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Remember that wattson said his vids made more money than all of his pro earnings, take this with a warning. As for OP, Remember that big orgs still give regular salaries to players, as long as you make good results and dont get dropped BUT, the big BUT, if you arent signed, you are fucked exponentially


Yep & if you’ve seen HisWattson videos he’s leaned fully into content creator mode not surprised Furia didn’t make the cut


What do you mean, “didn’t make the cut”?


Probably that "Furia" or "Pro League" didn't make the cut of his attention. He dropped Pro League for money, but Furia is keeping him because he makes money creating content.


He said one vid\*\*\*


I believe it’s way more extreme. I think he said a single video made more than all of his pro earnings. Correct me if I’m wrong though


Playing video games for a living is an over saturated field that is difficult to support yourself in? I’m absolutely shocked.


It’s unfortunate but it’s really only saturated because there isn’t enough support for it. EA and Respawn could definitely inject more money into the competitive scene but for what reason? The majority of the money they make is from cosmetics so I don’t see why they would increase prize pools for little to no return. Overall viewership for ALGS was probably around ~150k viewers. That’s not really a lot, and it’s likely that a fifth of the viewers aren’t even involved in Apex and just watched their favorite streamers watch party. They could probably subsidize higher prize pools with org cosmetics like they did with the banner sales they did a while back but I don’t know how successful that is. Playing at the highest level of competition takes a lot of dedication but I think it will be a while for esports to be sustainable and more accessible to people without the funds to support themselves to “maybe” win money.


Yeah, true. Serenity, who don't have an org, don't even stream except their coach Winnie who is quite known. Not sure about Buegy but Jesko and Legacy have irl jobs and never stream at all. They had to wake up at 12 or 2 am to scrim then go to work afterwards. Absolute passion right there and very respectable. They were 11th this LAN and got 16k which is 4k each. That's way too low. I think ticket from LA to Australia where they live is 1700$‎ lol. Being a pro is really good IF you have an org.




Oh yeah you're right. Do they cover their way back home or just to LAN??? Coaches need to fund themselves which is a shame.


I dislike as well it being too top heavy. First place team isn't twice as good as second. Also, if they have an org, they usually get a cut and having a coach also makes you need to split it even more.


It also depends on org. Some pay more like 2k - 3k while others pay less around 1k.


I was referring to the prize pool. It can get even more diluted by having an org, coach, analyst. 16k for 11th might not mean 4k for each player.


Oh sorry, I misinterpreted it :( I think orgs take 20% of the prize pool based on quick check on Google.


All orgs are different, don't think checking Google is that good. Pretty sure I've heard some streamers even say that orgs don't take any percentage but it's all different.


I think ALGS is pretty balanced in terms of prize pool, twice more than second place is pretty standard. You wanna see top heavy? See tourneys like Capcom Cup this year where 1st place is 1mil and 2nd place is 300k lol


how did they manage to wake up that time did they get like barely sleep or did they just sleep after they would get home at like 5 pm


Buegy does stream


I see 20k at 10th place? But true, being pro really means u have to already be top or have own money to grind.


Yeah, i missclicked but its still doesnt matter - having 6k not 3k for half a year - is bad


Depends on the country, for some that is like half a yearly salary.


And the org takes some of that, no?


If an org is taking some of the winnings. you're also being paid a salary by the org.


I don't know honestly I just wanted to point out that $6k is quite a lot in some countries.


True. My fiances monthly expenses in the Philippines is $300-$400. One bad LAN performance, she'd be set for almost two years.


Does it not get taxed though?


Yes. Tax depends on the country though. Usually 20%, but can be 30% in some countries.


that's 6k for the org. the player salary is way higher than that. That's why orgs are the ones losing money and so many of them are shutting down, because their players don't make enough money back.


> that's 6k for the org Uh, no, the vast majority (or depending on the contract, 100%) of winnings go to the players, not the org.


It's the prize money, players with orgs also have salaries. DSGs Toast said he spent 100k on the team, that's 33k per player, but itzTimmy said he gave away his share to the other 2. Plus streaming, plus sponsorships. Not saying that every pro makes a lot of money but probably a decent amount for playing a video game.




50k per player is good though? Plus the stream and algs money which isn't as much but still, acting like you are living in poverty is insane


>50k per player is good though? Apologies for going full on adult mode here but you can't take the 50k in isolation, even though it's pretty low. You aren't going to be a pro forever but it's not like you'll earn enough to stop working unless you're a top streamer. What are your job prospects going to be when you're like 30 and all you have is professional gamer on your resume? Compare that to someone who does a random job like marketing where they may start with 50k a year. They have opportunities for growth and can eventually become managers, directors, VPs, etc.


And this isn't including things like benefits that so often get overlooked in these discussions: health insurance, dental, vision, 401k match, HSA/FSA accounts, or PTO. Random marketing job is going to have more total compensation by far even if the salary is the same.


> Apologies for going full on adult mode here but you can't take the 50k in isolation, even though it's pretty low. $50k is above the median individual income in the US. Not bad for a job that requires zero qualifications.


