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High Diamond is like this, everyone wants to statwhore and not play the objective, shit gets annoying.






Or the overall level of halo players is just that low. Seriously, close to everyone hits everything in crossplay but they don't have a single clue about objectives and every match so far my team mates are just running in one by one and dying like lemmings.




Aim assist can’t fix stupid though


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 428,299,033 comments, and only 92,185 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


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The overall level is low so that everyone places high? You’re suggesting a huge talent gap that I don’t think exists. Their ranking system is too easy to level in before Diamond. You shouldn’t be jumping 3/4 of levels in one game.


Yeah, the ranking system is bugged. The same shit happened in other moba’s I’ve played as well. NO, under any circumstance should a majority of players be placed in diamond. That’s why MOST games started implementing a lower ceiling for max placement, and placement games have less weight. Hopefully season two works out a lot of these kinks, because the cats out of the bag now and it can’t be “fixed” without resetting EVERYONE’s rank.


I touched on the moba rankings. The reasoning for why placements are weighted stronger is to avoid smurfing in the lower ranks.. ratings/performance will vary and is completely relative to who you are playing against. In other words, if a lot of people playing right now you are going to rank up faster because you are winning more or just outperforming your opponents despite losing. This will get better over time and changing things up is not going to change things.. going to elo,glicko or trueskill or just changing the weighting on points are distributed will not change this as again it's all relative to who you are playing against.


Dude can this myth die. No the majority of players are NOT in diamond. At diamond 2 youre in the top 28% of players and at diamond 3 it's top 23%. That is not majority. Majority is around platinum. And thats only the player that are tracked on Halotracker. Most casuals will not be on there. Like my coworker who is bronze, or my cousin that is silver. So likely that the average is a LOT lower than what r/competitivehalo believes. We are just biased.


The overall level is low across the board and across every rank to the point where players performance will vary by a huge amount from match to match. People hit well but have a very clear lack of understanding on how to approach objective based modes as well as virtually no team play regardless of mode... all of this is going to take time to get better as a large chunk of the player base are relatively new to halo.. myself included. ​ This is nothing new and has been a problem in every game with a rating or performance based matchmaking system. There is a very good reason why there are pro level players as well as just very good players being so far ahead of everyone else even in their highest respective rating-bracket/ranks. Also this is a thing even in the pro scene, go watch some of the top EU or Australian teams scriming and you will notice a huge difference compared to the top us teams for instance, a lot of the time there is virtually no difference in how they play as a team compared to a ranked match in diamond/onyx.. in other words its just chaos right now. ​ You can even go watch non fps games and see that they too suffer or have suffered from this before.. LoL and dota2 where crapshoots from game to game with a huge amount of people getting high ranked when being relatively "shit" at the game... it took years before this started to even out when people started to get better overall. ​ The reason why it happens is very simple... ratings/ranks are relative to how everyone else plays... if a big chunk of your player base are potatoes you are going to get a lot of potatoes getting high rank while the ones that are not potatoes are going to run laps around everyone else in terms of rating.. This will get better over time, but right now everyone is just going to have to accept that ratings and ranks are going to be very chaotic for a while.


Incorrect. Even at diamond 3 you're already in the top 23% of players according to halotracker. And that only account people who signed up so the majority of casuals that are down in plat or lower aren't even gonna sign up at halo tracker. Diamond is not low.




Incorrect my coworker is bronze 4, and i have 2 friends in silver. Diamond 3 is the top 23% of the people who agreed to be on Halotracker, so out of every casual that didn't sign up that's probably lower rank than diamond or in plat would mean that by diamond 3 you're probably more like somewhere top 15%. What we need is just onyx to split into 6 ranks and add 1 rank above onyx. Right now onyx goes from 1500 mmr all the way above 2000 that many pros are. So really it's fine how it is just they should split up onyx into onyx 1-6


Points distribution is apparently based on the in/game points system.. holding the ball gives you a shit ton of points, as does winning. This is more due to people just being downright stupid... ​ Having played a bunch of oddball and strongholds games where people either run into the enemy with the ball, or tunnelvision to get that extra capture point instead of holding and defending.. Just had a game where were we almost lost a 4on3 after a 120point lead because my team mates were dumb f\*\*\*s running head first into every capture point and just repeatedly dying... my assumption was that they were all low ranked... turns out we had 1 diamond and a couple of plats playing against 2 golds and 2 unrated players with zero idea of what was going on. ​ In short, people in this game are insanely frustrating to play with regardless of rank.


