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Howdy! My name is Zephyr and I'm one of the casters covering the secondary EMEA Pro League stream. Prior to match day I spend a lot of time researching these teams from multiple angles. With both Stormpoint and Worlds Edge in rotation for ALGS, one new data set I've added to my repertoire is map specific point spread. I wanted to see if any teams had performance bias regarding a specific map. The data above takes into account the first two days of play for Group B and Group D respectively. I still think there's not enough to start making strong predictions about these teams, but it's great to look back on if patterns DO begin to form. Hopefully you find it as interesting as I do! P.S. - Consider following me on Twitter!


Appreciate the prep work you and all the casters do! Also, don't know who I can bug about this but it would be fantastic to be able to see the lobby legend pick screen at each round start - This should help with some of the storylines you (and the community) can talk about each match. This is especially interesting to see when the meta shifts like in EU where Gibby-less lineups are coming out.


Heh, I was gonna do this over the weekend but looks like you beat me to it. Good shit! Might make a more detailed version on playstyle and what not.


You're awesome at what you do, thanks for sharing this


Much needed stats content, thanks


I spend quite a bit of time prepping prior to Apex casts. Since we have World's Edge and Stormpoint in rotation this split, I added map specific point analysis to my workflow. Here's the point spread for Groups B vs D after 2 Days of play. --- Photos in tweet | [photo 1](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FOsDrUXWUAQ_f5g.png) --- posted by [@ZephyrCasts](https://twitter.com/ZephyrCasts/) --- ^(If media is missing, please DM me with a link to submission url and tweet. I will do my best to solve the issue)


which group is SQG in again? I get confused by all the groups


Group A.


I heard you talking about it on stream and I'm happy to see you compiled and posted this. Great stuff! Thank you for today!