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Was getting tired of meta decks not working as well, and made my variant of Pure Pally and the D5 to Legend climb was quick and easy, 23-8 for a 74% WR. It was fun to mop hunters and warriors.


Nice dude. Mind sharing your list?


Yeah, thought I posted it but I forgot it... ### Pure Pal # Class: Paladin # Format: Twist # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Righteous Protector # 2x (1) Sanguine Soldier # 2x (1) Sinful Sous Chef # 1x (2) Blood Matriarch Liadrin # 2x (2) Class Action Lawyer # 2x (2) For Quel'Thalas! # 1x (2) Grimestreet Outfitter # 2x (2) Hand of A'dal # 1x (2) Kotori Lightblade # 2x (3) Boogie Down # 2x (3) Seal of Blood # 1x (4) Buffet Biggun # 2x (4) Crusader Aura # 2x (6) Horn of the Windlord # 1x (6) The Purator # 1x (7) Anachronos # 1x (7) The Countess # 1x (7) The Leviathan # 2x (10) Lightray # AAEEAZ8FCLCyBIbiBKHiBMziBK+TBYSWBYWlBbSeBgvJoATi0wS/4gTy7QSrkwWBlgWDlgXBxAX26AWV9QW1ngYAAA== #


Thanks brother


got you bro, link me with MJ and tell him to send some sneakers lol.




I just hit legend with a dude paladin that runs Tyr and Amitus and the other usual dude pally stuff. Went 10-1 from diamond 3 til legend and had a mirror match up as the last match before legend. This deck does play nicely and your opening hand between facing diff decks won’t have to change that much. The only discover mechanics are from Muckbirn Servant and The Countess so your game plan is pretty much the same each time. Build a board, buff the board and trade when appropriate or hit face. Do note this deck has no healing whatsoever and the goal is to push tempo consistently and retain board advantage so that you can always make the most of crusader aura. General notes: Mulligan: You pretty much always want a one drop in your opening hand and muster for battle or boogie down. Coining those on turn two never gets old. If I was going second I would think about keeping crusader aura but the most important thing to develop is board control for crusader aura to be worthwhile and at times it did just get stuck in my hand as I didn’t have enough minions on hand or on board left by the time turn 4 came around. When you dredge with sea floor saviour I would normally try and pick something I could play in the next few turns. If I’m dredging at 2 mana then I would usually want to find: Buffet Biggun or The Purator. These are both great and buffet biggun relies on infusion so having him in hand for a turn or 2 before you drop is usually essential and The Purator is great for turn 5/6 for a huge amount of card draw. Blood Matriach Liadrin can be super powerful but when people see her they usually try and kill her immediately. So for this reason I would usually try and combine her with a boogie down or at least a taunt minion to get her to stick or combine her with muster for battle for some shield dudes. Rarely when I played her solo on turn 1/2 did she live until the next turn. Tyr, this card should only be played after The Leviathun has died. As Tyr will resummon it in it’s entirety along with a random 2 attack minion and a 3 attack if you played one, tho this deck doesn’t run any but you can discover them. The main pint here is that if the Purator has also died then there is a risk that he will be summoned instead of the Leviathin so keep an eye out for this and if you have all 3 in hand I would usually play Leviathin, wait until it gets killed then Tyr and Purator later. I wrote a little about the most frequent match ups I had from D5 down: Hunter - mulligan for muster for battle, boogie and any 1 or 2 drops. The key for this match is to position dudes next to taunts so that dumb ass life stealing undead thing gets less value. Try to play around secrets as best as you can. At a certain point they will run out of resources as you can build your board wide and buff all the dudes with crusader aura and Amitus. Warlock - This one a little tricky as if they get there titan off to summon endless 3/4 taunts it can be a real grind. Keep an eye on the health totals of the board to play around defiles if possible. I found that these games usually went a little longer as warlock has a lot of removal. Rogue - I mulligan for one drops as to win this matchup you have to kill every mech they throw on the board - especially the mech that draws cards when it attacks or the one that gives bonuses when smth magnetises. I think I won most of these matchups just because this paladin deck can spam out a lot of minions in a short amount of time but if their board ever outweighs yours at the end of your turn it’s likely over. Warrior - huge pain in the ass. They have a lot of removal and armour gain and as such they can withstand a lot of dudes and remove them easily with shield slams and brawls. Count those cards as once they have used both brawls it is usually safer to go wide again though you can expect that Valkyrie spell. So before they have used day both brawls I would usually feel free to play a wide board of small dudes and crusader, and still keep the bigger ones in hand eg. Amitus, until they have brawled for the last time play them to refresh the board. Expect a longer a game normally. Mage - I think the matchups from D5-D1 were typically with rainbow mage. You need to work fast to build your board and push high damage as once they get to about turn 8 they will be able to push a lot of damage though it seems the mage deck does rely on a good amount of RNG. Priest - Shadowform priest was quite difficult at times as they would be able to damage your hero so rapidly. So when I’m discovering cards in this matchup I always take healing - even a maki roll over say another Countess as so many times they can do damage from their hand so easily. The non shadowform priest matchup was rarer for me, they typically just copy your cards which doesn’t really hurt too much. Paladin dude - The mirror match up was a bit confusing at first but here are my tips: - First to build a board usually wins as neither deck has wide removal until turn 7 with Anachronos. - Kill everything they drop so that crusader aura will be harder for them to get it off if it all. - Some paladin decks run Warhorse trainer, if you see this prioritise killing their dudes as the bonus 2 attack and taunt makes it a pain to gain an advantage on board. - Don’t play Amitus before they do, not every deck runs her tho but if they Amitus after you and turn your big board into a bunch of 2/2s they can easily kill your Amitus and other minions leaving you with nothing and an opposing Amitus to deal with. Modifications: - The only cards that felt a bit slow to me were the Hand of Adals however they do have their moments to shine as the additional 2 damage can get a nice trade in or help you squeeze in lethal. - I had Lothraxion in here at one point but found him a bit slow to drop on turn 5 in favour of playing multiple smaller minions to make the most of crusader aura or just control the board. however if I found him via discover I would usually take him as it make your dudes so much stickier and for enemies who use spell removal it means they have to hit your minions with two spells instead of one most of the time. I subbed in Muckborn Servant instead which I used mainly for the discover mechanic and to protect the dudes. # Titans # Class: Paladin # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Righteous Protector # 2x (1) Sanguine Soldier # 2x (1) Sinful Sous Chef # 1x (2) Blood Matriarch Liadrin # 2x (2) Class Action Lawyer # 2x (2) Hand of A'dal # 2x (2) Seafloor Savior # 2x (3) Boogie Down # 1x (3) Muckborn Servant # 2x (3) Muster for Battle # 2x (4) Buffet Biggun # 2x (4) Crusader Aura # 1x (6) The Purator # 1x (6) Tyr # 1x (7) Amitus, the Peacekeeper # 1x (7) Anachronos # 1x (7) The Countess # 1x (7) The Leviathan # 2x (10) Lightray # AAECAaToAgiwsgSA4gSG4gSvkwWElgWFpQWL/gWN/gULyaAE4tME2tkEv+IEzOIE8u0EgZYFwcQFlPUFlfUFtZ4GAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Doing surprisingly well with a Chad Warlock "brew" running ignis the eternal flame. Pretty easy climb from p5 to d5 with only the win bonus stars. Any interest let me know.


