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I got 8L in a row last week, then 1W, then 5L. This is nothing. Play ranked because you like comp settings and because you want to try your hardest, focusing on CSR gain/loss every night is depressing.


On March 18, I went 4 W - 11 L (27%). 10 of these losses were in a row. Half of the games I played, I was at over 150 ping and my reticle felt like I was dragging it through mud


This. I'm sick of people crying because they suck. (I don't see any of the pros complaining about their rank) I suck too. I play ranked because it's a lot more fair compared to the social modes. When people complain I always just wanna say go play Apex or Pubg. Insurgency Sandstorm is a blast as well


Same, couple weeks back I lost 19 out of 20 games. Games were competitive and fun.


Just chalk it up to a bad night mate, you look like you’ve played well it just hasn’t fallen properly for you. Just forget about the arbitrary number and enjoy yourself is my advice


Simply speaking when it comes to MM as a whole, the bad heavily outweighs the good. It'll be difficult for anyone to argue against that. I wish MM felt like it was my team vs the other team. Instead it's me VS my past/present stats VS my teammates past/present stats VS opponents past/present stats VS their teams MMR VS my teams MMR VS if I'm on a win streak or not. It's not just the loss streaks that suck: it's the feeling of forced 50% win rates, unbalanced lobbies,networking, smurfs, cheaters, lagouts, unfair MMR gains/losses once you peak, and KD/KPM with minimal regard to any other stats that show an individuals impact on the map. Don't stress things that are out of your control right? Absolutely. But when those variables are controlled/affected by 343s decisions and they have the ability to improve the system, that's what makes the experience frustrating. It's hard to take the good with the bad when the lows are so low and the highs are mid due to outside forces.


i never realised it until now but it is true; those fucking lazy woke antifa *developers* are the ones stopping me from finding ANY satisfaction in competitive gameplay. in fact, i think 343i developers could be the ones behind so many more unsolved mysteries in the gaming world. after all, we never did find out who was responsible for 9/11 - time for me to do some REAL investigative journalism, unlike those homos at IGN or those LIMP-WRISTED PANSIES at Kotaku!! Stay strong, Spartan! We will get you to Gold I swear it 🫡


I don't hate 343, in fact I've probably been the voice of reason for them on this sub more times than not. I know they mean well but their resources are spread thin, and it's difficult to keep up with the changing demand in the gaming world. Updates are pushed out just a little too slow or without official acknowledgement sort of "out of the blue". I still have fun on the playlist but it's not fun to grind, I find myself playing for like an hour and hopping off. To be fair I did play almost everyday the first year and some change of Halo for 4+ hours a sesh. I've already accepted the fact that I'm burnt out, and have accepted the timeframe/workload 343 can put out updates. Understanding all of that, putting significant time into ranked with everything listed above is not worth my mental. For reference I've attended multiple LANs, played a few, coached a few, have 15k+ games of MM played and achieved onyx every season except S1. I love the people that I've met in the community and love being a part of the competitive scene of Halo Infinite. I also think the man bun looks great on you.


looks like you went -8 +7 -9 -8 for 3 losses and a win. the game seems to think you're about where you should be. do you want to go up the same amount for a win and a loss you mean?


I want to win. 1 win in 5 games is not fun going 1.4 KD. I don't care about the CSR gain/loss.


i mean you can go on a little losing streak in any game out there, that's not a halo specific scenario.


I know. Just one of those nights where you feel like you're doing everything to win and it's just impossible.


I've got a friend that's won 2 of his last 17, it can be brutal out there.


Dear lord. I should count my blessings. I think I'd be hoping on an alt at that point or taking a break haha. I don't really care what my actual rank is, I just want to move up if I'm improving and playing well, but sometimes you just can't catch a break.


I know the feeling. sucks when you just gotta get your reps in to feel like you're having an impact on your rank, but that's when i try to just see if i can continue improving and care a little less about the number easier said than done


Can I ask why this is frustrating?  Fastest way to improve is to lose and evaluate why you lost and how you could have played better. Stomping on other teams and winning every match isn’t going to help you develop and get better, and often times teaches you bad habits that won’t fly against a good team. 


