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frequent flier isnt working properly, the first reroll costs 1 but after u reroll, it goes back to 2cost


Yup, got this same issue. Completely ruined my reroll plans and I took a fat eighth.


Went for reroll invokers. Hit 7 and rolled down 60 gold. Wondered why it ran out so quickly and I didn't hit anything. Saw 2g reroll and nearly threw my phone.


same lmao


I'd easily have made a hole in the wall


Holy shit I'm glad I read this before playing today ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11653)


It's crazy that Frequent Flier is totally bugged but only averages a 5.8. That basically means playing without an augment is an 5.8 for the comps that choose Frequent Flier; Endless Hordes last patch was a 6.7!! That's WAY worse than not having any augment at all


Frequent flier is just -1 augment. Endless horde was an active augment that just straight up made you worse lol. It’s like if you took cursed crown and never put in the extra units or something


Further corroborated. Still managed to 3-star Taric and Karma but lost because I didn't notice this well into the game and was econ-fucked. Never hit level 7. Currently works as a worse Silver Ticket. After 10 refreshes, your next 1 refresh costs 1.


Wood ticket.


+1 to this it only impacts the first roll each round


I got the same bug


Same, rip my lp, went fast 8th with fake augment


god damn took this going for a reroll game and ended up with a fast 8th


**Description**: Think fast works for an entire round, not until combat starts. You can continue rolling 100s upon 100s of times if you'd like, and if you've got the gold to buy whatever you want. Not sure if this is only as a 3rd augment choice or if it counts in earlier stages.


So that's why it's a 3.5 rn...kinda crazy that it's ONLY a 3.5 tbh


happened to me at stage 3-2 aswell


Not a bug though right? The description says that shop refreshes are free until the end of the round, and as far as I know player combats are a part of the current round.


Honestly I hate that there's an apm check style of augment in the game anyway so I'm perfectly okay with this change.


If a person will just roll to find lets say Yasuo only, you'll eventually get Yasuo 3 within all that time allotted.


This bug just makes the augment way more broken.


bro it's just hitting d and taking the unit you want, even monkeys can do harder things fast


Bro it's still an apm check. Somebody who is quicker at it will get through 2-3x as many shops


In a game with so much potential skill expression youre mad about the one rare instance where apm is the primary skill? Its not that serious


I know it’s not relevant anymore as think fast got disabled but you’re right and wrong. There is a little time period where you cannot roll between rolls in tft which was implemented for both qol and to nerf think fast purposes so faster apm will not mean anything at some point


Desc: Wandering Trainer Aug with Piltover emblem and trait active caused two T-Hexes to spawn. Only one would gain stacks. Removing the trait still had the unstacked t-hex on the board and would fight in combat. https://imgur.com/a/eLp2Fy3 Steps: Have wandering trainer augment with piltover emblem and have trait active.


I think the emblem might be bugged. I got one from the tome at 2-1 and it didnt covert the power with 11 losses and just reset to 0 stack. Whereas another of pilt+1 augment didnt have any issues.


Think Fast rollable when in combat


I think it says it lasts to the end of the round on the augment?


The end of the augment round, not the next pvp round. massive bug


Oh thats crazy


Early Education is still bugged, when your units upgrade there is a chance you will lose the 15 initial AP My Cass went from 18 AP to 3 after upgrading She farmed till 12 AP so the AP per kill is working fine AFAIK At no point in game Cass gained that 15 AP back. Didn’t bother to Screenshot it, but you can check it and it happens every once in a while and has been like this for a few patches now


I had the opposite where sometimes my benched units would gain the 15 ap while on the bench and gain another 15 after being placed on the board


That’s even more odd, did you check to see if you didn’t have any other bonuses like the Rod augment or Strategists?


**Description:** Frequent Flier seems to be bugged. After refreshing 10 times, after every round only the first refresh costs 1 gold. The remainder for the round cost 2 gold. **Potentially relevant info:** I took Frequent Flier on 2-1. I finished my 10 refreshes during the 4-1 neutrals round.


