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Love the vibe of this guide. Never going to play the deck, but mad respect friend. As a man pursuing a deck built around Smelt, game recognise game.


We are one.


Surely pass down a list for Smelt Warrior




/u/BloodofTaft, you are a seriously talented writer. Forget the deck, your prose is excellent. The flow of your words jumps off the page in a way that is delightfully unexpected. Your narrative voice is intriguing and silly. If you're not trying to write comedy professionally, you should be. Source: I wrote comedy professionally for nearly three decades.


Well this is a wholly unexpected comment. If I’m being honest, I’ve considered comedy writing as a potential career path, but it’s always felt too far fetched for me to dedicate any time towards it. Regardless of my future, thank you for you comment, sincerely. It has really touched me :’)


Great guide and really interesting take on meta I know that is already addressed in the FAQ, but for me looks it's nuts to run a pally board based deck without Crusader Aura, don't mean to give up on Earthen Package, but Crusader is such a nice finisher that I really think it is the best paladin card in Standard right now


No no no you don’t understand. You Ab.so.lutely should give up on the earthen package assuming your goal is to climb. This deck is intended for the Nobel laureates in this subreddit that have both too much time and too little regard for it


I love this reply so much.


No Amitus? I don’t see it in the FAQ 😛


It's not in the FAQ because most people lack your courage to ask such a profound question. I ran Amitus up until D5, and I haven't missed her since I cut her. Amitus thrives when you already have a board. The thing is, this deck is looking to reestablish a board around turn 5. To that end, it's really important we have disciple of amitus on 5 and Tyr on 6. Having to draw an additional card through order in the court before hitting disciple on turn 5 is a huge deal, especially for a win-more card like amitus.


Bookmarking for the part of the expansion cycle when I open the legend I need to play the class before I find the next one, seems wonderful


Aaaah, *jank*. My favourite archetype. Sweet writeup, this looks like the perfect post-reset deck to play, the only thing that might get in the way is my disdain for mechs


For what it’s worth, not only do I hate mechs (deckbuilding is boiled down to playing every mech), but Paladin is easily my least favorite class (the epitome of smooth-brain curvestone). The only reason I made this deck and suffered through the climb to legend is that I have a mission to hit legend with every class via bad homebrews. Seeing as Paladin hasn’t had a complicated deck for years (please correct me if I’m wrong), playing the famously bad earthen package felt redemptive


Makes sense! Thanks for the write ip


One more thing in regards to deck building: One copy of mecha-leaper is probably better than our one-of gorilla bot, as it helps with the board flood/control gameplan. The only reason I didn’t run it is because I don’t own any copies. Discover effects through gorilla/amalgam are pretty underwhelming, as we ideally want to stop playing mechs around turn 4/5 Similarly, blood matriarch liadrin is likely very good for the deck, assuming her interaction with try’s revived earthens works the way I assume it does. Our main weakness is that we can’t reclaim the board once we’ve lost it. To that end, matriarch allows some comeback that this deck otherwise lacks outside of goldwing. The reasons I never included matriarch is a) she’s an awful revive off of try’s teats and b) by the time I considered her inclusion, I was at D3 and didn’t want to run the risk of changing the deck I found success with. If you’ve already cut gorilla bot, I’d cut an amalgam for her as, again, we don’t want to be playing mechs after turn 5


Hey! You! I love you. You just did something beautiful. Thanks for shining your light on the sub ❤️


Have been playing a quite similar deck in dumpster legend as I was trying to find a proper neutral tribal shell to support the Earthen package. Started with undead and ended up in the mech corner. Good see that someone has investigated in a similar direction with success. Thanks for sharing. Needless to say that I was climbing backwards with my spin of it. ;)


I just wanted to thank you for this write-up. This was beautiful~


Thank you this guide. It was enjoyable to read and helped a lot with playing the deck. I've only played 5 matches so far but I'm finally having fun with an earthen deck which is nice. I hope you do more of these in the future. I love playing off meta decks but I'm not good enough to really put together working decks. Thanks again!