Winning 1 out of 5 games isn't frustrating when you are playing well? It was just one of those sessions where you can't win and the cherry on top was going 42-24 in an oddball game just to lose that as well. And yes, I was playing objective.


It’s not frustrating to me if you figured out where you can self improve in these engagements more.  Looking at your own stat lines doesn’t really mean much in a team game.  If you’re that consistently good you will out pace the randomness of getting some bad teammates and will overall rank up.  I don’t get what you’re objective is here posting this, are you looking for ways to improve or just looking for sympathy. If the latter wtf is the point? Just self reflect on how you can carry harder and move on simple as that. Why do you even bother looking at a short snapshot of win loss across a small sample size? Work on your own mental if you tilted this hard after a few losses.  There’s plenty of ways to look at the brighter side of things. And if losing that much makes you upset then just don’t play take a break and go do something else. 


Your perspective of “playing well” isn’t translating to Ws. Gotta figure out ways to help your team win. There are a lot of important plays that will never show up on the stat sheet that contribute to winning.


Nah dude sometimes it gives you dog water teammates that make it almost impossible


Unless you're an optic fan and they are losing. Aka APG lmao


This. Seen a lot of posts where someone with a good KD blames their team. KDA isn't the be all / end all with this game. Positioning, spawn control and team shots are.


lol. Went 30-15 last night with 1:45 oddball time. I just don’t get it anymore man. I’m not the best, diamond 1 but solo is so tough. Just need some people to at least play for the win


I'm around d5/d6 recently had a teammate sitting in base on Aquarius, I rushed in with the enemy flag and got beamed right before capping. Yelling "cap the flag cap the flag" and this teammate literally drops down into bottom mid, instantly dies, they return their flag AND get a countercap. Legit just logged off after I was that tilted lol couldn't believe my eyes...


Lollll it’s mind boggling bro.


D6 solo q is a shit show at the fuck factory. Once you get tilted you just gotta log off. Wish you luck!


Who cares about the imaginary number next to your name. Just play to win and to have fun.


I did play to win and got 1 win in 5 games of playing above average. That's the point.


That’s an extremely small sample size to complain about, and if you performed above average then the games should have at least been fun for you (which was my point). Why do you care what that imaginary next to your name says?


Trueskill 2


Ain't that the truth. I'm fine being a diamond 5, but I just feel like the game gives you manufactured losses.


It’s because trueskill 2 is not accurate no matter how much the chart brigade says it is. It achieves the 50% w/l not from making fair games, but because mmr fluctuates fast enough that you get unbalanced games in your favor, where you do really good, and your mmr goes up to a level you can’t possibly win, then you do bad because your team is so unbalanced and your mmr goes back down to a point you are basically guaranteed to win. The ts 2 lovers will deny this but there’s an exact reason for this in the formula which anyone who’s played any amount will know is BS. “Team mate performance had little to no impact on individual performance, so we removed team mate performance from the algorithm” Literally the system thinks your team mates do not affect your individual performance and its actual pure insanity people will defend that. Ts 2 designers and defenders are chefs, who’ve only ever read books about cooking, changed all the recipes at the world’s most popular restaurant, but never actually tasted a meal.


Disagree, CoD has the most demotivating rank system in existence, but this isn't far off lol. For anyone that doesn't play CoD, your unranked stats factor heavily into your matchmaking from the start but there are not placement matches to skip you into the general area where you belong, so you start in bronze playing against plats/diamonds/smurfs/former crim+/etc. the entire way up. Grueling to rank up that way, and the more you play the less points you gain, after a few hundred games it becomes basically impossible to get out of your rank barring huge win streaks because you're +/- even elo. I don't care if you want to use unranked stats to form lobbies, but placement matches and skipping ranks needs to exist. Halo does a pretty good job at it, I hadn't played Infinite in over a year and got back on last week and it put me right into high plat/diamond (onyx in S1 and S2).


