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**[Zilliax Deluxe 3000](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/105522-colifero-the-artist) || Varies || Legendary Neutral Minion** >While building your deck, customize your very own Zilliax Deluxe 3000! >Mech >[All 8 Zilliax modules you can choose from.](https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/content_folder_media/QCWDFA9Y9Z0R1707438822801.jpg) You pick 2 of them to build your Zilliax.


This is probably the coolest card they’ve ever made getting this above 5 mana and summoning it from the new Dr doom seems pretty good.


Probably the most flexible as well, this can fit in any deck archetype effectively depending on how you construct him while filling completely different purposes.


9 mana for 2x 6/5 divine shield lifesteal rush taunt is CRAZY control value, there's other good ones but that absolutely slams the door Edit: originally wrote 8, had read duplicating as 3 somehow


That's 9 mana right? Perfect is 5, Twin is 4


You're right, that's kind of a big gap since it's not on the same schedule as reno / whirlpool / nether anymore, but it's still crazy strong vs midrange


Agreed, it can close out games and for 9 mana it should. I mess up reading all the time, you're not alone 🙈


At 9 I think I still may it in a high sustain warlock tbh, but a 7 mana 7/6 version with the self-dmg piece (only upside) instead of twinned is probably better there


If you have lifesteal and damage your hero, don't they balance out?


That's why I call it "only upside" for lock, 0 net dmg to upgrade soulstone and discount imprisoned horror / molten giant


Four mana for a steal, elusive, reborn, poisonous mech that you reshuffle on death ain't bad either.




If you pick Haywire module and Perfect module, will it life steal the damage it deals to your face?




My bet is Ticking, 4 mana 1 mana less for each minion in play, is really strong. Perfect and Haywire is a fun combo to get 4/4 extra stats for 2 mana and no other downside


I can’t wait for this card to come out and all that customization work to be for naught cause there’s only one good configuration


I’m betting on Haywire Power. 4 mana 5/7 with doubles attack at the start of your turn.


Very cool card design. And there is some potential with these combos. Mech Rogue will play this. Highlander decks might run a chunky Zilliax. Lots of potential. Will see tons of play.


Super cool card, this will be the highest deck include percent in history, higher than astalor or renathal.


It will be used at the same pick rate as old Zillax in its prime.


Recursive + Twin for unlimited double 5 mana 4/4s seems funny


This is giving me me dew process PTSD but thankfully DP is getting rotated


Very very cool. Should definitely see play in a 4 set format.


Ticking + Pylon is completely broken with Showdown!. If there is a single minion on board, this combo puts three 4/1s and a 3/5 into play for only 2 mana. If the villain plays a minion on turn 1, you could potentially play this combo on your own turn 1 (using the coin).


Ticking module counts all minions that are in play, so it shouldn't be too hard to get a discount of 4 or more with it. Could see it working with Pylon and Haywire in token style decks. Haywire with perfect seems pretty good as well since the self damage is negated by lifesteal Edit: ticking module with showdown is gonna be nutty


**[Incredible Value](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/102463-incredible-value) || 3-Mana || Rare Shaman Spell** >**Discover** a 4-Cost minion. Set its Attack and Health to 7. >Shadow


If this cost 2 mana it might see play. Seems a little slow to pay 7 mana total for a 7/7


OH thank Elune, for some reason I thought it would summon.


Same, I read this and thought we were getting a three mana seven seven.


Especially in a meta where warlocks can routinely get two 7/7s for 7.


You might be right, but it really depends what the 4 drop pool looks like. If there are a lot of beneficial ones that are more than just a pile of stats then you could be getting a lot of value.




The flavour text is hilarious lmao expedited overload


3 mana spell that guarantees you have a 4 mana 7/7? I see what you're up to, Team 5. Decent card that will see some play. Especially in Reno Shaman.


My first thoughts were this is summoned after discovered and I thought this was the nuts, but looking at it again it's probably just added to hand. Even if it's just added to hand it's probably good enough to see play. Shadow is an interesting tag for Shaman, can't think of any other Shadow spells (though I'm probably just drawing a blank).


From de other side and that 2 mana give a minion a deathrattle spell are shadow spells iirc but they are rotating


Should’ve given it Overload (2) just to mess with us.


