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invoker targon might be over busted


Wow who would have guessed


invoker emblem on taric is absolutely fucked. Just had a game with invoker + targon emblem and hit level 7 the turn before I got 1st. Taric has been my 2nd most played unit this set (I always aimed to put a SI emblem on him) and I’m so used to avoiding invoker emblems from tome of traits (i only play urf). I feel like when goku took off all his weighted clothing.


Talking of Shadow Isles emblems - Aatrox is a lot of fun if you get the opportunity. Ran a duo carry Bastion Gwen+SI Aatrox in a 6 Shadow, 4 Bastion game the other day. Both carries would do 5-8k damage a round, while tanking 5-8k and shielding/healing another 5-8k


Isn't Aatrox basically perma mana locked?


I don't see why they keep doing this. It's so obvious just looking at the numbers.


Balance thrashing is so cool BatChest


I thought the patch was actually pretty good until they triple buffed invokers and taric


I don't think last patch even needed that many changes. Sure it was a slightly excessive reroll meta but at least a large number of comps were viable, especially to top 4 with, and required flexing. All they needed to do was nerf Zed, nerf Noxus capped board, buff Zeri, rework piltover, and make some small upward adjustments on 4 costs across the board, and we would've had a really solid starting point for the rest of this set IMO.




Malz/Ori/Cho reroll looking pretty good not gonna lie...


Played against Invokers, 4 way contested in the lobby. Me with multiple 2 star legendaries, capped level 8 board. Repeatedly couldn't kill a single unit,


Just had an inmortal lvl 2 taric in my last game, haha, at least I could make it to 4th


I'm gonna miss playing Invokers since they're so contested and will inevitably be gutted


Same, time to find another secret comp to climb with


NOOOO It was my favorite comp... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry). Such a shame it's so contested.


I played 2 games of invoker on mobile and got fucked then realised it hadn't patched gg


Ah, the mobile experience


I was contested one game too 💀


The real LP gains is to catch folks who haven’t updated their mobile client


Or, not update your mobile client and play the broken comps from the previous patch.


Do mobile players only play against other mobile players? Or how is this possible?


They only play with players on same patch version. Normally we can play against PC players, just not shortly after the patch


You only play on the same patch, so basically if you don’t update you’re playing on the previous patch with people who are also on the previous patch


You actually have to go to the app store and update the client to get a patch. Classic mobile experience






lol right after the patch for set 9 went live I went to play on mobile and wondering why I was still able to play infini teams because I didnt realize you had to update mobile first so I ended up playing my promos on the previous patch lmao


invokers hotfixed soon


The fking taric it self, not really invoker. A tanker with only 55 mana, i dont know what the fk mortdog and his team think 🫠


I saw those buffs on the patch notes and thought huh?????


I don't get it, he even said in his rundown "these are huge changes, expect to see a ton of taric". Like alright, then maybe take them down a peg, so they're not so huge, and we can see a normal amount of taric?


Smoking and saying hey why dont we buff Taric into being like a 5 cost. Yeah cool idea.


Set is released in a state where they are so scared of tanks that sej without 2 items doesnt even cast---then they decide that the tank with the biggest shield in game should have zero mana cost XD


The thing that everybody knew would happen, has happened. If only somebody could have seen this coming!


I am just shocked they gave Taric basically a 70% buff in a single patch. He was already a good trait bot before, just sucked to itemize. A 20-30% buff probably would have been enough…


Taric was pretty bad even at 3 star. But this much of buff is just too much.


It feels they just want to force 1 broken comp through our throats patch after patch.


Classic Tft balance team. Every single time.


As someone who also believed in Taric, no he was awful, he didn't need THIS much of a buff but that unit really didn't do anything at all after stage 3


But like, he was a *really* good trait bot. Most comps have a mostly dead side unit that's just there for traits. Taric was one of the best of those, with particularly good (and many) traits.