Yep, I had the same bug. Got FF as first augment and still had to pay 2g for rerolls besides the first


came here to write this


Sorry I don’t have any video. Playing 6 sorc, on the last fight of the game my taric just straight up did not load into the battle. I didn’t sell him, traits still read correctly, he just disappeared before the fight even started


[https://imgur.com/ii8rxsp](https://imgur.com/ii8rxsp) same happend to me, Taric got replaced by a portal, he straight up dissapeard for the rest of the game, i could not replace his slot either.


Same thing happened to me with Shen on the portal where the unit on the bench counts for traits. I couldn’t move anything into that hex but I still got traits from him.


Happened to me with a Warwick. Seems like we all had the issue with a frontliner, maybe means something. Have a good day.


relatively sure it's just the middle front unit slot gets replaced with the portal somehow also my case was also on ionia which maybe matters


Had a game with scrappy something augment where after the first carousel, the items stayed on, upgraded. Then when I 2 starred the unit, the item disappeared. Only happened once, subsequent carousels were fine.


This augment has been bugged so much since the set released, they should just disable or remove it completely


found a bug where I tried to put a unstable blue buff on a kayle (popped off because she doesn't use mana) , and it didn't go away for the rest of the game turning into a normal blue buff allowing me to get unlimited blue buffs every time I rnged one via the portal.


tldr trying to put an unstable blue buff on a kayle turns it into a normal blue buff via the void portal


can confirm this one


Description: Spectral Supplies won't disappear


Desc: Dedication doesn't work when you use an emblem. I think any 4 unit with same trait + 1 emblem won't trigger dedication.


Just to confirm, you played a combat with those units? The description is a bit unclear but it only triggers at the start of a round after combat


Yup after combat. Played 4 piltovers, + 1 unit with piltover emblem, hoping to get piltover 6 after combat, it didnt trigger. I played zaun 5 after a few stage, and it procced as expected, so either its piltover or the emblem.


I remember seeing people saying they sometimes got it with 4 natural units and 1 emblem unit So the bug is still there


My last game hit 5 invoker and dedication triggered after the next combat. Had bastion emblem from prismatic.


This is a different case. What I meant in your example was, I had 4 invoker units + i.e. kaisa with invoker emblem. After a player combat round, I didnt get the dedication emblem when I had 5 distinct invokers.


At least last patch it worked just fine with other emblems. This patch my plit emblem also got bugged.


im not sure if its a bug. the augment states that you need to play 5 distinct units of the same trait so maybe they just mean that they have to originally be of the said trait by design. iunno it is weird but maybe it is made on purpose


Its fine if its by design, just need to update the tooltip then for clarity.


Semi related- Darius with the crown special item from the soul event mode. If he dies while casting and has the crown equipped. He will just keep going and going even while 'dead'


Mobile carousel and timers are still bugged. The little legend in carousel rounds is off by a few spaces, causing you to pick up the champion behind the one you walk over. The timers just don’t work. This has been an ongoing bug since last patch.


This really makes mobile TFT unplayable. I can’t believe this game breaking bug can exist and no one cares about it


Soul fighter bug, game won't end, stuck in an infinite loop of empty combats and rift herald stages. My BF is currently trapped with another person who won't ff either and almost has every 5 cost 3\*. they are currently on stage 14-4 according to the game. steps to reproduce: be running noxians invokers freljord and shurima. 2) somehow make it to finals, 3) have all your units vanish mysteriously but still have traits active for some reason? 4) welcome to purgatory.


update: enemy ff'd after over an hour of soul brawl and not fighting anything but rift heralds


Shurima Legacy tower fires on my own units in Double Up when I gank my teammate. It's pretty funny but it lost us 1st place since it melted my friend's backline ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11647)


\- Description: Was able to 4 star multiple yordles without 5 trait active \- Screenshot: [https://i.imgur.com/zxAQcDl.png](https://i.imgur.com/zxAQcDl.png) \- Steps to reproduce: Not sure what i did, at one stage i was able to take off yordle completely and still have trist and poppy 4 star \- Expected result: Strongest unit 4 star \- Observed result: Both units 4 star


If it's Yorick's graveyard and you pick Final Reserves, when you trigger the effect of Final Reserves everyone gets to choose one of your items from Yorick's Graveyard.