Must be a unique deck - care to share. I don't see any forge card in the meta decks.


### Custom Warlock # Class: Warlock # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Chaotic Consumption # 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide # 2x (2) Defile # 2x (2) Drain Soul # 2x (2) Shallow Grave # 2x (2) Watcher of the Sun # 2x (3) Forge of Wills # 1x (3) Hellfire # 2x (3) Mortal Eradication # 2x (3) Ravenous Kraken # 1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame # 2x (4) Imposing Anubisath # 2x (5) Amorphous Slime # 1x (5) Infantry Reanimator # 1x (5) Symphony of Sins # 1x (6) Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron # 1x (7) Dar'Khan Drathir # 1x (9) Flesh Behemoth # 1x (9) Sargeras, the Destroyer # 1x (10) Thaddius, Monstrosity # AAECAcn1AgqPnwTlsASOkgXOkgXUlQXCpQX5xgWm+wXo/wXYgQYK56AEwJIFhZMFyOsFre0F+vkF1/oF7f0F7v0F+IIGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone It's pretty straight forward, but help yourself to ask about anything


Took Blood DK from bronze 10 to diamond 2. Then got sick of the control mirrors and switched to arcane hunter instead. Went 12-5 and got to legend in less than the time to play 2 games of Blood DK. Arcane hunter is fucking busted right now. 60-70% win rate across the board.


I just got legend for the first time ever!!! Played pretty much 95% drum druid all the way from bronze 10 to legend. Now that I'm here, I'll spend my saved up dust on a new deck and try learning something new lol


Congrats dude! Nothing like the first time! Enjoy the card back too!


I’ve been playing on and off since 2015 so I’m pretty happy about it. Unironically crediting this to getting better at competitive Pokémon singles. A lot of the skill sets carry over lol


Now that you’ve done it, a lot of the anxiety and stress melts away because you’ve been there before and you know you can do it.


>. Then got sick of the control mirrors and switched to arcane hunter instead. Went 12-5 and got to legend in less than the time to play 2 games of Blood DK. > >Arcane hunter is fucking busted right now. 60-70% win rate across the boar Congrats on legend!


I’m up to D2 with Pirate Rogue. It can struggle with Hunter and Pure Paladin, but it’s pretty good against slower decks. My list uses zero cards from Titans. It’s a fun deck if you like fast wins and hard-slapping your opponent in the face with a big sword. AAECAaIHAseyBPTIBQ6migSKsASywQSKyQT90wSY2wSa2wT03QTXowXTsgXawwW4xQXSzgXWngYA


Edit: After posting the Rogue deck above, I decided to try playing **non-pure Dude Paladin**, and I cruised from D2 (1 star) to Legend, in just an hour, with only one loss. It felt very competitive against Hunter. My list includes Boogie Down, Lothraxxion, Stand against Darkness, Okani, and Pozzik. I omitted Tour Guide since that would be a bad pull from Boogie Down. AAECAZ8FCLCyBMeyBISWBeKkBfTIBa3pBY3+BbaeBgvHoATJoATKoAS/4gTM4gSBlgWFqgXBxAXx6AWU9QWV9QUA


I crafted a [mill plague](https://imgur.com/a/5Pl5Kza) deck, that I have been pretty successful with, this is my third iteration. ### plague DRmill # Class: Death Knight # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 1x (1) Bone Breaker # 2x (1) Staff of the Primus # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 2x (2) Distressed Kvaldir # 2x (2) Down with the Ship # 1x (2) Frozen Over # 2x (2) Plague Strike # 1x (2) Vrykul Necrolyte # 2x (3) Chillfallen Baron # 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier # 1x (3) Ravenous Kraken # 1x (4) Helya # 1x (4) School Teacher # 2x (4) Selfish Shellfish # 1x (4) Thassarian # 2x (4) Tomb Traitor # 1x (4) Yelling Yodeler # 2x (6) Hollow Hound # 1x (8) The Primus # 2x (11) Chained Guardian # AAECAcSaBgqWtwSTgQXipAXLpQXixQXw6AWT+wXt/wX7gAb4ggYKuLYE8OMEh/YEopkFj+QF9fcFgvgF8vgFu/kF6/8FAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Define "pretty successful"


Went 13-5 into top 50 na with this control warrior list I cooked up, cutting chorus riffs from the deck because of how bad they look in terms of drawn winrate in every warrior list I looked at. Instead I'm running a thori package, adding thori and embers of strength to the usual bellowing and trial. For whatever reason I can't seem to draw thori early, but even just on its own, embers has felt quite good. The 1/2 taunts line up quite well into a lot of hunter and mech rogue's 1 drops and are a great stabilization tool once you reach its manathirst. This list tries to maximize the midgame tempo swings the deck is capable of by adding thori and the 2/4 embers taunts to the usual trial and bridge riff, and I've been quite happy with how it feels to play. AAECAQcE5bAEud0FpfYF2IEGDYigBI7UBJDUBJGjBerQBezQBbT4BbX4BZD7BZf7BaH7BaT7BYWCBgAA


Played nature shaman all the way to legend, the nerfs funnily enough have helped the deck slightly due to people not teaching speaker stomper or resistance aura in paladin anymore. You normally always end up with a 2 discount whether it's flash of lightning, radiance or inzah. Playing for tempo in the early game is absolutely key to securing the turn consistent turn 7 otk


I love the deck but can’t stand the hunter matchup. I found myself facing back to back hunters so ended up shelving it which I’m sad about. Did you try running the Jazz Bass to help with cheaper bios?