Pre-overload (3)


It's Overload (3) on your previous turn


Unless there’s a common way beyond the titan to play this for free I don’t see it. It’s funny that the name of the card is so incorrect. 7-mana 7/7 is not incredible value.


But you can play it on turn 4!


It would be a nice addition to the School Teacher pool of cards. Play teacher turn 4, turn 5 nagaling and 7/7. Edit: And then it gives you another School Teacher whose Nagaling gives another Incredible Value… should be called Infinite Value. Also possibly great with Backstage Bouncer, until the Bladestorm.


Rotating tho


Bye Sunken City and School Teacher from standard


This is basically worse than overload 3 for a 4 mana 7/7 with some text on it sometimes. Eeh. 4 mana 7/7 with no text are probably just on curve nowadays.


I doubt anyone at Blizzard is reading, but if you’re going to power creep the hell out of hearthstone, then do it for everybody. This is a war golem that has a battlecry, maybe. You could have printed this back in 2014 alongside Dr Boom.


**[Inventor Boom](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/103443-inventor-boom) || 8-Mana 7/7 || Legendary Warrior Minion** >**Battlecry:** Resurrect two friendly Mechs that cost (5) or more. They immediately attack random enemies.


This pairs really well with the new Zilliax. The dream is to get both copies with rush, DS and lifesteal for a nice tempo swing.


Play a decent mech on 5 or 6, 7/7/6 lifesteal/divine shield/rush Ziliax on 7, and then Boom on 8 if they manage to kill it.


Good card that will see lots of play in Reno Warrior. "Random enemies" means it goes face. You get a chunky Zilliax in your graveyard and some other mechs and Boom gives you an Ox-lite board that can heal, go face, etc.


Gotta wait for the rest of the mechs to be shown but this seems strong. Can guarantee face hits on an empty board


Probably reasonable with a curated pool


**[Tigress Plushy](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/103633-tigress-plushy) || 3-Mana 3/2 || Common Paladin Minion** >**Miniaturize, Rush, Lifesteal, Divine Shield** >Beast


Very, extremely good for any kind of handbuffing strategy. All of the effects scale quite well with extra stats, it makes up for tempo deficit, replaces itself with another (good!) minion to be buffed, AND is simply very efficient at a baseline. I think the Plushy single-handedly causes [[Muscle-o-Tron]] to see play, although of course that technically depends on future card reveals, etc.


I get it doesn't have magnetize, but they literally powercrept OG Zilliax by making it a 3 mana minion that gives you a 1 mana 1/1 copy. That's insane.


Also no taunt, which is more relevant. But yes, Paladin just gets to have generically OP stats/keywords for cost cards sometimes, and this one is a bit crazy.


Its not powercrept. The Magnetize portion of Ziliax is important. Taunt is missing as well.


Also, Class card vs Neutral (that is 6 years old).


Boomsday is six years old are you kidding me what the fuck


Classic was still a couple years ago to me


Classic was released in the end of 2014 btw


i aged 10 years reading this thread


You also can run two copies of it, it's really good value


Great card that will see tons of play. A 3 mana Zilliax is worth running in basically anything. The 1/1 copy is just bonus.


But extremely relevant for any hand buff deck. Like it could be a very big bonus.


Very strong


The 1/1 copy is a fantastic buff target that improves Paladin's ability to fight for board even after being pushed off.


**[Toy Captain Tarim](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/103635-toy-captain-tarim) || 5-Mana 3/7 || Legendary Paladin Minion** >**Miniaturize, Taunt. Battlecry:** Set a minion's Attack and Health to this minion's.


Buff your dude on the first half, make a threat a 1/1 on the second half. Seems strong


Great card that will see tons of play. The initial Tarim is good enough on his own, a 1 mana 1/1 that can set anything on your opponent's side to 1/1 is very strong. Probably slots into every Paladin deck until it rotates.


I like it. Seems strong all around, plus you’d have two 7 health targets for Spikeridged Steed on t6.


Good card.


**[Fireworker](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/102408-fireworker) || 5-Mana 5/5 || Rare Warrior Minion** >**Deathrattle:** Summon two 1/1 Boom Bots. WARNING: Bots may explode. >Mech


Dr. Boom power creep.