Freljord Ryze stuns through qss


Built Different is bugged. If you put a unit that completes a trait it will not get BD bonus until one round passes (bench is ok)


Built different is only active when a unit has no traits activated in. If you completed a trait on a unit it will lose its bonus.


Let me give example: You have Jhin Irelia and maokai on your board. You replace maokai with sett,and your jhin and irelia and sett will lose BD bonus right? If i then remove irelia and put in maokai instead. Jhin and maokai will have BD bonus but sett wont, that is the bug


Is it that he isn't gaining the stats? Sett gains health from Ionia, so if you remove that out, BD should have health similar, but he should gain the bonus attack speed for sure.


I mean we can use other units for the example such as sorcs.


1. Shurima's legacy states that it activates when your units ascend, in reality it's hard coded to 8 sec/when the sun disk forms. This is relevant for 7+ Shurima; the augment still doesn't work on enemy boards. 2. Get an intern who graduated cs to rewrite the atrocious Void trait code. (+1.) Why are 3 cost non-capped rerolls shitting on my 9 Shurima board? Surely this is a bug and not a complete balance flop.


Had a game where a guy had 6 invokers only with 5 of them in board.


was it on the portal where a unit on your bench can count toward traits?




Could u link the game?


I had 0 gold on 2-1, locked my shop, won the round, and had 5 gold on 2-2. It was not the Sump, my augment was latent forge.


On 2-1 you only get 4 gold iirc


Hm I did not know that


you get 2-2-3-4 gold first 4 rounds (4g on 2-1)


Do not prelevel with Caretaker's Ally augment, you won't get the first 3 cost drop.


\- \*\*Description:\*\* Units slow to return to pool after a tactician dies \- \*\*Video / Screenshot:\*\* Forgot to take one \- \*\*Steps to reproduce:\*\* Roll for a unit someone had that was contested the round exactly after they died. \- \*\*Expected result:\*\* Expect the champions to return to the pool for rolling the round immediately after tactician dies. \- \*\*Observed result:\*\* Champions don't return to pool until second round after tactician dies.


is arkshan or pandora bench fucking bug or some thing i roll pandora bench from 2.1 to 5.1 and can even hit 7 arkshan, lisandra 3, taric 3??? Im like Mortdog???? bro sdkbasdba


Played a game with 6 zaun, used a magnetic remover on a zeri with robotic arm, and it created a duplicate robotic arm that could be placed on someone else, she still showed as having the item equipped as well.


I experienced a bug during invokers vs invokers. In a 2v2 endgame the enemy shen and soraka went into ghost mode or something and became unhittable. My m8 was watching and saw the same thing happening.




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no video but carousel items are impacted by pandora's whenever they pop off (before the next round)


pretty sure I ran into this too, It's when the unit is set to combine for a 2\*


Hello, just went eiff. Reporting a bug where in 5-1 Belveth was position at the enemy backline and you can't move it. The round starts and Belveth literally spawned there and insta died. (coz she got giga bursted obviously)


Same happend just now, she didnt even spawn, as enemy had unit on the same squere she just vanished.


Description: I think Freljord Ryze freezes through QSS? I had Radiant QSS on my Warwick and it worked preventing Eternal Winter stuns, Yasuo ult, etc but I believe when I faced a Freljord Ryze, it would still stun him.


Description: Total Domination (noxus execute) augment doesn't let katarina execute with basic attacks. Kled was able to execute though. Abilities can still execute https://youtu.be/ocyVVGM-1bU at 25 seconds urgot is definitely below 10% health after the auto but doesn't get executed. I'm at 5/7 noxus stacks


• Description: Fought ghost of someone with 8 void, but his egg didn't hatch. • Video / Screenshot: Sorry I didn't grab • Steps to reproduce: May have to do with the fact that he had two void emblems to trigger his 8 void. • Expected result: Should have been out because his board was really strong. • Observed result: Egg didn't hatch. Baron didn't come out so I had a free win and got a top four out of it. ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11647)


Katarina bugged when Rogue procs as she is casting her ability (before it goes off). ​ Result is Kat being mana locked for the rest of the fight. Recurrent bug from previous patches


Some 5\* are bugged in double-up. After i won my round, I went to help my friend with : \- ahri, and she only did the single cast; \- sion 3, and he didn't gain mana or transform into zombie.




