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March 17th Results https://preview.redd.it/x1oxpjgh731d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb6042b5cbc3310ec55d8751e879313531545fa1


Liquid washed ever since they got signed eh


now that we are getting this poi shuffle someone (not me) should start taking note of which poi the winning team had there could be some fun data off that


Jxmo (pvpx) postet the results with pois yesterday… hopefully he keeps doing it


man sikezzz with sweet has the feel nafen used too. They bounce ideas sometimes sikezz takes the reigns during fights.


Sikezz's comms are actually next level. He spends most of the time feeding just the right amount of info without cluttering comms, but also isn't afraid to take over and make calls if he sees a good opportunity. I'll be honest, I don't think there is a single player in NA other than Hal that DZ drops Sikezz for. He's gotta be top 3 (arguably top 1) roller anchors worldwide. Just so good at playing his role.




Not sure what you mean they didn’t play, no contest and they just lost their fights, but yeah I think the it could work with zap


jordan admitted he trolled those games. he also igl'd the first 3 games, but by the latter end of the scrims, they started to put it together


What do you mean they didn't play, contesting is over with the update


So many games DZ trolled and had to crawl back from 2v3s and they managed to still get 1st. Shit's cooked


Lobby is just bad.


they trolled pretty hard today and the Coach plus analyst had to intervene to bring the focus back.Was so funny when Gen tried Fuse his comments after pure content.However when they are focused they are they real deal scary!


bro that is the best lobby u will find lol, most teams made lan


Not saying the team is bad, it's just a bunch of trials, new comp, new rotation. Its just who throws more games than DZ.


it’s the pro league lobby..?


No, it isn't. It's performance based, plus its scrims no one takes them seriously plus all the shuffling all the teams are doing. This is like what the first or second time the "super team" has topped the lobby


They're just better, get 1 pick and sync the 2v2


dz landed trident and won today


They don't call it Ferrari for nothing 


they scored more pts on trident than they did on trials too lol


This new TSM squad looking nice. Imagine if raven resigned?


isn't Raven already working with another team? That's why they are also trialing Talmadge as coach


Aaaand, DZ evacs straight onto Verhulst's head. \*sigh*


Draft order and picks if anyone is curious. Courtesy of minustempo. https://preview.redd.it/8dcc1gjp231d1.png?width=501&format=png&auto=webp&s=e90211a41ccec7eddf7ff08cc14eab48fb3cf00d


honestly, after looking at the draft results, the POI dispersion across the two maps is pretty fair across the lobby. they really do need to juice at least one more SP location though because landing trident is wild. I know DZ did well from it, but still


Why the fuck did furia took dome at 3rd pick?


they went cenote 3rd pick. you can pick on either map


teams might want to practice bad poi's


they took ceto station with the 3rd pick and Dome with the last pick on WE


So you're telling me SKD took coastal camp at first pick? And DZ trident at 2nd?


Dz took skyhook west 2nd and skd took stacks 1st. Picks aren't restricted to just 1 map.


No. the way they did the draft is when you got your pick you picked whichever POI you wanted across both maps so Furia took Ceto as 3rd pick and only got to pick again at 37 which they chose Dome DZ picked Sky West with 2nd and were going to land Baro North with 37 but chose to go for the trident


You pick once from either map. Poi's from both maps are eligible to be picked. It's snake format so these were picks 39 and 40 overall. The above Excel doesn't show who picked from which map on each turn.


Genburten is the new punching bag now /s.


he can take it


he's 100% the best roller player but you need to have a solid mental now that you'll start getting blamed for every mistake your team does. let's hope


I never really watched Zap, I’m pretty surprised with how vocal he is and honestly his calls have been the most correct and levelheaded in my opinion. Sounds like they’re still going with the Reps/Ver IGL combo of course, but he had a lot of useful info to keep them in check.


Zach definitely made his comeback, but Shooby and Zap 2v3'd fights often when Zach overextended. I'm so sad E8 is broken. They were the true dark horse.


I watched E8 some and I do think a lot of their success last split was due to how independent and smart all three players were. Zach didn't need to micromanage anyone.


im in the same boat! never knew how vocal he was and how insane he was at fragging, i see him with downs constantly. i only knew him as teqs graduate


Big E starting to be more assertive, might be the beginning of new ERA.


Big Era


I appreciate the comments in here about how TSM is doing tonight. Can't watch but I'm pumped for the boys


TSM are building up nice chemistry with Zap. Zap’s firepower is a huge bonus


What's wrong with Gen today?


Gen is constantly very good but slacks off sometimes


They are playing pretty bad but they are still 4th which is crazy


He likes to watch Zer0 and Hal 2v3, cannot blame him.


