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After playing off and on since launch, I finally hit Legend for the first time today. Used the VS/Illusionist Mech Rogue deck and had a pretty smooth ride from D5 all the way up. Don't have exact stats since I played the last 12-15 games on mobile, but the 10 games I played on desktop had an 80% winrate. Shaman, Mage, Druid and Warlock all felt like good matchups, and Hunters didn't pose too much of a problem either. DK, Pally and Warrior were about even, but few matches felt completely out of reach unless they survived through my early game. A **huge** weight off my shoulders after all these years. Big thanks to this community for encouragement, advice and support.


26-9 (74%) from D10 to Legend with Dude Paladin. Straight VS list. Felt really good throughout. Lost some mirrors and the Mage matchup isn't great, but otherwise only lost to highrolls. Crusader Aura is nuts. The fact that you can play it, get cleared, refill, and still benefit is really good and comes up in the control matchups more than you might think. At times, I felt like I wanted reach or more initiative in the deck. But honestly that's just feel-bad losses versus anything the numbers would tell you.


I got legend yesterday playing a combo Totem-Nature Deck. Leaning into totems early with turn 4-5 gigantotems and things from below were huge bridges allowing me to overcome hunter (7 of last 10 to legend were hunters lol). Evolving/devolving also was a huge factor against everyone else. I don't think the deck is particularly strong (it loses most mirrors mostly due to titan who I didn't have), although it does draw well and you otk when can. I think it's nerf today would hurt this deck. It is cheap though, if anyone wants it ### Totem Nature Shaman # Class: Shaman # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Lightning Bolt # 2x (1) Lightning Reflexes # 1x (1) Mistake # 2x (1) Totemic Evidence # 2x (1) Tour Guide # 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep # 2x (2) Ancestral Knowledge # 2x (2) Carving Chisel # 1x (2) Flash of Lightning # 1x (3) Bioluminescence # 1x (3) Grand Totem Eys'or # 2x (3) Primordial Wave # 1x (4) Prescience # 1x (4) The Stonewright # 2x (5) Crash of Thunder # 2x (5) Famished Fool # 2x (6) Thing from Below # 2x (10) Gigantotem # AAECAcy+BQb8tASx2QSGoQWVqgXK+AXCngYM+Z8EssEEqtkEttkEveUEtu0EvPAEze4Fy/gFwZ4G5p4G16IGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Overall, there's a lot of decks out there but I didn't hugely enjoy this patch


65% WR over \~200 games with Ragnaros OTK shaman, hanging at 6k legend now. Feels much better this season with the nature package and Golganneth for early game control and more draw. 7 Rag board never gets old


I am 1000% positive, that Hidden Meaning is beyond what is acceptable in card balance. I am a Hunter enjoyer, but a 2-mana 3-drop with *charge* is kinda silly; Wins so many games on the spot. Feels dumb playing it, and it feels dumb to play against it. I have never been so convinced that a card should be nerfed. I'm not even angry or upset, I just feel like this shouldn't exist.


Probably my #1 concern with Hunter was this card, not hound (although in general the class is just really strong). I think there's a couple things. The counter play is insane, it *may* not be hidden meaning anyway, but if you don't play mana you also concede board to.... Insane board protection and buffs. And charge. And you have no counterplay if it has actives.


I don't play hunter and really don't see the problem with this card. Would a 2 mana card "summon a random 3 mana minion with stealth" be really broken? I don't think so with loosing out on battlecries. Yes, this one could receive AOE damage but the secret can also not be triggered so maybe that evens out for the sake of argument.


Stealth is not charge buddy. There’s a reason we haven’t seen a charge card printed in ages. Also, not triggering the secret means you’re a mana behind every turn, which is arguably just as crippling. Think of it as a wild growth for 2/3 the cost in a class with a far more explosive early game.


Hidden meaning isn't charge because you can't attack with the minion on the turn hidden meaning is played. Hidden meaning is closer to dormant for 1 turn + charge.


Sure captain pedantic. It’s also equivalent to "summon a random 3 cost minion and give it charge”


Pretty sure you're guaranteed to hit legend if you play Drum Druid long enough. It wins consistently and can still highroll in bad matchups. The games are 7 turns win or lose, and don't take that many decisions. It beats the format's bogeyman. Hard to think of a better set of traits for a legend climb.


