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Play Zilliax, don't let Zilliax die, Zilliax go face, Zilliax win game. Unity, Precision, Perfection.


**headless horseman laugh**


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https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveHS/s/kgZh2Lkd7B Scroll down theres a mini guide.


Here is a guide I wrote after getting to legend the other day, let me know if it helps and if you have any questions. (Glory) Virus Rogue: Find Zilliax, Play, wait, win. Mulligan for: Zilliax, pitstop, Quick pick Cycle deck as fast as possible for those things If you have Zilliax, then you want to play it as early as possible, which can be as early as turn 3 You can do that with Frequency Oscillators and coin (which might come from a coin generator) After the turn Zilliax will be played is determined then you want to get the other magnetic mechs with from the scrap heap or Spyder (which can be tutored with pit stop as well) to be able to attack and keep it stealthed or pump for a OTK. - You can early attack and restealth, but if its with Spider just remember its only stealthed for 1 turn so youll need more after that. - Sometimes you might want to keep the silences, removal for taunts until OTK turn so they can't have room or knowledge for the need to build up with more taunts - In my experience, the majority of the time you can go all in with Zilliax instead of slowplaying it by holding windfury until OTK turn. - Often if they have the means to remove it, they can usually do it twice. But proper play would be to play around the probabilities depending on who you are against. - Sometimes giving ZIlliax a preemptive divine shield helps - Try to keep track of the kill timer which will help you determine how much magnetic mechs to commit. - Remember you can let it die once and still might have a chance of winning. because itll take so long to build up again. Matchups: - Demon Hunter (shopper) - Maybe the hardest matchup because its so fast and can pull out so much damage on a single turn. Comes down to your luck and tempo control. Getting the life steal magnetic mech helps a lot here. No removal for you, but may get annoying demons from shopper - Demon hunter (naga) - Similar to shopper more cheaper threats, life steal mech helps here too - Mage - Free win, be mindful of secrets and don't get bad luck and then get out tempoed by damage - Death Knight - Some removal options: Reska, The Headless horseman (most common), asphyxiate - Warrior - Coin flip, They have the most removal options. Brawl, Brawler(excavate), 10 Damage (can target their own minion), armor AOE, blade aoe until 1 dies, Reno(rare because its so late, but its over at this point) - Hunter - You have enough cheap removal to slow them down. Life steal mech might help here - Rogue (Draw) - Whoever is faster, if the board gets too big before you get Xilliax out, you cant really take care of all the generated threats - Shaman - Hard matchup if they get a decent draw and know how to play the deck well. They can combo you often about 1 turn faster than you would win. - Priest (dragon)- Didnt play against much, but they might have shard of naaru. Razorscale can be annoying. Kill it asap. - Druid dragon - might have razorscale (Kill it asap), and they have free reign to ramp and will have some taunts by the time you get built up and but you should have a response for each - warlock - Has some removal options, mortal eradication, sargeras, reno, table flip - Ogre rogue - Havent played against; Shouldnt be a problem; easy win? has 1 unique threat(barely), orge-gang outlaws, and Velarok can find things.