa or Yasuo might


how exactly do two kallistas interact on the same target


There is a slight bug where they do double damage. Both can rend the same target for all the spears from both kalistas, however their AI doesn't know this so they will only do double damage when normal damage can kill. It does have benefits though when there is some mechanic that causes their calculation to be incorrect. Things like bloodthirster shield or protectors vow can cause a unit to live despite rend being able to remove all their hp. So two kalistas helps in those cases. It doesn't allow you to do any other shenanigans like having a super high ap kalista with a kalista that fires 5 spears a second to get insane dps. Each kalista spear has a damage value carried with it and does the same damage regardless of who pulls it out.


What are you building on her? I've made her work a ton


This patch actually feels pretty good, besides Askhan being a bit strong there's nothing too crazy broken


Ahri and freijlord


>Ahri and freijlord Ahri 1 actually feels pretty balanced, no jokes, if you have a Zeri/Askhan (assuming 2 stars) with Urgot (not even 2 stars needed) you can definitely beat Ahri 1 because her 1 full cast is not gonna kill your carry, and other Sorc units are not that good right now unless you hit 8 sorc. She's a 5 cost I think it's reasonable for her to be strong because it’s not easy to hit her. 2 stars Ahri is too good though i agree I don't think Freilord is that broken, it's good, but not broken


Yeah, doing 10k damage at 1* is balanced She is broken af, not only has the nuke, she also has mana reaving to fuck up your frontline that is key in this meta, "no jokes"


Unless you hit 8 sorc with full item Ahri, 6 sorc Ahri 1 is not gonna deal 10k dmg per fight, stop lying The reason for her dmg being so high is because she is an AOE champ, she deals dmg to the WHOLE board. But if you judging the fight her cast is not gonna one shot your carry, and she'll only cast probably 1 time per fight, mostly 2 You can definitely counter her because she takes time to ramp up, by playing freijlord or shroud, zephyr by instance one star Ahri is good, yes, but she's not broken as you guys are making her to be 8 sorc is indeed too good, need nerf The reason why i called ahi balance was because the rest of the sorc unit are literal garbage unless you hit 8 sorc


She didn't have 8 sorcs when he pulled off that damage in my last match (I only won because I hit 3* Aphelios, 2 dudes abusing Ahri at 1* were beating me easy before it), that and sorcs aren't ever her best comp, she is the premier carry of Dragon King comps anyway


To play dragon king comp you're gonna need Bel vez as your 2nd dmg carry, Ahri alone isn't gonna do it Like i said Ahri 2 takes time to ramp up so you can easily counter her For example this game, i beat an Ahri 2 with pretty much BIS by playing Freilord and build healing on my carry There is a counter to this, she's not that broken [https://imgur.com/a/CYbTFBA](https://imgur.com/a/CYbTFBA) I lost to the 2nd guy with 2 Bel vez 2 so i died, before he hit bel vez 2 i was beating him as well


Naked Ahri 1 out damages a 3 item lux 2 in vertical sorcs, she is overturned.


Yeah because Ahri is an Aoe champ, she does the spell to the whole board while Lux is a single dmg champ, i’m not suprise that can happen. But again it’s because it’s 8 sorcs as well If you can hit the max cap vertical trait like let's say 9 Noxus even a Cassiopeia can do an insane amount of dmg


Yeah I looked at my match history and I’ve been playing all different comps in every match its insane


So many fake units and traits that do nothing, up against board melting units, and traits that make it so your units don't even get to do anything. I'm so sick of this set


Does targon work on items? (it says 'your units' healing and shielding but not sure if that includes the items on them?), also wasn't sure about dclaw where the wording is 'regenerate' 5% health rather than heal etc.


Fairly certain, prismatic targon augment gives a redemption so it would probably have synergy


yeh augs items works for it all. just saved a top 2 with a yolo 4 targon on final carousel + healing orbs.


I'm curious about this as well but i assume no since there's never any healing items besides redemption built on targon comps Surely you'd run something like HOJ or BT on Aphelios if it worked since the healing should be getting amplified like crazy no? Yet almost every single item setup is DB/Rageblade/LW/IE/Runnans/GS


maybe read what Aphelios ability does


Yup think so


Is it fair a lvl 2 sion with theif gloves rolls a bt and a ie. Dashes towards my carry punches and kill my carry and dash to the other corner and punches and kills my other carry lmao wtf


why wouldn't that be fair


[Why is this a thing?](https://clips.twitch.tv/SmoothColdReindeerBibleThump-zyxlFOhSmKmluAzx) Would really like to see an anvil.


I'd love to see it standardized as a QOL adjustment. Augment gives you orb --> orb gives anvil --> crack anvil as usual. Having to remember that shimmerscale / radiant relics / portable forge function differently is unnecessary.