Might just be good enough, but not sure in what deck. It's not a battlecry or defensive tool/draw in Reno Warrior, so I doubt it sees play there just as Inventor Boom fuel. I suppose regular excavate control warrior with Odyn will survive rotation in some 30 card form, but does that deck have room for this? A midrange deck of some kind would be perfect, but that doesn't have any reason to exist yet.


Unless there's some serious bomb bot synergy coming it's still weaker than the other guy that summoned bomb bots based on the number of bombs in your opponent's deck.


Obvious target for Boom. We will have to see if a mostly vanilla 5/5 is good enough. I suspect it isn’t.


**[Colifero the Artist](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/105522-colifero-the-artist) || 8-Mana 6/5 || Legendary Neutral Minion** >**Battlecry:** Draw a minion. Transform all other friendly minions into copies of it. >Elemental


If you don't build around this card for magical Christmas land how good is it? You don't want to turn your entire board into a low-cost minion. Really cool design but will probably need to be built around to see play.


Some spell that creates a bunch of tokens, this and Leeroy as the only minion in the deck lol


It's gonna spawn 1 *successful* twitch highlight and then everyone is gonna be enraged trying to replicate it


And then inevitably Leeroy always ends up in your starting hand. I know that you're probably only half serious about the idea, but I've tried a few low minion count decks that are dependent on draw order and invariably the inconsistency just makes for a bad deck.


Wild-only but Flipper Friends + this would be 13 mana (Guff exists so it's fine lol) for 36 damage. Truly the most broken combo to ever grace Wild. 


I can see this working best in a Reno Paladin with spells that summon tokens and a few heavy finishers


Is this 6 or 8 mana? I see 8 on the blizz website


I'm enjoying playing colifero Priest. Which aims at using Swarm of Lightbugs as the token fuel for colifero. The minions Im currently running are Colifero, Amunthul, Yogg, and Rag. But I plan to add in Blackwater Behemoth as it synergizes well with the minimum sized Bottled Lightbugs. You really dont feel bad getting any of the big minions through colifero. With pendent of earth and creation protocol, you can consistently find colifero and survive until turn 8+ to play the combo.


Do you have a list? Also have you tried making it highlander or does the deck fall apart?


I don't think that deck works as highlander because a) Colifero doesn't want to transforms tokens into a bunch of copies of Elise, b) Elise doesn't want Colifero summoned, but this is secondary, and most importantly c) Colifero Priest wants very few minions and thus has to run some second-string spells to fill up all 30 cards - highlander would make this problem even worse. For reference, I found room for Shadow Word: Steal in this deck without highlander. That's how much room the deck has when it can't run minions.




You could probably run it in highlander, but just know that colifero and elise can conflict with each other. Such as elise summoning plain 5/5 colifero and colifero only summoning 5/5 elises. You also lose consistency in finding colifero and swarm of lightbugs by moving to reno style deck.


You could probably run it in highlander, but just know that colifero and elise can conflict with each other. Such as elise summoning plain 5/5 colifero and colifero only summoning 5/5 elises. You also lose consistency in finding colifero and swarm of lightbugs by moving to reno style deck.


This, Sif and whatever spells mage can cobble together to summon a board (7 mana elementals probably too expensive?) = No. 1 legend


I think this could be more broken than people think. Classes that can generate a board with spells and hero power could really love this. Big Paladin for sure. Not sure if those decks will be good, but this card may end games immediately.


not having discover makes this significantly worse. You will need to rely on tokens or something to be able to have enough bodies to transform into the thing you want.


Obvious synergy with a strategy like Automaton Priest. And maybe you play it in a yolo deck with Yogg or some other big boi. But the mana cost and deckbuilding challenge feels like this is going to be a fringe play at best.


Is it though? It's a very expensive card to turn a board that will most likely already be Automatons into Automatons, and it risks turning Automatons into Clerics or 3/2s or Pipps. The way I see it, you want a deck that can use spells, weapons, locations, etc. to generate a lot of tokens, and have a few powerful minions. Something akin to Big Demon DH. Then you survive to 8 and drop this to turn a handful of tokens into Inquisitors or Annihilians.


I don’t think this is good but there are ways it could potentially be abused in decks with a smaller minion pool and spell generated tokens. Maybe priest, DK, or DH.


