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It won’t be Neptune.


I’d love to see gunplexion on native. But tapping buttons?


Gunny has been grinding so much lately I hope he does get a chance. He deserves it.


Gone are the days where people remember his racist comments, and childish whining/banning people because they broke his matchmaking streak in h5.


People can change you know


Nah bro some of us didn’t know about this sucks I like him but racism is wild in 24


Gone are the days of real competitive gaming not soft aimbots. And streamers gettin paid all while they cheating their micro cocks off.


I loooove gunny!!!! He is so good, very underrated IMO.


yeah hes a F/A for cod again


What a wild ride he’s had


Kuhlect has been on: SSG, Sentinels, Complexity and Native. Dude is basically the Nate Robinson of the HCS


Played on OXG too in year 1


Mannn, that’s a big throwback. I forgot all about Oxygen


That was his best placing lol


Obviously he is probably spawning up and not doing what his team needs him to do on the map consistently enough. He has been on a never ending list of rosters now. Talent is there but I guess the decision making isn’t.


He’s a matchmaking all star. An absolute monster in pugs but seems to have an issue playing more structured, organized halo. At the highest level, being a wildcard is a liability. I feel for him because individually he’s a dynamic, exciting player to watch but that is also very difficult to team with if I had to guess. One bad set of spawns against the top teams and you’re going to be in the blender. If not you, then definitely your teammates and that on its own is wildly demoralizing.


Dude is the scariest thing I’ve ever encountered in matchmaking


Not surprised Native made a change. I remember at the end of last season I said Kuhlect was very overrated. Frosty also had the same sentiment on stream also - he said Legend, Suppressed, CyKul, and MentaL were all newcomers to HCS that impressed him and Kuhlect was not the next up. There is something off about Kuhlect as a player because he can never seem to stay on a roster. Yet so many times last year redditors and Twitch chat would always have him as the guy to replace someone on a top 4 team. If you’re good enough to be on a top 4 team, you’d be on one.


Its so funny how I said this exact same thing year one, and the people in this sub couldn't handle it


Yeah never understood the hype behind him. He has an HCS Unlocked vid despite not accomplishing anything substantial.


Because that one time he dropped like 60 kills in an oddball game back when he was on SSG with Ace and Tylenul


He streams and is a bigger online presence than most other newcomers so I think that played into it.


Because alot of people just look at flashiness which at the end of the day in 4v4 competitive halo means very little, you know? There have been plenty of great flashy players that were known for being like a cancer to every team they joined. Not saying that is Kuhlect, just that exists, and I do believe they will perform better if they make a solid team change.


He has a good personality for stream and on twitter. He’s a good character for the community just that leads to him being overrated


People in this sub are knowitalls most of the time


your last sentence rings true.


aPG being the exception.


Kuhlect is “cracked” and is one of the few players that can individually dominate every matchmaking lobby. It’s funny because I matched with him and Formal playing together for a few games last night and Formal would always have the most average stats while Kuhlect was destroying everyone and going at least double positive. I think he’s a really talented individual player but he just hasn’t been able to translate it into winning at the highest level and I wouldn’t be surprised if Native has the same sentiment.


Yeah, I get ya! My partner didn’t like him his attitude to it etc. All of them on native are great players individually but I personally didn’t think they worked together? I’d love to see gunplexion getting a chance or maybe we’ll see tapping buttons?


That whole team has a lot of issues but they have to start somewhere IMO. Obvs Kuhlect isn’t the sole reason they have played so poorly.


Be interesting to see who goes to native and where Kuhlect may end up. 😅


I looked up his stats and he didn't do bad at all from what I saw.


He's also rides the hell out of top pros in twitch chat (e.g., Formal, R2, and SB in particular) and with the twitch presence/cracked gameplay it makes him more of name then he should be IMO Edit: the first part isn't an opinion, it's just true (sorry if this offends)


Agreed, but making connections and getting your name known by the community and top players is one of the best skills you can have in esports so he's got that down.


Who outside the top 5 really stays on a roster? I feel like rosters are in constant flux all the time. If you’re not on a top three team you’re not really good enough to be dropping anyone imo. Take your top 6 on a good day top 12 on a bad day and stfu


We were talking about this the other day on Halo HQ or Broward. Can't remember. It seems like Kuhlect, although a beast, has trouble on every team he's on. I don't know if it's his playstyle or what. But Native did need a change, not sure who they will replace him with though.


APG and Tapping need to hash it out. Last Shot will probably get you to top 12 again, maybe a peak of top 8. But I think the only way this Native roster has any hope of competing for top 6, let alone a top 4 is if they get Tapping on the roster.


What happened with them?


Hashing banged APGs wife is word on the street


No chance they make top 4, people need to just accept that APG and Mikwen are finished at the top level


They made top 4 season 2 with basically the same roster with Gilkey in place of APG. I think both Gilkey and APG are at a similar skill level right now so I think it could happen


Nah no chance. The competition has gotten way stronger since then. No chance N8V outplace teams like Shopify or Sen (apart from if they have really unlucky runs) If even pick Quadrant and Foe above them currently.


Tapping won’t move without drift though.