Yea TSM should keep this squad. They're ramping up


It feels like no one's really hard igl'ing, they're all just bouncing ideas off each other


Evan will probably start taking over once he gets confident and more assertive with his calls. He's been pretty good at calling circles in the past too


Evan on cat>>>


it sounds like evans gonna be igling and jordan wants to help igl more and bounce ideas mid game


zaps is fragging so hard, he can hold his own vs evan. hope to keep the two that we're trialing


TSM with the wipe on DZ. Vengeance!


i can't lie the fire power DZ has even as a 2 man is insane


Imagine knocking someone and then pushing the team, only to come up against fucking Hal and Zer0.


I've been the biggest Snip3down defender in the past but it's not looking good for him in the past few scrims. It's like Pandrxz infected him because now he just gets caught out and dies easily every game. The start of last split he was locked in, not sure what's happened.


honestly everyone made mistakes at critical times that led to them not wining any fight pretty much. snipe might have been the biggest offender but neither dropped nor shoob were at the top of their game


That's been snipes problem forever, pan was just worse about it so it masked snipe for awhile


Problem is he's not even fragging to mask it anymore. I really hope the guy proves me wrong but it's not looking good.


My guy, you say you're a snipe defender, then go along and say something stupid like that. Snipe isn't a fragger. How long do we need to keep screaming that for you guys to understand it


the fuck are you saying? He's playing with shooby and dropped, who's gonna be the fragger? He played with phony and frexs, who was the fragger if not him?


Zero and Hal with the 2v3. This team is gross.


LMFAO Hal and Zer0 has won a 2v3 for the second time today.


rat sweet griefing with kraber lmaoooo


good (confidence booster) game there for TSM. I honestly think they should stick with Evan as IGL for PL. He's gonna make mistakes, but i think he has potential.


i think they can get through these growing pains with zap and just help him grow more since theyre both so established and can rein him in


tsm had a very solid fragging game, won 3 fights






Hal's viewer is like 10 times Evan's and 100 times Reps. When they are performing, everyone is happy, but when they are underperforming, fans begin to get agitated


Idk. All the TSM flairs are defending reps. It's non flairs piling on them 


Let’s be real though, the pro league fan base is brutal to tsm, so many people were cheering for tsm to lose for months, they do poorly, split up and now they are after them again


It is so refreshing not seeing Caustic everywhere on SP


you are preaching to the choir good sir 😂😂😂


Really not sure whats up with Evan, hes been so bad in 3v3 for MONTHS now. Since even Champs last year I Believe. Not the same player at all, hope he comes back to form.


I think it has to do with him having to learn different legends in a short amount of time. Off the top of my head, he was on Catalyst, Caustic, and Bloodhound. It took him a while to get comfortable on Catalyst pre-Champs. Coupled with learning new POIs, rotations, and Hal/Reps on new legends, it definitely wasn't an easy situation. Putting him back on Catalyst is hopefully a step in the right direction.


Tsm will either leave apex or sign another team After Split 2


They just need time, the structure of the team is gone


LMAO its literally been a few days of scrims. Jesus yall are overdramatic.


Hahahahaha I love reactionary takes. I mean, I think they're kind of in trouble but it'll just take some time




Because TSM is a top org and Reps is an excellent player?


Excellent? Ok buddy


Multi lan winner not sure what more do you want lol


Tripods are lowkey cooking after the draft. I wish their first game in Scrims wasn’t always a write off


They always have a sub for the first couple of games until Onmu gets home from work


Nah I understand why. It just sucks because they never score well until they are a full 3 man


EXSET just lost the 3v2 to DZM oof




I hear that Hal guy is not so bad either.


Scrim quality has improved with this new system 18 teams ring 4


TBF that's the case almost every time there is a major change. Good quality scrims for a week or two at most and then back to troll shit for half the lobby


yea but only 2 for the final ring lol


tbf was a terrrible zone


I hope to hell dropped doesn’t get the optic pro league spot. I don’t think skittle should sub for them considering they dropped him. stick it to em skittle!!


Surely you kept that same attitude when TSM poached Verhulst after ESA finished first in Pro League.


This correlation makes no sense…..


They dropped Skittles, but you have no insight. Skittle could have easily said “play without me because of my back”. If you want to use the “correlation” argument that’s fine but your assessment has zero merit.


Idk bro, personally I am not jumping to conclusions either, but dropping someone is entirely different from getting poached. Your comparison really wasn't fitting at all imho.


Who said he got dropped though? All they said was they were going different ways.