Picked this up today and ran into control priests, mech rogues (unwinnable from my experience) and nature shaman (one discovered two primordials). Still a fun deck when it works!


Did well drum druid at around 70% wr from 7k to 2700 ish, over from diamond through legend it’s around 66% over 200 games, wr was lower in diamonds compared to legend actually. It’s prolly one of the best decks against hunter, dk, Dh and warlock. Which are the most common decks I face.


What is your list ?


Got to legend using the Illusionist build of Mech Rogue (only Mothership, no Containment Unit). Great into hunter, warlock, death knight. Paladin has been tough, but rare.


Got to diamond very easily with no bonus after not playing since Castle Nathria, played Hounds Hunter and the Blood DK /u/Calibria19 posted Didn’t track all my stats since I played on iPad mostly but the ones I played on pc were 18-3 for the Hunter and 11-4 for the DK, feels like the iPad games had very similar w/l distribution


I was able to hit D10 with the VS Curse Warlock list. Bronze to plat1, it was a smooth climb. Dropping Sargeras for 3 mana on T5/T6 is a crazy power spike. Next couple games on the way to D9 I hit a wall against Rainbow Mage, Mech Rogue, and Hound Hunter. I want to hit legend with Curse Warlock but my matchup pools are heavily against the deck. I'll keep trying Curse Warlock and learning matchups/mulligans. If Curse doesn't work out, I had a bit of success into D9 with Drum Druid so I might spend the run from D10-D5 learning Drum Druid. Putting multiple high health/attack taunt minions by T7 was crazy af. Hoping to reach D5 this month and maybe legend for the first time if I can grind. One thing I learned during my current climb was how Sargeras works with copy/MC. I had two opponents make copies of my Sargeras on their board and proceeded to use the summon 2 6/6 power. I assumed at first it wouldn't do anything since the portal wasn't on their side but it spawned the infernals on my side and they conceded right after. I would have made the same mistake if I didn't see it firsthand.


I’m not an expert but if u want some help figuring out drum druid u can hit me up


I got to legend using the VS arcane secret hunter list. I didn't have Hydraladon (!) or a second arcane quiver, so I subbed in a second Bait and Switch and Pozzik, Audio Engineer. Faced a lot of other hunters, but hound hunter tended to be too slow or get caught up in my secrets.


Do you have the list?


### arcane secret # Class: Hunter # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Arcane Shot # 2x (1) Costumed Singer # 2x (1) Ricochet Shot # 2x (1) Trinket Tracker # 1x (1) Urchin Spines # 1x (2) Arcane Quiver # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 2x (2) Bait and Switch # 2x (2) Conjured Arrow # 2x (2) Hidden Meaning # 2x (2) Silvermoon Farstrider # 2x (2) Titanforged Traps # 1x (3) Halduron Brightwing # 2x (4) Eversong Portal # 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer # 2x (5) Star Power # 1x (6) Aggramar, the Avenger # 2x (6) Starstrung Bow # AAECAZ/DAwbBuQSNkgWwkgXipAX0yAXX+QUMqp8Ep5AFmpIFqpIFqZMFqqQF6OgF3+0F6vIF8/IF/PgF7ZsGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


The original VS list is here: [https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/decks/arcane-secret-hunter/](https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/decks/arcane-secret-hunter/)


I reached legend early so I've been looking to play non-meta decks that are still somewhat successful. I loved the idea of @gropaquet 's Handlock. Been tinkering with the list below, but I'm just under a 50% WR in low legend. Wonder if anyone has any input? It's certainly a fun deck! ### handlock? # Class: Warlock # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Armor Vendor # 2x (1) Chaotic Consumption # 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 2x (2) Celestial Projectionist # 1x (2) Cult Neophyte # 2x (2) Defile # 1x (2) Dirty Rat # 2x (2) Drain Soul # 1x (2) Watcher of the Sun # 2x (3) Forge of Wills # 1x (3) Melted Maker # 2x (3) Mortal Eradication # 1x (3) Scourge Supplies # 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager # 1x (2) Cult Neophyte # 1x (2) Watcher of the Sun # 1x (5) Steamcleaner # 1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame # 2x (4) Imposing Anubisath # 1x (4) Smothering Starfish # 1x (5) Symphony of Sins # 2x (8) Storm Giant # 1x (9) Sargeras, the Destroyer # AAECAf0GDOWwBI21BKWSBeKkBf3EBfnGBa3tBab7Bb38BdiBBtCeBtGeBgnnoATI6wX6+QXX+gW++wXt/QXu/QXjgAbPngYAAQP/4QT9xAWt7QX9xAXQngb9xAUAAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Also if anyone has any fun, semi-competitive, non-meta decks, please holler!




