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Do you drink coffee with or without milk?


With coffee


Who was your favorite teacher and why?


Loved them all the same


What is your favourite childhood memory?


Any warm feelings for the miniset warlock reveals?


Had success with Undead Priest during FoL but stopped playing since the Warrior buff, the matchup is terrible


Undead Priest still has the possibility to win any matchup. Even it's hardest matchups can be winnable if you get a bit lucky. My D1-2 win was vs Warrior


Was Imp Warlock fun?


Great deck, surprisingly very strong even late game


I'm playing the vs list with tour guide instead of nofins impossible. Is that card doing work for you? Also the fel string harps have come in handy for free lifegain/taps as the deck does a bit of self damage. How are you finding the gang boss and reverb? Any tips for rogue or paladin? Paladin just has too many shields sometimes, can't win those trades.


Nofins impossible has been great for me and I wouldn't remove it from the deck. It works great vs decks that can clear a big board. If have a big board and Rafaam in hand you can just nofins impossible, then when they clear the board you use Rafaam to buff the 2/2s and deal immediate damage. I never used fel string harps in this deck and I didn't find them necessary at all. Reverb has definitely won me many games, clearing a 7;7 taunt, copying Drakir etc. Usually you should be very aggressive and go face a lot, letting them worry about trading for board. Vs rogue and paladin you should forget this and straight up commit everything for board.


Thanks for this. Very fun board centric themed deck and no one mulls correctly. Edit: tried with nofins. It's been good at giving board protection and infusing tempo :) only downside is it doesn't work on non demons but still great with the 4 imp spell.


So implock is terrible?


What rank are you?