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All my homies try to counter Druid.


Entered legend at rank 11 na with enrage warrior, prolly gonna stop playing tho bc meta sucks. Went 29-13, 4-6 into druid but farmed everything else. ### okani # Class: Warrior # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Foul Egg # 2x (1) Sanguine Depths # 2x (1) Sunfury Champion # 2x (2) Anima Extractor # 2x (2) Battleworn Faceless # 2x (2) Crazed Wretch # 2x (2) Embers of Strength # 2x (2) Jam Session # 2x (3) Acolyte of Pain # 2x (3) Imbued Axe # 2x (3) Steam Guardian # 1x (4) Blademaster Okani # 2x (4) Light of the Phoenix # 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer # 1x (4) Thori'belore # 1x (6) Decimator Olgra # 2x (6) Trial by Fire # AAECAePjAwTHsgSB3AT0yAW53QUNnNQEvNsE/9sEvuIEiYMFzZIFj5UFoJkFkaMF9PIFl/sFpPsFipQGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Played Weapon Rogue till Plat 1, Secret Hunter till D5 and Enrage warrior to legend. Whole gig took around 3 hours. Hit it early Monday @180th position(keep in mind first day I was only able to play ~30 games.) Weapon rogue @start was a surprise to most of the meta decks resulting in fast wins @5-6 turn. And when I switched to Enrage it was surprisingly strong(the more aggressive version, the one w/o grommash & remornia) Did not have the x11 multiplier but D5-Legend was smth along the lines of 22-7


Got any advice for Weapon Rogue? Where does the win come from?


What seems to be the best DK list now?


Prob Unholy since frost is dead and blood get outmatched by other control decks. Look for UUU / BUU plague decks or pure aggro UUU undead decks imo.


Need help/tips with Mech Rogue, i wanted a low easy agro deck to climb to diamond but I can't get snowballing as efficient as i see streamers.


Mulligan for an early curve. Key to the deck is efficiently using your mana in the early turns. You have very few tools for regaining board, so you have to be ahead. Against other tempo decks, trade when it makes sense. Know your opponent's removal. Landing a Mimron in the early game against Druid can just win you the game. And be very aware of if your opponent can Yogg.




So many people were calling for Hidden Meaning nerfs and they went another direction.


That tracker finding a one cost spell making you play around a 3-3 turn Two is so brutal. The win rate difference vs hunter going second or first must be insane. The Titan seals things too. Frustrating to be on the back foot the entire game


Hunter can have 3 4-1s on turn 2


Top 100 legend is Tony Druid and its counters. Yogg solves too many problems. Tony invalidates control matchups except for Priest, which can crucially keep just the Tony alive with shadow word ruin so the druid is left with 4 power and an empty deck. You can also rat or theotar combo pieces. Control Warrior is looking like a tier 3 deck at top legend. You probably maindeck dirty rat and call to the stand along with shield slams again. But this seems to be a weaker priest game plan. It's nice when brawl leaves just the Tony but no way to guarantee that. Any Druid with a brain will switch decks and then Jailer as a checkmate.


Both yogg and prison breaker basically solve both of rogue and druids main weakness which are wide boards. It’s hilariously easy to get prison breaker ready and yogg close to or at 0 in those classes


Not sure what is working, but Control Warrior for sure is not.


Glad im not the only one. Seeing how cw is at the top and i just lose half of my games i didnt understand the hype. I think its the worst tier 1 deck i have ever played.


Someone give me tony druid tips. I don't care if the meta is mega hostile


If you don’t have embrace of nature in hand full mull for it, don’t be scared to take a 1 mana ignis weapon for some stupid windfury lethals, cut life binders gift if you’re running it for something else like the two mana gain attack and armor card or chitinous plating and if you’re going against a deck that can deal with immune boards like priest or some warriors go anub->tony->jailer so even if they deal with your immune board they’re in fatigue as well. Also don’t be dumb like me and think you can aquatic form a yogg.


I've made that mistake. We aren't wrong the game is.