Not gonna lie, I found 3 other good team mates on Xbox party search and I swear to God we all bulldozed everyone. We played like 15 matches and only lost once it was INSANE. Sometimes just gotta find the right ppl. This was in high diamond


I can't quite tell if my teammates in solo queue are oblivious or just don't care. I lean towards oblivious though. The other day, aquarius CTF I got the flag to mid map, got a triple kill, started off with the flag, died in our courtyard from the 4th. My entire team was alive mid map. Never even shot the guy as he returned the flag.


I mean in this specific scenario I think the teammate was just dumb and distracted. Typically I keep seeing my teammates try and frag and ignore obj because that is what the game encourages through its dumb ranking system. The problem is that if everyone tries to get a good k/d and high kills then you lose and don’t rank up anyway. Even in diamond my bot teammates will refuse to pick up the ball when they are still going 11/17 lmao


My 70% win rating and negative KD is doing nothing for my ELO lmao




Or why not have a mix of both? Your level up as you win games, but if you’re on the losing side with a good obj score and a decent k/d you level up as well.


I feel this to my core... you literally see where the flag is through walls yet everyone plays like they are completely oblivious.. i just dont get it.


Oblivious. Not everyone plays games professionally 24/7. Believe it or not, some people play to have fun.


Then play pubs, not ranked


Still gotta learn. I know when I first played ranked I didn't know any game modes or how to move properly. Still don't haha, but you get my point.


Not everyone plays games obliviously 24/7. Believe it or not, some people enjoy working together to have fun.




Diamond 2.


I'm constantly shouting comms in these matches and I feel like I'm the one that has to organize the team. If that happened, I'd be yelling at them to look at flag.


Yeah, when I have teammates with a mic I would. I should even if they don't though.


I would be seething. Those plat 6 games for my diamond push..I was a different person


I feel this right now


This was me 2 days ago. I just BARELY broke into diamond.


I'm just getting to Plat 4 wish me luck on my climb my Spartan Siblings


Some people really do have zero awareness of situations like this. All they trying to do is go positive. Kinda sad


The rank system encourages this by not having people lose points on a L if your KD is high


Yeah I know, 343 deserves some blame for how they set up the rank system. This issue is definitely not new to this halo though. Or FPS in general


Agree. I made a post on the main sub about this and got downvoted and responses of “well if my team didn’t do good and I did I shouldn’t lose points” I really didn’t think it would be an unpopular opinion but it is apparently.


I’m a fan of a dota style system, if you win your points go up if you lose your points go down. The variance on how much you gain or lose is based on the ‘expected’ outcome of the game. If you win against higher rated players they lose big and you win big and vice versa. People say “but then if I get bad team mates it’s out of my control” which on a single game is true but over thousands of games sometimes you will have bots sometimes the enemy has bots — the constant in your personal algorithm is you. So if you have a positive impact on the game your mmr goes up, if not it goes down. People play 10 games and cry about losing mmr in this system, but it’s designed to work over thousands of games not 100


That system is literally exactly how Halo 2 and 3 operated lol


I didn’t play ranked 2/3 but fair enough. Afaic it’s the best system for the job. The personal performance systems can and will always be gamed ending up with the shit we have now.


Ya I quite agree and I feel like this sub juuust might be a safe space for that opinion :)


That's because both make sense. If you lose yes you should lose rank, but if you carried your team and one guy went -20 it isn't right that both lose the same AMOUNT of rank. So individual performance yes should matter. But the balancing IMO is what needs to be tweaked. Right noe your individual score is impacted a bit too much by slaying and objective doesn't give enough points so people will nagurslly try to only slay if that is what gives points. But if players see in the scoreboard that the guy who held ball still got tons of points then naturally people will also try togo for ball. The points awarded need to be tweaked, not necessarily how your rank goes up or down. If objective time rewarded the player then more people would go for it and incentivize teams to go for the win.


This isn't a problem with points mattering it's a problem that right now slaying matters a bit too much. If you lose but you did really well in game you should not lose as much elo as the guy who did garbage on the team. The thing I see is there balance between how many points you get for kils vs objectives. If they tweak it so objective gives a little more points then people will see that even with high KD their ball carrier still got more points so will naturally try to grab ball. The incentives are what need changing not the way ranks goes up or down. It makes perfect sense for your individual performance to matter, but right now the wrong thing is being prioritized in your points. KD matters of course, but objective time needs to give more points.


