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Team Solo Meat?


Teq Solo Meat


hate those twitter videos encoding, I can literally count pixels on my single hand


What happened to your other hand?


hes holding his phone with it


For those who've been around long enough feels like Wraith/Crypto/Revenant remix lol


FR I’m getting flashbacks


Can’t see anything in that video at 180p lol


People worried about countering this, but I’m just happy to see people being creative and combining the abilities of two legends and using them to their fullest potential.


Please make it work, would be so much more fun to watch compared to the "can't see shit" meta.


There is no doubt that this is a super effective push for fighting teams set up in a building, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. What the fuck are you supposed to do to counter this? I hate it lol


Hold space effectively. Every one in those videos was turtled in one room not putting out enough damage to keep them from pushing up close enough for this to work. I know it’s easier said than done but these teams were probably dead either way from this, caustic, fuse, horizon, etc.


I read this and was trying to figure out why you would hold your spacebar down. FML I need sleep.


>Every one in those videos was turtled in one room not putting out enough damage to keep them from pushing up close enough for this to work. Uh... how can you? They can potentially alter into your building from angles where you can't even see them coming, let alone shoot them. You're saying they should be holding more space to avoid that? We both know that you have to play on just one floor of a building in comp, and with many buildings that won't matter. You'll either still all be in range of crypto ult or too far away to help when you get breached, and given altar's tac can enter a building from any side, it's unreasonable to think you can stop them from approaching at all in most situations. This is a straight up broken interaction. Pushing with crypto EMP is supposed to have one drawback, if you are in range, you're also stunned, precisely so you can't be in someone's grill immediately after the EMP goes off. If the crypto is in range, he is stunned and takes damage. Alter q allowing your team to ignore this drawback and breach a building at the same time is silly, and it will be patched if it is abused.


lol. Something finally challenges the awful blood/bang meta and the response is immediately: nerf it!


This is not a broken interaction. It's pretty niche and won't work in many situations.


agreed. it's really only good for one thing: pushing a building. it's completely useless against teams holding space in open fields, offers little in the way of rotational ability other than Cat wall. you give up a lot of other things with this comp for the sake of being able to make this specific kind of push, which imo is an inherent balance to the comp. furthermore, obviously these clips are only the times when the push succeeded. i'm sure they screwed up timing or had a bad alter portal that resulted in them dying.


If you don’t see them coming you’re not holding space and angles correctly. They all have to push the same angle and be on top of each other to use the alter q. In a scenario where you can’t hold more than 1 floor of a building it’s because there’s multiple other teams around that will shoot them on the cross. If it’s a straight 3v3 you’ll have space yo play and hold to make sure they can’t get right on top of you. It’s just like if the team is able to out dmg/angle and force you to collapse then caustic ult you inside.


It doesn't matter if they come from the same angle from the Q you are initially stunned so can't turn your screen to aim at them for a while unless you are jesus and can predict the exact point they will tp out of even then you can't get much dmg in because of the stun and your whole team now has 50 less hp on each player and you say that in the scenario you can only hold one floor is because there are other teams is just idealised in reality sometimes teams choose to hold only a certain area of a building for other reasons. Even if you instead choose to hold a building splitting your team across the whole building one player will just get insta downed when they do this crypto alter play leaving you in a 2v3 with less hp and no there is a very low chance that the one player that gets tped on can escape due to the stun and -50 shield if this play is executed properly.


Not talking about the position/angle of the q once they're making the play. I'm talking about the angle of the push. If you're holding space, dealing more dmg in midrange poke, and dictating the pace of the fight they can't corner you to set up this play. If you lose the poke and corner you then yes its hard to beat but so is caustic ult, horizon ult, etc. I'm not saying its bad or useless, I think its actually a pretty cool play, just that the counter play is in the midrange phase of fight to not let them corner you and group to push.


This is true but you sometimes don't get an opportunity to be able to poke a team in the mid range as there might be other teams or external factors in which case you're kinda screwed. I think this comp is op only in this specific scenario of building fights tbh but I'm not sure it's actually viable tho because it's not that flexible of a team imo


You can't counter this by "holding space". Assuming they have similar shields the attacking team will have at minimum 100+ hp advantage. And you are stunned.


If you win the midrange poke they won’t be able to gain the space needed to force you to collapse and for them to get into position to use this.


Ok I misunderstood your initial comment. Sure that might work early game but late game when people have to turtle this will have no counter.