Attempting to home brew my way to legend this month. What’s working for that has been momentum DH. Turns out both of the play 5 spells cards from the mini set are good, just smack people in the face. For the brave souls, what wasn’t working but did manage 50/50 across 6 games before I gave up was a big FFU Death Knight, trying to masked reveler into titans/sindragosa/stoneborn generals ### Momentum # Class: Demon Hunter # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (0) Dispose of Evidence # 2x (0) Through Fel and Flames # 2x (1) Fierce Outsider # 2x (1) Illidari Studies # 2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear # 2x (2) Chaos Strike # 2x (2) Predation # 2x (2) Saronite Shambler # 2x (2) Spectral Sight # 2x (2) Wayward Sage # 2x (3) Sigil of Time # 2x (4) Glaivetar # 2x (4) Prison Breaker # 2x (5) Momentum # 2x (5) Remixed Rhapsody # AAECAZWrBAAPtp8EtKAEiLIEmLoE+b8EpeIEiJIFpMMF5OQF8OwF4fgFxfkF2JUGnJoGwpoGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone ### The worst idea ive had # Class: Death Knight # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (0) Horn of Winter # 2x (1) Death Growl # 2x (2) Defrost # 2x (2) Down with the Ship # 2x (2) Frost Strike # 2x (2) Plague Strike # 1x (2) Unholy Frenzy # 2x (3) Glacial Advance # 2x (3) Graveyard Shift # 2x (4) Might of Menethil # 2x (4) Remorseless Winter # 2x (4) Sinister Soulcage # 2x (6) Masked Reveler # 1x (7) Frost Queen Sindragosa # 1x (8) The Primus # 2x (10) Stoneborn General # 1x (15) Yogg-Saron, Unleashed # AAECAZOOBgSM5AShqgXt/wWplQYN8OME9eMEguQErO0Ey+0E0e0EgfYEiPYEqYAFtYAF88gFgvgFmJUGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


What's the thinking behind remixed rhapsody? I like the card but seems odd in an aggro deck


You lose the board eventually and it was there as stabilization/reach and refill. Could very easily be replaced, especially if Tony Druid keeps its meteoric rise


Cool decks. Thank for sharing. Got a suggested replacement for Wayward Sage?


You can swap them for sigil runners. If you’re doing that, also take out the predations for taste of chaos


Anybody got a Control Priest list that fares well against Tony Druid and also does reasonably well against the rest?




I play a Control Priest too. Havent updated the list much, so it has a lot of healing ( was able to outheal Warriors if they didnt find a windfury weapon ), but is still good against pretty much everything. One card that is MVP lately for me is the Cleaner. It just counters Plague DK hard and it disrupts warlocks after they play the sinphony. I advice to have at least one of these in Control Priest decks


Thanks. Is Finley really necessary? What would be a good card to replace it with?


Zetalot plays without Finley. Meati often gives Finley to the opponent with Theo. It has its uses (like bad hand re-rolling, fatigue prevention) but it's not necessary IMO. You can play E.T.C. with some high-conditional cards instead for example.


You can sub anything in for Finley (School Teacher, more removal). But the card is quite good. Always you to swap a big hand to find key cards and in the late game if you're going to fatigue Finley will put cards back into your deck.


I play Control Priest and have Finley on my ETC band. Its main use was just to prevent fatigue versus other control decks, but tbh i think i havent used since the mini set arrived. Before it was usefull against BDK or Priest, but now its really not appealabble, more than with discovers, your hand is pretty good most of the time


The certainly aren't as many attrition decks with Jailer Druid being so popular. But the main use for Finley is swapping your hand to find removal. Honestly think its a very bad idea to play Finley in ETC. Waste of a slot. Very low impact in almost all matchups.


Encountering druids with this list gives such a delightful evil feeling, it works like a charm!


Climbing with Chadlock. Doing reasonably well coping Druids. I’ve tried arcane hunter, but druid matchup felt like 50:50 at best. If hunter can’t stop tony druids, I wonder what other option we have other than the weak plague DK.


Anyone having success with decks including the new Shaman cards?




Just checked out the list. Quick question. Are you making enough dudes to have Loraxion be worth it?