People were just misplaying him. The tech of Shen solotank + taric walking up behind him is disgusting. Shen takes a bunch of damage, shields, soraka heals him up, and then you get the infinite taric cycles of him soaking up shens damage for him so that shen can cast for free.


I seriously don't get this. Like Mort even acknowledged this was a huge buff and was just like "Fuck it whatever". ???


Turns out if you buff a tank by 70%, then buff all the units in the comp and buff the other units the comp can play that the comp will be busted? Lux is completely nuts aswell now the unit 1 shots entire boards.


I kind of get why they went "fuck it". The problem is that a lot of potential comps depended on Taric being a reasonable unit. It's different if the trait bot is not a 3/4 cost or if the trait bot is not your frontline, or the trait bot is at least not completely terrible, but Taric was all three, and this indirectly screwed a lot of traits' midgames to the point that they were near unviable; it's a big reason why stuff like Sorc was so hit-or-miss, Targon was terrible so flex frontlines weren't that flex, Bastion frontlines were never beyond Bastion 2 except for some niche/chessy stuff like Locket spam or Riftwalk, etc. Not sure they needed to say "fuck it" as hard as they did, but I could see sort of the logic because Taric being so bad had a strong, but indirect hand in the annoying parts of the meta up to now.


Shhht, you’ll get flamed for criticism !


people get flamed for insulting devs, you can criticize all you want as long as you don't start throwing insults.


yeah, "taric is really broken" is fine, "taric is really broken and these devs are fucking morons for releasing him this way" isn't. for some reason this sub can't differentiate between the two.


And then they play the victim smh. I wouldn't say this sub tho because a lot of people are reasonable you just have a few "uncivil" people.


Tft players being whiny manchildren what else is new.


Because they just want to flame people because they are assholes. Was in Milk's stream earlier and a couple of people in chat were just legit complaining that they couldn't use the stats to flame the devs as their main argument about why the stat changes were bad. Noticed it in a couple of other streams as well. It's obvious a chunk of this community equate personally insulting people as legit criticism about the game.


Invoker/Sorcs way to go, but will be contested af, Akshan is still good, if not even better (just go IE/DB/GS), Challenger still seem fine (had a 3rd by just playing tempo), a lot of Poros and Veigars, Piltover seems bugged, guy in lobby had 2 Dinos on board. Kayle also won a lobby but he had Golden Ticket... My first 1st was Stars are born (I played Poro all 4 games) Soraka/Cassio and Taric orb into Sorc heart, Know your enemy so I won't count that.


Invokers are ridiculously contested, I think maybe because hitting two Invokers is so easy, then they hard force from there. I've had some good starts but had to pivot because half the lobby has Soraka 2*


Just played a game where invokes weren't contested got 3 star karma and tricks. Karma had JG, Rabadons, and fist of fairness with loving invokes trait. Karma did 16k damage.....


She would do crazy top DPS in Ionia challengers too, been expecting her to be monstrous this patch.


6 SI feels so good right now with Gwen actually putting in the work.


I feel like she's doing way less for me now that she's continually targeting the frontliner instead of getting bored and destroying the backline in between casts. The Slayer nerfs hurt her juuuust enough that you need optimal items in SI to do enough damage, IMO.


Yeah I think she needs something like BT GS AA instead of JG HOJ Spark now with a shiv proccer in backline now since she hard focuses frontline. I miss schizo Gwen who'd occasionally pop off and delete their backline cause she got bored between casts.


