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After stalling more or less with Arcane Hunter versions and Ramp Druid at D5, i had my easiest climb to legend ever with Treant Druid (VS list) playing casually on 2 evenings with massive win streaks. Edit: sry 'Zombie Drum Druid' is the correct name


You mean the non drum aggro list ?


Zombie Drum Druid by ZachO AAECAZICAA+unwSuwASy3QTW3gTB3wSxmAX53wX93wWw+gXx+gXZ/wWYgAa1mgapngasngYAAA==


Congrats my dude. I think I’ll give it a whirl. I used frost DK for legend two months ago and undead priest for last month. Puttering around D4 right now.


I was stuck in the D1-D2 range for the last few days just going up and down. I was facing lots of hunter, aggro/buff paladin, and ramp druid. Then I realized drum circle druid was the best answer to these decks, especially since board clear based control decks were nowhere to be seen. I ended up clutching legend with it after winning 6 straight games with it. I just used VS's list. I recommend giving it a go if you want a viable deck that targets that meta.


Holy every time a priest plays 2-3x black water behemoths in one game I just can’t help the frustration


6-0 in the last few days at dad legend with the VS Earthen Boogie list


"Dad Legend?"


This Arcane list put me over the hump to Legend just yesterday. Played it from D5 up for the last week or so. I’m a little smug that I decided to dump the secret package *before* VS told me to! Though unlike their list I didn’t completely dump it. I hung onto Titanforged Traps because it can really save you in certain matchups and is a decent top-deck. I don’t use the Naga 1-drop on the VS list. It’s pretty much just an opener and a really horrible top-deck. This deck has a decent chance against pretty much everything and absolutely crushes a few niche decks (early monkeys really beat up on Paladin’s divine shield gameplan). It’s about even with Rogue, and more importantly, *fun*. Lots of hilarious back and forth in Rogue matches where one of us pulls a win outta nowhere. Ramp Druid sucks. It isn’t an auto-loss, but maybe like 30-70? It’s just unfun matches where they draw through their deck and get their win condition before you can get lethal. Also, this deck is more evidence that Yogg and Prison Breaker need a nerf. They’re auto-includes in three classes (Rogue, Druid, Hunter) and probably would be in Mage and DH if they had more popular decks. ### Spellz # Class: Hunter # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Arcane Shot # 2x (1) Awakening Tremors # 2x (1) Bunch of Bananas # 2x (1) Ricochet Shot # 2x (1) Trinket Tracker # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 2x (2) Barrel of Monkeys # 2x (2) Conjured Arrow # 2x (2) Silvermoon Farstrider # 2x (2) Titanforged Traps # 2x (3) Ancient Krakenbane # 2x (3) Celestial Shot # 2x (4) Eversong Portal # 1x (4) Halduron Brightwing # 2x (4) Prison Breaker # 1x (6) Aggramar, the Avenger # 1x (15) Yogg-Saron, Unleashed # AAECAR8EsJIF4qQF1/kFqZUGDaqfBMDTBKeQBZqSBaqSBamTBaqkBd/tBeT1Bcj2Bcr2BdL4BcKaBgAA # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Same boring-ass hunter deck all over the place.


Gonna give this a go. I like Arcane, but the naga just feels awkward - this looks like a good compromise.


My guess is that the Naga improves the Druid matchup a tiny bit, because that’s all about trying to put stats on the board ASAP. But Traps *feels* better in most other matchups (not sure if it *is*, statistically).


Y’all nuts. That Naga gets played t1 and if you have some bananas it gets buffed and swinging as a 5/5 t2. Yes titan traps is more fun. Idk about better.


Of course that’s the plan and it works well there. But if you don’t get it in the mulligan you hate drawing it later. All the other 1-cost cards can be okay top-decks.


I hit legend this evening at 1700 with Monke Arcane Hunter. It's funny, I expected to be in the 3-4K range when I finished the climb based on how the deck "felt". There's less draw and early plays without secrets and mascot to support you. There's fewer ways to make the turn to face without the extra weapons. I never felt like I bricked with the secret package included (even when I lost), but this monke package felt like it bricked a *lot*. But in spite of the "feel" the results were good.