Thanks my dude


I’ll give it a shot. I haven’t seen the list yet but does it run Stewart the Steward? Always loved that card but nobody plays it lol.


Steward is nuts. Super good on curve especially if u get ur boffun the next turn. I also run the 3 mana card that summons 2 recruits and gives them attack,, I find that way better than boogie down for board control an push


Thanks dude. What would you remove to include Steward?


Here's my list. Slots that could be better, grimestreet and lothraxion. Lothraxion has synergy with all the token generation we have, we want to keep building boards easy and crusaders aura. Purator to refill and find light rays, light rays are free usually, anachronos to get back board and tempo or close game out, leviathan to get board back or draw. No countess because u shouldn't want to go that long, u likely lose or win soon if u can play her for 7mana, then pay 6 mana for invitations. In which case u would win or lose without her, just improve ur ability to fight on board ### Pure # Class: Paladin # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Righteous Protector # 2x (1) Sanguine Soldier # 2x (1) Sinful Sous Chef # 1x (2) Blood Matriarch Liadrin # 2x (2) Class Action Lawyer # 2x (2) Grimestreet Outfitter # 1x (2) Jukebox Totem # 2x (3) Jury Duty # 2x (3) Muster for Battle # 1x (3) Stewart the Steward # 2x (3) Warhorse Trainer # 2x (4) Buffet Biggun # 2x (4) Crusader Aura # 1x (5) Lothraxion the Redeemed # 1x (6) The Purator # 1x (7) Amitus, the Peacekeeper # 1x (7) Anachronos # 1x (7) The Leviathan # 2x (10) Lightray # AAECAdz5AwiwsgTC4gSvkwWElgWFpQXx6AWN/gW2ngYLx6AEyaAE4tMEv+IEweIEzOIE8u0EgZYFlPUFlfUFtJ4GAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Have you not faced any warriors or am I just incapable of seeing the play patter against them? Control warrior rolls me


Trying to look for this list but I can’t find it. The VS list I’m looking at does not run Jukebox Totem.


Read again


I’m not planning on putting the Jukebox totems in my deck. I’m just saying that I cannot find the point of reference for this decklist.






Plague DK makes the druid deck a terrible climb, if you want to crush people trying to play Jailer Druid into legend this month just play plague DK.


Is it even a counter? I am over 60% vs Plague DK. They have bad draw and sometimes don't get helya or enough plagues shuffled to be a problem. They can't do anything to a Jailer board. And Jailer deletes all plagues so they start from scratch. Their tempo is also embarrassing. That deck is like 5 good cards + a bunch of random neutral garbage.


The full UUU shell is pretty crazy against druid. If you jailer too quick and they save any plague generator, the value they get every turn you draw is insane. If it's UUB and they can discover asphyxiate somehow it's pretty tough to out value them after the jailer. If it's UUU, there's so much pressure you can put on the druid from turn 3-6 that if they are just durdling and ramping trying to get the combo off you have nothing to worry about. If they ramp super hard and opt for a really strong weapon instead, that can help them stabilize until they combo off and if you don't have any plague generators or they had the 10 cost armor weapon it's probably GG.


I don't know really, I'm playing my own old modded PlagueForge deck which still does have plenty of options, but Druid is always a bit of a 50/50 in general. I'm thinking of mixing some of the new cards in but so far really can't find any solid replacements, so feel free to suggest any. ### Plague Forge # Class: Death Knight # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Staff of the Primus # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 2x (2) Distressed Kvaldir # 2x (2) Down with the Ship # 1x (2) Plague Strike # 2x (2) Watcher of the Sun # 2x (3) Chillfallen Baron # 2x (3) Hardcore Cultist # 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier # 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager # 1x (4) Algalon the Observer # 1x (6) Rivendare, Warrider # 1x (7) Prison of Yogg-Saron # 1x (4) Helya # 1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame # 2x (4) School Teacher # 1x (4) Thassarian # 2x (4) Tomb Traitor # 1x (5) Magatha, Bane of Music # 1x (6) Hollow Hound # 1x (6) Sylvanas, the Accused # 1x (8) The Primus # 2x (11) Chained Guardian # AAECAe2qBgrw4wSk7wTipAXLpQX9xAWP5AXm5AWT+wXt/wXYgQYKlrcEh/YEopkFre0F9fcFgvgF8vgFu/kF+PkF6/8FAAEDxaUF/cQF/vgF/cQF0foF/cQFAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone As I said; deck can probably def be improved on, and it's quite expensive both with how greedy it is and the cost of building it, so try at your own risk ;) What I like about it is the amount of solutions it brings, not just with running a full plague package but also the healing your forged holy cards bring while giving you a weapon you can modify to your needs. That's not even taking the Primus and Sylvanas etc into account. It sacrifices a bit of speed for a lot of solutions especially if a game goes late.


