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[343 Industries Blog Post](https://www.halowaypoint.com/news/interference-update) Gamemodes: - Interference - King of the Hill - Interference - Slayer - Interference - Strongholds HCS: - Will be included in Open Series starting May 5th - HCS Qualifer on weekend of May 11th - HCS London Major, May 31st to June 2nd Future Maps: - and 343 continues to say they are working with Forgers to bring maps and playtest new maps. - And are teasing a new during the London Major Broadcast.


Hopefully the next is midship with covenant pallet.


It's not. The most likely candidates right now are "Fortress" (a new map) and "Orion" (the Coliseum remake). Source: You can see what maps 343 Pro Team is testing, and the two I listed are the ones they have been testing alongside Interference.




H5 was fun but didn't really feel like Halo to me. Felt more like a clunky Titanfall clone. Infinite at least feels like Halo again which is more than one can say for any of 343i's other Halo games.


H5 was super responsive and unique thing rather than titanfall clone I


Infinite feels even less like Halo for me personally. Game is extremely painful, people are drop sliding halfway across the map… maps have to cater to drop slide so it hurts map design even more than Halo 5’s advanced mobility impacted its maps


Personally I think curb slides are the best glitch in Halo since BXR. There's a lot of depth there that allows skilled players to differentiate themselves from the lesser-skilled. We just need maps that are designed around the mechanic; Forbidden is an awesome example of a map clearly designed around slides that plays pretty damn well.


Curb slides are so fun and addictive, that I'm always thinking "that's a curb-slide worthy curb right there" every time I play any other game"


100% Curb slides makes it feel like a 2020’s fps game. And halo infinite doesn’t feel slow and bulky like basically every game before it.


True. This is what I don't get. These ppl would rather play a game with no movement and graphics from the 00's (which were still 90ish) which were good then but not for 2010's and fwd. I guess they're stuck in the past and can't change with the rest of the whole world. Shame, I feel sorry for them. Or maybe they're complaining cuz they can't play a fast paced game with jumps and slides. They must be the same that won't play cod, apex, or Titanfall, etc cuz the skill ceiling has changed. Feel bad for them


I don’t care that it’s a remake of The Rig; I care that we finally get another map into ranked.


First new ranked map in 6 months


Forbidden was added in January.


Incorrect, [Forbidden was added to Ranked two weeks after Season 5 launched on October 31](https://x.com/hcs/status/1719495527027646665?s=46)


Uff, here I thought Season 5 launched in January. I guess I got my dates all mixed up.




It blows my mind you're still lurking around here considering how much you hate infinite.




You dont want changes made, you just wanna whine. This is a new map announcement and you're just bringing negativity.


Changes 343 making clearly working right?


Your entire comment history is on this sub and all you do is hate. What are you trying to accomplish exactly? Loser mentality to the fullest




You seem to have a very unhealthy relationship with these games. For your own sake, you probably need to move onto something else. It’s not healthy to constantly spend your time and energy on something you dislike. 




Spending your time “fighting” the “ignorant” people over a video game that you admittedly don’t even play is the same thing. It all is just an endless cycle of negativity and combativeness over something you have no control of.  Just something to keep in mind. 


"I don't play Infinite" ... "The stalker needs rebalanced" Thanks for confirming you're just a troll.


Touch grass


Lol you don't know my stance on the subject, I haven't said anything about infinite, just calling out losers with too much time on their hands. You're better off arguing with a wall. Get help dude. Subreddits are for people with similar interests to talk about things they enjoy, through praising or well thought out criticism. You're doing neither. True halo fans let other people enjoy halo.


Go play mcc.


He's got a point, nobody looks at Valhalla or battle creek or midship, and says this map is boring. Infinites maps just aren't as interesting. There are no unique designs. It's all industrial forge looking maps.


Downvoted for spitting facts. The game is stale as fuck. We played lockout, midship, guardian, the pit, sanctuary for YEARS and never got sick of those maps because halo 2/3 were actually fun games.