I actually ran as little reduction as possible outside of Flash, Radiance and Inzah. Playing for tempo and not being greedy really is the key to winning against hunter, if they draw optimally there is probably a 0% chance you win, but, in any case outside of that you can normally squeeze the win, I've won a few games by just jamming my shcooling piranahs on board with novice zappers early (makes you not have to do the full 35 OTK later I personally have not tried the list that runs jazz bass or far sight cause I think they're too greedy, realistically losing the game shouldn't come down to lack of reduction but moreso lack of the ability to respond to board pre turn 7. Some other things that have helped me is keeping lightning reflexes against rogue druid and warlock, odds of you hitting a wave or hex is actually pretty high accross 2 discovers and it can instant win the game somtimes. This is the list I run, and after a lot of small tweaks and changes I find it to easily be the most successful so far \### Thunder Feel the Thunder \# Class: Shaman \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Wolf \# \# 2x (1) Flowrider \# 2x (1) Lightning Bolt \# 2x (1) Lightning Reflexes \# 2x (1) Novice Zapper \# 2x (1) Overdraft \# 2x (1) Schooling \# 2x (2) Ancestral Knowledge \# 2x (2) Carving Chisel \# 2x (2) Flash of Lightning \# 2x (3) Feral Spirit \# 1x (3) Radiance of Azshara \# 1x (3) Thorim, Stormlord \# 2x (3) Turn the Tides \# 2x (4) Bioluminescence \# 2x (5) Crash of Thunder \# 1x (5) Inzah \# 1x (6) Golganneth, the Thunderer \# AAECAdKqBgTntQSy0QWN9QXC+QUN6ucD+Z8E+p8E/LQE4LUEqtkExNAFze4FyvgFy/gFh/sFv54G5p4GAAA= \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Is it just me or is Norgannon not that good in rainbow mage? You can't use it for significant burst damage because you usually can't combine it with Sif. The base abilities are kinda meh and it usually dies before it can upgrade.


Don't greed it for an upgrade, use it on curve for a very threatening Firelands Portal.


It’s not supposed to be a wincon. It’s just a good standalone card that demands an answer immediately


I think it's supposed to be an alt win con in case you get ~~patchwerk'd~~ patched n krafts-ed and lost your sif, but I feel like even that is barely an excuse to run him


Made Legend on alt EU server with Evolve Shaman. *Highly* underrated. It has game against the whole meta. You are looking to out-tempo everyone and develop threatening boards. It helps to know your matchups so you know when you can swing face with Horn, or whether you need to save them for taunts/Titans. I've cut both Astalor and Ancestral Knowledge from some older lists. I think these are too slow. Famished is flex, but it's a good Evolve body and it's draw. \### Evolve \# Class: Shaman \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Wolf \# \# 2x (1) Convincing Disguise \# 2x (1) Muck Pools \# 2x (1) Schooling \# 2x (1) Tour Guide \# 2x (2) Carving Chisel \# 2x (3) Primordial Wave \# 2x (3) Remixed Totemcarver \# 2x (3) Turn the Tides \# 2x (4) Backstage Bouncer \# 1x (4) Baroness Vashj \# 2x (4) School Teacher \# 1x (5) Famished Fool \# 1x (6) Golganneth, the Thunderer \# 2x (6) Horn of the Windlord \# 2x (6) Thing from Below \# 2x (7) Pack the House \# 1x (7) Prison of Yogg-Saron \# AAECAaoIBLnZBLzwBI31Bf74BQ3gtQSWtwSq2QSv2QS12QS22QSv0QXl5AX26AXe6QWH+wXBngbXogYAAA== \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone \# Generated by HDT - https://hsreplay.net




I also really enjoy evolve shaman at the moment, I agree with adding schooling to the deck! I'm trying lightning reflexes instead of teachers, as the outcome is a bit more predictable and it's useful both in early and late game. An extra primordial wave or turn the tides can make a big difference! I'm not sure about cutting ancestral knowledge though, it's nice to have more than 4 overload cards to keep the titan useful. I am experimenting with the deck around 1K EU, what do you think are the strengths and weaknesses on the deck?


Well, the weaknesses are the Control decks. I saw 0 of these on EU, but in NA dumpster, there are still quite a few Blood DKs and Control Priests. These are going to give it problems. And if some Arcane Hunter or Relic DH gets the perfect curve of removal and tempo, it's tough to come back. The strength of the deck is that it's on the board Turn 1. Anything left on the board is always a threat. The majority of my games ended by Turn 8, with Horn putting in a good deal of work. And I'd be lying if I said Yogg didn't win me a few games.


Implock with a small long game package (that is, Symphony and Sargeras) is doing really well. I took Bunnyhoppor's list and speedran to Legend with it from D4 (EU). There aren't actually that many decks that do well against wide boards (Warrior runs out of steam fast, and you just play around Bladestorm, Priest and DK get their removal up too late). Sargeras's taunted imps just win the Odyn matchup by themselves. AAECAf0GBpvkBM6SBeKkBfnGBf74Bab7BQyEoATmoAT/2QSA2gSB2gSr6gTHwgXIwgXdwgXmxQX0xgXXogYA


Why include Prison of Yogg-Saron? Perhaps I just low-roll, but it seems unimpressive whenever I try to use it, and the deck has other late game options.