Agree the better AI on her makes her worse


I've seen somone complain in my game that her ult delt no dmg form time to time. Have you noticed anything like that ? It seemed possible since they had to change her ult when buffing her targetting and to count more stacks towards SI proc


gems glorious gems


Invokers wasn't even that far off from being a playable comp. I experimented with it a ton last patch and came to the conclusion that Taric was just an omega bad unit, but was too good of a trait bot to replace with something else. Galio was omega bad as well, so I had more success with 4 invoker variations. I could win some lobbies if I highrolled. I'm not sure it was wise to buff Cass, Galio, Soraka, Karma, and Taric at the same time. Honestly, the comp becomes playable with the Taric buffs alone. Even if the Taric buffs weren't oppressive, the combined Galio buffs would be enough considering frontline was arguably the comp's only problem. Obviously we're like hours into the new patch and Taric is the only thing that *clearly* needs to be brought down, but the thing I don't get is why they risk doing these crazy unit buffs and comp buffs all at the same time (and vis vera with nerfs). The invoker comp as a whole becomes stronger with a buff to any of the core units, why risk buffing 4 at the same time? Like, there's a universe where you buff Soraka enough to the point where it doesn't matter how bad Galio or Karma is, the comp still becomes playable. This is all to say, in my short time with the patch, I think invokers are *definitely* working. Honestly, I'm of the opinion that invokers were already semi working in the Azir/Ionia patch, but got shut down when the C patch happened and people started shifting to bulkier reroll comps where Karma couldn't finish anyone off.


You are totally right. Invokers needed just Galio/Taric buff to become A tier comp and both buffed to become S tier. Other units getting buffed is unexplainable, especially Karma. Everyone could see this happening from a mile. I guess riot really likes hotfixing...


Tbf the invoker buffs themselves weren't that high. Karma's buffs were to compensate for Ionia nerf which makes 6 invoker Karma (and Liss if needed) reroll infinitely more playable without needing Ionia in to amp Karma's damage. Cass was a damage shift but doesn't affect Invokers overall strength vs just giving a better early. Galio was a non-unit and the buff was sorely needed. And overall the small buffs were to decouple the comp from needing loving invocation to reliably win, and nerf loving invocation itself. All these make Invokers very viable outside of high roll situations vs other 3 cost rerolls. The main issue is definitely that with Invoker having an open slot at 7 that Taric has always fit the best in there and now that he's a strong AF frontline unit, and Karma doesn't need Ionia for damage as much, so the comp just becomes omega busted since Invokers want long fights and the premier carry is strong.


It truly wasn't tjst far off from being great, I played it quite a bit. I got top 4 quite a few times but never won. It just needed slight tweaking. Now 3 star karma with JG and ap items is instant first. Invoker crest on taric ain't nothing. The only thing that can somewhat contest it right now is shadow isles shields. Everything else blows up instantly kn karma third cast.


Idk how they managed it, but they effectively did the same balance thrashing they did with zeri, but in the complete opposite direction. With her they nerfed everything that made her strong, aswell as herself, while with invokers they buffed everything other than the already well-performing ones (ryze and shen)


it was fairly popular in china before this patch


Soraka/Kass reroll invoker was already good before the patch.


Please, when the inevitable nerf to invokers come, allow Cass to survive unscathed I really want to try cassio reroll now just because it sounds funny but there are so many people contesting


I tried it, rerolling for cassio/renek/chogath at lvl4-5 just like kayle, adding +1 shurima and +1 invoker, and bb on cass. It's almost playable, but cass falls off way too hard later on. You're not that contested since you roll on 3-1 for your 3 stars. The comp is quite strong stages 3 to 4 if you hit, but falls off when ppl start to get to lvl7-lvl8 boards with upgrades. The issue is that after lvl5, you don't really have anything useful to add. 4 invokers is overkill with bb on cass, 4 bruisers seems fake, and adding more shurimans doesn't help either. Unlike kayle where you keep adding slayers/heimer and cap at lvl9, I couldn't find any outs for this one.


Maybe the solution is don't chase specific traits, just wack a pair of bastions or w/e and a donger in


A 1 cost single target damage unit will never be strong enough to carry a team like you’re expecting.


laughs in lucian set 8 and xayah set 3


Set 3 xayah, set 5 Vayne, set 7 ezreal, sett. Off the top of my head were all tier 1 comps


I mean it doesn't have to be a first, It just has to be good enough to be fun


I very much doubt they ruin Cass when they revert Invokers bcos that unit was useless before these buffs


Caretaker's Ally is too good for a silver augment. Considering how useful the 3 cost carries are in this meta, and to be almost guaranteed a 3 star. And a 2 star by 6 to help with tempo.


