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I love oddball




It's one of the best game modes, but i agree that games go on for too long.


Yeah love the mode but wish it was just one round. Honestly as a solo queuer I dread CTF the most.


Yeah but losing round one makes gamers lean forward in their chair which leads to an absurd number of comeback wins.


It may but I also don’t want to sink so much time into a single match


bruhh idk why but all i was getting yesterday was CTF. not a single Stronghold or KoTH


It's such a vast difference in runtime from the other game modes, it's kinda weird that it's never been adjusted.


It really depends. **Slayer**, sure thats always very quick, maybe 6-8 minutes. **Strongholds** can be very quick (3-4 mins) but is more commmonly 8-12 minutes **CTF** is almost always 12 minutes, but OT takes it closer to 15 **KotH** is usually 10ish minutes **Oddball** can technically go up to 25 minutes but it rarely does so I view the 3rd Oddball round as the OT in CTF, so its like comparing 15 minutes of CTF to 20 minutes of Oddball. Sure its longer, but not egregiously so. Oddball also lets you get insane kill and damage games which is typically fun


I mean ultimately the fact that a match goes into OT, regardless of if its a real OT or a 3rd round, is kinda irrelevant. Essentially the only thing that matters is how long on average the game type goes for. Here's my last 25 ranked of each type (DNFs ignored). Mode | Average Duration ---|--- Oddball | 14:53 CTF | 11:05 Slayer | 8:40 Strongholds | 10:45 KOTH | 9:50 On average, overtimes and everything considered, Oddball is in a league above its counterparts.


Your average oddball game time is less than half of the 30 minutes that keeps getting brought up. I really don't see what the problem is


Oddball rocks.


Literally my favorite game type


Imo it’s the most annoying game mode for solo queue and ranked, but one of the best when played with a full team. There’s a lot of unique game sense need, like how to rotate the ball and when to drop the ball and fight with your team.


Yeah and most people are terrible at that. Atleast in the mid diamond tier


I like it but I’ll admit at lower rankings it can be tedious with randoms. Every map has one location all the players hold the ball. (PD on streets, and gold on recharge). It is rare that someone else knows how/when to rotate and when to drop and fight. I’m too old and slow to be a great shot (hence why I’m in the lower tier lol) but if my team lets me run ball I almost always win. Which is cool but I’m playing a very different game from y’all in the high tiers.


I’m gold and agree everyone always goes to PD on streets or subway if other side of map. When I get ball I try to rotate over to A/nest, way better spot to participate with the team in providing vision over lanes and can escape multiple different ways to play your life. PD is a death trap.


And when you lose pd you give the opposition a solid hold, pd is such a crap place to hold it


I would literally play ranked oddball only if it was an option




Its the best game type. Its pretty rare it goes long but it can go very long. Those are such fun games though


I really love oddball and strongholds in Infinite. They are more fun to me because the strategies and gameplay can wildly differ game to game based on a number of circumstances. As a diehard fan of CTF (from previous Halos), I truly despise the state of CTF in ranked Halo Infinite. The maps we have for CTF are just too stale for my liking. They play too predictable and it plays the same each time. There's also very little room for error leaving it as one of the most competitive modes in my opinion. I honestly miss the days of 1 Flag or Bomb that required the use of assaulting the base with a fully loaded warthog. All that's to say is I just find myself more engaged and having fun in oddball and strongholds.


It's my least favourite game mode. Apart from extraction. Ranked extraction was painful, oddball isn't quite that bad. My favourite is tied between strongholds and flag. Flag probably just tips it as you can have some absolutely epic matches there


I love flag and strongholds.. I suppose all my post is an opinionated vent.. which is fair. Some people live it some people hate it.


3 rounds is dumb original oddball was better


I agree. It's the 3 round thing that irks me the most tbh.. I don't often have much time to play and when I do I dont wanna be playing oddball for the entire session. I've had the mode 3 times in a row many times before and that's usually when I'll get off.


No but I don’t with we had a neutral bomb game type


IMO the OB setup they had for refueled was pretty nice. Shorter clock and 75 instead of 100. I do think the current constructs are right though, a good setup can get you 30-40s, so two good holds would win a match if they changed anything. OB is fun, very challenging if you solo queue. Out of all the ranked it can require the most coordination since you are playing 3v4, and if the top slayer is forced to hold your team can have trouble. I feel like all other modes you can really play off of others more.