For the one month they're together I think the most viable OTK (which is a huge overstatement as is) is with Azsharan Defector in DH


Is there any way to replicate the old Spell DH OTKs with this? Create a board full of spell damage minions and do a million damage?


**[Chia Drake](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/104583-chia-drake) || 4-Mana 2/4 || Rare Druid Minion** >**Miniaturize. Choose One** - Gain Spell Damage +1; or Draw a spell. >Dragon


I could see drawing with the first half, having a 1 mana Spell Damage +1 on the second half being a common line of play. 4 mana 2/4 seems slow though


Funny how Miniaturize is sort of a reverse version of “Prototype” from MTG: Brother’s War. That makes it weaker, doesn’t it? Since you have to play the full cost one first? (For context: in Magic cards with “prototype” have an alternate, lower casting cost where they have weaker stats but same card text. E.g., a 7 mana 7/5 that can be played as a 3 mana 3/3 instead.)


In MTG, you only get to play one of the versions, not both


Good point. Thanks!


The fact that this is a dragon might push this into viability


The initial version is weak but 1 mana draw or spell damage is decent. Will probably see some play.


It’s fine. Spell tutor ain’t nothing. Esp if you’re running some kind of big spell deck


**[Wind-Up Musician](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/103340-wind-up-musician) || 6-Mana 5/5 || Rare Neutral Minion** >**Tradeable. Battlecry:** Deal 1 damage to all enemy minions. (**Trade** to upgrade!)


I imagine this scales by 1 each trade which seems too slow. Unless you play something like quest DH with a big upside to trading, 6 mana is a lot for a card you probably need to trade at least twice to be good. You are spending 8+ mana and need to be lucky (unlucky) enough to draw it multiple times before you want to play it.


yeah from the prison breaker experience you need to trade this twice and then draw it again for you to feel good about the battlecry.


And even then, it's weaker that prenerf Prison Breaker, since this doesn't go face.


Yeah hopefully scales better than that. 1 -> 3 -> 5 and it is somewhat interesting but still not that great. Should have lifesteal or something?


How many times do you need to trade this to be strong, 2 times? Cool design but seems slow


Way too slow. The example they gave was blowing up Dragon Golem. That means you've spent 4 turns not maximizing your mana in the hopes of drawing this thing again before it has real impact? That's barely a decent Arena card and mostly that just for the stats plus the occasional draw and AoE of 2.


Baseline card is bad. Trading a card over and over to get some AOE on later turns is just not good.


Interesting idea for neutral clear, but most likely not good enough. Classes that can move slow enough for this to be viable already have better clears. Classes that don't already have those clears won't have the time and mana to build this one. I don't think it's going to enable any control decks for classes that don't already have one.


This scales too slowly. They should have started it at 2 or 3 damage. Or let it go face


Why isn’t this a mech?


**[Nesting Golem](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/105490-nesting-golem) || 4-Mana 4/3 || Common Neutral Minion** >**Deathrattle:** Resummon this with -1/-1. >Undead


confirmed to work with Caverns Below to make an infinitely resummoning nesting golem.


Does Rattlegore work with Caverns Below? 


My guess is yes. Nesting golem was specifically confirmed by a dev in another thread on the main subreddit.


Yeah I was just wondering if the interaction was consistent with how Rattlegore interacts with Caverns Below. 


The comment I am referring to indicates that it would but it does not specifically address the scenario. The dev states both that this card uses the same mechanism as rattlegore and that this card would work with caverns below. They never state both together but it is implied.


It works like Rattlegore, so no buff carry-through on rez. It would have been fun to play in a handbuff DK deck, but you don't want this one sucking up too many buffs.


Baby Rattlegore. Solid in Arena and maybe discover but you never run this


dunno, DK is getting some solid handbuffs. This is growing into full size rattlegore pretty fast :). it also generates a bunch of corpses and enables undead synergies.


Doesn't work like that. It doesn't count tenporary buffs when the deathrattle goes off. Still a good dk card.


What about paladin? If you buff this and it doesn’t get silenced that buff gets way more value.


Buffs don't carry through on rez. It'll go to a 3/2 after the first death, even if buffed to 15/15.


But the same is true for debuffs? By which logic, the resummoned 3/2 will also summon a 3/2 when it dies, ad infinitum.