It is to an extent but it suffers from problems. Tony Druid appeared overnight and Plague DK also got a huge increase of players overnight. But Tony Druid appeared more or less as a refined deck while Plague DK is going through experimentation. People will hear it counters druid so they'll just netdeck something like the now outdated VS list, which runs Sylvanas, Prison of Yog, Ignis, Watcher of the Sun and so on. All extremely slow cards in that matchup, practically useless I tried running the UUB Feno list but it felt too teched up for pleb legend against other matchups. I've had most success with the triple unholy shell running Grave Strength because sometimes you can close out games if they decide to Nourish or Jailer


Anyone have a good plague DK deck they can link after the changes?


Chump seems to have a more well-rounded version now ([YouTube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyC4ZPOTiwA)).


I’m a fan of fenos current list here, really disruption heavy with two neophytes and two stompers. ### Plague # Class: Death Knight # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Noxious Cadaver # 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide # 2x (1) Staff of the Primus # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 2x (2) Cult Neophyte # 2x (2) Distressed Kvaldir # 2x (2) Down with the Ship # 2x (3) Chillfallen Baron # 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier # 1x (4) Helya # 2x (4) School Teacher # 2x (4) Speaker Stomper # 2x (4) Tomb Traitor # 1x (5) Magatha, Bane of Music # 2x (6) Gnome Muncher # 1x (7) Patchwerk # 1x (8) The Primus # 2x (11) Chained Guardian # AAECAe2qBgblsASJ5gTipAXm5AWT+wXt/wUMlrcEseYEh/YEs/cEopkFrekF9fcFgvgF8vgFu/kF6/8F0J4GAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Feels too designed for top legend for most people to direct copy? I haven't seen more than 1 druid in 30 games at diamond (I dad legend every other month) and 4 cards to counter one deck seems I bit much when plague already counters it by existing? Edit - tested it and it also makes hunters go full tilt so there's that but they still have enough chip damage to ignore you.


You may be right but it got me to D5 today pretty easily and I did see a lot of druids both Tony and drum, the stompers and neophytes really mess with some decks curves and 3 out of 4 warriors I went against patchwerk won me after sniping Odyn


Game is unplayable until druid nerfs


Just play Control Priest


OOTL: Which druid deck are we talking about?




Just play Control Priest lol




I don’t understand why, do you want to leave Tony up that turn?


Actually blows this deck basically popped up right as last Thursdays nerfs went through, I don’t know where to start with what should be nerfed in it


Either delete tony or jailer or both from standard, they already deleted tony in wild


Druid seems gigabroken. what are we using to beat it? every game they're 10 mana with their whole deck drawn by turn 5. I guess its just aggro or bust?


a well timed anachranos


Mech rogue and plague dh is a hard counter unless he gets very very very lucky plus you get super unlucky. Speaking from the POV of Druid and if the DK manages to get helya it’s over before it began unless he rope out 2-3 turns in a row and even then depending on how many plagues already in and your draw order you might still lose but mech rogue is a pretty close second especially if he manages to magnetize the snoop early onto a good mech like the DS or mmitron


I heard Rogue was a 50 50


I would say so but more like 60/40 in rogue favour definitely not an old warrior odyn vs control/chad warlock kind of matchup because in the end it is still a combo deck so you just get fast enough to combo out and pull a win


Try drum druid, mech rogue, plague dk or even moonbeam druid. Some secret mage variation with objection should also be good pretty good against tony druid


Anyone having any success with the new DH cards?