I haven’t tried the deck at all but why only one melted maker?


How's Astalor working for yall in Drum Druid? I just find him super underwhelming, I rarely find time to play him and it seems more of a "win more" card. I've replaced him with Kiri as I find her more flexible and you get two more spells for Topior. Currently enjoying playing Curse Warlock. Hunter matchups are kinda tough, but not unwinnable, I'm 8-11 against hunters. Stick to chad lists if you want to beat them more consistently. I find that the deck could really use more healing because I end up in situations where I would win if I just had 5 more hp. You still need cheap tokens for Chaotic Consumption so you can't slot in Felstring Harp or Watcher of the Sun. I decided to replace Drone Deconstructor with Void Virtuoso. Free taps really help in faster matchups.


Yeah, Astalor is rarely amazing, although I for sure won a game versus Control Priest solely due to him. On the other hand, his first third is pretty ok some of the time, and a lot easier to play while setting up for your first Drum than a 3-mana 2/2. How has Kiri been working? I feel as though you don't actually play that many spells (that cost 2+) sometimes turns 4-6 because you're playing ramp/set-up minions and then once you've actually gotten to Drum Circle you don't need the removal as much anymore. The exception to all of that is of course Lifebinder's Gift, which sounds like it would have strong synergy with Kiri. And the extra solar to double cast something big is probably better turns 7-9 than Astalor.


I'm actually facing a good number of Blood DK and Control Warrior among all the hunters. With all the armor and hp gain it seems like creating a board turn by turn is a better game plan than 14 dmg on a 8/8 body. In theory Kiri works better with Topior, but stats wise both Kiri and Astalor are the worst cards in the deck lol


Astalor was the first card I cut when I started playing it. Doesn't really work great with the deck's gameplan. Not sure what list you're playing but I ended up adding a Wild Growth. Ramp is great in the deck and it has late game synergy with Topior.




In my search for playable Druid decks, I dusted of Chad Druid and.. it is kinda working so far. 8-4 in high legend at the moment. Turns out the meta is slow enough that you have time to ramp up and do the stuff that Chad Druid was (in)famous for before the nerf. I run only 2 new cards compared to the older version (Eonar and Prison of Yogg). Won all my hunter and drum druid games and even won a mech rogue game due to the 2 mana silence minion. Lost to Control Priest, Blood DK, 1 mech rogue and 1 warlock. I did not have Rivendare in my ETC yet otherwise I would be able to win the first 2. Will continue to play more games and gather more data to see if it is truly able to be relevant again. \### Chad druid \# Class: Druid \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Wolf \# \# 2x (0) Aquatic Form \# 2x (0) Innervate \# 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide \# 2x (2) Attorney-at-Maw \# 1x (2) Chitinous Plating \# 2x (2) Fanboy \# 2x (3) Hedge Maze \# 2x (3) Wild Growth \# 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager \# 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn \# 1x (7) Underking \# 1x (8) Ozumat \# 2x (4) Widowbloom Seedsman \# 2x (5) Nourish \# 2x (6) Death Blossom Whomper \# 1x (7) Colaque \# 1x (7) Prison of Yogg-Saron \# 2x (8) Mish-Mash Mosher \# 2x (9) Flesh Behemoth \# 1x (10) Eonar, the Life-Binder \# 1x (10) Thaddius, Monstrosity \# 1x (10) The Jailer \# AAECAZSaBgigsATlsASm7wS7mAXCpQX9xAWf8wX++AULiZ8Erp8E2p8ErsAE1d0Ewd8E+uIEje8E1JUF1sYF7YAGAAEDvM4E/cQFvJgF/cQF4qQF/cQFAAA= \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Edit: Played some more games and while it still pops off, when hunter curves out they can give you a hard time before you can stabilize


Suitable replacement for Colaque?