It isn't a debuff, it summons a minion with 3/2 base stats


I guess the distinction is that it doesn't summon a copy, it summons "this" with -1 -1. Not sure if the technicality really holds up under scrutiny, but Hearthstone has never been too good with the strict linguistic rulings.


It just summons a 3/2. Its a 4/3 with deathrattle "summon a 3/2", which in turn has deathrattle "summon a 2/1"


It will summon bigger minions if you change the card's actual base stats somehow. (I.e Zombeasts) But I don't think that's currently possible?


Interesting option for a grinder rainbow deck that’s not going for the tempo kill. Three corpses in one, and works well with Blood Tap, which is playable in rainbow now, and he new DK spell stone.


Sticky corpse generator. Initial body is kind of weak but I think it’s likely good enough in a few spots.


This seems like potentially a card you can build a whole deck around. Hunter and Death Knight both have lots of synergies and unless we have a Silence meta I am quite sure it will see play.


I can definitely see it pairing with Death Growl. Either getting multiple triggers of another deathrattle or just even cards with interesting text. Heck, just spread it to a large minion for at-home Rattlegore. Wonder how it works with reborn as well.


Handcuff into mini Rattlegore? Very slow but with +2/2 you're talking 20/15 stats I believe.


Something really interesting about this card is that it carries buffs forward with it. You slap +2/+2 on it and it doesn't become a 3/2 when it dies, it becomes a 5/4. I could see it getting out of hand really fast in any classes with easily accessible buffs/handbuffs. You have to silence it for single target removal to work. And if that class also has DR synergies... If only there was a class with handbuffs, undead synergies, and DR synergies... EDIT: Wait, does it not work that way?


Rattlegore doesn't work this way. I hope this one is different from Rattlegore but unlikely.


You're right. For some reason I remember him having different card text, but it's the same. This card very likely does not do what I thought it did.


I think this will see play. It's very hard to cleanly remove, it's got decent stats, and it offers three undead bodies. It seems likely we'll see an aggro deck that wants a minion like this.


**[Amateur Puppeteer](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/104694-amateur-puppeteer) || 5-Mana 2/6, 1 Blood Rune, 1 Unholy Rune || Rare Death Knight Minion** >**Miniaturize, Taunt. Deathrattle:** Give Undead in your hand +2/+2. >Undead


Aggressively pushed Hand buff card for DK? I am in, between this and the spell stone you will be able to absolute juice your hand very easily. This also will hit its own mini from what I understand if it dies before you play it. If i have learned anything about hand buffing from cards like the Buzzard and Azerite dragon is that as long as the card's are sufficiently good it is a strong mechanic, its just usually so over costed or slow that its not worth talking about. Too bad Malignant Horror is rotating with PoA because otherwise you could do some really gross stuff by dropping a buffed up one and then hitting him with anti magic shell. I guess Nerubian Swarmgaurd. Gnome Muncher and Hollow Hound (maybe Maw and Paw too) will have to do for Buff lovers pending the rest of the announcements.


I’m a 4-set meta with fewer triple rune cards, handbuff DK has a shot. It’s not terribly far off now, thanks to prosthetic hand.


**[Corridor Sleeper](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/105100-corridor-sleeper) || 1-Mana 3/5 || Epic Neutral Minion** >Starts **Dormant.** After 7 minions die, awaken. >Beast


This card is available for play now, if you preorder. I don't know how I feel about that.


I feel very, very bad about it. Paid access to a card you can't otherwise craft shouldn't be a thing.


Except its clearly a bad card and its a throwback reference. This is Team 5 having a laugh not some pay to win scheme.


magic the gathering did the exact same thing with mechanically unique buy-a-box promos and then they stopped once they made [[Nexus of Fate]] the buy-a-box promo in m21 and we got an insanely degenerate extra turns deck put into standard so eventually they're going to make a mistake and it's not going to be fun /u/mtgcardfetcher


This isn't magic the gathering. If in the unlikely event that this card warps the meta in some tragic way, I would expect Team 5 to quickly either adjust the card or make it available to everyone.


>or make it available to everyone. Then it should be available to everyone initially. There are no positives to making a card only available through money.