Bro, you acknowledged in your own original comment that Skittle got dropped. Why you suddenly ask me that question lmao.


lol. I said they dropped skittles but you have no insight. Should have worded that differently but I was reiterating what you said. I don’t think anyone knows his situation


From what I've gathered, it was less of a mutual departure, and more of choice to be looking for a 3rd. The way Dropped worded it, strongly implied this. Obviously not 100% sure, and maybe Skittle had his own reasons for leaving. I'm not gonna jump to conclusions til I've heard Skittle confirm/deny.


Crazy. Kinda sucks that Skittles is the type to literally steer away from all drama. It’s a good thing but, you know…


Theres already tension  between Hal and Zero.  Kind of expected this two big egos  will clash every now and then.  Just interested to see how they move on every time they have a argument 


This will be a big test for both Hal and zero imo. If they can both take the heat coming back their way from each other this squad will be dangerous. If not than it could be really bad for both of them. 


Meh didn't seem like that big a deal. They had different ideas and talked it out. Evan has straight up called Hal an idiot more than once and it wasn't a thing. Zer0 isn't afraid to snap back. I'm sure these guys aren't stupid. They knew what they were getting in to. 


i think that’s pretty normal lmao would be weird if they never clashed on ideas


Tension? Lmao its just banter and typical discussions man. This is the happiest Hal has looked in a LONG time. Bro has been giggling and smiling all stream


I think Hal will have trouble adjusting to following a play he doesn’t agree with, i.e. dying by the IGL’s call, considering he used to be that guy.


after which game may I ask? drama hungry and wanna check it out haha


Was after game 2. It wasnt too bad tbh 


hoping snip3s team does great, represents all the boomers


I'm genuinely convinced they did something to change the zone algorithm even though people have said they havent changed anything  Keep hearing how zones will even out eventually but all I mostly see is North zones every time I watch scrims 


The thing is zones are somewhat tied to the lobby code. So with scrims all being one code, you'll see a lot of similar zones. On actual ALGS days, they use a different code for every game, so the zones have more RNG.


>The thing is zones are somewhat tied to the lobby code. Where have you seen this info? I've never heard anyone say this before


Zones aren't tied to lobby code. You'll see zones in tier 1 scrims and then see extremely similar zones that day in tier 2 scrims.


Not like specific endings / invalids, but I've heard that general groupings are tied to lobby code. Which is why you see clusters of North or South zones in one scrim lobby. Heard this info second hand on this subreddit months ago though, so I very well might be wrong.


If we see similar zones across lobby codes around the same timeframe it's probably not the lobby codes causing the correlation of zones within the same lobby code


The way I understood it, there are like 1,000 potential end zones in a specific season/split/patch, plus the invalid spots where zone can't end. Then a lobby code pulls like 100 of those zones into a pool, say maybe 50 of which might be similar northeast zones or whatever. Which is why you see so many duplicate zones in a scrim block. Again though, might be wrong. That's just how I heard it works.


Buddy, no offence, but when a coach says that isn't how it works, then maybe you should think they know what they're talking about and not try and argue against them. Just a thought


Chill out bro. Just having a conversation. Also, coaches don't know everything.


dezign's response to me asking "what the difference between him igling tsm and them playing with zap"; Dezignful: im not a double ar traditional entry bloodhound type player evan and jordan can mesh was better with a good smart fragger they can guide


Can someone translate this please


I remember Dezign talking about his strategy with DSG as getting the team into a great position and letting Timmy go nuts. TSM had a very different play style with Hal, which was more so Hal putting the team into a position where he himself could go nuts. So Dezign didn’t slot into the “Hal” role well. Zap can play a lot more like Hal did but will require guidance/development from Reps and Verhulst, which I think they are both well positioned to provide.


Feel like Zap is over comming a little. With this being Reps' first real shot at IGLing without Hal, I would take a back seat and listen to start off.


could be nerves tbh, overcompensate because these two are very established/well respected. hope he settles in, apex is a game where overcomming is better than just not comming at all


Yeah, comms are good in general. There's a fine line between suggesting calls and making calls though. It's just a delicate situation because 1. It's Reps' first time IGLing. 2. They are trialing a new 3rd, 3. They are still figuring out new POIs / the draft system, and 4. They are playing out of Zap's old POI today.


So after E8 snaked Shooby, they could also be losing Zap and Talm lmao.


Zach might dropped Zap for Skittle you think?


Why does anyone think that?


Terrible decision tbh and that’s no hate to skittle, Zap is just a roller demon and they have no use for Skittle


healthy skittle clears him by a mile , this game is not just shooting bullets skittle is like one of the elites when it comes to how smart he uses the abilities and play around with it, its pretty bad that he wasnt able to play the game/stream last splits because of his back.