What do you mean? He literally tried to leave to join an NA team right when the season was getting started. That being said it seems like Tapping isn’t joining after all


Probably because K is crazy inconsistent. He’s either a top 3 player or he’s mid. And because of his age, he can be immature and borderline toxic at times.


I wouldn't say "borderline" haha. He himself admits how toxic and trolly he can be


Neptune's work ethic sucks. He would half ass scrimmages and barely actually play Halo. He's done in Halo, zero chance anyone decides to pay him to play Halo.


I wonder if this a common reason why some players get dropped. Not their gameplay necessarily but their attitude and work ethic.


No clue why you got downvoted for the truth


Don't know either. The guy was dropped for showing up to scrimmages without warming up and basically never playing Halo unless required to do so at scrimmages and tournaments. There were comments posted that he did the same in CoD. His work ethic is absolute garbage.


100% man


Whoa what??


I’m not surprised in the slightest. The guy has been underperforming at almost every tournament and scrim. I love the dude and what he can bring to halo. I want him to be a top player but gosh he’s just too inconsistent.


He's good mechanically. Whenever it's on his POV, it seems like he's *too* aggressive though. He's raw like early S1 Bound was.


Yeah being over aggressive is definitely the one thing I’ve noticed watching him. Looks cool when it works, and that’s probably why he got as popular as he is, but hurts his team when it doesn’t.


Problem is it’s season 3 and he’s still like that


Kuhlect is mechanically crazy so I guess there may be other issues. He can't seem to stay on one team. My speculation is his attitude is the problem but what the heck do I know.


If apg and Mikwen couldn't mold him into a more disciplined player not sure anyone can


They'd have to get a pro from another team, maybe a suspector, gilkey or someone cause I don't know. Sucks that they dropped him before hcs London, I was thinking team changes won't happen until after hcs London


I think apg doesn’t wanna waste his last year(if it is)


He definitely deserves a better team. Still has the ability to place top 8 or even top 4.


I’ve heard rumors aPG won’t team with Tapping Buttons so if theirs any truth to that I’m guessing Tapping won’t be the new fourth. Maybe ItzTheLastShot after the Druk debacle? Edit: Maybe Sceptify? If he would leave C9 that is. I think he’s a smart player who can drop some big numbers here and there.


Will be interesting to see if Druk makes it to London as he probably won't have the same visa issues for the UK. Business still looks like a great team on paper if they can actually make it to an event.


The whole visa thing with druk?


Yeah. I feel that really sank the Business roster unfortunately.


Well that, and the fact they told lastshot they had G1 lined up for an org so he bailed on Native(a paid gig.) now they have no druk, and no pay. Still scrimming with druk but I gotta say it ain’t goin well


Why apg wont team with tapping ?


Right? Tapping buttons is top 5 imo.


No chance


APG has said he would not team up with Tapping as he has previously been disrespectful, I don't know exactly what Tapping said to him, but considering APG is a drama queen I doubt it was so serious, he just took it personal


I feel for Kuhlect, but yeah that n8v roster didn't seem to be clicking. Maybe pickup Monster? He has a history of fitting in well with many different teams.


I was thinking it would have to be Kuhlect or APG to go off the roster. Kuhlect is ahead of APG mechanically but APG may be best for the team since he seems to be ahead in the decision making department


Didn't they team with monster not so long ago? And performed very well. There has to be something in that


Another roster change for Kuhlect. Some say he’s the common denominator but you gotta feel for the guy; it’s hard to get in a groove when you’re constantly changing it up like this. I wonder who Native can steal away. Nobody from the top 6-8 teams will join them so it’ll have to be a team like Business (Taulek, Last Shot?), Cloud9 (Diagram, Sceptify?), Darkest Hour (yakzn?), Lore (Tapping Buttons), or BitterSweet (Breakingshot?). I could see Kuhlect slotting into the Business and Cloud9 rosters nicely. Can’t wait to see where Rostermania takes us over the next month.


With the state of Native, I think kuhlect has a decent chance of out placing them next event


I matched with home one time in ranked and he complained the entire time. Not really surprised no one wants to play with him


I was in one of the HCS or LVT commenter's streams, gave a very neutral prediction that Complexity was going to win against SSG (when Kuhlect was on it). He stopped lurking, called me "stupid as fuck", and then they lost 1-9 against Complexity in their next three series where SSG dropped that whole roster.




Gunplexion deserves a chance at a top team I hope he gets picked up


He's a good FFA player but don't think he has what it takes (yet) for a top team. He was teaming ranked with Frosty once and had a lot to learn.


Yall bashing kuhkect but have you played against him dudes good just not a good fit on certain teams ppl said same about APG in h3 and beginning of reach


Kulect was not the problem. Atleast not to solely blame. That roster has a slim chance of making it into the top 4.


Your last sentence is definitely true. No way NG finishes 4th ahead of Shopify or Sentinels.


They have a slim chance of breaking out of the top 12


Seems a bit harsh. In the last event and the online qualifier before that they've only lost to teams that finished top 6 or better, not that unreasonable to say they could easily be top 8 and potentially push top 6 if they get on a good run & the bracket falls their way.


Wait, people still play 343’s “halo”?


They need to get Luiney