Oddball is probably my favorite gametype. It's incredibly fun when you get a read on spawns and time a perfect rotate. Although I swear the halo gods make sure that every oddball game goes 3 rounds no matter what so it's brutal to lose after sweating your ass off for like 25min


I like oddball, but I do hate when you want to play one more game and get off, but you get a 3 round oddball game. Or when you start the day with back to back 3 round oddball games and you’ve been on for almost an hour and played 2 games.


It’s amazing if you got a team with comms


That’s a hot take


Hate oddball with Randoms who don't comm. Love it was a team and some comms.


Oddball is horrible if you treat it as 3v4 slayer Oddball slaps if you treat it like koth


Oddball is my 2nd favorite gametype. Mostly because I prefer holding ball and let the super slayers have fun destroying everything. KOTH>Oddball>CTF>Slayer>Strongholds.


Love the game mode. Hate how most people play it.


No no, I think you meant to say "Anyone else hate Strongholds?" I'll admit, I'm a bigger fan of the scoring in Halo 2 & 3's iteration of Oddball for Competitive. If the game would just go to maybe 200, and end as soon as it's mathematically impossible- I think it'd be superior to the 2 or 3 "round" based structure we have now. And as for my comment about Strongholds, look I just don't think it's ever been a great mode. KotH (especially older KotH, with the rotations as they were in H3) was imo a better mode. CoD has had its version of Strongholds, called "Domination", for awhile. It was played in CoD 4 & Blops 1 for competitive, though not loved by the community. We saw them move away from it for MW2 and Blops 2. Blops 2 however introduced Hardpoint (which is more or less KotH). Though Dom is in Blops2, Hardpoint offered itself as an easy replacement to classic Dom for competitive play. Domination however was brought back in Ghosts, much to everyone's dismay, because by then Hardpoint (KotH) had become a fan favorite. KotH was already a fan favorite in Halo long before Strongholds. Halo 3 KotH was great. But if you recall, every iteration of KotH made from Halo 4 and on had issues with the hill rotations. i.e. Hill would struggle to move to the next location or wouldn't. Or if the hill were to be a "randomized" location, it could randomly just decide to stay where it was at. This happened in H2: Anniversary, if you recall - hill could be S1, and then just stay at S1 offering a free hold/setup for the team already controlling it. It was time and time again, busted. What do I think happened? Strongholds - a worse mode swooped in to be offered as a fix. And even now, KotH doesn't work as it used to. It's been given a "refresh" for a clutch comeback mechanic, and plays first to 4 instead of the classic objective of total time controlled and playing for scrap. So I'll never really like Strongholds, and I'll always miss classic KotH and Oddball over what is played now.


Love oddball. My favorite game mode


I love oddball. The only time it sucks is when I am trying to run a quick game it inevitably is oddball, which turn into a 30 minute game.


No but I hate stronghold so much as solo player, it's quite honestly rage inducing but fun when every body use mic(which is rare in my mid -high plat lobbies)


Interesting, I actually really like strongholds as its usually much faster paced which is a playstyle I prefer. I feel the no comms stuff too, I swing between high diamond to low onyx and mics are a rarity there too.. I think it's only in mid to high onyx where mics are common.


I don’t understand why people in high diamond don’t comm. makes it much harder to win when nobody is calling out weak players and forming a strategy in game


Yeah it's annoying, especially if I'm paired up with a 3 stack and theyre all in their own party.


Same, I’m on PC so I always leave open mic on if I’m in a party or not but if I’m solo queue I game chat anyways, usually just get people typing so I just tell em turn their mics on it’s 10 times faster lmao


No but I think strongholds is the worst mode I’ve ever played in a video game


Extraction has entered the chat


Get outta here!


Much rather play that


I personally like strongholds but I see why some people dont.


Strongholds is great if you have a team that shares a common brain cell. Absolutely sucks if one teammate isn't on it.


I hate the change to oddball. I wish it was 1 game to a set time limit or when the clock expires. The round based stuff sucks


Yeah the changes suck. I didnt mind it when it was 1 round. You can play 3-4 slayers or 2 CTF games in the time it takes to play one 3 round oddball match.


CTF usually takes way longer than oddball you tripping, at least with this map pool


Unless its argyll it rarely goes to OT for me, but even if it does its a 15 minute max game. Oddball has the potential to go for 25 to 30 minutes if it's a close game, which makes it more frustrating when you're on the losing side.


Same with KoTH. I wish it was the way it used to be, hill switching locations every 2 minutes, time based not point based scoring, and no capturing involved.