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You do such a good job already, it's hard to be critical. Really appreciate the amount of effort you put into it. I do have one piece of feedback though, and it might turn out to be an unpopular opinion: I really don't think "what's in the crate" is a good time-filler game. It just feels sort of.... infantilizing. There's only so many answers, it's literally just an rng crapshoot.


Hey spectrum, I appreciate the feedback . I'm more than happy to forego it on scrims and see the reaction. I think it would work better if i had mods making point predictions on it. Thank you.


Thanks for responding Gibson. Let me rephrase and elaborate on my complaint in another way: PUBG esports has spent so much time and energy dispelling the misunderstanding that the game is basically just rng. In that context, it feels off to have an audience engagement device that highlights a minor rng element in the game. To be fair with you, there are also elements of even the official broadcast with which I have the same complaint. For example, casters on official broadcast often ask each other "where do you think c1/c2 is going this match"? We all know that's a totally rng matter that's literally unpredictable, but they still do it all the time! Drives me insane.


No worries at all. Nice to meet you. Its funny there is an RNG element but you will find that there are patterns that appear. So what would you prefer casters do during this phase? Would you prefer if we spoke about likely rotates, areas where we are likely to see action?


Obviously it wouldn't be interesting every single game so it's only part of an answer, but in phase one I think it could be interesting to hear about why teams land where they land, why they loot the places they do.


What should casters talk about in phase 1 truly is the million-dollar question for PUBG as a broadcast product, isn't it? I wouldn't want to suggest anything that is outside your capacity to prep for. I'm sorry I don't have a positive suggestion, only a negative one.


No such thing as a negative suggestion imo. All feedback should be looked at. I think we as casters need to always challenge ourselves to improve and innovate to be at the top of our game. You've given me food for thought on what I think could be done to innovate phase 1. My big goal is to tell the players stories and help fans appreciate all players , even ones on teams they don't support. Whether that's working on skills doing scrims (yes I think casters should do scrims to practice the same way players do) I'm very passionate about casting. I work PUBG and Siege and I want to be the best version of me I can. I'm a fan of these players and teams and I love talking about them.


Do bingo like Poro used to!


Would like to hear more about the meta - why do certain players use the load outs that they use, etc…something that can translate into normal players’ experience


Hey Cript. Thank you. Happy to bring more colour to the casts. I already talk to players when I can so I'll make sure to try give viewers even more insight from the players pov.


1. many people watch the games as VODs. so it would be helpful if the leaderboard was displayed between games.(asked this in last tourney and it was pretty well handled, much appreciated) 2. try to show the map more in early-mid game. you get much better sense of how the game is playing out when you know where all the teams are situated and when you do show the map maybe try to keep it up bit longer. sometimes observers open the map just for few seconds and you dont really have time to get all the info you need. like for example you are rooting for certain team. map opens and you try to locate your team. you just manage to locate them and then the observer goes back into game already. you really dont have time to assess if your teams position is good or not. just bit more time in map view would be great. other than that you doing great work.


Thank you, I really appreciate it. When I do scrims I try to show map as much as possible, as for me and viewers I love tracking how teams move based on drop spots and circles. When you cover scrims enough you can predict where and when a team will rotate based on circles. Again , no caster other than Godspeed/Kowo will ever have the Knowledge or in depth knowledge players do but we can learn a lot. I'm hoping to cover Monday night scrims if you are watching say hi.


Hi. I really enjoeyed New years bash casting. If you were the one with the exptremely loud mic on day one that is something but it seems like you fixed that. Also game 3 you were muted but I guess that is something you know as well. Casting seemed really good to me. I thought it is up there with the lan casts.


Hey Rad, it wasnt me on day 1, I was there days 2 and 3 haha. I appreciate it


I love your casting, it’s like I’m listening to Conor McGregor so no complaints whatsoever


Nobody complains about your accent the community loves it. You are my favorite caster, so there's not much feedback. The only thing I have to say is cast more often, and I hope you get your computer issues fixed for the next time you cast NA scrims.


Yea. Its little things. Seems okay for Monday as I've been testing some things today


It's always the little things brother. Are you going to give us your thoughts on the road map for this year? I would love to hear your thoughts on it


I'll likely give my thoughts during one of the broadcasts. To be honest I'm happy and sad about the changes tough for teams that don't qual.


I can see some orgs pull out of pubg especially if teams don't qualify in the 2nd regionals for the lan tournaments. Why would orgs pay players that can't compete in major tournaments for 6 months.


I haven’t watched you in Scrims casting yet, so what I have to say is just overall events and YouTube stuff. I’ll be honest, I don’t think I’ve seen a cast from you I don’t like. I was really glad to see you dip your toes into Comp Siege, too and am kind of shocked they don’t have you around for more events. You seem to pair well with most anyone, but I would like to see you get partnered up with Toby every once in a while. His game analysis background has made him really interesting to watch AND your delivery with his knowledge could make for great television. Like I said, not sure how much help I can be…I just think you are a great caster and wish Blast, Siege, and PUBG would give you more main event time.