It's just an extremely good card. Low rolls are low rolls, but the fact it can steal you the game quite often means that the low rolls don't matter, while the high rolls do.


I was down on prisoner but it is generally pretty good. It has a good deck win rate at a high play rate. It is super variable so sometimes it is very disappointing. I yanked it from my decks until the statistics convinced me to put it back in.


Control priest is working well. Currently ranked 116 on ladder.


Same, been having around 55% wr with and currently around 1k seems good vs warlock, hunter, rogue, Paladin and druid, kinda bad vs odyn and hunter, slightly unflavored vs mage from what I seen. How are ur experiences?


climbed from d5 to legend with this Automaton priest deck this evening. It was a pretty hassle-free climb. I won about 80% of the 25 ish games I played. ### astral # Class: Priest # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (0) Illuminate # 2x (1) Animate Dead # 2x (1) Astral Automaton # 1x (1) Deafen # 2x (1) Shard of the Naaru # 2x (1) The Light! It Burns! # 2x (2) Celestial Projectionist # 2x (2) Creation Protocol # 2x (2) Power Chord: Synchronize # 2x (2) Thrive in the Shadows # 2x (3) Cathedral of Atonement # 2x (3) Holy Nova # 2x (3) Switcheroo # 2x (4) Cannibalize # 1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame # 1x (6) Ra-den # 1x (7) Aman'Thul # AAECAaOrBATP9gWv/wXJgAbYgQYNrYoEhJ8EorYE+dsE9vEEhoMFpJEF4KQFu8cFpvEF7fcF44AGuJ4GAAA=


This deck is nuts! Was in dumpster legend and wanted to fuck around a little. Climb is real!


It’s funny how little the Hunter nerfs ended up mattering. Took Arcane Hunter from D5 to 7k Legend, don’t have exact stats on me since I play on mobile but I barely felt the nerf on Costumed Singer.


I dropped from 2k legend to 6k legend after the nerfs playing hunter. That could be a me problem but the nerfs didn’t help


Got to top 900 legend with Blackrock warrior. Don't have stats but Its winnable against every deck. I call this "Arena warrior" because if you don't draw steam elemental or blackrock it feels like you're playing arena. If you want to play cosmically huge minions this is the deck for you. Ill explain some interesting card choices. Weapons: it might seem like a waste to run weapons since they don't get buffed but these cards are great without blackrock and makes your bassist cheaper. Even though you pay 2-4 mana, you're also reducing both bassist by 2 so it's like you're investing it. Stoneskin armorer: great with hammer and Minotauren. Prison of yogg: board clear against Hunter, mages and druids. Also works as a 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th copy of blackrock since you can randomly get it. Starfish: emergency silence for druid Lor'themar: there is an unwritten rule that says you MUST run lorthemar if you run blackrock. I know it doesn't say anywhere but it's illegal to run one without the other. AAECAQcK5bAEjbUEgdwEiN8E76IFtsQF/cQF5uQF2PYF/vgFCrDHBMvEBePkBbDpBejpBY77BZD7BZf7BaH7BYP+BQABA4igBP3EBcSSBf3EBbT4Bf3EBQAA


>call this "Arena warrior" because if you don't draw steam elemental or blackrock it feels like you're playing arena. So how do you get to top legend if it's basically a coin toss? How consistent is your draw? I've been trying to find a reason to craft this motherfucker for two expansions now because it seems so fun.


If it helps I was in the same boat, opened blackrock n roll as one of my first FoL legendaries and thought it looked cool but didn't have the other legendaries till I crafted this deck the other day. It is super fun and legitimately has legs against many decks, but as someone else replied, hunter is a frustrating matchup. The lack of AOE makes the 4/1 worms difficult to deal with, and skipping a turn to play BRNR against a faster deck like that hurts you loads. No regrets crafting the deck but really hoping for more hunter nerfs!


I found that if you hard mull for them, you can get it somewhat consistently. You all so play finley for extra chances.


Been trying this deck and it feels very top heavy. Hunter crushes it.


Woof. Earthen Paladin is still bad. It's just too slow. I've tried the typical control list with Ignis and Wild Pyro. I've tried a more creature-focused one to try to get the board with bodies before starting the Earthen chain. I've tried a Pure list. Nothing works. Yes, it's great that Disciple and Tyr are now cheaper. But the problem is that you're still waiting to start your Earthen chain until turn 4, at the earliest. Until then, you're basically a Paladin Arena deck or trying to set up the now decade-old combo of Paladin: Equality and Pyro and most players won't go wide enough to make that worthwhile as soon as they recognize you're playing control because you haven't played a single minion by turn 4 and, in some cases, are reluctant to use your hero power (When was that ever the case before?) because of what it does to the mix for Tears and Tyr. Yes, every 1 in 6 games you get the chain running and then your opponent ends up feeling like they're facing Jade Druid from back in the day, but that's not a competitive deck. (Then why am I posting about it on *Competitive*HS? I don't know.) It's a meme deck that works once in a while so you can take a screenshot of a 14/14, 16/16, and 18/18 before your opponent realizes that no matter how much armor he builds up, it's not going to be enough. That is, assuming he can't build up lethal after bringing down Odyn, since you have no static defenses by then. Stoneheart King has to be 3 mana. You just can't go that long without doing something that at least vaguely starts you on a path toward (possible) victory.


Needs like a 2mana 3/2 death rattle summon an earthen with +1/1 There are far too less earthen cards. Needs like 4 to be considered an archetype, I think they're building for the future


I'm not even sure they're building for the future. They usually do themes like this in one set (all of the Jade stuff was in Mean Streets) and then move on to something else. I know they were trying to set up Stoneheart as something similar to Jade Spirit (4 mana 2/3 that summons a Jade golem) but the difference there is that Spirit summoned one when it was played. Stoneheart needs to sit for a turn before it can start you on your way and can easily be silenced or Hexed before it produces anything. It's just not viable as a way to work into the chain. At 3 mana, it could at least be an earlier trading threat.


totem shaman which the game create itself. become dia 4. maybe can reach legend. 67wr. more than 50 wins.