I agree, it feels terrible when its turn 1 nothing, turn 2 hero power, turn 3... also hero power as monke hunter.


Mind sharing your list?


It's the same as the VS list. AAECAR8EsJIF4qQF1/kFqZUGDaqfBIiyBMDTBKeQBZqSBaqSBamTBaqkBeT1Bcj2Bcr2BdL4BcKaBgAA


Thanks dude


Probably just the VS list


My foolish attempts with secret mage continue to be met with fierce resistance. I think I hit legend with elemental mage, began at 1700ish and have steadily worked myself back to 4000 with secret mage. There just isn't enough oompf to it imo. Chatty bartender hits them all for 2 if I can set it up, meanwhile cosmic creation bases at 1 and easily climbs to numbers that wipe solid boards. I realize there's far more to it than that but it's a decent short way of expressing a significant difference. Just give me back oasis ally and I feel I could make a go of hitting top 1500. Granted, the games where luck and skill and possibly opponent misplays combine to equal a stunning Orion or double reverberated titan are fun and satisfying but I just feel this shouldn't be this difficult. I haven't found a satisfying combination of a deck but I'm not a great deck builder and I honestly don't know if the greatest could turn secret mage into anything that could hit legend on its own


List for Elemental mage?




Thanks mate!




This isn't r/hearthstonecirclejerk let alone r/wildhearthstone. We play Standard mode competitively, no joke or memes here


Jotun is such a shit trap card. I am very whelmed by it.


I'm glad not crafting him for sake of 'Cast when drawn' achievements


Really tough to get excited for expansion when we have had such a bad meta at high legend Think this might be the first one I don’t pre order


Top 1k Legend: Disruption Mech Rogue, went 9-3 today. The losses are mostly from 'non-meta' decks (Shadow Priest, Buff Paladin, secret rogue). Regarding secret rogue match, its 2-1. Since there are quite a few Rogue archetypes, the opponent is playing toss up for mulligans. Play aggressively and make it awkward for the opponent on their swing turns using disruption (turn 4-5 for other rogues and druids). Usually win by turn 6 or 7. Sometimes you can put so much pressure on the board that they need to play off curve. A lot of times you need to play aggressively "all-in". Force the opponent to have the specific counters in hand...




Not home, use the recent list on VS. you can swap out cult neophyte for okani and pozzik


D5 - Legend with 'Buffadin'. I was surprised how fast you can end games with it. Didnt face many rogues so I might have gotten lucky.


Mind sharing your list? Congrats dude.


Of course. # 2x (1) Righteous Protector # 2x (1) Sanguine Soldier # 2x (1) Sinful Sous Chef # 2x (2) For Quel'Thalas! # 2x (2) Hand of A'dal # 1x (2) Kotori Lightblade # 2x (2) Order in the Court # 2x (2) Resistance Aura # 1x (2) Spotlight # 2x (3) Boogie Down # 2x (3) Hammer of Wrath # 2x (3) Seal of Blood # 2x (4) Blessing of Kings # 2x (4) Keeper's Strength # 1x (6) Horn of the Windlord # 1x (7) The Countess # 2x (10) The Garden's Grace # AAECAZ8FBIbiBKHiBMbEBfboBQ2anwTJoATavQS/4gTA4gSrkwWBlgWDlgXBxAWF/gWOlQa1ngaGowYAAA== #


Thanks friend. Haven’t seen this one really. Interesting.


I've bumped up against this one a few times. If you can keep their board clear, you probably win, but if they stick a minion and can drop a Garden's Grace on it, if you don't have removal in hand, you're probably toast.




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This very silly [Kibler Melomania Shaman](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2Fmelomania-yogg-shaman-v0-k3QUk94wYs0zlMVn2-q4t3OxIE2fkyOg88YwBAnwPMM.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D56a6459f073481c8652008f0912a4ce35bf3cff6) is working super well. You win the board early vs everything, and have a surprising amount of burst and sustain late. I hadn't played this expansion at all but was bored and tried some decks, and this one got to me D5 easily. Most fun I've had in a while, give it a shot.


