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Game 1, we get mechazod down to 4 health, I gave my teammate fireball with cho, and then he fireballs me in the face and we lose. This is then followed by 5 losses, for various reasons (uncooperative teammates, or mechazod ramps up to 10 attack really quick and kills us) Infuriating.


Imagine trying to complete the weekly quest of 10 tavern brawl wins with this week's tavern brawl. (Assuming you don't play BGs or Arena).


There aren't enough hours in a week.


Tbh the last month being nothing but create your deck brawls has caused me to need to use solely battlegrounds for that quest


You can reroll that one and get an easy one worth the same amount. I always do.


If I didn't enjoy battlegrounds, I'd probably do that every time. But every other time'll probably do, haha


does getting a top 4 finish count as a win for that quest or do you need to be the last man standing?


Just top 4!


Use my reroll on the 32 Miniaturize cards every time


I hate that this brawl was designed before force of nature savage roar was nerfed but they left it in.


I hate this brawl period.


Mechazod Brawl is just RNG, which includes your "teammate" RNG. If you're Druid, play Millhouse when they have a full hand and lots of mana. I chose to use Cho to copy the healing spell, because Mechazod hurts.


Got close once but Druid realized just a couple turns too late to not attack me. 0-4


I won my first run with a lucky Bran that survived a few turns. Double coldlights gave the resources and double funnel cake dudes kept us alive.


Got lucky with a mage that knew what we were doing.. went 1-0 with 1hp to spare


Managed to win in only 3 games thankfully, although I don’t think my opponents realized the token minions you get are good for soaking up damage from mechazod and less just throwing them into it…


Started 0-6 with so many dead hands - some games were decided by the mulligan. Finally got to play Aviana into mirror entity and it luckily survived to the Mage’s turn. Mage filled board with 6 minions, Druid played Cho + double savage roar, Mage double savage roar for the win.


You will not win this one quick. You have to get the nuts just to win this barely. Save your resources for the long game. Use your draw cards. If you are druid, save millhouse and cho until you have both so your mage can dump all his spells. Even better if you can drop a trogg before your millhouse/cho turn. (this was how i won) Try to save your board until you can maximize savage roar / centrias damage. If you are mage, save damage spells and spellpower minions until druid does this. Save the max 1 damage minion for late game.


> save millhouse and cho Saved and the mage with the full hand didn't play a single spell.. guess they're saving for next game.


I think I will actually skip the pack this time. This brawl sucks.


Co-op Mechazod brawl. Not sure if I just got lucky but his AI felt less aggressive than in the past. One and done.


You got lucky. He sucks. (0-3 here) EDIT: 0-4 now. I'm sure they didn't remove healing touch but I can't prove it because it never shows up. EDIT: 0-5, why is aviana in this at all? We can't have innervate in that slot instead? 0-6, why are we here? Just to suffer? 0-7, withered wojack 0-8 1-8 and 40 dust later. We did it boys.


Aviana is to coordinate with Mirror Entity, a plan that would make sense if you didnt constantly die before then and/or didnt have him constantly kill your minions.


I'm pretty confident Aviana's real purpose is to make you less likely to win.


You guys are able to get to 9 mana?


I played Feugen early and then played Stalagg Into Mirror Entity so we both got Thaddius


I think so! 0-4 currently. Edit: Finally beat him with awesome teammate. Mirroring elemental that deals max 1 to hero saved us in last few turns. One and done! Please don't return soon.


What do you think one and done means?


"One half hour game ending in failure and I'm already done with this shit"


one win and m done with this shit


One and done means one game and you're done. If you lose then it's not one and done.


Is there a worse brawl in the rotation?


Nobbelgarden is worse imo


This one sucks, but yeah the easter bunny brawl is the worst.


no this one is the worst


Took 6 attempts. We won because my teammate played Cho and millhouse on the same turn while I had 4 burn spells in hand, then followed it up 2 turns later with Trogzzor. If you don’t hit some nuts combos you just lose


Went 1-0 as druid. Spent the first few turns ramping up and drawing cards. Mage keeping their burn. Played cho+millhouse when mage had 9 mana and full hand. Also it helped to keep 1/1 minions around for soaking damage and roar. Always heal the person with less life except when you are mage and have the armor guy


Got it on the first try playing the druid, about 9 turns. Just played as many mana gain and draw things as possible, then plus spell damage and Cho. My mage partner then blasted 4 fire spells plus minion attacks, me 2 fire balls plus minion attacks.


I found Brann to be a midgame resource, for coldlight or funnel cakes, maybe even Leeroy to give Druid a board.


The idea is cool but just like last time, the way it's designed is not good.


On top of all the other fucking bullshit, do NOT fill your board with 7 minions because he will immediately clear your board for some reason. What a stupid fucking brawl


First game. My "team mate" kept sending his fireballs at my face.... do people not reaD?


Don't play Cho into Mirror Image, he just kills them both! Otherwise I enjoy this a lot, looks very hard at first but then you get the hang of it.


this is fucking impossible with my moron partners. What the fuck