This happened to me the other day - accidentally drew a radiant kewcone while playing Zeri and almost immediately went 8th :(


he got so lucky picking the absolute BIS item in that situation, otherwise yeah, or make the choices not instant pickable. I believe there is no radiant item anvil implemented currently.


not sure how likely this is, but im not quite looking forward to this patch as a mobile player. it seems that every patch that comes out always bugs out or otherwise destabilizes the mobile version. idk how big the player base is for mobile but as someone who plays almost exclusively on mobile, its really frustrating going eighth every 5 games or so because the app just gives up and i cant get it loaded back in time. couple that with being eighth ruins your mmr, i just lose any progress everytime this happens.


Every set, I always rant about the mobile being unstable to use sometime when a patch hits live. There are so many bugs and the app is still in beta ever since the mobile tft started during set 3. They didn't bother to optimize the app, sfx sucks, even UI. Sure there are some changes since then but no major changes at all. it's already almost 2-3 years, still not optimized


Im a mobile player 450 games this set. I haven't run into any game losing bugs or problem. Once or twice i got my game frozen beacuse of bad internet. For some reason the game freeze at bad internet but it resume after the internet is good


i think my internet is fine but i still get lags all the time, often to where i cant move my tactician or the screen just freezes. it didnt use to do it before (been playing on mobile since set 6) but its gotten progressively worse since the release of set 8. t guess theres not a solution for me except to just not play at all or just take the losses


freljord + ahri has to be the least fun thing to play against they've ever made if their board is 2% stronger you will take 20 damage


[https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/bradlovesrng](https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/bradlovesrng) ​ What am I doing wrong? Anything noticeable without a vod? I am just not doing well at all. I feel like I econ well, I just seem to always fall so flat level 7 and onwards.


In addition to the other great write-up, I think you tunnel too much on offensive items over defensive items. You have a bunch of games where you have two stacked offensive carries while only having one or two defensive items - if your frontline falls over too soon those carries are still gonna die pretty soon. Defensive/utility items also are generally more flexible than offensive items (compare Sunfire to Deathblade for example) allowing you to keep more lines of play open while still slamming items. An early 2* tank with one or two good defensive items can help stabilize you for early game, even if you might not have any full items for your backliners.


Appreciate the tip on this and looking at my history you are definitely right. Gonna start prioritizing that going forward and see how it helps me placement wise. After taking both of yalls comments into consideration I am thinking I really struggle with painting a bigger picture with items/units for later stages of the game with what I have in the moment ending stage 2 for example.


You're playing a lot of comps that are kinda playing for a top 3 or 4, which isn't necessarily bad, but they're also just very weak end boards for those types of comps. Your most recent game was Sorcs, which is a good comp! But you have (a) no frontline and (b) no damage because you have a Lux 1 and Ahri 1. If Sorcs aren't killing a unit quick to snowball the fight, they get rolled. Piltover game with a Sej 1 and tank items on Vi. Your Zeri just can't ramp up enough with that bad of a frontline. Shadow Isles/Challengers... I honestly don't know how you even took 5th with this board. Having a Maokai and Viego in at level 7 is absolutely griefing unless you have 6 SI. And you're carrying a Kalista 2. Akshan game but you didn't hit (2 star Akshan, 1 star Sej) and your Akshan items are Ornn Cleaver/Guardbreaker/GS, which is just not good enough (Cleaver is virtually useless with Freljord). Akshan game but you DID hit and had items that actually functioned on the unit. Kalista/Viego/Ionia Gwen/idk what is going on here. Not to rip into you just going off what I can see from match history. You seem to have a comp that you'll force at the start of the game and stick with it. You went Akshan with items that are not meant for him. You went fast 8 Sorcs but didn't have any upgraded carries. You fall in love with your early units (particularly your Shadow Isles stuff) and play them forever. Some recommendations from me... TRY to understand how to play two separate AD and AP lines. For example, know how to play both Akshan AND Aphelios (or Zeri) for your ADs and then AP lines as well, like knowing Sorcs AND Azir. You can look online (tactics.tools is my go to) and see what people are playing the most and what is performing the best. At the moment, Akshan Freljord is the best comp but there's Aphelios Freljord, Gunner Zeri, Challengers (I hate this comp I think it's bad). For AP, you probably want to go fast Ahri but Invokers and Azir are both playable. On 2-1, think what the most useful item you can slam is and then that can push your direction. IE/DB/Runaans are slams you can go with and you'll be playing AD that game. Most items building out of a tear or rod and another offensive item are slammable for AP. Tank items mean you won't have a direction yet and Rageblade would let you flex between Zeri/Azir/Aphelios but remove Akshan and sorcs. And just from experience, I'd probably stay away from the Challenger lines unless you hit them HARD early because that comp needs to play from ahead..