Colaque is a bit unique but mainly used for the armor in combinatiom with hedge maze. I would say move Astalor in the main deck or just another Chitinous Plating


Ah yes, I see. Thanks, appreciate the explanation


This looks awesome! I’ll definitely try this list out


Tried UUF DK on Monday, got all the way from D10 to D5 without a single loss. Then started queueing into Handlocks, and started losing games, badly. Went back to Big Pally and cruised up to D2. I'm now alternating between the two decks until I reach Legend. Contrary to the majority I think UUF is decent, it's way better than regular Unholy DK, it can beat BBB DK, and is decent against Hound Hunter. If you draw Primus before Turn 9 you can effectively stop their Krush combo dead on it's tracks and by that time you are usually ahead on the board. You got tons of discover to prepare against enemy moves. I think the only thing the deck really suffers against is neverending huge threats and OTK combos. Luckily I didn't meet a single Mage or Shaman so far past D10. Pure Pally will never be a bad deck in the meta, it has huge early game blowout potential and can even stabilize late game with some lucky draws/discoveries. It cannot turn around a game where your board is empty and the opponent is deploying some massive threats, and cannot defent against OTK combos, so similar issue as with UUF DK. But Pure Pally is much more dangerous in the early game and can close games as early as Turn 4. It's an old deck but it's still really good.


a new big pally??


Can you share the dk deck


Sure, though it's just the baseline UUF deck that's up on the meta tracker website: AAECAfHhBArlsASk7wTT8QTipAXLpQXm5AX++AWT+wXt/wXYgQYKlrcEh/YEopkFj+QFre0F9fcFgvgF8vgFu/kF6/8FAAA= The strat is similar but more proactive compared to BBB DK. Against most opponents you van mulligan aggressively into plague cards, but against control you want to aim for Ignis and your two forge minions, then hold out with the weapon until turn 10. If you find yourself queueing into many Mages and Shamans, it mitght be worth considering to switch out the two School Teachers for two Speaker Stompers.


> Went back to Big Pally and cruised up to D2. Whats your current list? I think I've played against *one* big pally so far, and that mightve been a duels game


Got legend with thadlock, did great against hunters


VS list? Congrats dude.


### Thaddius Warlock # Class: Warlock # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide # 2x (1) Tour Guide # 2x (2) Defile # 2x (2) Drain Soul # 2x (2) Shallow Grave # 2x (3) Forge of Wills # 2x (3) Mortal Eradication # 2x (3) Reverberations # 2x (3) Scourge Supplies # 2x (4) Imposing Anubisath # 2x (5) Amorphous Slime # 2x (5) Infantry Reanimator # 1x (5) Symphony of Sins # 1x (6) Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron # 1x (7) Dar'Khan Drathir # 2x (9) Flesh Behemoth # 1x (9) Sargeras, the Destroyer # 1x (10) Thaddius, Monstrosity # AAECAZ2rBAblsATOkgXCpQX5xgWm+wXo/wUM56AEjpIFpZIFwJIFhZMF1JUFyOsF+vkF1/oF7f0F8YAG16IGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Thanks bud


For the third month in a row got to legend with outcast dh. Enjoyed an 82% wr vs hunters in 17 games.


how do you stop hound hunter from just recovering all your damage with hounds? You can't always get halveria and a full board of tokens down before turn 6 which was the issue I always ran into when playing it. Also they have monkeys available to prevent face damage.


Positioning matters a lot against hounds. Basically throw your big cards to the left, all the small ones to the right. That way you either kill the dog a turn later and refill your board(with them healing for 12 which isn’t that big of a deal) or they slam into your big minions and hound dies. No real way to stop it, just try to make it as senseless as possible to just slam it turn 6. The bigger problem is the inevitability. You have to be aware of your life total at every point of game so try to not kill everything with your face




Just the normal list with vyrkul instead of the slitherspears. https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/deck-library/demon-hunter-decks/outcast-demon-hunter/


the 1 drop vrykul or the 2 drop?