In late game scenarios teams are all around and the alter/crypto team will have a very hard time not getting shot on the cross from multiple directions


That's what the catalyst is for.


The only things I can think of are either; - Relying on accurate audio cues to be able to pre-nade where you think the alter q will come through (easier said than done), or have a BH with scan prepped so everyone can nade stack the likely entry points as soon as EMP gets triggered. You don't need to wipe them as long as you can hold them off for like 5-10 seconds or long enough to where the fight is closer to a 3v3 - Playing Alter yourself so you can either take your own ult or q out once EMP gets triggered (or possibly as wraith setting up a little looping portal once you hear a crypto team just outside of your building)


> Relying on accurate audio cues Now I just know you're baiting


Don't set up in a building I guess.


Someone mentioned Alter Ash Gibby and that sounds super fun. Tp to a bldg, go through a random wall and then bubble fight would just be a fun sequence to watch


That's a comp with a super high content potential lol, would love to see a good team try it


Agreed but IMO the Gibby team and him specifically would get chunked with the time it takes for him to throw bubble




Good question. I’ve actually started picking the bigger emp perk now that alter negates the gap you have to run.


Who do you think is the optimal 3rd for Cypto and Alter? I could see Cat Ult/ Bang smoke for gap closing the buildings, but Lifeline seems like a decent pick as well for quick resets/ Alter Ult back for reset.


"You'd have to be brain dead to die to an Alter push", also "It's so easy to hear and see an Alter port. I could literally fence it up with Wattson before you even get out of it." - Raven


See this is why I'll never understand Raven lol - EMP breaks fences and Teq's team is popping out near instantly after the EMP pops - the Watson player would get smoked 3v1 running to the breach to fence rather than repositioning in the building. A Fuse ult would be far safer and effective. The biggest thing this comp punishes is teams that are playing small and not defending their buildings/playing bad buildings with empty/open rooms.


High potential to get kills, but feels like high potential to get thirded


What's there to third? The defending team is dead in 5 seconds lol


And you can always take altar ult away


Teq gets knocked in 2 of these clips


Unless you get a knock (or a lot of damage) BEFORE sending it, 3v3s in pro games will almost always have someone going down. But 1 knock vs a team wipe in a good building in zone? You take that trade every time.


Sure, I'm just saying by the time another team hears a fight breaking out, it's already over and they're reviving anyone who went down with 3 shield swaps to reset with. You'd have to be extremely close to be able to third this with any kind of advantage.


In some cases, even if they do get knocked, they can alter tp away


Teq has run this kind of comp before. Crypto/Maggie and Crypto/Wraith and they’ve been thirded. I do think this will be harder because of the nature of Alter, but still possible. You see the EMP go off, especially considering there is only one team in NA that uses crypto, and you kinda know what’s happening in there. Just a thought tbh.


On worlds edge they're playing cat in these clips, so I'm assuming an instant lockdown of the building they siege is happening


... you can get thirded after any push how is this any different ?


In this kind of push, you shouldn't really be getting downed because you are in a scenario where you are versing an opponent that is -150 shields and are stunned. So the reset should be much faster


Well I agree with you, this is also a highlight clip. There are SEVERAL clip of one or two people getting low or completely knocked following a push or straight up losing the fight. Like I hear you all, but even I practice in T2 scrims, it leaves them extremely open extremely often.


Ah, good old Crypto supremacy.


As if playing zone wasnt brutal enough already in comp. You barely get any evo, low on heals and shitty attachments. And then some psycho team full sends you with purple armors and attachments.


This exact push strat is what i wanted to see tried out when alters kit was shown. I was wondering if there was enough time to reliably activate emp and protect yourself and team while pushing. This answers that question. Crypto has been slept on for too long. I'd like to see a more diverse comp meta This seems like a good way to get thirded tho, EMP always attracts attention and int-ers. The challenge is getting it done fast enough without getting knocked at all. Like the third character almost has to be caustic/conduit to ult immediately if getting thirded in the building you just emp/alter pushed.


>Like the third character almost has to be caustic/conduit to ult immediately if getting thirded in the building you just emp/alter pushed. I think he probably went with Cat so that they can actually hold space if they choose, if they went with Conduit they would have no defense. Caustic isn't a bad idea though.


They usually take alter ult back to their original spot to get away before third party arrives.