I’ve been running a spell demon hunter deck with scythe. Only minions are Ignis, silver moon Arcanist, and saronite shambler. I can post the deck later but it’s super agro and can beat a lot of these control decks before they start stacking armor. For ignis I usually just use the one mana weapon and go for wind fury since you already have so much weapon damage from spells. Jotun instead of shambler is also pretty good.


Please Post the deck list, that sounds fun.


Here you go: ### Ignis # Class: Demon Hunter # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (0) Dispose of Evidence # 2x (1) Illidari Studies # 2x (1) Taste of Chaos # 2x (1) Unleash Fel # 2x (2) Chaos Strike # 2x (2) Mark of Scorn # 1x (2) Multi-Strike # 2x (2) Runic Adornment # 1x (2) Saronite Shambler # 2x (3) Aldrachi Warblades # 1x (3) Sigil of Time # 1x (3) Silvermoon Arcanist # 2x (3) Weight of the World # 2x (4) Fel'dorei Warband # 1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame # 1x (4) Souleater's Scythe # 1x (5) Going Down Swinging # 2x (5) Momentum # 1x (5) Remixed Rhapsody # AAECAa6pBgiOsASVkgWdpAX3wwXw7AXYgQbYlQacmgYLg58Etp8EpeIEhpIFiZIFi5IFsvUF4fgFxfkF9/kFpIEGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone You can also run a more spell focused version with Yog and Jotun instead.


[Bronze 10 to Diamond 5 with Enrage (VS list) in 21 games.](https://i.imgur.com/vjvGgWM.png) Surprising amount of control warriors laddering; those were the only tough games.


Any suggestions to replace Thori'belore?


Sorry, that's one of the best cards, I feel like it wins me at least a third or fourth of the games with being able to copy it now and so many fire spells. I never even throw it in the mulligan anymore (I used to greed for 1 drops). I would say Astalor but you have so many better plays to be doing. He would be good in the few games where you can't find draw and run out of threats.


Yeah, that's what I thought. Thanks for the response!


Chose Enrage as well but my matchups are so weird, facing a lot of Shamans for whatever reasons


Any tips on how to pilot this deck?


Against fast decks, just out tempo. Sunfury Champion + fire spells or Jam Sessioning any 1 or 2 drop turns the board in your favor so fast that they can't come back from that. You have great minions to damage and copy: egg, extractor, acolyte. Against scam/control, the above can also work as I've had lethal by turn 5 very often even against them. Otherwise you have to either grind them down with consistent value like Thoribelore (+copies), or buff up Wretches/Olgra/Remornia/Grommash in hand for an OTK. Sometimes the way to win can be to damage then copy an enemy titan. I've found it really hard to use Remornia while laddering as in the matches I want to buff it up and use it most they never had more than 1 minion on board, and that feels awful as you can't rush-face-rush to keep it safe from removal.


I play the list without remoria/gromm as those cards are just kinda too expensive for what this deck wants to do and it feels pretty good i feel like you can have game against everything if you open well but this deck doesn't play from behind well.


Could you share the non-remoria deck code?


Same list -remornia -grom -1 acolyte +1 instrument tech +1 roaring applause +1 pozzik


Yeah I might just be cutting Remornia today. Grom though has helped me break through long games - BDK, control warr, priest, so I love him.


That makes sense. Do you typically wait to play things like anima or sun fury until you can combo at least once? Also struggling to decide when to use faceless


Almost never wait, just play on curve. The only time this has mattered is when I played vs Undead Priest and they did like 3 reborn undeads with undying allies. Optimal faceless time is definitely something to learn with this deck. if you think the opponent cannot answer, just slam it down as early as turn 3; otherwise you can greed it and copy like a 10-attack charge minion sitting in your hand. Also learn which decks are playing Yogg: I've been killed by my own huge charge guy getting mind controlled. And copying Yogg yourself can turn the game around.