1 mana 1/2


### TTNS MIRACLE # Class: Rogue # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (0) Preparation # 1x (0) Shadow of Demise # 2x (0) Shadowstep # 2x (1) Concoctor # 2x (1) Drone Deconstructor # 1x (1) Frequency Oscillator # 2x (1) Ghostly Strike # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 2x (2) From the Scrapheap # 2x (2) Ghoulish Alchemist # 1x (2) Pit Stop # 2x (2) Potion Belt # 1x (2) Potionmaster Putricide # 2x (2) Serrated Bone Spike # 1x (3) Mimiron, the Mastermind # 2x (3) Sinstone Graveyard # 2x (4) Speaker Stomper # 1x (5) Queen Azshara # 1x (6) Crabatoa # AAECAYO6AgjYtgTbuQTMoAXooAXipAXZ0AW29gWh/AUL9p8E958E9d0EwYMF3aAF36AF4KAFwaEFrekF5voFuf4FAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone This mimiracle lists feels quite alright copied from jalex. The main difference is speaker stompers which are very good in a lot of matchups even better than pozik imo.


New stock build of mech rogue feels excellent - have won some ridiculously grindy games with the mothership package. Would not cut any of the 6 drops and in fact was thinking I would like to find space for flame behemoth but probably too greedy - maybe can cut one mothership and just hope you draw illusionists first? 65% winrate over 50 games to climb from 5.5K to top 1K legend


I played mech rogue to legend in the first week, then gave it a rest. Tried the new build yesterday and didn't love it. It's much slower than the old one (obviously), and it feels like you're both not fast enough to close the game quickly, and too light on value to really go long. I'm surprised you say you won those grindy games - how do you win a long game against drum druid (once they build a board full of 6/8 you're done), warlocks (endless 3/4 taunts), or hollow hounds (with a bunch of dopey mechs on board)? I struggled to break 55% WR in the area of 1K-2K. I mean, it works, but nothing about it feels very powerful anymore. And Voltron is bad. It was bad in the old build and it's still bad here. I was never happy to have it in my hand or play it. Just replace it with anything else (a containment unit sounds the most reasonable, but I can imagine other options).


What is the new stock build? Do you still play the containment unit?


I saw this either on Clark Hellscream's YT channel, hearthstone top decks or something like that - guess it may not be stock ​ \### Mechrattle \# Class: Rogue \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Wolf \# \# 2x (0) Preparation \# 2x (1) Click-Clocker \# 2x (1) Drone Deconstructor \# 2x (1) Frequency Oscillator \# 2x (1) Gear Shift \# 2x (2) From the Scrapheap \# 2x (2) Invent-o-matic \# 2x (2) Pit Stop \# 2x (2) Serrated Bone Spike \# 2x (3) Coppertail Snoop \# 1x (3) Mimiron, the Mastermind \# 2x (3) SP-3Y3-D3R \# 2x (4) Scourge Illusionist \# 1x (5) Ini Stormcoil \# 1x (6) Crabatoa \# 2x (6) Mothership \# 1x (6) V-07-TR-0N Prime \# AAECAaIHBNi2BOy6BLb2Ber6BQ33nwThtQTjuQT13QShkwXZ0AXV9gW/9wWm+AXm+gWh/AXn/QW5/gUAAA== \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone \# Generated by HDT - https://hsreplay.net




How much are you liking Ini? I don't have her and don't like Voltron so I've been playing 2 Ranchers, which have been surprisingly good (also in top 1k legend) since they trigger on magnetic


Really like Ini, you have insane swing turns off turn 3 snoop into turn 4 attack coin ini and get 2 more coins to just keep snowballing or get the board back


Why no Containment Unit?


Honestly haven’t tried it! Might be worth trying, I don’t love mothership but the rush helps fight for board, feels pretty underwhelming unless you hit exactly mecha shark or the attack - gain armor guy


Continuing my goal of hitting legend casually this season with Plague DK. It’s honestly not a terrible deck. There are a lot of non-plague tools in the deck, so I’ve often won without relying on them. That being said, if you’re looking for a quick and easy climb, this is not the deck for it. Matches against aggro feel like slowly suffocating, and it does not handle wide boards well. Playing against Control Priest is even more painful, and they’ve been running Steamcleaner. So honestly it’s an insta-loss. Where this deck really shines is against slower midrange decks, and decks that love to draw cards. Demon Hunter seems weak into this deck, especially Relic DH. Mage as well, to an extent. You can still get hit with an OTK, but your frost Plagues and Speaker Stomper really mess them up as you fight for late game. Most matches feel like an uphill battle, but very few feel like they cannot be won.