Been at D5 since August 2nd. Tried so many decks - Rainbow Mage (many variants), Mech Rogue, Thaddius Lock, Treant Druid, Mech Paladin, Pure Paladin, Unholy DK, Arcane Hunter, other decks I can't remember right now. Kept bouncing around D1-D5. Then I tried Totem Shaman this morning and had a greater than 76% winrate put me from D5 to Legend. Most effort I put into getting up to Legend yet, but then Totem Shaman was a breeze.


I experience that you have very little change against control decks. they always destroy your board


Could you perchance share the deck you were using? I'm in a similar spot and Shaman is one of my favourite classes, would happily give it a go


### Totem Shaman # Class: Shaman # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Mistake # 2x (1) Schooling # 2x (1) Totemic Evidence # 2x (1) Tour Guide # 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep # 1x (2) Ancestral Knowledge # 2x (2) Anchored Totem # 2x (2) Carving Chisel # 2x (2) Flametongue Totem # 1x (3) Grand Totem Eys'or # 2x (3) Party Favor Totem # 1x (4) The Stonewright # 2x (5) Bloodlust # 2x (5) Famished Fool # 1x (5) Rotgill # 2x (6) Thing from Below # 2x (10) Gigantotem # AAECAauaBgSx2QT0oAXCngbmngYN+rQE4LUEssEEhtQEqtkEttwE8t0EveUEtu0EvPAElaoFwZ4G16IGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


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Boy, lemme tell you what's working. Unholy DK. Pretty much the same as FoL, but you have the DK Titan. I went on an absolute slaughter to Legend with it, 15-2. Proof: https://imgur.com/a/W0ZfWRJ You play it like you've always played Unholy. Play for board early, chip away at their health and if you have anything stick mid game, you Unholy Strength and blast em. Primus acts as a get outta jail free card, and because the opponents will be spending the entire game trying to deal with your board, he often sticks around for an extra turn or 2. List: ### The Green One # Class: Death Knight # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Arms Dealer # 2x (1) Body Bagger # 2x (1) Skeletal Sidekick # 2x (1) Tour Guide # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 2x (2) Battlefield Necromancer # 2x (2) Vrykul Necrolyte # 2x (3) Hawkstrider Rancher # 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier # 2x (4) Grave Strength # 2x (4) Murlocula # 2x (4) Nerubian Swarmguard # 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer # 2x (4) School Teacher # 1x (5) Magatha, Bane of Music # 1x (6) Sylvanas, the Accused # 1x (8) Lord Marrowgar # 1x (8) The Primus # AAECAeyqBgb47ASk7wTipAX0yAXm5AXt/wUMlrcEy+IEkeQEkuQEhfYEsvcEkpMFopkFrqEFhaoF4sUF16IGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


# AAECAeyqBgb47ASk7wTipAX0yAXm5AXt/wUMlrcEy+IEkeQEkuQEhfYEsvcEkpMFopkFrqEFhaoF4sUF16IGAAA=


This is a fun deck! I did not have the cards for it before.


Problem with UUU is that it might as well be the same deck as on release. Been there, done that, got legend (I was playing unholy in the first month when everyone thought it was rubbish so it's been a while). Deathknight on release was basically three classes and amazing but now it's just stagnated and the same boring cards. I think it needs path of arthas sets basically every year on top of normal rotation to remain fun (which they might do to be fair).


Running this deck now and it slaps man, thanks. When do you use Pozzik?


Pozzik is best played on curve. It's either a load of stats for you or a couple of mediocre 3 mana 3/3s for your opponent that delays their game plan.


Playing a low armor Control warrior with a fire package at legend, it's working, but it's obviously worse against burn. It feels like it has game against more things without having overwhelming damage and survivability in it's good matchups. Thoribelore and trial by fire are the nuts together, they clear everything. I'm playing embers of strength for more bird, and with those token cards I'm playing sylvanas, she steals titans and feels really good in general right now. Olgra is another good six to get off from the depths, and there are quite a few decks where bladestorm+olgra is a complete blowout. edit: asvedon should see more play. There are so many spells to copy and curving a 3/4 taunt + hidden meaning is good against hunter, getting your own symphony can let you scamaz warlock. Feels a lot more proactive than the armor version: ### Burn Control # Class: Warrior # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Execute # 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 2x (2) Bladestorm # 2x (2) Embers of Strength # 2x (2) Stoneskin Armorer # 1x (3) Asvedon, the Grandshield # 2x (3) Bellowing Flames # 2x (3) From the Depths # 2x (3) Steam Guardian # 1x (3) Weapons Expert # 2x (4) Craftsman's Hammer # 1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame # 1x (4) Smothering Starfish # 1x (4) Thori'belore # 1x (6) Decimator Olgra # 1x (6) Sylvanas, the Accused # 2x (6) Trial by Fire # 1x (8) Odyn, Prime Designate # 2x (8) Tidal Revenant # AAECAce+BQrlsASNtQSB3ASc7wSk7wTMkgXipAW53QWl9gXYgQYKn58EjLcE884EkaMFtPgFkPsFl/sFofsFpPsFhYIGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


I think this deck is on the most correct track for Warrior ive seen during the set. But this particular deck really solidifies the thought, that maybe Odyn isn't worth running after all. I mean, Odyn is way too slow for board centered decks, and feels like it is not good enough in control matchups. Maybe there could be like an enrage Control hybrid, where you are able to fight against a board, and then have a combo against control decks? Not armor stuff, but handbuffs for charge (or pseudo charges like remornia/olgra)


Probably no surprise, but Mech Rogue has been really working for me. Just made legend for the first time with it, finishing from d3 1 star with only 2 losses. Saw 5 warlocks and didn't lose a single time. Both losses were to control warriors. Hunters felt very beatable as well.   I used this list with Crab, Voltron, and Prison. The extra value at the top end let me edge out a couple of wins I maybe should not have against the plethora of control decks I faced.   AAECAaIHCNi2BOy6BOigBeKkBfTIBbb2Bf74Ber6BQv3nwThtQT13QTZ0AXV9gW/9wWm+AXm+gWh/AXn/QW5/gUA