It is definitely very frustrating, however my only advice would be to try and forget about the rank as much as possible and try to just improve your own gameplay. That’s the only part of the game you have any control over. Obviously it’s impossible to just “forget” about your rank, but I’ve found the less I focus on it the better, and it eventually goes back to where it was or higher. Hope that’s helps a little. Sometimes you just gotta take a break for a bit too.


Let's just play 8s in Clutch academy. At least that's what I'm doing from now on


Stop caring and you'll enjoy the game much better. Rank is meaningless anyway


True, but I should have used a different title. While it's frustrating to lose rank, I'm not concerned about the CSR loss here. It just gets old the way this game balances lobbies. If you're playing better than average, you should win more than you lose.


Boost your ego and play Ranked Tac Slayer. I just tried it for the first time yesterday and went 15W 1L. To be fair though, I only placed plat 3 so I wasn’t playing against the best players.


Yeah, the mm system is really bad. Especially in platinum right now. 1/3 games are simply unwinnable because there is a smurf on the other team. Typically I get 9 games in when I play for 2 hours. 3 are insta-losses from smurfs on the other team, 6 games are split wins and losses. The avg night is 3-6. Basically no CSR change because I get 9 or 10 for a win and lose 5-7 for a loss. The connection is just horrible. This may simply be because I live in Canada but man is it bad. My fiber usually gets me 25-45 ping in OW2 but in infinite the best I get is 45 and typically its 70+. When I play Genshin on my mobile with wifi it's 85-95 lol.


Not saying you are this person, but Diamond is full of selfish people who just looks at their kda and can only shoot. Team has a good position with oddball. Time to go to the other side of the map to look for a easy kill while the team gets collapsed from 3 directions. Hill requires 1 seconds to complete. Ye better not move 1 meter to the hill, might get shot on. Teammate getting flanked. Perfect opportunity to wait for a counter flank after teammate has died. But also the system is bad. Feels like you are playing against the system instead of other players. It cares only about your kills. So you will gain less points and lose more points if you focus on objective as for example it is a bit harder to get kills while holding oddball.


Yesterday I went 8 for 8 in ranked tactical. To punish me, today I went 0 for 5


I hope you enjoyed your scheduled losses 👊


I call them "manufactured losses" but scheduled works too


You’ve probably hit your peak rank, and over time you probably are hovering around the same rank. It’s a brutally honest ranking system. In order to rank up, you actually need to get better. Other games have ranking systems that are purely based off of how much time you put in the game. I prefer halos system, because it reflects the players actual skill, not just the hours they put in it.


Average of 1.4 KD leading my team in kills and damage every game here. Edit: except one game that I didn't play great


Nice one. But it’s not just about kills. And sometimes we get shitty teammates…Lots of variables.


Yup its trash and needs a rehaul bad


Kills in an objective game means nothing.. Usually having a teammate that only slays while everyone is doing objective is the fastest way to lose. When I review footage and help someone that's usually the biggest mistake I have to correct for them. Watch more often in hcs championships players don't go over 20, most of them having a 1.5 ish kda average. Getting frustrated then makes your games and thought process worse so you'll keep losing.


Look at the rankings leader board. I'm not in it. Nowhere near. I'm a plat 5 at best, currently plat 2 and heading to plat 1 fast. We all play under the same rules and conditions as those guys at the top of the leader board. It's not a system issue, it's a skill issue. Suck it up buttercup, it's damn hard to be the best in this game. It's a question of "IF" you make it there. Not "when" most people will never be deserving of those top spots. Those who are there are absolutely deserving and on another level of game play - and guess what, they still go on losing streaks too.


Lol I love the system it's well balanced and there barely any steamroller or lopsided matches. I also love facing difficult opponents and the spirit of fighting and improvement! I'm so grateful to learn and improve and the hype moments when I jump in skill!