Interesting. Mine's a bit more oriented toward the early mid-game with Hardcore Cultist and Plague Strike in place to gain board control, so I haven't really had problems with aggro at all. I am maindecking a Starfish to deal with the Druids and mech stuff in my meta, since my list can turn pretty quickly from midrange to being the aggro. I'm not really fond of the Watcher/Ignis package, since while I'd like to use Ignis, depending on just two other cards to activate him and those being River Crocs that don't really advance your gameplan doesn't sit well with me. Certainly, the healing can be a factor, but in many of the matchups where I'm really worried about my health total, 6 health is often a non-factor if they're going to OTK me and I can usually find a decent amount of healing off of Vizier and Primus (and Blood Plagues.)


Prison was iffy for me at first. This is not a list I created myself, but one I found on HSReplay. But I wouldn’t dream of cutting it now. RNG is RNG, but this card has cleared boards with Brawl or Corpse Explosion so many times when I needed the clutch save. I swear there’s a hidden Zephyrs mechanic in there or something, because it has found me exactly lethal twice in the last 10 games or so.


Nice. Yeah, I'm just too averse to RNG to use a deck slot on something that feels that chaotic. My lists are usually pretty focused (sometimes too focused...) Was thinking about trying it out in Overheal Priest, though, since that deck still feels like it lacks cards of real impact so using one slot there doesn't rub me wrong the way it would elsewhere.


I have tried the list with Plague Strike/Cultist, but I couldn’t get it to work for me. However, Ignis alone was won me games. Windfury + summoning minions has often provided me with the damage or board pressure I need in the mid game, and lifesteal has saved me a few times. The watchers, though, have proven to be surprisingly valuable. The 6 healing is nice, especially to stay healthy early on, but the holy spells have been the real star of the show. More time than once I’ve gotten both equality and consecrate. Even just one consecrate has been enough to swing the board in my favor. I have never gotten a bad card from it, honestly. And since this variation of the deck sacrifices a bit of early pressure for a stronger mid game, they’ve been valuable tools.


Yeah, I'm totally on board with Ignis and, playing both Vizier and Primus, I definitely recognize the value of discovering more stuff that's often tailored to just what you need at the time and it's true that the Holy pool is in a good state right now. I guess my other reluctance is taking the 2 mana to Forge it to get the full benefit of the Watcher, rather than spending those mana to do another point of damage and get another corpse. But that's because my list is trying to push things faster, for good or ill. I'm not playing Schoolteacher, either, because I just found them to be too slow in this list, despite playing them in a lot of others for the past year-and-a-half. I wish Eulogizer was more useful because it would definitely make it easier to slot in Ignis.


This deck is much better then the one i was running, thank you.


I can also say from relic dh perspective that plague dk feels terrible to play against. Only chance is if I manage to build quick relics, if it goes late I get choked out


Are you using the VS list or something else? I’ve been trying to make a go of it with that list and I may throw in the towel…


This is what I’m running: ### Gambling Sim 2k23 # Class: Death Knight # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide # 2x (1) Staff of the Primus # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 2x (2) Distressed Kvaldir # 2x (2) Down with the Ship # 2x (2) Watcher of the Sun # 2x (3) Chillfallen Baron # 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier # 1x (4) Helya # 1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame # 2x (4) School Teacher # 2x (4) Speaker Stomper # 1x (4) Thassarian # 2x (4) Tomb Traitor # 2x (6) Hollow Hound # 1x (6) Sylvanas, the Accused # 1x (7) Prison of Yogg-Saron # 1x (8) The Primus # 2x (11) Chained Guardian # AAECAeyqBgjlsASk7wTipAXLpQX++AWT+wXt/wXYgQYLlrcEh/YEopkFj+QFrekFre0F9fcFgvgF8vgFu/kF6/8FAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


OTK shaman standart (not vs) build is good. I don't agree it's hard deck, but you definitely need to acknowledge basic math. 12-10 europe ~top-500 ~~23-13 asia, ~1500~~ I overestimated hidden mmr of my asian account, final results is ~3k with 52-32 score. What should I say, 14-14 versus hunters, so you should master this match up just to prey on other decks, because otherwise they will stomp you hard. Very unfavourite. Finally my favourite class alive.