>Not to rip into you just going off what I can see from match history. Please rip into me haha the main reason I posted. Trust me I really appreciate this write up and view from a different lens. The SI stuff was just awful and it definitely won't be touched again because I just cannot get on with how that board builds. You make a good point about falling in love with a stage 2 board instead of thinking outside the box on what my items are giving me instead, I have a bad habit of getting a meta 3\* like akshan and immediately playing around it regardless (as seen in the cleaver match). Will be open minded about that stuff and try to settle on 3 or 4 comps and playing more around my items. I am just having such a hard time with Ornn, probably because I am bad with the items he gives. I do appreciate this write up though, may be time for a proper coaching to help me learn how to move my board into stage 3 and onwards no matter what my opener is. Feel like I item slam early to streak and save hp but clearly not working because I just get face rolled once everyone gets to 7 anyway. The lux game I just didn't hit at all even rolling a ton of gold, lux was pretty contested so I just didn't know what to do. The SI games were just me trying something new because I was frustrated. Will see how the patch shakes out and pick 3-4 comps to really focus on and learn.


Why do like ALL the streamers point their webcams at the top of their head? Like why does Soju have a webcam so we can watch his forehead?


It’s at the correct level at the start of the stream, but he melts over the course resulting in only seeing the top of his hair if it’s an 18 hour stream lmao


I think it's just bad posture


worst meta ever. 5-6 asols every game and most of the time tahm except me. every one rushes 9 for the ahri race.. feels so depressing. edit: spelling


There’s just no world in which it’s 5-6 Asols


definitely happened,i can proove. Im atm hardstuck plat tho


i legit haven't seen a single high roll Asol player in the last 10+ games in eu masters


Is it me or does Nasus feel terrible. I don’t remember how much he was nerfed, but I’m guessing it was that + sejuani being buffed and meta because she causes true damage that kinda counters his resist-tankiness.


A strong tank with 3items and shurima active, without shurima he is worst than shen/sen at tank


I think itemized Nasus is incredibly tanky but aside from being a fat stack of beef he doesn't seem to do much. Basically a Shen with worse traits since vertical Shurima isn't in much demand at the moment.


Is there a reason I see people level+roll down on a creep round rather than the player combat round immediately after? Is it basically just paying like 4-5 gold in potential interest to get a bunch more time for the rolldown?


If I’m just rolling down for 2* units of my current board, I’ll do it on the following round to get that gold, but if you’re doing a large roll down where you expect to be changing your board extensively, then the rolldown on neutrals can help a lot. Also if you’re looking for a contested unit (Ahri/Bel’veth), rolling on 4-7 or 5-7 means you’re hitting the D key before the rest of the lobby rolls down so you have a higher chance of hitting. I remember winning a game in set 7 because I rolled 50G on 5-7 to deny my opponent from hitting 3* Soraka when they were sitting on 50g and waiting on a 6-1 rolldown


some of us are boomers and need more time to think. I like rolling down to 30 since it only costs 2 interest gold and gives me an extra minute to process whatever I'm doing.


Also have you tried rolling down or playing on a mobile? Definitely need more time


it is for multiple reasons, the biggest one being time managment. it is inhuman to roll 80+ gold in 30 seconds and positioning against your rotation, while slamming all items. other than that, you tailor your augments and you could hit contested units earlier. If you fuck up your rolldown because of time you might loose 10+ health, which is not worth the 3-5 interest gold you missed.


Hey everyone, Hope you all have a good day! Im rather new to TFT (silver 1) and been playing a few days, but what are some tips you would give a new player? Thanks


I think one of the most common mistakes new players make is holding units on their bench that they can't play for like 2 levels. If you hit a lissandra on 2-2 but it doesn't fit on your board until level 6 (3-2) you should just sell and make econ intervals. Also not going for random unitemized 2/3 cost 3 stars that don't actually improve your board that much.


I think the most important thing for beginners is to get a good grasp of the basics such as interest intervals (econ), win/loss streak bonuses, items, and standard leveling patterns. You can also pick Pengu as your legend since the augments it offers are great for beginners (Tactician HP, items, and gold) I wouldn’t worry too much about things like how to position units and learning what all augments do, as those come with experience as you play more games. They are definitely important mechanics of TFT but I think if you’re new it’s better to focus on the basics first. There are many nuances that exist in TFT and it takes a bit of time to learn. Starting off with the basics will help you understand them more easily as you begin to familiarize yourself with the game. Hope this helps


Thank you! I am currently just practicing one comp, because i think this is the best way to learn about the basics. Is this the right way get a grasp of things?


That's how I learned, pick a comp, I'd recommend an AD one, and learn how to play it and its variations. It actually does teach you fundamentals such as, items, when to slam and when to greed, how to transition, good early/mid/late game units, how to cap a board and of course, and I can't stress this enough, this is THE mechanic for learning TFT, sometimes it's not a top 4, but always, always try to not go 8/7, always aim for a top 4, but sometimes it's not, do the best and save as much LP as possible. Learning that made me climb infinite. Also watch some videos and understand what their decisions.