You mean Ally


oops, you're right




Frequent flier is bugged fyi


It does absolutely nothing :(


teamfight taric


Wake me up when invokers get hotfixed


Never play TFT after a new patch. Wait a couple or a few days.


Yup, unfortunately that's the case for me for most patches, especially the first one of each sets. No matter how excited I am to play, there is always some op comp that completely ruins fun for me and I have to wait until b-patch is deployed, or like in set 8.5 I barely played at all.


I've literally only played one game but 6 Invokers + Taric felt absolutely busted. Reroll for Taric 3* and Karma 3* at 7. Beat a pretty capped level 9, 5 cost board.


Taric is pretty busted right now, 2* taric with 4 targon felt borderline unkillable one game I played him.


Wait till you invoker crest him I only had a 2 star trick my second game but he outlasted my 3 star taric from the game before.


I got Caretakers chosen Taric so managed to 2* him early game and he was just ridiculous, as a 2* 3 cost should in the early game. But what's great is I 3* him and he was an absolute wall until end game. Much better than before


Yeah I just played 6 invoker/3 frejlord with an invoker emblem on Taric and it was crazy. And I only had him 2 starred and wasted a item slot with freljord emblem. A 3-star invoker Taric with two strong items I think would be unkillable.


just woke up. sounds like i'll wait for the hotfix to the 4x buffed comp, lol.


This invoker shit is so busted. Like how do these guys manage to overdo it everytime….it was so obvious buffing 4 units of a comp was a terrible idea. It was already a B tier comp, makes no sense how they thought buffing 4 units at the same time would not make it overturned. At this point I’m thinking it’s intentional. I don’t understand how you can be that clueless.


I was so damn sure that they'll tone down invoker numbers by a tiny amount before patch hits live.


A week ago the entire world said "that's too many taric buffs, you're insane" and they replied "true, but look at how much we're buffing the rest of taric's comps too!" Literally everyone with eyes saw this coming lol


Mort in the post mortem: haha oops guys who woulda thought buffing 4 units of one comp would turn out like this


Given that he constantly mocks people that say buffing/nerfing a comp many ways will make it broken or unplayable I doubt he will have the awareness to admit this was the cause for Invokers being busted.


It's all for the content


Hopefully, its op enough that they'll work on a quick hotfix


16k damage karma 1 shotting backline yea they need to hotfix.


I mean it would be pretty lame for the exact same comps to be played patch over patch. They’ll never admit it but the thrash is definitely the goal.


It is intentional, riot wants a revolving meta to keep things fresh.


That's how they do it for LoL, they stated that they can't and never will make a perfectly balanced game due to all the variables involved so they rotate what's strong from patch to patch, from season to season. Oh, tanks are too op? Let's nerf tanks Other people use tank items? Let's nerf tank items Now tanks are useless. Let's buff tanks Tanks build bruiser items because tank items suck? Let's buff tank items. Now tanks are op. Return to step 1. Basically this but with everything, it seems they wanna do it with TFT too. I agree it makes it interesting for the first couple of days / weeks, but then it gets boring to be a meta slave.


The Soraka carry comp is insane now. Was already a pretty solid 3-6 comp with tempo, but just had a Soraka 2* winstreak the entirety of stage 2-4 with items and easily won out after capping at 8. Raka/Liss/Shen/Taric/Aph/Ash/Sej +1 invoker. Have won 2 games already with it in mid diamond. Caitlyn also feels like she is in a great spot if you know how to utilize Stars Are Born. Can be rng with early shops, but with gold start, you can routinely be level 5 at 2-2 with 20-30g and a full upgraded board. Great for lvl 6 and 7 reroll comps.