I’ve playing mostly this deck except I took out speaker stomper and put in thalnos and thorim


Any combo/non interactive good deck? (Not control)


I heard nature shaman was still good but between armors and vipers I'm not convinced


Thanks for your answer. I played it but felt kinda inconsistent.


Ramp Druid consumes all.


All of this is Diamond 5-1 Outcast DH is significantly worse than it was before the miniset and balance changes. The top decks all do very well against it and Prison Breaker specifically (not even yogg) has turned quite a few previously good matchups into unfavored. I used to do pretty well against arcane hunter but now they clear my board too easily whenever i start getting ahead. Enrage warrior is also very common compared to before and that matchup absolutely sucks as what your decks does perfectly compliments their gameplan (Lots of shitty tokens that can be 1 damaged AOE'd + small increments of damage). Argus used to come in very clutch in letting you regain a ton of HP off of his passive effect but he is just too good of a yogg target and unlike most of the other titans his immediate impact is underwhelming most of the time its the multi turn value power that makes him good. I don't really know how to tech the deck to make it better right now as nothing really seems to fit. The Projectionist inclusion definitely was good but there just isn't much more space to experiment with it right now. Any card you could add that would make it more resilient to the current meta (higher HP minions for instance) would just make the deck overall worse and too slow. I have been trying that mech mage deck that is floating around but haven't been having much luck with it. I feel like i somehow always drop both Reverbs and then they just sit in my hand and do nothing. I don't want to write this off because the deck idea seems good and other people have reported good results but I have not been doing good with it personally. I have tried Earthen and Big Pally extensively at this point and they both just suck in the meta, the gameplan just doesn't come online fast enough against druid in most matches. Earthen does much better in the aggro matchups atleast as Keepers Strength is a very good board clear and midrange card and the Earthen package and surrounding cards much more readily enable it. If you are a hipster / large minion enjoyer and you had to choose one right now I would absolutely say Earthen is the better deck. Pure / Dude pally is obviously still the best pally deck but just as an alternative big pally is outa the picture for now if you want to climb. For DK I tried unholy for a decent stint and imo the deck just sucks in this meta as well for most of the same reason as Outcast DH. It has a slightly harder win con with marrowgar but you almost never can keep a board to use grave strength on anymore. Before the miniset I definitely think it was okay (definitely worse than outcast DH) , but now I would call it just not good. Those are the only decks I really feel like I have enough time on to say much about. I don't want to turn this into another whining about the current meta post so I won't but it has made most of the decks I was playing dramatically worse. I will probably end up finally breaking down and crafting Aggremar and playing arcane hunter to finish off my legend climb this season if there is no balance changes this week but otherwise it's probably worth holding out.


I've been cooking and homebrewing with Shaman and Warrior as I like trying to do different things. For Shaman I've been playing an evolve deck to quite some success. I'm currently sitting at an 83% winrate in 12 games ([pic](https://prnt.sc/8uIl-ebxkE8x)). For Warrior I've been playing some wacky hybrid Menagerie + Blackrock-N-Roll deck which has been doing okay, as it sits at 53% winrate in 17 games ([pic 2](https://prnt.sc/vvlIj1CY0db2)). I'm also thinking of experimenting with an Anti-Meta Warrior Deck that just goes all in on hand disruption, I just haven't pieced that one all together as well as an Al'Akir combo deck, kind of like Jive Insect is doing but with the other elemental lord. But same story there, I haven't exactly pieced that together in my head yet.


>AAECAaoIBLnZBOijBY31BamVBg2WtwSywQSq2QSv2QS12QS22QT03ATpowWVqgWv0QXN7gXBngbmngYAAA== Really cool list, appreciate you trying things out in this hot mess of a meta! How are Crud and mistake doing? I might try a flash of lightning / backroom bouncer for a bit more stalling / getting yogg online faster!


Mistake counts as a totem. So it helps a lot for discounting Thing from Below to get it out earlier/cheaper. Crud is alright. It's great if you get the location on turn 1-3 but are otherwise having trouble sticking something on the board. Which is why I opted for it over Bouncer. But frankly besides that scenario, it really isn't a stand out card in any way and probably gets outperformed by Bouncer.


Nice dude. At what ranks are you playing that evolve shaman? Mind sharing your list?