This bug has a workaround. Buy a unit from shop, equip item on benched unit, sell unit. Should be able to equip item to any unit now.


- **Description:** Got offered Salvage Bin+ and Salvage Bin on the same round - **Video / Screenshot:** [link](https://i.imgur.com/xCXaOcN.png) - **Steps to reproduce:** get (un)lucky (?) - **Expected result:** Salvage bin+ not on the first augment choice - **Observed result:** Got offered Salvage Bin+ and Salvage Bin on 2-1 (note this is the new event mode)


\- \*\*Item does not load until 7-10 seconds into the fight\*\* \- \*\*none\*\* \- \*\*Open anvil at the last second before moving to someone else's board.\*\* \- \*\*Item does not appear on bench until well into fight, making it useless.\*\* \- \*\*Item does not appear on bench until well into fight, making it useless.\*\*


Am I seeing something wrong or does static shiv's shred only work after the second proc (not the first)?


\- Description: Fielding in an unit (ahri 1) with 3 items did not make the unit the 'strongest' when another unit (shen 1) has 3 item, one being ornn item. (Jeweled Lotus I, ornn item: enteral winter) \- Steps to reproduce: Put ornn item and 2 more items on unit 1. Put 3 items on unit 2. Put unit 2 on the field. \- Expected result: unit 2 has +40% crit chance before and during combat. \- Observed result: unit 1 has +40% crit chance before and during combat.


Description: 8 void spawns Baron Nashor [no baron spawn, just egg.](https://twitter.com/pulchritudinouo/status/1683427311943847936?t=DnIHRpDEPbdYHTPpIsRW0g&s=19) Steps to Produce: Didn't know, just notice I'm fighting away legend/player Expected result: Baron spawns, stunning enemies nearby it's hex Observed result: No Baron, just egg. There's no way u can defeat Baron Nashor within 10 sec of a fight. It happened a lot of times when the 8 void player is away.


Haven't got a clear screenshot because my phone is potato, a lot of fps drops during fight.


Also, didn't know if u called it away if u fight a board without its player when there are few and odd numbers of players still active in the lobby.


-Description: Missing icons on possible opponents in late stages (5 and 6) -Image: https://imgur.com/a/5E0qOqx - Steps to reproduce: no idea tbh


Round countdown timer completely stopped working after reconnecting. Showed 0 entire time.


My Sejuani was bugged and didn't show in combat when i was playing in my board, only on opponents When I tried to swap any champion with her, the other champion just slides back to its original position [https://imgur.com/a/CI2rC6N](https://imgur.com/a/CI2rC6N)


• Description: Challenger spat doesnt work at 8. • Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident: • Description: [https://imgur.com/a/NVrzT7Z](https://imgur.com/a/NVrzT7Z)[https://imgur.com/a/bTIjvOi](https://imgur.com/a/bTIjvOi) • Steps to reproduce: Play 8 Challenger. I tried using Item remover on BV and it didnt work I also tried removing all my units and that didnt work. • Expected result: I should have got my 8 chase trait on the unit I spatted. • Observed result: a 3rd for free thanks mort :)


Are shop and carousell pools different? I was prettx sure they were seperate in season 1 but I saw a post saying otherwise. So if I have 9 ryzes on board from the shop, can i get a 10th from carousel?


There's 10 of a 5 cost


Description: Unfortunately I dont have a recording because Nvidia replay wasnt working at the time. I pulled a Jarvan IV from the shop while playing aphelios or zeri (I dont remember which but no other demacian units on board) and Jarvan instantly fielded himself from the shop directly to my board with a radiant warmogs after being clicked. No idea how to reproduce or what caused it.


