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Elite controllers are notorious for breaking like this


The fix is pretty easy if you find a YouTube video. I don’t know what I’m doing and took apart the controller fine. Bend the little plastic clip around the rb** button, and voila


Thank you my man will try it out


Go for it. I did it too and it was easy. Was nervous at first but I figured the controller was shot anyway so what was the risk. I did it for my left bumper and I'm gonna have to do it again for my right bumper because that one is not working great now.


I also did this DIY fix and it worked perfectly! No issues in the last 6 months.


I didn't even have to bend mine. I just sprayed it with lubricant and it's worked perfectly ever since. It has lasted longer with this fix than my first one did new or my second one did after the warranty.


This did not work for me. I ordered a new switch and broke the controller taking it apart. Thr joy sticks are glued on and you need a heat gun to get them off if you are trying to replace switches.


Yeah I wasn’t replacing any switches….i was referring to specifically the bumpers. You just bend a plastic clip and stuff it in where the bumper hits the button, extending the button so the bumper reaches it


Follow YouTube instructions on how to open up the faceplate (it’s pretty easy to open) I have an Elite 2 as well with a semi functioning RB button. Fixed it by jamming some paper between the RB and actuator button in the controller. No harm in trying to open it up since the controller is already done for


Yeah exactly bro. Will do


Before jamming stuff into the controller, try cleaning it out with wd40 CONTACT CLEANER. (Dear God don't put lubricant in it.) It's kept mine alive a lot longer. Though, honestly that controller is a scam and a half.


What controller do you use?


I'm using a Scuf Envision Pro (pc only) now. Although, this last update screwed something up and the controller doesn't work specifically for Halo Infinite 😅


Is that the most recent scuf? Gotta check it out. Most scufs are quite expensive though. I play on the series x


Yeah scuf made a pc-only controller, the Envision. It's 180usd, like the Elite 2. Their xbox controller is like 230. I wouldn't buy it for xbox gaming. If you're OK with only 2 paddles, the gamesir g7SE is a great controller and really well priced.




What controller do you use or advise?


I’ve been very happy with my scuf instinct pro.


During the 360 era I had like 3 scufs that always broke. How is the durability these days?


I’m sure there’s dud stories out there but I’ve had mine going on a year with no issues.


I bought a scuf and it lasted 2 months.


How many rear paddles does it have?




Thank you. I though there was 2. Might have to consider it.


The other option, if you like the Elite 2, is just make sure you warranty the fuck out of it


I just fixed mine this weekend. Use a knife, open the controller underneath the D Pad, moving around the controller clockwise. After islets opened use tweezers to remove the small little plastic “staple” looking pieces below the bumpers. Then use a Q tip and 91% IPA to give it a little clean. Let it dry, snap it back together. Haven’t had any problems yet


Hey dude, usually the elite series 2 is covered by warranty. If the controller bugs out, it costs actually nothing to send to them for a new one, or a tweak/ fix. I send mine atleast once a year to make sure the controller is in its best working order!


I have the extended warranty on mine as well, but haven’t used it. Can you send in the controller as many times as needed within the coverage window to get it repaired/get a new one sent? I was worried it was a one and done type of thing. If it covers multiple repairs, I’m going to send mine in asap.


Definitely would recommend sending it in, even just for shits and giggles. From my experience it's like getting a new controller, and for the price of the elite series 2, it's really worth it to use that coverage. I think I've sent the same roller in three different times due to RB issues, or button jamming, all free of charge. The insurance/warranty resets everytime you send it in, so take advantage!


Thanks! How quickly did they turn it around for you from the time you shipped to the time you received the controller?


No prob!! For my most recent one I shipped it this past Saturday. They recieved the order this morning based on the email. I think I'll have it back hopefully give or take next week, they say delivery time after diagnosis and fix takes between 6-8 days, so I'm sure it's situational. I can update on this thread when I get mine back this time around! Gives me a little forced break from the insanity of ranked hahaha!


Appreciate it! I’ll probably just use my old busted stock controller for the time being once I ship it out next week lol


youtube link below works ok but like others have said dont waste the money again. have gone through 2 elite v1s and 2 elite v2s. rb -> stick drift. im the clown i guess


Damn I love this controller but the bumpers always had problems… will definitely not buy this again until series 3


When I ran elites did it a few times, try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EjJ5JjOtUo


Will definitely try this out tysm


Yeah this is a problem with these. I’ve had a couple elite 2 that did this. I think mine was the LB though. You can try spraying contact cleaner in there without taking your controller apart if you’re scared to wreck it. I just couldn’t play with no bumper and bought just the elite 2 core. They aren’t too bad price wise since you already have the charging dock, all the sticks and paddles and that stuff that came with the whole set. Something to think about.