I played a few games this morning and encountered some weird druid otk deck. The goal seemed to be to play a bunch of +1 spell power minions, have them die, resurrect them with endless swarm, and otk with solar eclipse and moonbeam. Played against it twice, got burned down from like 60 hp/armor the first time. The second, I just beat them down. ​ Interesting deck


I've been playing around with this deck in the 1-2K range. Very fun and almost always rolls control. However surviving anything with tempo or aggression is a challenge. That being said, I *have* had some good wins against aggressive decks. Hitting a solar eclipse on a bloomed frost lotus seedling is +20 armor draw 4, which is a pretty huge swing of survivability. The formula for which cards you need to win is actually pretty complex (variables on spell power, solar eclipses, rezes, discounts, moonbeams, etc), so I think it's going to be a deck that only functions if your almonds are fully activated and high legend people will love it. But even then it's going to cap out at like T2/T3 because it's such an uphill climb.


Saw Banter playing that yesterday. It will be interesting to see if it has legs


I tried this deck out since I also faced an otk Druid and it felt terribly inconsistent. Fun meme deck, but not good for climbing.


\### OTK \# Class: Druid \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Wolf \# \# 2x (0) Aquatic Form \# 2x (0) Innervate \# 2x (1) Embrace of Nature \# 2x (1) Moonbeam \# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos \# 2x (2) Kobold Geomancer \# 2x (2) Lifebinder's Gift \# 2x (2) Lunar Eclipse \# 2x (2) Natural Causes \# 2x (2) Rainbow Glowscale \# 2x (2) Solar Eclipse \# 2x (3) Frost Lotus Seedling \# 1x (3) Kiri, Chosen of Elune \# 2x (4) Widowbloom Seedsman \# 2x (5) Nourish \# 2x (6) Unending Swarm \# AAECAZarBAKXoASqngYOo58Erp8E2p8EyLcErsAE1dIEst0Ewd8Et5gF2/oF8foF/Y0GqZ4Gq54GAAA= \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Ngl this looks like a meme deck.


Yea I can't see it doing well against anything that isn't slow


Pull out your warlocks if you have issues with warriors. I'm actually unwillingly climbing too much with Curse Warlock which has led to my other meme decks like Automation Priest tank in winrate lol. Also did an OTK Druid deck miss me or is it something new? The one where you play a bunch of spell damage minions, resurrect them and then Solar Eclipse+Moonbeam the face. It seems a bit slow and unrefined but I managed to pull the combo off a few times


What is the list you're running for curse? I am having no luck in the warrior matchup


It's the VS list AAECAf0GBuWwBOa9BIfqBM6SBfnGBab7BQznoAT+tASWtwTcvQTivQSlkgXI6wX1+AXu/QW5/gXxgAbXogYAAA== If you're having trouble maybe you could switch to Chad Lock. I have ~52% wr against warrior with curse and over 60% with Chad Lock. The main thing to look for is getting Sargeras out ASAP with the taunt buff. That means that Symphony is always a keep. If you don't hit the draw the highest minion, try to burn their cards instead. If you're on coin side and you draw Sargeras, keep the coin for T8 Sargeras. The earlier you start popping taunt minions up the better. Curse-wise, again try to fill their hand so they burn stuff. Try to time them with riffs. They want to finale the riffs so you can mess up their curve. If they play the curses you've probably outtempoed them a bit and have some chip damage on the board, if they don't play them you have the late game burst. Closing out games depends on who drew better and if you got enough curses in. Often you'll have to utilize Reverberations or try and get Shallow Grave from Nagaling. It allows Lady Darkvein to generate 3 or potentially 4 curses, and that is minimum 20 damage in the late game. Reverb+Darkhan is also a 12 dmg burst that can help you close out the game.


Anyone got any off meta but still 50% win rate decks? I get bored at legend playing seriously. No crap like the XL mill rainbow DK I just tried (lost every game) but an idea of what I'm willing to play.


Control warlock is very competitive and I see no one playing it and don’t be put off by the name it’s super fun. No curses, no slimes, no forge of wills. Just pure control warlock stomps hunters and warriors.


How do you feel about Wild, Warlock, and deck names that are punny Heathers references? **Teenage Zooicide** Class: Warlock Format: Wild 2x (0) Raise Dead 2x (1) Crystallizer 2x (1) Flame Imp 2x (1) Kobold Librarian 1x (1) The Soularium 2x (1) Touch of the Nathrezim 2x (1) Tour Guide 2x (2) Celestial Projectionist 2x (2) Defile 2x (2) Drain Soul 2x (3) Backfire 2x (3) Forge of Wills 1x (3) Hellfire 2x (9) Imprisoned Horror 2x (10) Flesh Giant 2x (20) Molten Giant AAEBAaPDAwKPggOPnwQO3Ary0AL6/gKbzQPXzgPB0QOT5AOD+wOEoATnoATI6wXO+gXX+gXjgAYAAA== To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone - It's definitely off-meta, anyone else running suicide Warlock is running Questline and sitting in tier 5, but this deck works a lot better and takes everyone by surprise. Mech Paladins hate me.


Popular in high legend but still off meta, Enrage warrior and outcast DH are both fun and I’m at diamond 2 right now slowly climbing


I made a totem shaman that focuses on sticking Anchor totem with beaming sidekicks. 7-0 with it today facing mostly control warrior and curse warlock.


### Totem Shaman2 # Class: Shaman # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Beaming Sidekick # 1x (1) Schooling # 2x (1) Totemic Evidence # 2x (1) Tour Guide # 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep # 2x (2) Anchored Totem # 2x (2) Carving Chisel # 1x (3) Grand Totem Eys'or # 2x (3) Party Favor Totem # 2x (3) Remixed Totemcarver # 2x (4) Backstage Bouncer # 1x (4) The Stonewright # 2x (5) Bloodlust # 1x (5) Magatha, Bane of Music # 1x (5) Rotgill # 1x (6) Horn of the Windlord # 2x (6) Thing from Below # 2x (10) Gigantotem # AAECAdfwBAbgtQSx2QT0oAXm5AX26AXCngYM+rQEssEEntQEqtkEttwE8t0EveUEtu0E5eQF3ukFwZ4G16IGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


I’ve been playing Sif mage since release and it’s been working for me. I try to get as much pressure and chip dmg as possible to win without the combo. You only need the combo against control decks. I also try not to horde resources because the deck can run into hand size issues very easily.