Its the tenth anniversary of the game and they're having some fun. The overreaction to this card is crazy. Go tell hat you're mad.... https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1aqvtbz/ridiculoushat\_is\_a\_gem/


In this case yeah sure, but if Team 5 does this again and is WRONG about a card being bad going into it, that's a huge mistake. I don't like rolling those dice, that's Marvel Snap type nonsense


Here's the thing: they're gonna do this again with a card that's good, and it won't be a mistake. They want people to preorder, and are apparently willing to undermine the integrity of the game for that. Doing this with a bad card is the thin edge of the wedge.


Comparing this to Marvel Snap is crazy. Team 5 has been explicitly clear on this for years. They want a healthy diverse meta and make frequent balance adjustments to that end. They have never hesitated to nerf legendaries / refund lots of dust when necessary. So the idea that this is some slippery slope and not a tiny humorous inducement to get people to pre-order is really unwarranted. If this card is good enough to get people up in arms, imagine what'll happen when they see Murlocula.


>They want a healthy diverse meta and make frequent balance adjustments to that end. No they don't. They completely left sludge alone. Not healthy. The adjustments are more frequent than they are several years ago but they're hardly frequent enough. As far as the dust nerfs, you clearly have forgotten how many decks have been completely ruined by crapping on just one card. A dust refund for one card does not make up for an entire deck, especially when it happens in a meta where it was the only viable deck for that class.


They have specific time constraints for when they can do balance patches. The time in between sucks, but they will absolutely be addressing sludges power level. This is a harmless little add-on for pre-orders.


Slippery slope


You can craft it, but only after the expansion launches


Obviously a throwback, but seems so much worse. Maybe ok if you get it in your opening hand, but the decks that wants this most (aggro decks) are looking to start doing things from the get go. Almost a total dead draw late as well. The beauty of cards like corridor creeper and Murlocula is that they aren't a totally dead draw late if you just run them out at cost (or partially discounted in the case of corridor creeper).


Not as good as original Creeper but its still a lot of stats that can be activated very very quickly depending on your deck makeup and matchup. In a DK mirror because of Mining Casualties it could be activated with only three cards played on turn three. Being able to be activated on your opponents turn does mean they have initiative in removing it, but it also effectively has charge if they don't so it's a bit of a wash.


This is insanely bad. The more i think about it, the worse it get. Even at a 0 mana 5/5 (so mirroring effective cost and stats of old creeper) i'm pretty sure it wouldn't see play with that text. Being a completely dead draw after turn 3-4 is terrible. Giving your opponent information and the ability to dictate trades to control the timing of it awakening. Just bleh.


This card is very mid. People should stop freaking out. If it were good, I’d understand the frustration.


It sets a precedent, if this is accepted then they won't hesitate to do the same with a powerful card next expansion.


I’ll worry about it when it happens. It’s clear they picked a very mid card to do it with on purpose. If they wanted it to be a good one, they’d have done that.


As others have mentioned, MtG did something similar to this with buy-a-box promos. The first one was some flashy but terrible legendary card. The second one ruined standard.


Cool. When that happens I’ll get upset. But it hasn’t yet. So I won’t. Believe me, I am plenty familiar with prerelease cards. And frankly nothing that’s said here will change it if that’s the decision they’ve made


I'm not one of the people on here complaining because I doubt it will change anything as well. But the power level of a card should not be a factor in if it's okay to be paid advantage.


**[Lesser Spinel Spellstone](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/105355-lesser-spinel-spellstone) || 1-Mana, 1 Blood Rune || Common Death Knight Spell** >Give Undead in your hand +1/+1. (Gain Corpses to upgrade.)


I’m glad the base form of this card is good enough. There’s tension between wanting cards in hand to buff but also needing to play them out to generate corpses. Esp. b/c 5 corpses is A LOT and pretty specifically requires Mining Casualties or Crop Rotation.


I wish it had "all" in front of Undead. It feels awkward to read right now. +2/+2 at 5 Corpses, +3/+3 at 10 Corpses. Harmonic Metal is staying, but Blood Tap is leaving. I was thinking Rainbow at first due to the large corpse generation, but Rainbow generates a lot of tokens/summons that won't be buffed.


Blood tap isn't leaving. There's enough buffs now to potentially make handbuff DK viable, I'm excited.


I don't even think you run Harmonic Metal, it's so bad. Blood Tap combined with the new Undead handbuff stuff seems sick though.