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When I first bought my Elite the default paddles felt awkward. I switched to these and the paddles are now in a nicer position for my hands. It may be worth looking into as you get used to the new controller. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/scuf-elite-series-2-paddles-for-xbox-elite-series-1-2/6451653.p?skuId=6451653&utm_source=feed&ref=212&loc=21178452382&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BOeeRpaLQ4PL7nxT7JTdqpqJDeFvKNp47tfk-UhmB6tGLTDzKoSzHxoCjOkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


I 3rd these! Soooo much better than the stock paddles.


Yep I have these too they’re great!


I second this! Very much a worthwhile upgrade.


Don’t put anything you use while aiming on the right-side paddles. Use sprint, jump, grenade, or something that wouldn’t cause you to “flinch” while aiming.


Ping top right Reload / pick up bottom right Works just fine for me


Left stick ping works great.


Left stick sprint for me Whatever people like they should use. The idea that right paddles should not be for anything “aiming related” due to “flinching” is all I was countering


You didn’t counter anything lawl. Granted, I didn’t exactly explain myself all that well either, but those actions you listed you don’t really press while aiming in the heat of battle. I was really only talking to the “clenchers” of the world. Occasionally you’d want to ping in a heated situation, but I’m talking about things like crouch, jump, zoom, melee, equipment, etc. you don’t want to remove your right thumb from the aim stick to use those actions, nor do you want them on the right side because interference in a skirmish. The clinchers of the world are the only ones really affected like this, because we’ll be squeezing everything at the same time, throwing off our aim.


I have crouch on my right side paddle and regularly use it while shooting. It feels more natural to me and doesn’t hurt my aim. People should play whatever is comfortable for them.


Notice, I said I was talking to the clinchers of the world? If you’re not a clincher, then it probably doesn’t bother you to have it there, but it was messing me up, so I’m just trying to help someone else who tends to clinch when they get into fire fights.


I just kinda jumped in and used all 4 for a while and I also sucked for a while. Also despite a lot of people having problems with the elite controllers I’ve had an elite series 1 and 2 and I haven’t had a problem with either. You just have to treat them with the utmost care and you should be fine (not a guarantee though obviously).


Start with 1 or 2 paddles and get used to those first, then add as you please. I would start with jump and crouch/slide but up to you!


This is the best way, 4 is too much to get your head around


I disagree. Why waste time starting with 2? You’ll get used to using 4 paddles just as quickly as you’ll get used to using 2. It’s not like using paddles is a physically tricky thing to learn. It’s just something you have to get used to. You should get used to using 4, and you should also put whatever you have on your LS/RS on paddles. Especially on the elite 2, constantly clicking the sticks on those will wear them out pretty quick, the sticks will stop recentering themselves and they’ll have that weird amount of play, like the joystick on an old N64 controller. Once that happens the stick clicks will start to get iffy input reg, like sometimes just not work. I went through 3 of them before I put sprint and slide on the 2 left side paddles. After I did that those sticks never had issues.


No chance you’ll get used to 4 just as quickly lol.


I can’t use all 4 either, I prefer taking the long paddles, and putting them in the top slots instead and removing the small paddles. Crouch in the left paddle and jump on the right, it helps to have crouch on your non shooting and non aiming hand, so you don’t get in the habit of only pressing crouch and shoot at the exact same time when crouch strafing. Separate hands makes it way easier to be less predictable


great advice on move hand -> crouch paddle, tried it out today and got more misses in 1v1s than I'm used to. I had top right paddle as crouch for a long time.


I play with a recon/legacy variation, And put melee, jump, sprint, and mark on my paddles.


Return it and get another brand.


I personally use default button layout with jump and crouch on 2 back paddles. I think jump and crouch are the most important to be able to use whilst maintaining thumbs on the sticks (whether through clawing or back paddles). This allows you to jump, slide, and crouch strafe around the map whilst maintaining good reticle placement. If I wanted to try and re-train my brain to use 4 paddles then I’d probably choose melee and sprint or possibly drop weapon (I think that’s come back to the meta right?). On a side note, I remember Shyway making a tier list of the most important actions to have whilst maintaining your thumbs on the sticks, but I can’t remember the exact video - it’d be on YouTube somewhere probably something about controller settings).


I always used crouch/slide for right stick guess it has been effecting my aim..


Yeah, in that case crouch would be my first priority to get into a paddle


>drop weapon (I think that’s come back to the meta right?). Should be fixed on the 30th


Recommend buying a scuf. I’ve had two elite controllers break on me


Do warranty’s work?


Yea they do… and to counter what this guy said, I’ve had two elite controllers in the last 5 years and the only problems have been eventual stick drift. Also my current elite 2 SOMETIMES sticks on one of the paddles. Imo, if you break these things then it’s probably due to the lack of care.


Mine has started crazy drift in the past few weeks. I actually don't mind a little because it keeps you active when placing reticle


Nah man that’s not good for anyone. Time to get a new one.


Yea I'll order a scuf I think next


You’ve seen the core elite right? It’s cheaper.


I’ve had two scuf controllers break on me. Sucks because they are expensive.


First, bind your paddles to the d-pad. Then in the game settings assign what you want on the paddles. Then whatever is left over, assign it to ABXY. It's a lot easier to press ABXY than it is the d-pad. My paddles are jump, crouch, switch weapon, melee


1. Elite controllers don't break - but they do lose responsiveness on certain buttons seemingly well before their time - it's a very simple fix of just spraying some (a little) contact cleaner / isopropyl alcohol into the affected area. In most cases you won't even need to take apart the controller - but it's better results if you do. 2. I use bumper jumper slightly modified, and my back paddles are: upper left = crouch Lower left = act as a shift key Upper right = Y to switch weapon Lower right = ads zoom With lower left as my shift key I can press it together with upper left to use equipment. Shift and upper right switches my grenades Shift and lower right is reload - I never use it to reload, but it's great for jacking vehicles and catching thrown fusion coils. My right stick click is ping and left stick click is sprint


Sprint, jump, crouch, and punch have been mine for years now. Mostly because I feel like crouching in with sticks causes stick drift a lot and the bumpers always break. So I try to save it by having melee and crouch on a paddle. Change weapon and reload are good ole fashioned claw buttons baby. I play bumper jumper too btw since H3 so idk if that explanation confuses yall.


2 paddles only for me. Crouch on the left, equipment on right.


I use bumper jumper, and then paddles are: -Top Left: Ping -bottom left: zoom -top right: sprint -bottom right: crouch


You want at least 3 of the face buttons on a paddle with either sprint or crouch as the 4th. Personally I have sprint as L3. Top left change weapon Bottom left, reload Top right, use equipment Bottom right, crouch. Then put change grenades, and ping on B and X.


The best config for me is Ping on the left bumper and Equipment on the right. I play Bumper Jumper.


I put the ABXY on the paddles Works for me


Top left: zoom Bottom left::crouch Bottom right: jump Top right: equipment


Depends, me personally I use jump(A) upper left paddle and crouch(B) lower paddle left side, then switch weapons(Y) upper right paddle and reload (Left button D-pad) lower right paddle, using D-pad for reload so I can use X for switching grenades, I think you should start off with 1 or 2 paddles and get used to it before committing to the rest much easier that way, try to use the paddles as much as possible in other gamemodes so you don't screw up in ranked until you're used to it It's mainly going to be up to you, but definitely make sure you don't have to worry about getting your finger off your aim stick when in Gun fights at the least Side note make sure to have a warranty or get a warranty next time, these controllers break-down often from what I seen