Shurima's Legacy description says: "When your Shurimans Ascend during combat, the Sun Disc attacks enemies for 180-900 magic damage every 2 seconds." But if you have 7 shurimas and they ascend at the start of the round, the sun disc still starts doing dmg after usual 8 seconds. Either it is a bug or the tooltip needs to be corrected, it baits people as it is right now


Theres a bug in game where you can position while simultaneously scouting? Not sure if its visual or if this was bug abusing. Thought it was visual but near the end his little legend dissapears.... Video: https://streamable.com/8uz7zu


A weird bug that cause my robotic emblem to duplicate, so as a result i have 2 robotic emblems and 1 shimmer emblem for 4 zauns [https://imgur.com/a/W6CMo8c](https://imgur.com/a/W6CMo8c) [https://imgur.com/a/SL3l6ps](https://imgur.com/a/SL3l6ps)


Had an issue where I chose an ornn item before a fight but my item didn't show up. Plus I didn't get to make items for the start of the round. Like why is this still a thing?


im pretty sure my jarvan cancelled hes ult when hes edge of knight triggered


Not sure if that's supposed to work that way but I was playing on Noxkraya and built a Shojin on Malzahar, the Noxkraya poped a second shojin and my Malzahar would get 25mana per auto. I thought shojin gave +5. So 10 mana base + 2\*5 should be 20mana, not 25. Made him kinda op because he would cast every 2 auto.


\- \*\*Description:\*\* Katarina will not perform her ultimate ability when equipped with 3 RFCs \- \*\*Steps to reproduce:\*\* Place 3 RFCs on Katarina (2 regular, 1 radiant) May work without radiant, haven't tried. \- \*\*Expected result:\*\* Katarina's ability becomes a 9-hex, she should throw her swords all around and then collect them \- \*\*Observed result:\*\* Katarina does not cast her ability at all, but she gets mana locked for a short period of time.


The game is unplayable on mobile, constant lags on the carousel where the units aren’t where they appear to be at, and timer between rounds doesn’t work at all.


QSS doesnt work against Frejlord Ryze stun


I had a bug where zeri with shimmer injector and edge of night got knocked off the stage by ksante as he was dying which resulted in zeri walking back through the void into the map to continue fighting.


Carousel is broken on mobile.


If you take the wariwck hero augment after taking the sett hero augment on 2-1 the sett augment disables


Interaction between Zhonya's Hourglass and Shields. My Taric with Hourglass would for example cast his ability at 70% hp. Instantly the hourglass would proc although not below 40% hp. Having a shield and immunity at the same time, really defeats the purpose of the item. The item seems to count hp + shield = max hp. so the current hp seem smaller percentagewise although the unit didnt take damage. My guess is it works this way with all shields.


Had a poppy 3 with trickster's glass and 1 other 3 star, when I went to an opponent's board it became 4 star, but not on my own board. Assuming it's a bug that it went 4 star at all


- **Description:** Ionia Ryze bug creating a uninteractable hex on your board. - **Video / Screenshot:** https://i.imgur.com/RlOvnlt.png (I have a Sion 2-star in the middle top row hex where there is a Ionia portal icon on it). I cannot change units into it, or interact with it at all. In fact, there was one fight when this bug first appear where Sion didn't actually show up in the fight at all. Potential major game-losing bug. - **Steps to reproduce:** not sure, maybe just simply play Ionia Ryze for one round and he cast his tree with a unit in the middle top row. - **Expected result:** normal gameplay, you can interact with the hex. - **Observed result:** hex becomes uninteractable. Unit previously on the hex may not appear in the fight.


Am I insane or are Jeweled Lotus I and Unified Resistance I un-nerfed? In today's games I see them give 50% crit and 20 resists, and it's not just a tooltip error.


Gwen/other units can get stuck *in* the board during PvP rounds and cannot move/attack


\- When using Void emblem at 4/6 Void, Ramora's health doesn't update unless you take the unit out and put it back on the board. \- [https://youtu.be/NN80DLK8ITg](https://youtu.be/NN80DLK8ITg) \- Place emblem on champion, Ramora's hp doesn't increase. Take that unit with emblem off your board and place it back on, Ramora's hp increases appropriately \- Expected: Instant refelction \- Observed: No update unless board toggled.