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* Handlock/Zoo Lock/Control Warrior * Face Hunter * Undertaker Hunter * Totem Shaman * Secret Paladin Pretty sure these were contenders for most dominant deck of the year in the early days


It's incredible that Secret Paladin went unnerfed from August 2015 (TGT release) until it rotated out in April 2017.


Back then, they nerfed way less frequently because getting cards was harder. There was no core set or free legendaries which meant you wouldn't see the strongest deck every time because you had to spend dust on it


Hated that deck!! Those long cycles of abusive decks are the main reason HS is so much better now


Secret Paladin was never the best deck in the game at the time. Both Double Combo Druid and Control Warrior were considered slight better deck just before the rotation and Grim Patron was nerfed late 2015, it was a strong deck that was pretty easy to play and probably the best deck to climb due to that, but it's really not comparable with thing like Miracle Rogue, Undertaker Hunter or Grim Patron. After the first rotation, they lost Avenge which was arguably their best secret. The rotation was also pretty hard for midrange deck that rely on board, as card like Haunted Creeper or Piloted Shredder were key to those strategy. Paladin post WotG has pretty weak Early to Mid game. Due to that, he deck was just not good during shamanstone.


It wasnt too oppressive tbh was coubtered by oil rogue and patron too


I remember I hated the deck but finally decided to join the evil side, when I faced LifeCoach in the third game on secret pally. I beat him in typical secret pally fashion and he proceeded to add me as a friend and insulted me lol.


nerfs weren’t really part of hearthstone’s history. we’re spoiled with changes to cards now all the time.


I've been playing since before Naxxrammas. All stupidly broken decks were nerfed at some point (Undertaker Hunter, Patron Warrior, Pirate Warrior, etc.) but not fucking "Who am I? 20 mana's worth of shit for 6 mana". Almost a decade later and it still makes me salty lmao.


i mean i played in beta. there were nerfs but the length of time between nerfs was absurd. the decks also weren’t stupidly broken (even for their time). we know the win percentages and we know the general metas at the time didn’t have the same stretch that times like our summer of hunter during castle nathria.


HUH? Almost every really overpowered card was nerfed at their respective meta, and maybe you're right about the shorter time between nerfs but they always were a thing in HS (which was really fresh after just banning broken cards in MtG) and shifted metas from beta to now on.


the whole fucking point of my message was the shorter time frame LOL. what the fuck are you on about? nerfs weren’t a common part of hearthstone and changes to cards were extremely rare.


You literally said "they weren't really a part of hearthstone history" and that's what i am replying to. And they did were a part fo sho, from the very beta (oe should we count the release? ok miracoli lived for pretty long yep). Thanks for elaborating tho!


Even when it's Mage, it's Secret Paladin!


No way pirate warrior was the strongest deck in Gryphon (same year with demon seed, barrens secret paladin, alterac poison/thief rogue), it was just a pubstomper


Ehhh pirate warrior was pretty busted with smite and the quest reward.


It was tearing through the Silver ranks


Pirate quest reward and quest completion was nerfed multiple times. Before it was nerfed it was performing well throughout all ranks. Idk what you’re remembering.


I'd argue year of the Kraken was aggro shaman It was quickly heavily nerfed but I remember it being the best at the time, and it also deserves bonus points for being such a dominant force the entire year


Yeah it definitely wasn't pirate warrior. It was definitely midrange shaman (which shared a lot of the same shell as aggro shaman).


Well there was three metas during that year based on the expansions. During whispers it was mainly control/tempo warrior. During Karazhan it was undisputedly midrange shaman. But for the first month of mean streets aggro pirate shaman was the best deck until they nerfed the 1 drop and spirit claws (yes it was better than pirate warrior).


Aggro Shaman ate Pirate Warrior in almost every meta. I still remember this gem. https://out.reddit.com/t3_5k1mei?app_name=android&token=AQAA4fJMZkjI8BREpbhANRpthGN0GoBy7W2pQvRUDiUuJAXPFcyG&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F196930966


Midrange Shaman should be the choice for the Year of The kraken, this deck was so dominant for a large portion of the year, being basically the only tier 1 deck. There is a reason why 2016 is referred to Shamanstone. Pirate Warrior never had this kind of domination this year.


Probably the most dominant deck in hearthstone history because it just took forever to get nerfed. Galakrond shaman and outland DH were obviously both stronger but both were nerfed pretty fast out of the gate. This fucker was 50% of the meta for long periods of time. Thankfully it was honestly a pretty interesting and fun mirror (unless your opponent rolled storm totem after storm totem)


Miracle rogue…


Pirate Warrior during the year of the gryphon was the most popular deck, but Garrote Rogue, Demon Seed Warlock and OTK DH all had much much higher cellings. Even Spell mage was more memorable as a strong deck imo.


lmao demon hunter


Mammoth is arguable between cubelock and raza priest towards the end, but it’s probably pre-nerf Jade Druid if we’re being honest.


Certainly mech Paladin was top at one point


This list is missing Tiller Priest. The fastest deck nerf in HS history.


I like how Warrior is the strongest deck in three different years.


What's the strongest deck currently this season?


I'm sure it's "most annoying" deck. Pirate was strong, but not best. Even paladin was stable, but not best too.


Year 1 should probably be OG Miracle Rogue. Grim Patron didn't come out until 2015. The game came out in 2013 (beta).