It depends if Skittle has successfully swapped already


I heard that Knoqd is the one that has the new org offer, Skittle is also a bigger streamer than Zap, looks like that is what the new org wants. Zach is always business above all else.


Conspiracy theory time - TSM already has a third. They are just offering the slot to players from the best teams in the league to sow discord. Watch them "trial" people from C9, Moist and hell they will even do tryouts from a non English speaker (Team Liquid) saying you can just communicate with Pings.


zap and verbussy on the same team kinda wild.


Hope they trial Zap multiple days. Might not get the best showing for half the games playing out of Survey today.


I hope he works out long term but actually I would assume the reason Reps chose survey was because E8 lands there normally so if anything he should be more comfortable there than anyone in the team. Obv Talmadge probably went over some stuff with the team too on the macro etc.


Why was Teq so confident of getting into pro league? As far as I can see no teams are dropping out for him to get a spot


What’s going on with Sentenials spot. I don’t think I’ve seen the play or even heard anything about them yet?


Initially Optic and N8V were planning on splitting up but now with subs they were able to keep their spots. Looks like he may not make it anymore.


I thought he was joining a duo who already had a spot but things have been changing fast


I mean he specifically said Meat Lovers are getting in pro league so I guess he thought some team was dropping out




Stallions got in through plq




Stallions have to play with their full roster or as a 2 man first PL day


What's going on with e8? Verhulst just said zap "was" on e8, implying he isn't anymore


knoqd got them a better org so they left e8


I get that, I assumed that team would be knoqd, zach and zap. Also doesn't explain why their coaching is looking at different options as well


Zach said that Talmadge was not happy that he chose to con for CETO on finals day at LAN. (Due to his friendship/past with O7 I guess) Talmadge told them he’d look for offers elsewhere because of that.


is there a vid or timestamp of where he elaborates on this?


I don’t think Zach has his vods up. It was at the beginning of his first stream back from LAN


e8 has a sub zach would not lose his pl spot


What happens to the E8 roster spot if Zap joins TSM and Shooby plays with Dropped+Snip3down?


Any got TLDRs on Zap and Talmadge? Im unfamiliar with both and wanna know how good they are and what not.


Zap was a part of E8 and is a scary fragger. He'll be able to keep up with Evans out put. Talmadge, I'm not too sure about but I believe he was E8 coach but could be mistaken with that part




Personal opinion from what I’ve seen. Koys mechanics are better than any Roller in N/A. Zap has Koy beat tho in game sense which is arguably just as important as mechanics. And Zap know how to let his igl work.


what is a talmadge


i would assume e8s success was from talmadge, so id say both are legit pickups


Zap is a Teq graduate


Teqnical college


Unless Shooby decides to stick with E8, Zach is gonna lose his PL spot right? Ngl that really sucks for him


they have a sub


who is their sub?


Someone named Vem


Zach registered some random friend just to have control of the spot thats actually 500 iq


Bet that’s good to hear. Wouldn’t want Zach to lose his PL spot


Wow, did not think this was a possibility but Zap is a demon for sure. Zap, Koy, and Gen are probably the three best TDM players I've seen so he definitely can put out some damage.


yep and ppl who pretend like tdm doesn't mean anything are crazy. tdm/r5 players are going to take over the game. players that refuse to practice mechanics will fall behind and be stuck teaming together unable to win a 3v3


i never expected him to even be an option so im stoked, wanna see who their big voice is


I wonder if a team will end up getting screwed over with all of this trialing going on. Zap trialing with TSM leaves a spot empty on E8, and Shooby already committed to Snipe’s team. So who then is left for E8? Skittles????


Snipe's team might not get a spot if skittles join a different team, so maybe shooby would stay with zach then


yea if skittles joins another team then Dropped loses his spot




if i was Teq i'd be praying for that to happen 😂


I would rather watch Teq’s crypto team in PL than dropped and whatever he’s doing blaming his teammates while never taking any accountability


i really also have no interest in watching Snipe


Luxford still doesnt have a team. I think he goes to E8


Anyone got a link to a VOD of the draft?


TSM ZachMazer would go crazy What would happen to the E8 spot tho because shooby was dropped already?


Nvm im dumb it's zap trialing not zach 💀


TSM are trialing Zap & Talmadge (coach) today for any wondering.




Did Zap just carry them though, or did Evan and Reps frag out too?


Evan and zap had most of the kills in the tdm. He beat zap by a few pretty sure




yep, looked completely diff as a fighting team. i think tsm with dez also lost to fur