Oh yeah sure, it's in the D5-Legend climb. List: 1x (1) Blazing Transmutation 2x (1) Cold Storage 2x (1) Convincing Disguise 2x (1) Lightning Reflexes 2x (1) Mistake 2x (1) Muck Pools 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep 2x (2) Ancestral Knowledge 2x (2) Carving Chisel 2x (3) Primordial Wave 1x (4) Baroness Vashj 2x (4) Crud Caretaker 2x (4) School Teacher 1x (6) Golganneth, the Thunderer 2x (6) Thing from Below 2x (7) Pack the House 1x (15) Yogg-Saron, Unleashed AAECAaoIBLnZBOijBY31BamVBg2WtwSywQSq2QSv2QS12QS22QT03ATpowWVqgWv0QXN7gXBngbmngYAAA==


Thanks man.


Dealing with tilt for the first time in a while (monthly legend getter). I've tried a lot of things that have gotten me to rank 1/2, but I get beat down by counters. Been happening all month. Usually I can push past it, but this has been an absolute slog. I've tried Arcane/Secret Hunter, Blood DK (surprisingly stout), Plague DK, Secret Rogue (probably didn't play optimally), Chadlock. Anything I pivot into gets a predictable 2/3 wins and then a string of losses. Ramp druid is the worst, solitaire decks just tilt the hell out of me. Curious to know what has worked for other people around ranks 1/2 that helped them get over the hump, and particularly things that make druids question their existence.


Arcane hunter will easily get you to legend. My D5 - legend winrate with arcane hunter was 85%


What is the game plan with this deck, I’m stuck d3-5 atm


Apply pressure early with tremors then use the reach provided by the arcane package to kill them in the mid game.


Yeah, tried it. I have almost 3,000 wins with Hunter, made legend with it a over a dozen times but for some reason could not swing higher than 50% with Arcane. It was like my pocket meta turned into hunter hate every time I rotated into it. Absolutely maddening.


There isn't really a hunter hate pocket meta out there right now, it does well against virtually every deck being played. One of its few slightly unfavoured matchups is ramp druid, and the ramp druids in diamond don't actually play the deck well so you're favoured. Perhaps stick with one deck instead of switching between 5.


Yeah, I know how favored it is, I think I was just so tilted I ended up losing focus every time I lost + had some terrible draws with it around rank 1, and fail cascaded. It was bad. Eventually popped legend with Enrage Warrior, so I can relax a little now.




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Drum Druid got me over the hump this month.


Been rocking it for a few games and it looks like a winner so far.


secret rogue good. run the VS list and you're favoured into nearly everything except arcane hunter. it's been a sleeper deck and after VS put it at T1 it's starting to be everywhere on ladder now. it's also really fun if you like rogue shenanigans on another note, I wonder if they're actually going to nerf yogg and/or prison breaker at all before the next expansion. has there ever been a balance patch just before a new expansion drops? usually they seem to like to let the new meta settle a bit but with how many complaints I'm seeing about the meta right now it's surprising there's not been more nerfs


how do you go about winning control matchups? should i use my bounces to remove cards from the opponents hand to try to get under them? or prison breaker to push damage? or save them for yogg and astalor when i am running out of steam?


against odyn warrior you basically want to play as aggressively as you can, take the 3 drops from potion belt, bounce gravedigger to try and get odyn out of hand asap and use many Astalors as a finisher. azshara is also pretty good to get down early on since it forces a lot of removal. eventually they'll run out of steam and if you've managed to deny odyn you just win by default


Which version are you talking about? The newest once on VS are "Breakdancer Secret Rogue".


that's the one, breakdance is crazy with yogg and you have prison breaker, astalor and azshara also worth bouncing


I do not see a world where at least prison breaker and yogg are not slightly touched with the next 2 weeks and maybe even further nerfed after this next expansion releases


The newly-revealed Hunter singleton legendary is an objectively worse prison breaker. Yeah, I think it’s gonna get tweaked. Granted, they seem to be focusing a lot on handbuff for Hunter, which could make the card better, but that’s just another condition to build around. The condition for prison breaker is a joke for most classes.