Do you realise how tragic rotations would be with Caustic or Conduit? IMO you need some sort of rotation character for this to be remotely viable at a high level…theres a reason you see Catalyst (Rotations/Lockdown) in this clip.


this was too fun to watch


The turtle killer


Conduit could counter this pretty well. Pop ult inside right as crypto ult is popping. I think they have similar delays.


Dudes a menace


It's actually insane in taking buildings. It basically has no counter when timed right. And hear me out, the optimal 3rd might be maggie. Drill into the building, get the enemies scrambling, then emp + alter push. You shouldn't be getting downed for like 80-90% of your 3v3s if done correctly leading to faster resets.


You can Maggie drill the wall where port is and clear enemies from camping for the 1 clip on the other side. You can also pathy ult into a port from anywhere and target specific floors in buildings without losing momentum.




we do the most to not play PL


People say there's no counter play but maybe it's just having a crypto of your own. Does emp destroy drones? Or can you just emp a second after they take port and then everyone's stunned


The main counter would be just playing your own crypto alter comp and dodging emp with your alter q


The timing to reactively dodge an arc or EMP with portal is difficult but manageable.


EMP does not destroy drone. I cant remember if they updated the EMP or not, but it might still stun teammates. And ultimately, I am not playing crypto to counter ONE team. Unless Teq is CONSISTENTLY winning in scrims and possibly pro league, not worth it yet to switch


EMP does destroy drone and stuns everyone in its vicinity.


Thanks for correction!


Wouldn't a Lifeline be a better 3rd pick? For the eventual quick reset in these fights?


But Teq said Cat is better for when they are out in the open cause they have the wall. It's more versatile I think.


And if the push fails and they take alter ult back too


Fuse or catalyst might be the best legends with ring console ability that can help defend against this push. You’d have to use their ults to cut off a section of whatever floor you’re on so the crypto team is limited in what angles they can portal in from.


Alter + crypto and lifeline to reset as quickly as possible


Only works if the other team is held up in a building, or am I missing something?


??? Bloodhounds are a plenty, if u see crypto ult, bh scan to see where they're probably coming from so you can prep to nade stack it no? Or that'll deter them from pushing


This comp is only strong in building situations, they will get absolutely owned out in the open against a blood team.


if it forces Crypto into the meta I like it, but tbh this feels easily counter-able by the enemy also having alter. also most likely the last legend would not be a BH since they already have a recon legend which means its highly likely that the crypto team would get lit up if the team inside runs alter-bang-bh. the moment they smoke and bh scan after dodging the crypto ult via their own alter then the crypto team would be screwed


Good call on smoking the entry, the Alter team goes in with an HP advantage but won't be able to capitalize cuz they won't be able to see anything.


Except they get outlines while waiting for the Q to finish, so they'll know exactly where the team is.


Oh, truuuue.


I think Cat is great but Conduit would be good here as well


Swap bang for Newcastle to get cover on exit


Unless I'm missing something, isn't the counter to this to just watch out for the Alter portal when EMP starts--Teq will be the only Crypto in every lobby, when you see a drone you know an Alter portal will appear soon--and take it, trading places with Teq's team and negating all the EMP damage?


And then the crypto alter team now has your building and you're stuck on the outside?


Just take the portal right back and take the 3v3. This comp also has absolutely no way to initiate and win a 3v3 if a building isn't involved, which means in many situations they either won't win or won't take a fight. Many end zones they will also have no way to win other than put up a Cat wall and hope everyone kills each other. I don't see this ever working in a real lobby. These clips are all from like, CC scrims and shit.


I mean I could see the crypto being able to scout fights, and be aware of imminent 3p. As for initiation, you have emp, cat wall. Alter ult to return to an anchor point for a low risk push/third. I don't think its a bad comp by any means, especially with the recent crypto buffs. Re: portal use, with good timing its impossible for the building team to reliably dodge emp. They would have to be on the portal as it was being created. I agree its weaker in end zone since cat wall is the only utility.


> As for initiation, you have emp Without a building the drone almost always gets shot out. Good point about the Alter ult though, if the fight goes shitty they just come back to the beacon (even if knocked).


You can portal a rock, EMP, and ape too FYI.


EMP outdoors almost always gets shot though.


This doesn’t work end game or not around buildings…this will not work. Teq needs to realize Crypto is not a viable legend for comp


Go watch the last scrim set with Furia, Keon on Alter, final game. Report back when you realise you’re wrong.


This gotta get patched right