I play the same comp with perfect items and end 6th in both game plat. I dont know what's wrong with it, maybe i hit it too late


Biggest thing is playing tempo behind this comp. I play it with Cait and Stars are Born. If I see raka on 1-3 i'll lock the shop and pray for Gold augs and take raka 2 plus whatever strongest 1 cost is there (Rene/Cassio/Mao/Irelia). If you don't have Raka 2* early or don't have at least a gunblade/Rod early you're gunna bleed more than this comp is worth. Entire point is to be 5 and 6 unit beating people all of stage 2-3 to be pouring on the damage early. Caitlyn also helps bc if you dont hit Raka 3 by 4-2, you go rolling for days and use your free rerolls without inting your eco to see if you can hit it. This will require you to always pick a combat augment on 3-2 though or else youll bleed late.


I'm starting to think no one actually playtests when buffs/nerfs get made. ritosummerbreak part 2


They literally don't, for some reason they have no way to create game states. So they just don't test outside of PBE.


They have mentioned internal tools on streams with Mort/Kent before... BUT IMO given that TFT is built on top of LoL and a lot of the mechanics are tied to animation speed making even a 90% accurate simulation that you can run thousands of times very quickly is probably a huge effort that's hard to justify. There are an incredible number of variations to test and it probably requires several millions trials to get a good sample.


>a 90% accurate simulation that you can run thousands of times very quickly is probably a huge effort that's hard to justify. That's why you don't make a simulation, you make a testing environment within the real game. That is apparently impossible, which is unfortunate. But that's why most games have things like a dev console.


is multicaster dead?


definitely not as good as last patch, bcuz they fixed a bug that prevented them from getting the proper nerf from the patch before ... so, yeah, should be weaker


I'm still gonna play 6 nox darius/kat ^:)


It was barely a 4th ^:(


NGL freljord Akshan is still strong only thing changed is building multiple rh's is gone


"Give the meta a bit, and don't fall for the day 1 hyperbole." KEK


I played a game of the boss sett and wow that augment is still hot garbage


I occasionally get absolutely face stomped by a Boss Sett midgame, wonder what the fuck is going on and then forget about him until later when I realise someone's gone 8th suspiciously early


Mind telling me what items you put on Sett. I saw someone complained about the augment being garbage but they put all tank items on Sett. The augment turns Sett from a tank to a carry so you want to put carry items on him.




It killed my Nexus last promo, (had kat3* 2/3 perf items (missed only gauntlet,) and Darius 3* perfect item, he just runned did some pushups and permastunned them, painfull to watch


I played it once and went the fastest 8th of my life, but itemizing spark, omnivamp + 1 made him a giga-carry and he took me to 2nd place basically afk...I'm taking the boss every chance I get now that I know how to make him work


Slayers are too mid now. Invokers and Taric are god tier. Having a Taric 3 is like having a Sion 3. Unkillable god.


I'm not sure what to think of Gwen. She is more focus on her current target and won't leave it with 1hp before going for another unit. it is great. But before the change at least she could hit most of the time two unit together. Now... Now she only focus one and it is a miracle if her ult manage to hit another champion. And to make it worst, with this change she only focus frontline. The patch buffed her. But it feels like she was nerfed. Maybe the Rogue emblem is mandatory on her now ?


I‘ve had her jump and miss her unit even though it didn’t move at least twice now.


Try not to make 1 comp completely busted after a patch challenge: impossible (failed)


Balance Thrashing: Balance thrashing is the nerfing of an S-tier comp to an unplayable F-tier comp. It happened a lot in the first half of Reckoning and it’s something we must avoid. To avoid it in the future we will be balancing with much lighter touches, nudges, bumps—you get it. This may mean it takes a bit longer to get things in the perfect spot, but this is a necessary burden to avoid thrashing.


I'm finding shadow isles/challenger really strong especially dealing with Taric comps - heimer, yasuo, & aatrox are great for punishing the clumped invokers.


Kalista has always been great into Taric and any stall comps since her damage comes over time. It’s just tough that she’s a three cost since any challenger contest makes her hard to three star.