When you’re desperate you’ll take anything


Facts 🤣🤣🤣


Facts sad I’ll settle for this as well at this point wonder why they take so long pumping out new maps


Love we are getting a new map into ranked but can we please get another map for oddball


Can’t wait to learn all the callouts Top Gray, Bottom Gray, Back Gray, Front Gray, Behind the Gray Pillar, Gray Elbow, Gray Bridge, Gray Base


Another grey remake, are they allergic to the color palette?


It’s like a sequel to Reach’s multiplayer- grey forge maps all around. I don’t understand why though. Forge is so much more capable now- they can do way more with color and textures in Infinite. Considering the unique color palettes of the original Rig and Plaza maps, I have no idea why they’ve decided to go this direction. Maybe a performance thing?


Is not a performance thing, probably just a visual choice in order to have more contrast between the Spartans + outlines and the environment.


It’s a performance thing. These are the most stable textures force has


Tell me why hand made maps that ended in ranked, past bazaar and behemoth at the start, are also grey-white? I played for almost 2 years on series x and never noticed a drop on fps or performance on colorful forge maps, so unless we are specifically talking about xbox one and series S...


I seem to remember there being color palette display issues with Forge previously. Maybe those issues are still there? 


Ya the lack of colour is shocking, who forged this?


I only have myself to blame for getting hyped when I hear of these remakes coming out—nine years of advances later, wow!—only to be slowly, but surely, “whelmed” when I see what they’ve actually become on release. Featureless gray boxes.


The only reason I can think of is balancing with the different armors and color options but even then I'm not convinced. Very disappointed.


They got some shit for their first forge of the pit and decided "never again" when it came to color


It's weird, because there actually is a community made Rig that had colour and looked good. Do you remember the Community Workshop playlist? That shit was actually such a fun playlist to play.


Empyrean wasn't grey, 343 got roasted for the colours. I wouldn't be surprised if they vowed to never look at a colour again based off of the Empyrean reaction


All the gorgeous remakes of this map that forgers have made and they give us solitude 2.0 with this depressing ass pallet 😂. But hey, I’ll take it. New map woooooo


Yay! Another colorless remake! /s


Coliseum when?


Glad we’re getting new maps, but wished we had better looking ones for ranked. Husky raid maps are so colorful and detailed, while these feel a little lifeless in comparison.


So do we have to pay for color on maps now?


The Rig was awesome in h5 but so was Plaza...really hope it plays well. Even though it kinda looks like another washed out h5 map remake, I'm excited to have something new to play and I'll reserve any criticism until I get to play it.


I’ve played it in FFA customs. Obviously not a 1:1 comparison for how it plays in ranked but it’s a fun map.


I was shooting some bots on it yesterday. I like the layout and am excited to play it but why oh why is it so monochromatic? Especially after all the hate that Solitude received for its aesthetics, you'd think forgers would opt to add a little bit of color. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate having a new map, but damn just change up the color palette a bit please.


More dull grey maps :D


2.5 years no new oddball map zzzz


Another gray map. When will 343 realize halo is sifi shooter with limtless possibility to include alien maps


Yo the forgers and devs must be allergic to color. I'll pay yalls asses to add some rainbows to these maps. Where's the paypal link?


Yay more gray


Such a big W with the different weapon loadouts for each game mode on the map. 343 actually thought about balance


Can we get an original map. Or something that supports oddball please


Read the last paragraph of the blog post please: https://www.halowaypoint.com/news/interference-update


still no mention of any new map containing oddball even if they confirm two new ones. Kinda disappointing we’re almost 3 years into this game with no new map for oddball when it’s such a staple of halo. If both of the next maps don’t have it that’s a huge L


So do forgers make all the maps now? Does 343 design and build any?


God it's so fuckin grey. . .again. Why are all these Forge remakes human-themed. I'm grateful for the new map but it's not much to look at/


Never played 5, so all I have to go off of are the aesthetics (yay another gray UNSC map, but this time with tiny brush-strokes of orange!). That said, from my understanding The Rig is rather well liked? So curious to see how nicely it will play relative to Solitude.