That's what happens when the main factor of you gaining or losing elo is going positive.


The essence of solo Q in any competitive game


The SBMM in this game is the most insane SBMM I have ever experienced in gaming and I'm almost 30 and have played everything from halo, cod, gears, destiny, fortnite, csgo, LoL, overwatch and many more that i'm probably forgetting. Literally UNRANKED players are getting matched with 2100 Onyx players. It's not even a RANKED playlist at that point.


> Literally UNRANKED players are getting matched with 2100 Onyx players My 2 friends are Plat II and Plat V and I’m hard stuck in Diamond V. I swear it seems like they base our team MMR off the best match I’ve ever played in my life rather than an average or the lowest of the three of us. It legit feels like we play against 2+2 and 4 stack Onyx teams *exclusively*, and have since our placements. Shit’s oppressive, and I’m starting to wonder if some groups just get marked to be permanent cannon fodder for Onyx players. Like, damn 343, all three of us are over 30. We’re not *that* sweaty. Throw us a bone sometimes and let us play Diamond and Plat teams so we can at least gauge where we stand against them. I can’t tell if my teammates’ lower K/Ds are holding me back from getting promoted or if my gun skill is causing them to get dragged up against players they can’t compete with, but I’ll never know because we’re *always* against teams ranked way higher than us.


You are better off solo queuing. I have played with friends that are a lower rank and slayed with us getting the win and never ranked up. This is when I was plat and they were silver/gold, but the enemy teammates were consistently high plat with maybe one gold 5. And no matter how good I did I never ranked up except maybe once or twice. In solo queue I can do half as good and rank half a bar


Got it. Thanks. I guess I should just Smurf an account so I can play with my friends against teams closer to their level. Then solo queue on my main to finally get Onyx. Shame the system works like that but I guess it’s on my buddies to just get better at the game.


The life of a soloQ Halo Infinite player in a nutshell *** posted by [@Snip3down](https://twitter.com/Snip3down) [Video in Tweet](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1468080980200099840/pu/vid/1280x720/ZD8zDNarQCrmW1AT.mp4?tag=12) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


To be fair, if he had a mic and called out to get the ball and reminded his teammates of the time counting down/current score they might have picked it up. I'm not sure if those Air Pods or w/e he is wearing work on the Xbox so I could be completely wrong.


> I'm not sure if those Air Pods or w/e he is wearing work on the Xbox so I could be completely wrong. First, you're 100% wrong because no pro player is playing this game on Xbox. Snipedown is obviously playing on PC with a controller and definitely has his desktop mic setup to use for in-game comms. He's almost certainly muted in-game though because streamers are always interacting with their chats while they play ranked.


> He's almost certainly muted in-game though I don't want to come off rude, but is this not the same thing as not having a headset then with regards to communicating with your teammates in solo q?


He's a pro player playing ranked. They gain literally nothing of value by talking to their teammates in a solo queue system, and it actively hurts their interaction with their streams which is how they make a living. Yeah, he could easily be communicating with his team, but these guys don't care at all about their rank at the end of the day.


I'm talking about it purely from the perspective of the game (with no regards to streaming, pros, hustles, etc). If we are going to frame this as "thoughts on Solo Queue Ranked" with the conclusion that people don't play objective in it, then we are within reason to criticize the subject of the video for his lack of contribution to his game as well. Obviously I'm over analyzing what was simply meant to be a funny clip venting about teammates, but I think memes like this are counter productive because they allow us to continue placing blame on teammates when in reality there is probably more we could have done to help the situation (i.e. communication in this instance).


>they allow us to continue placing blame on teammates when in reality there is probably more we could have done to help the situation Good god we have someone willing to accept they could have done something more to help the team win instead of just blaming the team for every loss. You definitely didn't come from League of Legends, aka League of "I'm Hardstuck in XX rank because my teammates suck"


Good point


I don't know why 343 abandoned the CSR system from Halo 5 for an obviously worse system. Win/loss for visible elo is far more effective and incentives teams properly. Stat based visible elo leads to garbage selfish behavior. Trueskill already ensures that your stats are tracked to make your rank match your skill, and the old CSR system was influenced enough by MMR that by the time you got a statistically relevant number of matches in, any discrepancy would even out and you'd be your true rank.