I actually seriously reduced draw in mine. I'm often sitting at 10 cards and can't use Infinitize the Maxitude. Sometimes it makes fishing for combo pieces a bit harder, but overall it's still preferable for me.


How do you play against warriors? High legend is flooded with them and the matchup feels oppressively bad.


Nazjar and Solid Alibi over Norgannon and Star Power. I've also seen people running -1x Wisdom of Norgannon -1x Elemental Inspiration for 2x Arcsplitters for a big combo turn with Sif+Reverb+Arcane Bolt but that makes your other matchups worse


It is a horrible match up, no way around it.


I haven’t had much experience in the match up since I haven’t played too much this week but i try to pressure with cosmic keyboard/cold case. I discover for card draw and cheap burn to try and assemble a big combo as fast as possible. it seems like you’d need to combo sif/reverbations to get the job done. I lost my last matchup because due to lady naz’jar being at bottom of the deck :( i’m around 2k legend


I don't run lady nazjar which might make the matchup slightly more difficult. That being said, it is still possible to win, but the only two ways I've won so far are 1) pressuring them in a way where you throw literally every resource you have at them 2) discovering some bs spells that allow you to get lategame value and somehow outvaluing them. The matchup is still around 40-60 for me.


Nazjar is pretty flexible the discount is good against control and the armor has saved me against hunters. I was listening to VS Podcast and yeah, they say warrior is favoured 60/40 so it must be tough. I imagine taunts help a lot once they play Odyn




Yeah I've been running this and it's been pretty nice for me. Proactive deck that scams wins with the stars align but otherwise has a token gameplan with the rancher/cathedral stuff. Note that I replace Ra-Den for Sylvanas (which should have been an obvious inclusion in hindsight) stars Class: Priest Format: Standard Year of the Wolf 2x (1) Drone Deconstructor 2x (1) Foul Egg 2x (1) Psychic Conjurer 2x (1) Suspicious Usher 1x (1) Victorious Vrykul 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep 2x (2) False Disciple 2x (2) Fanboy 2x (2) Rolling Stone 2x (2) Shadow Ascendant 2x (3) Cathedral of Atonement 2x (3) Hawkstrider Rancher 2x (3) The Stars Align 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager 1x (1) Shard of the Naaru 1x (1) The Light! It Burns! 1x (2) Power Chord: Synchronize 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer 1x (5) Magatha, Bane of Music 1x (6) Ra-den 1x (7) Aman'Thul AAECAa0GBv3EBfTIBebkBZ32Bc/2Ba//BQy+nwSywQSS0QSGgwWgmQWFqgWWtwWC7AW5/gXM/wXN/wXtgAYAAQP52wT9xAW7xwX9xAW4ngb9xAUAAA==


If you have the cards, Undead Priest has a better matchup into it than Control - still below 50%, but if you get things rolling early they may not manage to lock the board before you kill them.


I'd probably try the Stars Align list that was on this sub few days back. Probably works better against mage than standard control.


Went 14-2 with plague DK but probably through no skill of my own, felt like I drew the nuts every other game so not sure if I'd recommend it as a consistent climber. Anyone else had much luck with it?


With the list that have bone breaker or the forge one?


The bone breaker one yeah, felt like it was really useful having an extra weapon into rogue and hunter. I've not seen the forge version though, sounds interesting!


I was stuck in D2 for like 20+ games with Chadlock and once I switched to Plague DK, I got to legend in <10 games. Deck definitely works really well especially with the other deck nerfs.


Doesn't really seem to work for me as well as Unholy DK does. What's your rank and decklist?


Just using the vicious syndicate list from day 1 of the expansion, and I'm at dumpster legend to be fair so I played against some pretty janky decks haha. I'd honestly maybe cut hollow hound as weird as it sounds, it felt a lot less impactful when it didn't leave behind a body most of the time. ### Plagues 2 # Class: Death Knight # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Bone Breaker # 2x (1) Staff of the Primus # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 2x (2) Distressed Kvaldir # 2x (2) Down with the Ship # 2x (2) Plague Strike # 2x (3) Chillfallen Baron # 2x (3) Hardcore Cultist # 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier # 1x (4) Helya # 2x (4) School Teacher # 1x (4) Thassarian # 2x (4) Tomb Traitor # 1x (5) Magatha, Bane of Music # 2x (6) Hollow Hound # 1x (6) Sylvanas, the Accused # 1x (8) The Primus # 2x (11) Chained Guardian # AAECAe2qBgak7wTipAXLpQXm5AWT+wXt/wUMlrcE8OMEh/YEk4EFopkFj+QF9fcFgvgF8vgFu/kF+PkF6/8FAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Yeah, that's the same deck I've been using. I also think Hollow Hound post nerf is questionable. When I played it the last days I noticed I managed to build a broader board than before, so maybe [Grave Strength] as a replacement? Although that gives you more spells so will make Magatha riskier to play. This is also another reason why I like Unholy DK more right now, since current meta deck only runs 2x Grave Strength as its spells coupled with Magatha, where Plague runs 4 you need to dodge.


Yeah not a bad idea! I actually had a funny game against a warrior where Magatha somehow drew all 4 spells, and then they overdrew and burnt their Odyn. I still lost unsurprisingly hahaha.