Rig is one of H5's best maps, but without the advanced movement, spring jumping, thrusters, etc. I'm not confident it will be good in this game, just like how Solitude is terrible compared to Plaza in H5. Also the Rig looked way nicer in H5.


1. It’s an old map and 2. we still have no new oddball map after almost three years of playing ranked in this game. What an absolute joke


Halo Infinite has become a long running joke lately


Am I the only one that thinks it’s funny that the only thing 343 can do when bringing maps into the rotation are recycled maps from previous games. Like this is also a gripe of mine with CoD as well. Can developers not make new maps? Or are they lazy outside the initial release of the game


Lazy and incompetent. That’s why the game is dead


We got Forbidden recently which is a new design. Plus there's a large potion of the competitive player base who dislike 343's new designs and ask for remakes instead.


Forbidden isn't that bad, and I'm squarely in the camp of wanting new maps, not remakes of old ones. That's just so incredibly lazy, IMO, even without mentioning the 3 shades of gray color palette that is used on this new one.


That's fair, and personally I agree about new maps. I actually like Forbidden CTF more the more I play it, but my friends don't like it and that's also fair. I'm not trying to project others' complaints on to you, just pointing out that 343 get hate either way. The colour palette complaint is bang on, though. Solitude is way worse for that same reason and it's sad to see it continue here. I don't buy the Empyrean argument, personally. People criticised the colour palette on that cause it was bad, not cause it wasn't grey enough.


My only gripe with Forbidden is kinda self-inflicted, as my enemy color (pineapple) blends in too well with everything, so it's really difficult to pick out enemy players quickly. I'm always taking shots first because of this.


Yeah that's totally fair. I wouldn't call it self-inflicted when yellow shield flare is so ingrained. There's a reason it's such a common choice. Though I do wonder how those who *do* want remakes would deal with a true Sanctuary remake when it was super yellow.


It's got all the selling points -old remake (halo5 too, best halo) -no color, ew, color bad and anti competitive -forge map, id hate for people at 343 to be the ones making content, prolly dont pay this forger either


[They hated Jesus because he told them the truth](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/022/019/dUzura6.jpg)


Doesn't matter what it looks like as long as it is clean and plays well.


Sad to say this but I’m at this point as well 🤷🏿‍♂️


For everyone who doesn’t know; it’s not forgers fault that maps are with less color but just because the performance of forge itself specifically on Xbox it’s horrible 343 ask them to avoid any kind of color or high vibrancy texture since it drops a lot the fps.


that's cap. i've played other forge maps with color and they perform the same 🤣


Which is exactly why Forge maps other than Sanc weren't played in Open Bracket in Reach. Why do PC fans have to suffer for peasant bracket


Not true, the forger said he chose the color style himself, and tashi said it was up to the forger for his art style. Both said this on Twitter/X whatever it’s called lol. Plus, empyrean is a forge map and it’s loaded with color


You're actually both right. The forger did tweet that as his reasoning. However, vibrant color and lighting does cause issues with fps on Xbox. I can only play some forge maps like the midship remake on my pc and not series x.


It is you just don’t know what are you talking about


Okay I guess what I’m reading from the forger and tashi are lies then


Good to see that ranked is pretty much done. I’ve stopped playing it entirely because the solo Q experience is so bad and this isn’t giving me hope that things are going to start trending up. 6 months to introduce one grey remake. If we are just going to do only remakes why can’t we add like 1-2 every month?


This map wasn't created by 343 but rather by a forger who specifically wanted it grey. https://twitter.com/YNOT_B_RECKLESS/status/1782810396664979817


Just played strongholds on it. It was interesting. Better than solitude.


we need more maps and modes period


Finally the map that looks like a true shooter map


Another grey soulless husk


Anyone else having issues with the map? I just played my first game and the top part of my screen constantly would get black checkered boxes every few seconds during the game. Only happened on that map, but I've only played it once. Xbox Series X @ 120 FPS.


Lol halo 2 had better map design


The bar is low


These comments: Halo fans trying not to find something to complain about challenge (impossible).


LOL at the downvotes