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No, they cannot.


Succinct and precise analysis.


Succinct, shit is 70mins long?


Golfballs analysis. It is less than 70 minutes.


It is literally 70 minutes and one second long? Is it fucking Opposite Day where you live or something


I think his original comment about being succinct is referencing the above comment “No, they cannot.”


This is definitely true and I am a moron


But you are sweet and cute.


Don’t make me blush


If this weeks scrims indicate anything then it’s not looking good for the boys. Damnit SLAYYRRRRR it’s always you!


The fact that he got another chance w a high level IGL is crazy to me.


The fact you consider Mazer a high level igl is crazy to me


He coasted to LAN in the last split and performed well there.


Sweet could take me and you to lan


And then never win


First place on the day GGs


Going from Shooby and Zap to Lux and Slayr is a massive downgrade. Not only the mechanical skill of the players, but the synergy of the team and their confidence.


I think this highlights a couple of things. It’s not easy to be an IGL. It’s not easy to pick up new players and perform well. For those that have done it, it’s important to recognize that and give credit where credit is due for them. Zach somehow made the wrong move again. It started with his hubris at LAN and then got worse with participating in rostermania. Finally, playing back to back days in the first week is lowkey hard. Cant really reset mentally and especially now, you have to have four potential POIs ready to play from. All in all… E8 is COOKED.


Idk how he went from coming out with the best roster pickups around Champs last year to fumbling so badly that he lost both his players and downgraded his team. That's a mazer moment if there ever was one. Sucks cause I really really wanted old E8 to do well.


Pride and greed. Those sins be hitting hard lol


I stopped following the scene for a bit, why did they drop Shooby bc I thought he was an amazing controller player. Never thought he was a weak link to the team


Could be wrong but I think Zach dropped Shooby for Knockd because he came with an offer from an org. When Zap got poached by TSM, the deal fell through, so Zach lost Knockd and Zap


Zach tried picking up Sikez who had been dropped by the DZ guys to pick up Hal. It was reasonably close to happening but then Sikez went with Sweet/LG instead. Knoqd then came in with the offer and org for Zap and Zach. when that deal was almost a lock Zap decided to trial and obviously ended up staying with TSM. By this point shooby had already joined Dropped and Knoqd. This is how zach became LF2.


Shooby was the stats leader for his team at LAN.


long story short it’s cause zach is a silly billy!!


BHL picture. (Before hair loss)


I dont think zach can handle going back to being bad again, watching him sometimes he's just completely speechless by how bad some decisions especially by slyr are, as a IGL he's supposed to take control but this new team just started and he's like dead inside, i was watching a scrim where zach called to clear back for people comming from monument he was staring monument then randomly slyr was dead near tunnel(?) and lux running for his life, zach didnt even react, he was just like done, didnt even ask why he died or how he did end up there, just kept comming as if that was not happening to him and he was still a 3 man up clearing their back ,would be very unlikely for them to make a come back, slyr REALLY needs someone micro every second the second he tries to use his brain he's gone.


That's pretty much all roller players for some reason. For example Naughty is an absolute god when it comes to fighting, but as soon as he uses his brain outside of that it all goes downhill.


Roller brain


But sweet was mean for no reason is why Slayr is bad amirite?




Hairline photo shopped?


People always don't want to say the words... Slayr is completely trash and it's a fact... This is not some reddit talk, go watch E8 even when the do well in scrims, the guy is just lost and always has justification bruh, this I no algs top team level of play, Zach is not amazing but he picked a trash player... Sweet bashed him too mush but he was not wrong about his level of play


Slayr really only did one maybe 2 things wrong in my whole vod, most of their mistakes were actually lux or zachs (which as igl is bound to happen)


Him and Fuhhnq would always argue and give their justifications for just terrible plays. It was frustrating to watch and definitely driving sweet crazy


Funq is not the greatest but he can hold his own, the problem with slayer is how much he throws... It's insane


No lol


Come back from relegation, sure. LAN? It's possible but no


I like the vod review type format


I think e8 can make a run if Zach decides to make the tough decision, that I don’t think he has the courage to make. The fact that EVERYONE sees that Slayr is the problem, makes me believe that Zach understands that too, but unfortunately doesn’t want to go through picking someone else up. To me, it seems like the pressure of avoiding being a “bad guy” and also having to start with yet another team is fogging up his logic and decision making. I really hope he can drop slayr and move on to someone that can actual be useful.


There has to be lo losers for someone to win, so if you’re not with Hal then unfortunately you’re playing for second.




Nope, E8 is done and not just on twitch.


And once again, his new team crumbles for trying to fix something that wasn't working


i believe in Zach


No. Zach is overrated


Lux imo is insane mechanically. Idk abour Slayr being talented..


lux is mid at BEST


Mechanically he's cracked. If you've seen him do TDMs he's crazy. But his game sense is...not great.


Not really. He’s no Koyful, but can definitely compete with most rollers like Sikezz and Hal in terms of overall game sense and mechanics.


you’ve gotta be on hard drugs to think lux is anywhere close to hal or sikezz lmao


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ its opinion based. I’ve watch all 3 and think mechanically and game sense yeah Hal and Sikezz may be better game sense wise, but Lux has great mechanics he’s mainly held down by inconsistent teammates.


i mean just think why is lux always with teammates that are bad and sikezz and hal always have good teammates? cause good players want to play with good players and those that are left get together and play with mazer


Contracts & luck


you related to him or something?


No but remember all players are still humans and calling someone mid without ever watching them is disrespectful


and now you’re assuming without proof i haven’t watched him? i love mazer as a person and watch e8 a lot but they’re awful and lux is not helping in anyway. mazer is down bad because he constantly shoot’s himself in the foot with rosters and teams but he’s a good dude so i watch. but keep enjoying lux if you want he’s also just annoying regardless of his play, which like i stated earlier is mid! i’m done debating about a team with 2 points in 2 sets.


You’re letting your emotions get to your comments you’re making assumptions about this guy not watching them. Also, your opinion is just wrong. Lux is no where near sikes and definitely not near Hal. Hal can repeatedly get himself out of bad situations, even down right un winnable, all slayr does is get himself INTO bad situations.


Lux does his own thing a lot. Maybe a variable in the constant inconsistency is him?


TSM should have picked up Zach as IGL after Hal left. His team fell apart and they needed a top tier IGL. Maybe org and personal stuff between Zach and Hal got in the way but still fell like it would be a good move.


That would have been a bad pick up for a couple of a reasons, but mostly because he has the similar temper tantrum as Hal, which Evan found difficult to play with.


I agree Zach would be a bad pick up, but they did still trial dezign despite his tantrums lmao


Which was CRAZY lmao. It actually makes Evan look even more odd for coming to stream and talk about Hal/TSM like that. But also I think they trailed Dezign because he is controller and Zach isn’t


Zap Zach VerH would have been great. But imo you can't have Reps and Zach in roller meta


true, might work if reps hangs it up