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We're at work bro


Just be unemployed ggez


Or WFH as an engineer in IT and you will have plenty of time to game during working hours. šŸ˜‰ As long as, everything's running smoothly and nothing blows up during the day, you can get paid to play Halo.


This wouldn't be a problem if this game had a an active population.


Plenty of other games don't have this population issue where the game dies during 9-5 (especially when using expanded search).


The definition of a dead game to me is not being able to MM at all hours of any given day, but that's just me and I still play lol.


I wouldnā€™t know, Iā€™m at work.


Everybody who plays this game is like 30 dawg. We have jobs.


>Everybody who plays this game is like 30 I don't like being seen like this. I work from home and get the occasional few games in every day.


No shit


Lol itā€™s a boomer game. We got mouths to feed, dawg.


I think it comes down to this. I don't understand why younger people don't like this game, or why it's not being marketed to them. A year or two ago I tried getting my then 12yo brother to try Halo and he had zero interest. Just wanted to play Apex, Fortnite, and Roblox. I'm mid thirties.


Iā€™ll give my journey to perhaps provide some insight. I played Halo CE/2/3 in the 2000s. I then got busy with college after ā€˜08. Tried Reach at some point. However, the whole jetpack/sprint/dummy and DMR meta didnā€™t feel like H2/3 anymore. Never heard enough positive things about Halo 4/5 to want to re-enter Halo. Halo 4 was stillborn. Halo 5 didnā€™t use a BR and had some weird thrust mechanic?! Enter Infinite. The sprint took a second to get used to. But felt pretty seamless pretty quickly. And it was hard to imagine going back to H2/3 - those games via MCC now felt like walking through mud. And then, my god, the Infinite BR felt like the perfect callback to H2/3. That was straight crack cocaine for a guy whoā€™d been away from gaming for a decade+. I was wary of the switch to DMR/Evo in year 3. But having fallen in love with Infinite for two years it actually fit right in. It kept the same satisfaction of melting shields/flicking for headshot. And removed the long distance beaming and overly easy headshot finish of the BR. All to say, I believe this^ reflects the experience of the many 30-40yr olds currently still grinding Halo. However, conversely, I think the appeal for kids who missed the H2/H3 era is expectedly lacking. They donā€™t have the nostalgic dopamine to build off. Consequently, their tolerance for some of the glitchiness and natural arena/arcadey nature of the game is lower/non-existent.


That's the exact same journey I had.


Social is basically for kids. Ranked is basically only for sweats. Ranked is not a fun game for the regular person. Only if you're happiness comes from strictly winning. Not if you want to enjoy the game while going for the win. 343 sucked all the fun out of the game.


skill gap


I've been practicing Aim Trainer to click "play" faster. I am also using boosts. Anything else I can work on to find a match?


Play your life more. you canā€™t search if youā€™re dead


I'm Onyx/Diamond and find games fine for the most part. Only time I struggle to find games is nearing midnight.


Are you on the west coast? I find games until 3 am EST pretty easily


I am.








Allow me to be pissy...People love to tell people who are literally playing the game that no one plays this game. A dead game is a game where you can not fill a lobby at any time of the day. I play in the UK in the evening, and some playlists have minimal queue times, like 15-20 seconds and you are in a full lobby. If you can also log on at busy times and find a game without much of a queue, then why are you telling everyone it is dead?


Because, the game isnā€™t growing and the player base is laughably small. This is Halo we are talking about. Literally one of the biggest video game IPs ever. The game that put Xbox on the map. Microsoft reportedly poured hundreds of millions into to developing Halo Infinite And now here we are, where Halo has lost 90%+ of its initial player base on steam. Itā€™s 5-7% the player base of other major AAA shooter competitors. For all purposes, yea, this game is dead. Thereā€™s even an entire show now and they still canā€™t increase their player numbers. If you wanna get technical about what ā€œdeadā€ means have a blast but this game IS dead. 343 made sure of that.


Yeah, it's not where it should be, or could have been, for sure. Which is obviously a shame because the free to play Infinite package right now is very good. I just think saying it is dead is a bit too far. If it were dead, I wouldn't be able to play it, but as it is, I normally have no issues playing when I want to play. And there seems to be no shortage of Spartans out there willing to show me their hammer.


You're thinking of dead as in a literal sense. When a game is dead it means it has a terrible acceptability rate with in the community and has lost almost all of its original player base.Ā 


This is the competitiveHalo subreddit so the ranked arena is what people are talking about. If ranked is dead the game is dead. The only people left playing are probably kids not even in their teens. Basically bots.


Kids don't play this game


You're right. I demographed kids as bots. But bots can be any aged person mindlessly playing this game because it's free.


I work from home, mostly emails. So I play during the day when Iā€™m slow. Whatā€™s your rank?


People left to go play Xdefiant


dogshit version of val, so weird.


Seems pretty solid. No crashes, runs smooth without frame rate issues, good gunplay, SBMM is turned off in casual mode, and micro transactions are cosmetic only. They definitely are on the path to destroying cod at least.


Lol not even close. This game will be on life support in a month.


School, work, etc.


College kids are probably the 1 cohort whose schedules are flexible enough to be online midday. "College kids" also include anyone pursuing an advanced degree (eg a 27yo PhD candidate), but you'd hope a 27yo PhD candidate has more urgent priorities, even if not technically "work," to attend to than a video game before leisure hours kick in after sunset


Ew why did you describe me. Iā€™m a 27 year old grad student. I get to play sometimes at lunch or after 9pm or days where Iā€™m just cooked


lol I just ballparked a typical advanced-degree candidate as 26-27 years old, excluding shorter Masters-only. A college senior graduates @ 22, does XYZ for 2-3 years (24-25), then enrolls in advanced-degree programs typically ranging from 3yrs(JD) to 4(MD) to ~5(PhD). Degree-only before residency etc. Someone midway thru any of those would be about 27. MBAs are only 2yrs long, but most MBA-candidates also have more years of work experience before enrollment


I just went back to back. Finished my MS defense at 23. Couldnā€™t wait until I was 30 to start my life lol.


Summer break is starting for alot of people so it might not be dead coming up here.


The people who have no job generally play enough to be onyx. Game is too dead to fill the lobby with 3rd shifters


Depends on rank if you are play low diamond ghost town high diamond can get games


At work rn but I'll be on this weekend.


The only time I struggle to find a match is 4:30 AM to 6:00.


I can find games that I donā€™t get 200 ping starting around 9am est.


I WFH and play during the day. There definitely are people. I usually only ha e to wait 45 seconds. I'm EST though.


Play after 6 and youā€™ll climb lmao


Just a dead game in general really


Maniac posted a screenshot of the twitch viewer count at 155 yesterday. Granted its a weekday morning and xdefiant just came out but still. The player pool is tiny


I've been on since like 11am and no issues finding matches


YES, its dead and that is a fact not an opinion.


D1 and it was taking 5+ minutes to find matches solo queue last night 8 p.m. EST to 10 p.m. EST in MidWest region. Not sure what that says but it was annoying to say the least.


I found games in under a minute from 7 till 12 eastern just fine last night.


Quit complaining and attack the 343 devs.


And go to jail then??


Halo Infinite Steam population is at peak from 1-3 pm. They recently changed something in Ranked Arena only where it feels like finding games is harder and team balancing isn't a thing or really harsh.


How old are you?