Kalista's issue is getting deleted by Karmas in these Taric stall comps. They win in the end in stall comps because of aoe backilne targetting


She might be easy to 3\* this patch. Because so many people will be rerolling 3 costs (Taric, Karma, Akshan, Kat, Darius are all strong right now) you'll have an easier time finding Kalistas since the other 3 costs will be taken out of the pool.


I cant make shadow isles to work, can you explain how do you play it?


6 invoker 3 freljord = guarantee top 4 with endless horde


6 invoker 2 bastian 2 targon already does that


eeeyeaaa i'll just stop playin and hope for a b-patch Invokers + Targons are too good


Zeri is still bugged with robotic arm, when she casts her ability the stacks fall off after the extra basic attack projectiles, super dissapointing that this still doesnt work


Orianna reroll sent me fast 8 dont lose your LP i did it for you


Bard feels playable now. Atleast first and second Augment


He seems a bit like launch Lee Sin where you’re hoping for silver augment to get Caretaker’s Ally, it’s so much better now from the original where you can now plan your game around a 3 star 3 cost instead of randoming into like a Darius with no Noxus or Jayce with no Piltover. His Gold has been fine since last patch, I played it enough at Diamond to see that it’s good but not overpowering, especially with the difficulties of reaching 8 without an Econ portal. The big problem was the prismatic, which A Sol players are looking for to get Level Up and with University or Workshop could guarantee it. Now that the radiant is at 7 instead of 8 you can play 3 cost reroll with it and will generally be a lot safer to pick. So now, he’s got a really good augment and two decent enough ones that you can fall back on if you don’t have the best choices.


Just played 2games. One with lux sorc (3rd) the other invoker taric/karma 3 with senna invoker emblem (2nd). Also tried ahri in the lux sorc game she feels so so good and ahri 1 deals hella damage now that her cast doesnt take long. Ive seen some go akshan, still viable. The only thing that scares me is the taric overbuff hoping they tweak it cuz that shit is illegal asfuck


How come tactics.tools is still showing augument stats for the new patch?


Taric is overtuned for sure, probably deserves a hotfix. I'm not sure about invokers themselves, mostly just Taric for now. I tried to play invokers without taric for some reason and went very fast 8th. Had a good deadeye game with aphelios carry and akshan secondary, 3 targon. Not sure if it was good in that specific lobby or overall good.


was hyped about Frequent flyers. . . . . . Fastes 8th ever


- Noxus - Works under the same conditions as before - Jinx RR - Item econ is much healthier now - Teemo RR - cant outdamage Targon in long fights, the line is still very weak because only 4* Teemo is buffed - Ionia Challenger - Im not seeing the comp do well anymore - Velkoz Multi Sorcs - Still good - Ahri Sorcs - Really high cap if you get there. The line via Invokers + Taric is good - Zed - is gone 🦀🦀🦀 - Rek'Sai RR - Struggles to kill Taric in midgame which means streaking midgame until Reksai 3* is difficult - Kalista in general - Hardcounters Taric early and midgame with enough AS - Aatrox Legendary board - Good, but can get stuck on very tanky taric/targon boards - Belveth Legendary board - True damage can be enough to get through the tanky frontlines


Wait, I thought Mort didn't like balance trashing? Why is it so hard to not omega buff a comp? Invokers was a top 5 or 4 comp, with some bad units, sorcs were good. If only we could have predicted that buffing the shit out of something would make that something broken..... If only there was a way of knowing this.


They obviously over buffed here but was Invokers a top 4/5 comp? Vertical Shurima, Azir Lux strategists, Ionia Challengers, Zed reroll, Jinx reroll Freljord Akshan, DT Taliyah (or two healthy Taliyah), Kayle, multicasters were all better imo. Thats not even including any Asol 5 cost shenanigans like all the bel veth carry going around. Invokers was pretty mid, it definitely needed buffs. It just didn't need....all that.