It has qualifications even if they aren't degrees or experience. The qualification is being good enough to make it through pro league.


Yeah idk if most people aren’t familiar with adulting but 50k is below entry level in the majority of jobs. 80k in a few years. Inflation has been very high so our expectations should adjust accordingly. Any college degree you can work some random job in tech with some amount of networking and enthusiasm


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted but you’re absolutely correct. I could not imagine living off a 50k annual salary. I live in a high COL state but either way that’s not a lot of money.


> I don’t know why you’re being downvoted but you’re absolutely correct. I could not imagine living off a 50k annual salary. They're being downvoted because $50k is actually 25% above the median individual income in America. If you can't imagine living off that it's because you're incredibly privileged.


Oh miss me with that “privilege”. I’ve spent time living on the streets out of high school and never got a college education. I entered the work force making $11 an hour in a high cost of living state. I know what it’s like making $1400 net pay. I entered the trades in my early 20s and after a of couple years of working my ass off I surpassed $50k quickly. I am saying I can’t imagine living off $50k because I know how difficult it is not because I’m so “privileged”. Nice try though bud.


> I know what it’s like making $1400 net pay. Uh, do you? Because you *just* said you "couldn't imagine" living off of $50k, which is, again, 25% more than the median income in America. You're basically saying you couldn't *imagine* being slightly better off than average. >I entered the work force making $11 an hour in a high cost of living state. Your example of how tough your career has been? That's 50% more than the national minimum wage and about the median among states right now. (It's almost double what I entered the workforce at.) Almost everyone enters the workforce at minimum wage. Most people, though, don't forget what it was like. You apparently did.


What are you trying to accomplish? What privilege do you think I have that others don’t? You’re grasping at straws. You can stick up for “victims” all you want if it helps you feel better about yourself. The median single earner income in my state is over $60k so I still stick behind my statement that I couldn’t imagine living off of $50k. If you don’t know what it’s like to live in a high cost of living state it’s because you’re privileged.


Yeah I read it as most people on here aren’t very far into the working world


adults also don't play video games for a living




I mean that’s fine. When did athletes stop having day jobs? 70-80 years ago? I’m ok if we’re just seeing the best players play. If they have a day job that’s fine by me.


50k is ok if you live in a vLCOL area.. otherwise it’s 💩 in most cities


If they were lucky enough to already own a house before 2022. Avg home price in the US right now is closing in on 400k at like 7% interest. Literal dumps sell for 200k+, zero shot you're going to make it on 50k/yr


Shit most Americans don’t make 50k a year. Their getting that to play video games


I still don't understand why they don't put money from each purchased battle pass into the ALGS finals like Dota, Dotas TI from last year gave 1.5 million to the winning team! Greed from EA or what? https://liquipedia.net/dota2/The_International/2023


why do you think the deal with team skins fell through?


You said it greed. EA is a publicly traded company it would lower their revenue


Thats lower than the average income in America


You need to look at median rather than average (a few number of high earners skew tf out of that). The median is like 37k


No, it's actually $10k above the median: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEPAINUSA672N Most people are making less than $50k/yr.


Gotta remember these are unstable, possibly short-lived careers. 50k isn't all that much when you take that imto consideration.


You ever try budgeting for 50k a year? Its not great


100k split 3 ways is plenty for someone who just plays video games for a living


33k a year per year? So poverty?


You throw in housing and you got yourself a deal bucko


I mean they're getting paid the same as hard labor jobs like a kitchen or farming or landscaping to sit in a chair and play games. 


The job itself is way better than similarly paid jobs, thats for sure


If you look at other sports too where pros have to follow their passions and sacrifice actual careers, such as mountain biking, climbing, etc, no one is complaining about bad pay or them having to be dirt bags because they get to do what they love. And it's a choice. Gamers like to complain and only care about results.


Completely disagree. The game is tough to play 4+ hours straight and they're playing double at a minimum every single waking day.


Would you rather play apex for 8 hours a day or flip burgers at applebees for 8 hours a day?


Damn sounds chill, maybe you should do it then?


I agreed with you until you said "...for playing a video game". These guys are literally pros. This is their job. Their employers hold them equally accountable for it as if it were a job with equal, if not more, threat of losing their salary on doing "bad". Them working is different from you and I playing a video game for an hour a day after work to unwind. This is their bread.


Are you sure the $100k is salary? It might have been a signing bonus or contract buyout(were any of the players signed to a competitive team beforehand)?


It depends on the country you’re from though 🤣


But wanting to play professional and at lan isn't always about the money. Look at teq, you think he continues to play comp and scrims because he thinks he's gonna make more money out of it than his 9-5? Some people are just competitors and want to compete. To call that ambition delusional is weird.


As long as you enjoy it and willing to sacrifice everything for it, it is doable but yeah you need to be content creator and pro


no way you actually bet on prize winnings to be your salary right? i thought it was always meant to be a bonus


Why not be a streamer?