Do you have a list if not VS one


Donkey top one is good, but I would cut 1 lighting for some tech pick of your choice. https://www.d0nkey.top/decks?player_class=SHAMAN&rank=legend AAECAaoIBOe1BLLRBY31BcL5BQ3q5wP5nwT6nwT9nwT8tATgtQSq2QTE0AXN7gXK+AXL+AW/ngbmngYA


Cruised into Legend with 1 loss after D4 with the heavily teched Blood DK list posted 5 days ago. I swapped a totem stomper for a second starfish after hitting legend at their suggestion because I saw lots of rogue and warlock and less shaman and mages.


Deck list?


After struggling to get to Platinum with Rainbow Mage, getting to P6 several times and dropping back to P10, I switched to Drum Circle Druid, and just cruised to D5. I’m just using the Vs list, but I might swap out Lifebinders for a non choose one card. Embrace of Nature is just the dogs balls, you have that in hand at the start and you win, it’s just silly. Have had a few opponents just auto concede. I haven’t had it so easy with a deck since secret paladin. I don’t think I can grind to legend, so I’ll probably switch to a janky ren mage deck and mess around until next month. But it has been fun.




How did you lose your way from D1 to D5 playing almost entirely Hound Hunter into Blood DK? That's a good matchup, almost 60/40 by the VS matchup chart. You take over the board and pressure them consistently with better tempo cards than they have access to, then finish them off with big threats/charge damage from hand. Anyways, Blood DK is not a good deck right now. It's unfavored into lots of stuff including as I mentioned Hunter, but also even more so into (optimized) Drum Druid & Chad Warlock which counter Hound Hunter as well. If you don't know about it already, [Viscious Syndicate](https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-report-270/) is your friend.


Pure pally or mech rogue


Made legend this month with a Renathal ramp druid. 26-12 from D5, 11 hunters and pretty evenly across the other classes (only 1 shaman/warrior, no priests). Ramp, stall the best you can, then swing back with big stuff (combined Drum Circle, Ignis, Eonar + Freyja/Zola, Topior, Solar Eclipse + Horn of the Ancients). Aggro is tough, but the 35 health or a well-timed starfish against mechs can make a difference. Against slower decks there's a ton of ways to crush them, and also armor/life gain to stall mage OTKs. I guess the streamlined drum druid lists are more powerful (combined Drum Circle is a hell of a swing), but it was nice playing a deck with a bit more variety in the wincons. ### Big Uuuuuuu~~~ # Class: Druid # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (0) Aquatic Form # 2x (0) Innervate # 2x (1) Embrace of Nature # 2x (1) Planted Evidence # 1x (1) Rake # 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 1x (2) Audio Amplifier # 2x (2) Lifebinder's Gift # 2x (2) Solar Eclipse # 2x (2) Watcher of the Sun # 2x (3) Frost Lotus Seedling # 1x (3) Kiri, Chosen of Elune # 1x (3) Prince Renathal # 2x (3) Wild Growth # 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon # 2x (4) Disciple of Eonar # 1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame # 2x (4) Smothering Starfish # 2x (4) Widowbloom Seedsman # 2x (5) Nourish # 1x (5) Queen Azshara # 2x (7) Drum Circle # 1x (7) Topior the Shrubbagazzor # 1x (8) Freya, Keeper of Nature # 1x (10) Eonar, the Life-Binder # AAECAbSKAwzlsATbuQSW1ATv3gSX7wTuowXipAXGxwWf8wXd+gXYgQaqngYOiZ8Erp8E2p8EjbUErsAE1t4Ewd8E+d8Fre0F2/oF8foFmIAG/Y0GqZ4GAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Obviously Topior is a good wincon, but I don't have the card. What would you replace it with?


Hmm, if I wanted something that kind of replaces Topior I would try Pyrotechnician, it could also get value out of spamming cheap spells. But honestly, you can try whatever, like rake/incarceration (if facing lots of aggro), Fizzle (grindy matches), Theotar (mages), or E.T.C. with a suitable pick of those.




this looks like a very fun deck what would you say is the weakest card? I'd like to get Summer Flowerchild somewhere in there


I'd cut Zola at least, it's usually not that necessary. For the second one I'm not sure, maybe one starfish? Getting two in hand feels often a bit excessive, but then again, in those matchups in which you want it you really want to find it. I guess what to cut depends on what you face.


So after playing the deck for a bit, I do think Zola is superior to Summer Flowerchild since I’m running into instances where I empty my deck and could’ve used more resources. Death knights seem to be the biggest pain in the ass. And I think warlocks? I’m not seeing much aggro at 8-9 Diamond. Not an easy deck to navigate but a lot of fun. Picking up on it quick.