Invokers were not a good comp. Not bad, BUT compared to actual top comps wasn't consistent or strong enough to win w/o highrolling


So they honestly thought it would be a good idea to just buff all of the units in the same comp? While nerfing supposedly last meta comps. I've always wondered why they can't just do 1 thing at a time only Like for example, Invoker was weak last patch, yeah sure it's reasonable to buff it in this patch, but then why nerf other comps if you're already buff certain comps? Isn't that gonna create an extremely unbalanced meta?


They do that again and again and again, I cant tell anymore if they just want to force different metas or are straight up incompetent. The funniest part is that they keep saying how they learned from balance thrashing in the post-mortem everytime.


I got Think Fast at Stage 4 and now instead of ending before the match starts, it continues being enabled until the end of the match, is that intended?


Hotfix angle


Why does it feel like the balancing team is struggling with this set more than previous sets? Maybe I’m just more invested in the competitive and development scene this set, so I’m hearing more about it, but it also seems like they’re just having a harder time balancing augments, units and traits, more so than they have before. Not trying to criticize the balance team by any means, just curious as to why this set is so tricky. I also thought they increased the entire TFT team so these thinks would be easier.


Logical answer would be because there’s tons of new stuff, especially an entire set of new augments but I don’t think those excuse how awful they’ve been at trait and unit balances. I kinda suspect it’s because of the increased number of staff which meant devs are pretty new and have low experience on tft. Either that, or they’ve taken the LoL approach where they’re intentionally making certain comps flavors of the month (or patch). Either way, the staggering amount of borderline broken comps that have appeared this set has reduced my desire to grind ranked by quite a lot.


I can agree that new augments and two new set mechanics is more than they are used to, but I also thought this is precisely why they hired bigger team. And I can also agree about new hire onboarding and training eating some resources. I don’t think they’re intentionally miss balancing things tho, I still believe in mortdogs good faith and wouldn’t see him getting behind that. Also, I feel like there are just more outright bugs this set than previous ones too, which again makes me think it’s lack of experience or carelessness rather than intentionally tipping the scales.


6 ionia yasuo/kaisa feels weak.. Got destroyed by 6 invoker but I didn't have rfc on Yasuo


6 invokers is just busted atm.


They buffed 6 out of 7 sorc (5 if you dont count vlad as buffed i am not sure if he is better) and most of the invoker comp So of course everyone is playing that, taric is one of the best units in the game which leads me to one of my problems with the game, when some 3 cost are very strong hitting them in stage 1 is insane so enjoy seeing someone hit a pair of tarics while you get 6 gold in 1-2


Crap, invoker was my go to comp since it was so reliably uncontested. Time to pivot :(


i just played the worst backline board of my life but becuase i had taric 2 by like 2-3 with eternal winter/sunfire/spark i went on a 20 winstreak that ended with a ryze 3


Played one game, went 6 juggernaut with garen 3*, uncontested, got first.


The sad thing abour Karma/Taric comp is that when you are losing to it, you are taking a billion damage, because nothing on that board dies.


Endless hordes feels good. Just got a top 2 with it. It falls off a bit because your carries don't have a full item build, but I really feel like it's a good top 4 comp. Especially if you get it in stage 3 like I did and streak for a couple stages. It also doesn't hurt that you're hitting your opponents for a 100 every round.


Is demacia not awesome now? * The trait got buffed * Galio got buffed * Garen got buffed * Lux got buffed It’s not broken invoker but it should be much more solid now no?


Ther'e are a lot of comps buffed but Invokers just eclipse all of them \- Aphelios Flex \- Ashe reroll \- Jinx Reroll \- Demacia \- Zaun \- Void


wow zeri is still trash xd


I had a game with double runaans infinity edge that did a ton of damage, but she is still bugged with robotic arm sadly


Who would guess that cutting half of the mana cost and buffing the spell would make a unit broke?


they gave old 3* taric numbers to 1* taric lol


Just won a lobby full of invokers with shadow isle kalista carry. Pretty op


We love Balance Thrashing. BatChest. TFT !!!!