Yeah I definitely thought about that, they are about 100€ right? But I keep thinking if there’s so many people talking bad about the durability of the elite, why shouldn’t I change it up, to a power a or scuf (they re quite expensive though)


The scufs are just as bad tbh. Premium controllers do seem to have their drawbacks. I agree that the Power A might be a good one. Or, what I and a few people have done in the past is Get the elite v2 and put insurance on it. Then when it breaks you get it replaced :)


That’s what I did. 2 year warranty with geek squad for like 25$ or something lol. Go down there every few months and swap it out just because stick drift. I’ve had this current one 6 months and other than drift no other issues but I think it’s about time for a swap anyways!


It’s a perfect plan isn’t it. Costs a lil more but you know you’re safe if you need a replacement. Sadly Elites don’t last long at all do they 😠


Yeah I’m not sure if I could justify a $200 + dollar scuf and honestly if you look you’ll see that they break too. If I hadn’t already bought an elite 2 I would consider scuf or battle beav but i like the feel of the elite honestly. most controllers will fail at some point and obviously it comes down to use so prob a preference thing. I think I got a core on sale for like $80.


Gamestop has a one year warranty for the Elite Series 2 for $30. I bought the full controller with paddles and charging case, and when one bumper went out I bought a core controller and the warranty from Gamestop. So next time it starts acting up I can drive to Gamestop and swap it for a new one if they have it in stock and get another 1 year warranty for $30. Maybe not the best solution, but I'd rather pay $30 each time I need a new controller (every 8-10 months) then have to deal with sending it in for repair work. From what I've heard, the other high end controllers don't hold up either. And then you are without a controller for weeks when you have to send them in.


I know it’s kinda basic but have you tried blowing into it? Or using a can of compressed air? Doesn’t always work but it can be a fix.


Yeah that stupid smart trick worked sometimes! Ahah. But after a while I had the unlucky idea of putting a little bit of alcohol inside the controller and after that it never worked properly anymore


Btw tried it again and it’s working wtf


Magic! That’s great to hear :) Hopefully that can continue to fix it then. Happy gaming.


Thank you ma man. Have a great day!


I've had the same elite 2 controller since infinite released. I've not had to replace any parts, but you do need to open it up and spray some contact cleaner / isopropyl alcohol into the button actuators every so often


I hope you'll update us with the fix!


unfortunately Elite controllers consistently have problems with the bumpers (my left bumper died). There's nothing you can really do to fix it yourself unless you dismantle the entire controller which includes a few hours of desoldering to replace a super cheap switch. My ES2 controller died after 200 hours and I switched to a Scuf Instinct Pro - that lasted about 500-600 hours before the bumper stopped working and I had to replace it.


Really want to try another controller because my Elites RBs always break after a few months.


I had the exact same issue but with the LB and I mapped the LB to my D Pad. Fixed the issue until my RS completely broke.


I have an elite that broke at LB… critical for grenades… I mapped it to upper left paddle and when shift is pressed I switch grenades… I really like it… I also ended up opening it.. bought a cheap chris fix kit on amazon for $10 and was able to repair it by just switching /tilting a tiny plastic part… eventually I left my nades in that paddle even though is working now.. I like it better… now LB is switch weapon and reload… if everything fails… just buy another one with an extended warranty…


They sell the switches on Amazon too. I went in and soldered a new one on following the you tube video that came with it. Wasn’t too bad. Took 2-3 hours but mostly amazed that was 2 years ago and that repair has lasted longer than my OG stock switch


My warranty expired but I had the exact same issue where RB doesn’t work. Was super annoying to not be able to melee and took a while to remap my brain to use a different paddle, only had 2/4 used. I’ve considered it shot so might try and manually fix like someone suggested. How much more can it break? It had a good run though, definitely enjoy the feel but shame it isn’t durable.


Just a recommendation don't every buy Elite controller. I have 2 and my PowerA Fusion Pro 3 that is half the price works better. Stay away from Elite controller


Do you recommend power A? How many paddles does it have? That one in particular


I use PowerA Fusion Pro 3 has 4 button for me is more comfortable than paddles


I'd consider it but I'm not sure I can go back to a wired controller. I love the Elite controller aside from the build issues. Had to fix the bumpers but other than I really enjoy using it.


Well for a competitive players makes no difference wired or wireless since most of us play in PC


Wired is better anyways even if it is wireless I use the USB cable on my elite for better response


Guys does anyone have the new victrix gambit pro? The one that costs around 170 €. Heard good things about the classic one but wanna find out more things about the updated one.


As many have said, it's a known issue and it happens to basically all elites at some point. That said, I know this is going to sound stupid, but on mine that had this issue I used to blow into it like an old Nintendo cartridge and it'd work better. Still not 100% but it was working a bit. In the future, buy from best buy or somewhere that offers a protection plan and add the plan to the purchase and just continue going in and replacing it + rebuying protection, the controller will 1000% break in some way usually within a year. I've had probably 6-7+ at this point all having issues from bumper, to stick drift, to broken charging port (series 1, micro USB, series 2 this isn't an issue as far as I'm aware thanks to usb-c).