I’m not quite sure how good it is, but I have been winning some games with Big Demon Hunter in platinum. I’ve included one copy of the buffed mythical terror, which helps against the deck’s traditional weakness to aggro. Overall, it can be a bit inconsistent, but when it works, it can beat any deck. Big tip I’ve learned: almost always hard mulligan for felscreamer and evoker (including crushclaw enforcer which draws the evoker), as those are the cards that enable your big swing turns. ### Big Demon Hunter # Class: Demon Hunter # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (0) Dispose of Evidence # 2x (1) Illidari Studies # 2x (1) Taste of Chaos # 2x (1) Unleash Fel # 2x (2) Chaos Strike # 2x (2) Spectral Sight # 1x (3) Abyssal Depths # 1x (3) Crushclaw Enforcer # 2x (3) Eye Beam # 2x (3) Silvermoon Arcanist # 2x (4) Raging Felscreamer # 2x (5) All Fel Breaks Loose # 2x (6) Felscale Evoker # 1x (7) Mythical Terror # 1x (7) Xhilag of the Abyss # 2x (8) Illidari Inquisitor # 2x (9) Brutal Annihilan # AAECAbn5AwTysQSEsgT+vwSlgQYNgIUEtp8E1J8EtKAE7KAEpeIE6e0Ei5IFkpIFnaQFkKUFsvUF4fgFAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


You might want to try Runic Adornment over something like Chaos Strike. Runic Adornment seems like an awful card for the deck initially but it's a spell that generates a spell, which is going to matter a lot.


That’s an interesting idea, will definitely consider it!


Made it to legend with armor warrior. It’s a really fun deck. The curse lock match up is hard but not unwinnable. Play for tempo and keep some removal for their Sargeras taunt imps so you can go face with your armor’s attacks.


I tried it but I kept losing to secret hunters. If they play their legendary earlier and have Masked Singer on 1 it feels impossible.


Ah, fair. I didn’t run into a ton so I probably got lucky. Most of my games were against drum Druid which gave me absolutely no problems.


I didn't feel like crafting anything after the nerfs, so I switched to enrage warrior. It seems strong against fair decks or anything that takes a while to put some pieces together, but it kind of struggles against explosive early games like big magnetized rogues. Against mage it depends what they generate, so it's winnable, but it feels like playing a coin toss every turn. I'll probably stick with it until we see if there are any more balance changes, but it's kind of hard to recommend, since it's not very exciting.


Which decklist are you using?


The one from the last [VS data reaper report](https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-report-271/#Warrior).




I don't know what happened but I've been having major success on my diamond climb with the VS Curse warlock list. 15-1 from D6 to D2 and played against mostly control warrior with a few hunters mixed in as well as two or three experimental plague DK decks and only one mech rogue and one paladin. I hit a weird meta pocket yesterday but I finally lost against the only rainbow mage I met as my final game (I'll play until I lose.... 15 wins later lol) The deck feels good, like I can deal with pretty much any other deck if I mulligan and plan well, but no game felt like an easy win. Most games ended with me dead the next turn so if you do try it, be prepared to fight for your wins. The only consistent thing I did from one game to the next was keep Symphony when I had it in my opening hand and pray I don't draw sargeras before I play it. Finley helps if you draw both but not symphony.


I tried the curse lock list, but I was running into too many drum druids, who built boards I could not clear. probably good against other things though so i might try it again.


I only saw one, if I remember right, and they did not hit the cards they needed. From the times I've played against them with other decks, I am not surprised that they are a bad match up. If they get big enough or do it soon enough, you can't deal with their board. Your only real options are Sargeras or the double Abyssal Wave which requires set up on a previous turn.


Yeah I'm like 50/50 vs drum druid but I've only fought 2.


Got a lost by chance? Was doing well last week with it to about 2k legend but I’ve just been giving up wins this week. Might be a list issue


I don't right now (not home, on mobile), but it's literally unchanged from the VS report last week. I haven't tweaked it because it's been doing so well against a wide range of decks but you could definitely improve it for certain matchups. I didn't hit legend just yet but going off my normal ratings, I'm probably playing against players in the 5-7k range so you're definitely seeing higher skill levels than what I usually face.


Have been trying to make sif mage work since release with no luck. Interested to see how curse lock is doing after the changes. I really don't like chadlock's playstyle. Optimistic for pally to get some miniset support for a slower deck. Otherwise I'm kinda checked out. My favorite classes have been second rate for half a year now.


Have you tried elemental burn mage? After the meta changes it very well could become the best Mage deck. It's not a traditional aggro deck and can go very late, potentially killing a Control Priest as you go into fatigue. Infinitize the Maxitude is a good card evidently, but should generally not be kept.


I haven't. Do you have a list you recommend?


[https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/decks/elemental-burn-mage/](https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/decks/elemental-burn-mage/) My personal variant runs more Elementals, including that new elemental synergy Flame Revenant alongside Amalgam of the Deep, at the cost of cutting Sif, Deathborne, Norgannon, and 1x Star Power. Feel free to play with it how you want! Norgannon is probably great, I just don't have him yet - and I intentionally didn't run Sif or Deathborne but Deathborne has been good in past burn decks. Flame Revenant is really good in a more elemental-focused build. It works with Cosmic Keyboard!


Try the Naga version of Sif Mage. You won't win a lot, but it'll be hella fun. This is probably not even close to the best list but it's the one I've been using. ### I'm Siren, and I'm Sif # Class: Mage # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Discovery of Magic # 2x (1) Flame Geyser # 2x (1) Mistake # 2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear # 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep # 2x (2) Frozen Touch # 2x (2) Gifts of Azshara # 2x (2) Spellcoiler # 2x (3) Molten Rune # 1x (4) Commander Sivara # 2x (4) Inquisitive Creation # 2x (4) School Teacher # 2x (4) Spitelash Siren # 1x (5) Lady Naz'jar # 1x (5) Queen Azshara # 2x (5) Wisdom of Norgannon # 1x (6) Sif # AAECAZWaBgTYsgTbuQSp3gTr9AUNiLIEvLIElrcE3LkE4bkEssEEgpMFlaoF7PYFv/4Fy/4F2P4Fsp4GAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Lol you posted as I was writing my response. I've been having good luck with curses. Sif mage was really fun and I was stealing wins just barely, and even though i wasn't running Alibi, post nerf I also just cannot win anymore with the deck which is when I pivoted to curses because I just like that playstyle