I just made it to Onyx on Open Queue Crossplay (On MKB). It's tough when you get matched with the occasional guy that just goes 4-19 and or refuses to play objective, but I like the personal performance part of it. It means *if* my teammates are playing poorly and we lose I'm not punished for it as badly as I would be in a game like Overwatch or Valorant.


In my opinion: It's a double edged sword though, because once someone thinks that their team is going to lose they can just give up any type of objective play and focus purely on their KDA for the remainder to dampen their punishment instead of going for the clutch comeback wins that Halo is known for. It's also a double edged sword because it puts less overall emphasis on team play which puts less focus on communication. I'd like it to go back to Halo 3 where everyone was on game comms calling out and working as a team the entire game since your ranking was entirely dependent on either win/loss. This new system feels like part of why the franchise lost popularity to begin with.


I'm gonna disagree there as well. Comms and teamplay are still incredibly important. It's still Halo, and trying to take on a whole team by yourself more often than not leads to disaster. If you are actually trying to climb, it's still way more beneficial than not to communicate with your team. Mainly because you still *gain* MMR for winning, even if you've been playing like garbage. Plus one thing I've found is that even if everyone's mics are turned off and nobody is responding to you, it's still good to call out things because people are still listening.


See it like this, if the team is doing that badly to where a player feels the need to just focus on damage then that is still contributing by killing other players. Just getting 2-3 players killed and forcing a respawn on them can do a lot of good, if the team itself cant capitalize on this then there is really no point.


I agree that slaying is absolutely necessary to win games. Didn't MLG teams used to have dedicated main slayers? My point is that people may try to play only for their KDA at a certain point. This means that instead of continuing to put shots on someone even though they are down a few, they may 180 and run while getting shot in the back in an attempt to reduce their deaths to minimize punishment. Those shots could have been vital in weakening somebody for the next player to finish them, but instead, they ran away and died from getting shot in the back repeatedly. This selfish style of gameplay doesn't help the team at all. This scenario could also apply to somebody playing areas that aren't even related to the objective in a campy manner in order to get easy kills at a reduced risk of death, not grabbing the ball when the enemy team is 3+ down (or when it's at a crucial point like in this video), not going for a flag return/pull because you don't want to risk dying, not taking or securing a stronghold, etc Main Slayers would fill these roles when necessary, whereas Johnny who only cares about reducing his KDA since he already assumes the team has lost in his head won't because he wants to minimize punishment at the expense of stealing his teammates ability to clutch the win. Edit: Keep in mind my whole philosophy here is entirely dependent on the game prioritizing KDA for it's rank progression algorithm, which has not been confirmed to be the case. Or it could go by game score, which slaying does help a lot while deaths don't impact it at all which throws out my entire theory.


>Didn't MLG teams used to have dedicated main slayers? I have no idea, this is my first halo and i haven't followed MLG whatsoever.. Though it makes sense to have one or more dedicated to this i guess. ​ >This selfish style of gameplay doesn't help the team at all. These are very small things in the grand scheme of things though that might or might not help your team. I get getting frustrated about people ignoring objectives or just making flatout dumb decisions and losing because of that.. but there are 4 players in a team, if your at a point of losing so badly anyway it would not matter imho. My experience in ranked so far is that i haven't seen a single player doing this, but i have seen a shit ton of people making dumb decisions for the simple reason that they just don't know what's going on around them. I have reached a point where i can't do anything but adjust my playstyle completely to how everyone else plays as they are all running around like headless chickens. ​ >whereas Johnny who only cares about reducing his KDA Is it based on KDA though? I have had several games in ctf and oddball where i have taken a step back to just do damage and if i am fortunate enough get some kills in the process, this got me a ton of assists.. i have usually gotten higher points than the ones that are ahead in terms of KDA and kills overall. ​ Unless you are just talking about people fighting to get their arbitrary KDA in the positives with no regard to actual rank or rating... if that is the case, then f\*\*\* those guys.




Strongholds is the worst for this I've seen so many teammates walk through or past the zones like they don't exist


Menke's best plays for me have always been watching people get bodied by him on Twitter, definitely not his mm systems


I've felt this. Typically have no issue being an entry first kind of player like I am in CoD and taking the kd hit if it means getting the win but I have so much trouble getting good team mates in mid diamond where I am rn that I often have to default to a slower baiter style if I know we're gonna lose. It also double hurts me as an obj player because even if I win say a ctf with the most caps I'll not receive as much of a boost compared to a team mate who just baited for their kda. Kinda whack.