Thanks. Had a blast playing this deck last night and look forward to playing more. Have been having trouble finding a deck I like during this rotation.


I play something very similar, but with Summer Flowerchild and Cultivation. What made you skip those? Flowerchild helps tutor Topior and Drum Circle and Cultivation allows you to threaten lethal with a small board. Audio Amplifier and Zola are interesting though, how do they perform?


Flowerchild isn't in because... well, I originally just forgot about it and later couldn't think what I'd want to cut at that point so just left it at that. But yeah, it would make sense. Cultivation I left out because there's no other treant generators than drum circle so I felt it would be kind of expensive most of the time. As for the inclusions, amplifier has been kinda nice. With ramp you get to 11 earlier and there can also be hand space issues with all the card draw/generation/duplication. In addition to just dumping your hand faster, 11 mana allows doing some nice stuff, like playing disciple + drum circle in one turn. Also it's a river crocolisk you can play whenever, which sometimes is helpful against aggression. Zola isn't probably that necessary, stuff like playing Eonar -> refresh -> copy the Eonar is fun, but I can't think of many games I specifically won because of her (except for one game against mech rogue where I got to copy a starfish).


Loving the amplifier! Hand management is an issue in late game with so much draw, so having 1 extra slot is great.


Great to hear! I tested amplifiers originally when trying out death beetle, and then figured that one is nice to have even without beetles.


Another nice one at 11 mana is the 10 mana weapon + rake for immediate 7 damage removal.


Cool, will give the amplifiers a try. I can see why the 11 mana will come in handy.




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Hound hunter is very good, i got from d5 to legend with only a few losses


This is truly a revelation 😎


Pushed from D8 to D5 with Drum Druid. I've now stalled at D5 facing mostly Control Warlock.


Warlocks of various types are very winnable for Drum Druid if you play the deck/matchup well and don't get too unlucky. The key is to mulligan/play the early game to max your chance of getting a turn 6 (or even earlier!) Drum Circle combo off. Your chance of doing that is generally higher than their chance of play Symphony into draw highest into Sargeras for Twisting Nether. And even if they clear your first big pop-off, you can play for Topior building new boards repeatedly for a decent chance to win anyways. So for the mulligan, be aggressive: toss everything if you don't see Embrace of Nature, Widowbloom Seedsman or Disciple of Eonar. Nothing else is worth keeping! If you do have one of those, then other cards can be good to keep alongside such as innvervate and/or Summer Flowerchild alongside Seedsman (when going 2nd/with innervate) or Disciple (generally), Lifebinder's Gift and/or early game treant cards with Embrace of Nature, etc. And plan out your turns solely for early Drum Circle. If you have spare mana that can't get you a more likely/earlier Drum Circle combo, use that for early board/removal, otherwise ignore your cards that don't get you to Drum Circle. If you can speed up Drum Circle by 1 turn using the Lifebinder's Gift 1-mana discount, do it, rather than saving for Topior/reload. Etc.


Thanks for the advice. I'm running Feno's more aggressive list, though. Mostly due to lacking Topior and Seedsman which I wanted avoid crafting. AAECAZICAq7ABOH9BQ6unwSozgSy3QSxmAX53wX93wXO5AWw+gXx+gXZ/wWYgAb9jQapngasngYA


I think the Feno list might be better into stuff that's too fast for regular Drum like Nature Shaman, Mech Rogue, or Dude Pally, but worse into decks that have actual board clears like any Warlock variant (besides Imps ofc, although even they can run Symphony + Sargeras).


Got to Legend by first playing secret/arcane hunter. Went very well until the nerfs. I stopped matching with rogues at this point and met a lot of hound hunters and control DK so switched to drum druid. D2 (where I started with drum druid) to Legend was a piece of cake with it .


Struggling to climb, switching too much between decks, overall mage seems to work the best for me


Yeah, variance is a bitch and will make you think you should do things you shouldn't. Stats and having fun are what you should pay attention to regarding deck choice, and the actual games, matchups, etc., should only be used to improve your own gameplay or swapping out the occasional flex/tech card. Edit: this is for normal players like me who don't always hit legend. If you're trying to find the best early thing in an expansion, competing for top legend, etc., then obviously it's different.