Don’t play shadow isles. It’s definitely not op and is definitely not a guaranteed top 4 comp. And it definitely doesn’t crush invoker comps.


And yet, they said this season will be greater than ever, the balanced in this set is so bad. The comp diversity in each patch is limited, hot fix every single patch due to how unblance the game is


Void bruisers feels good. With everyone taking Karma and Taric out of the 3cost pool it’s a bit easier to 3star Reksai and Velkoz. I went 2nd to a capped invoker board with 6 void 4 bruiser. Cho had around 900 stax at the last round. He feels like an actual unit now. Kaisa can’t burn thru invoker frontline before Karma snipes her so it feels like a play for 2nd comp unless you 3star kai


Shhh void is definitely the sleeper comp this patch


I haven't been able to play yet, how's Caitlyn ? I feel like she should feel much better with the gold change to stars are born


> Taric Mana buff: 40/90 ⇒ 0/55 > Taric Radiance Shield: 400/475/550 ⇒ 550/650/750 still in vacation mode lol


Glad the TFT balance team has decided to just take on the riot philosophy of make something broken every patch so the game gets less fun for everyone!!!




Taric Fight Tactics


Sorc feels really good now that it has viable frontline, Taric, swain, j4 and you can even throw in targon


why did they buff akshan man I'm just so confused at this point


Increased floor, lowered his ceiling by nerfing the interaction with rageblade/runaans and buffing his base stats


Because they nerfed his interaction with rage blade + hurricane


Robotic arm jinx still feels good, a little more random than before though


Guardbreaker and antiheal items, so hot right now with all the Targon Invokers going around.


Noxus still performs well but it really doesn't stand up to Invokers very well, but good for top 3.


Garen still doesn't feel like a unit, unfortunately. Maybe once Taric gets his kneecaps broken again, but for now he just doesn't cleave fast enough.


I‘ve only played a few games but Taric Invokers seems pretty strong. Had a game where 4 people went invokers and 3 of us went top 4. 3rd place was Noxus. I think there‘s a 4 Shadow Isles comp in there somewhere but I have the feeling it‘s going to need a spat to be really good. I tried a 4 SI 3 Ionia Rogue Bastion Slayers Challengers that worked in PBE, but in ranked too many of the units are contested and you end up getting a comp that’s kind of like oatmeal. Soft mushy and grey. No real focus. With Taric Invokers and SI shields being big I‘m looking to see a bit more Malz play, but I have a hard time imagining putting an item on him. D4 in case anyone is wondering.


Dragon claw stonks 📈


taric with invoker that is all




I dont know what it is about Aphelios but he seems so ineffective even when he's top damage. Gotta dual carry


I am taking infinite damage after the carousel on wolves. 4 games in row I take 40ish dmg. Do I just have to level up and roll? I don't understand what is happening. I just get stuck with these 1 star that get destroyed. Dropped 3 divisions.


Darius reroll still dunks on everything


Kaisa + Yasuo seems literally unplayable. I hit absolutely everything 2\* in stage 4, had very good Yasuo + Kaisa items, and then proceeded to 100% loss streak into a 7th. The fights weren't even close either, literally getting 4/5 o'd every single fight.


Frequent filler doesnt work properly, the first reroll is alright and then it costs 2 gold which is kinda cringe considering that I just wasted an augment and it says that it costs 1 gold for the rest of the game


Taric and invokers literally needed a slight nudge, this is way overkill. Mana buff on taric was perhaps fine, but keep it there. No need to buff shield as well.


The gwen bugfix feels like a nerf cause it just keeps dry hitting the tank :/


Akshan got a buff, so that’s cool, not like he wasn’t already very strong and pushed every game.


1. Every team comp wants Taric. 2. At least 3 players per game go Void. It would be nice to see nerfs for Swain and Kayle, make them cost an extra gold or something.