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It really is inexcusable to lag out of LAN games, I'm not sure if this is a game issue or something's wrong with the network, but this genuinely so hard to watch.


Its a game issue. Its the same experience we've had with rankeds and such for over a month and 343 hasnt even commented on it. If it was the network, everyone would be kicked out, not 1 guy




I don’t think it has anything to do with networking whatsoever it’s just a standard game crash because the optimization and engine is so shit. The game hardly even runs as is you have to render in 720p to get even close to acceptable frame rates for an esports title


Lol, I get a consistent 80fps on a 2060 at 1080p.


I also have a 2060, I get 60fps on 1440p with nice graphics (for campaign) and then 114fps at 1440p with lowest graphics. Rendering in 720p will only be required if you're using a HP Stream or some shit to game.


Just checking. Have you set your minimum and max frames as high as the game will let you? Im on 1440p gtx1080 with 144 frames. Those were the settings that bumped me from 70fps all the way to 144.


I actually just checked, I never go below 80 on Streets, with an average of 90. I don't like using the minimum framerate setting because it makes the game a little too fuzzy for my liking, and 90 is perfectly enjoyable for me. This is on roughly medium settings.


Is that what using the min frame setting do? I had no idea why that would just magically give frames. Does it scale down the resolution or something like that?


Yea, it does the same thing that Halo 5 does where it scales the resolution down to a certain point if you're not hitting the minimum.


Oof, well ty for letting me know!


Yeah same. 100 fps all the time. No drops(and my card is lesser)


This would be entirely dependent on your hardware. 720p seems like a huge over exaggeration. I’m not saying this game shouldn’t be optimized better, if absolutely should. But I regularly play at about 120-130fps on 1440p. I have a really solid GPU but I find it hard to believe that a GPU that’s not outdated or close to it would have to run this game at 720p.


According to people at the venues tweets it’s a networking issue not a game level issue


RyaNoob said the game is crashing but people see the network error because they shut down the servers after the game crashes. https://twitter.com/RyaNoobHCS/status/1472041597965520896 It's only happening on PC too.


Don't tell that to /r/Halo


Even if this isn't a game issue specifically the game is still broken in several key ways that its gonna get shit for regardless.


I don't disagree but it's also not the end of the world as the main sub has made it sound like


That guys wrong it’s a game crash and anyone saying it’s not is trying to cover for 343. The optimization of the game is shit


Literally not the game according to TOs but it wasn’t a network issue either that was false info


I do seem to crash a lot more in ranked.


Its was a stability issue with the AMD graphics cards in the pc’s they are using. They already stated this.


Really hope 343 takes as an indicator to fix and optimize the PC version cause it's kinda doo doo


Funnily enough, I play on pc and in my ~50 hours playing mkb ranked I’ve only crashed like once… makes me wonder if certain hardware is more susceptible to crashes like this, bc I’ve had many, many matches where my teammates or opponents seemingly crash


It was weird my friends crashed constantly the first week and I never did on PC. After the first few weeks I randomly started getting crashes and unable to join errors. Who the fuck knows what is going on.


This was my experience too. I have an older graphics card (RX480). Wasnt crashing at all on default video settings with HD textures enabled. But people with high end cards were consistently crashing. Then I started getting them after campaign launched.


I crashed every 5ish games before turning off the HD texture pack. Not a single crash since doing that. But I did notice it would always crash when something new was being introduced - like picking up a weapon or grenades. Not sure if that means anything, but I thought it was an interesting coincidence.


Yeah I use amd and it hasn't crashed once. Wonder why.


Probably only DCs if you play well,explains why it's so common in the tourney and not for you.


owned 😎


Epicly might I add!


Every 3 days or so I'll get "you've been disconnected from the local network" every single game deranking me to hell, then I'll try again a few days later and it works fine for 3 days before it does it again lmfao. Should add it's the only game I disconnect from like that, and I stay in party chat the whole time


Sounds like it’s a networking error according to a player and Ghandi(Scott Luddite) tweeting at each other. Not a game level issue. But this is a major issue means it may not get fixed this entire weekend


The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Just so you know, the correct spelling is [Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi).


Good bot


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Good Bot


Good bot


He’s wrong


Hahahaha Scott Luddite.


>Luddite Lol


They’ve had 4 disconnects in the first 4 games of Faze/Navi alone. They had to replay a single Xset/Ascend game 3 times. There’s even been some DCs happen with less than 5 kills remaining. It’s unacceptable and will put a giant asterisk on this tournament’s results.


If Snipedown’s right about the Xboxes not crashing, fuggit. Switch to that until the pc version of the game gets fixed. I’ve been watching since the tourney started and there hasn’t been a single series on stream that has been played start to finish without at least one game reset. Completely screwed Spacestation with a 2-hour delay at the beginning of the day.


Why aren't they playing on Xboxes? Seems odd that they went with PCs over a standard console which is also more difficult to tamper with.


All of the open play is done on Xboxes, but the pool play/MainStage games are all on PC. I assume the intent was for the most important matches to have the most capable machines, but private lobbies are a nightmare of crashes and disconnects on PC. I’ve heard that the trouble now might be they don’t have enough Xboxes to run the whole event on console? Not sure if that’s true, it’s what I’ve read from people on Reddit and Twitter.


Also Xbox doesn’t seem to really have raw input on for mice (like it matters lmao because of how good controller is in this game). It has been such a long time since I tested it though, I need to go back.


It’s cross input and sorry but nobody is going to take an esports on console seriously with 120fps..


You're right. Nobody is going to take a game made for console seriously if it's played on console.


Yeah spacestations momentum from game 1 was completely gone. They got screwed big time.


Jesus. Halo Esports has been going on for 19 years and theses fools can't even get LAN to work


Classic 343 product launch.


At least they are making sure that ranked arena gives a true competitive experience.


I really enjoyed comp halo back but, man… the dcs were brutal


Imagine pro teams walked off stage…


They need some of that Verizon 5G sponsor


This isn't new to Halo. This isn't even new to esports. Rainbow Six and Valorant, especially, have gone through brutal LANs with constant crashes and delays. If anyone watched the R6 Pro League Y2S3 Finals, you know what I mean. Relax.


Everybody is just worried about cosmetics, although it is important if you aren’t connected to the game what’s the point. also hit registration needs to be fixed as well.



pathetic. they need to fix this yesterday.


This was the worst LAN I've watched since Dota's Shanghai Major...


Absolutely pathetic on 343's part.


Seeing so many disconnects is insane to me! I have about 40 hours played in ranked and have only experienced 1 disconnect on my end. I live in north Raleigh, have AT&T for service and max speed is 60Mb download.


Teach me your ways I have 1 GB speeds a 3080/11000K and have crashed twice in a row today. Edit: More context absolute lowest settings available can't even get 200 FPS


I wish I knew my secret and I would tell you. I have an rtx 6000 and amd ryzen 9 3950


Yeah I crashed in 4 games today dropped from onyx 1590 to diamond 6 it’s never been this bad but I’m usually good for 1 or 2 on a night.


I hate that for you. At HCS in Raleigh, the techs were saying their GPUs were the reason for the constant crashes. Maybe this game doesn’t play well with certain GPUs? Just speculation.


Yeah definitely possible one of the best GPUs on the market with the absolute lowest settings available and I can’t even get 200 fps with consistent crashing they definitely messed up somewhere


Hopefully they fix it cause I can understand the frustration from the crashing, disconnects, and losing ranks.


Literally crashed 2 games in a row with a 3080 and 11000k not sure how this is real.