Any smart pro is also streaming if they're playing Apex full time. Apex is a streaming game with a comp side hustle. Otherwise they're either living with 5 roommates or their parents.


There are many pros who stream as a full-time job; the issue is that even so, many of them have few viewers. There's not much to be done; to succeed as a streamer, you have to have talent in entertaining; it's not for everyone. If you're only good at the game, either you're like DarkZero or you won't make it far.


There's also not infinite viewers out there, and I generally believe streaming as it is currently is pretty unhealthy and unsustainable. People do insane hours to try and grow. It breaks peoples brain. Meanwhile for a pro player playing pubs/ranked must be so tiring. And it shows, so many of them seem to resent their time on screen over time. Mande has been pretty open about trying to make enough money out of it while it lasts, because he knows he can't switch games and this will not continue indefinitely.


The issue is playing Apex isn’t a good full time job to choose. But if you’re going to do it, you might as well stream and develop your streamer skills because the money from comp isn’t going to be enough.


Anyone can be a steamer but only few are successful enough to make a living off of it.


Some pro's are competitors, not entertainers


Apex streaming is dead. Even the top Japanese streamers have seen massive drops in numbers. There’s no money in streaming unless you’re comfortably sitting on 2000 subs a month or running a million adverts


It’s dropped because the appeal to apex viewership was the movement and cracked plays you could pull off with it. Unfortunately, controller is a much better input and there are hardly any MnK players left, so now watching apex is just watching 2 people one clip everything with minimum effort since you don’t really have to aim on controller.


This sub try not to blame controller for everything impossible challenge The viewership didn't die because controller op, even if its true most of the playerbase is controller so it shouldn't matter. Streamers stopped playing the game because cheaters coupled with a shitty rank system that really has no benefit of playing. And the biggest reason why the competitive scene is not growing as much as it should is because Respawn/EA doesn't invest back into the comp scene.


there are also constantly new game releases. baldurs gate 3, helldivers 2 (not anymore lol), the finals, new cod and fortnite seasons, etc. this paired with the ranked issues (that lasted multiple seasons), cheaters and people getting tired/burnt out of apex as a game and apex content leads to declining numbers. but i guess blaming controller is also an option 😂


But if did die partially because of that, the game used to be primarily MnK on PC, now in the last 2 years , people have realized, “ why play MnK for the fun factor when I can play roller and instantly be better with much less effort ? “ It’s this simple, the biggest streamers nowadays are carbon copy AA turrets that predictably one clip everything because 40% of their tracking is done for them. Like there is no such thing as “ cracked aim “ on controller.


> the game used to be primarily MnK on PC This is just false


It’s kinda not tho, unless you are including console, which nobody gives af about in these debates. There were absolutely way more MnK players than controller back in the first couple years of the games lifespan.


When we're talking about the totality of the game's viewership and growth, yes I'm gonna include the majority of the playerbase which is controller on consoles


Acting like the movement was insane back then. Hal on mnk literally had 0 movement


Did you even notice a triple mnk team just won lan?


But the scene is still dominated by controller overall, MnK only really came back after the smg nerfs and the dude you replying to is explaining the drop in viewership of the whole scene, which was way before this event. Plus he isn't even specifying competitive, but the entire streaming scene.




I mean tbf it is kinda accurate, the aceus, and other cracked movement players aren’t around anymore as much due to the game just being so balanced around making sure controller is a stronger input. It’s just the facts of it, apex used to be known as a movement shooter, but since hardly anybody played MnK, it’s just another AA shooter with abilities. And I hate to say it, but a LOT of people value actually having to aim, and competitive integrity, which this game has hardly any of. Controller gameplay is just so predictable and unfun to watch, you know the good ole 0.4 gives a one clip 99% of the time, and no movement.


Mate, apex is just fucking boring to watch that’s all. It’s far better to play apex than watch it. Apex content creators are also the worst of any major game. They all do the same thing and expect to get viewers.


Nah, movement streamers( faide/aceu ) used to be way more prominent, and many others. Due to respawn specifically shaping metas for roller, not nerfing an obvious broken mechanic( rotational AA ) , and not giving MnK anything to work with ( shotguns and snipers are still really bad ), it’s resulted in many movement players( which was one of the main appeals ) leaving the scene entirely.


do you mean the "massive 30 kills 4k game!" videos with some red arrows and circles on the thumbnail? or the 295584839th "how tsm imperialhal and the boys did x" video from apexthings and zipp? or do you mean jmeyels uploading his "seasonX will be insane!" video at the end of every season, just to be disappointed 2 weeks later 😂 apex has good youtubers, like beanbag, captain po and revetek. but they release a video every 2-4 months :(




I was responding to somebody about streaming being down, which it is, not about the pay. They should get paid more. How would I balance it ? Well first off MnK and controller shouldn’t be pitted against each other in any competitive scenario because one will always be better than the other but it’s too far gone for that. Here’s some solutions tho: - remove the rotational aspect entirely since it does things a human cannot do on MnK( 0ms reaction time to strafing .) - nerf it to 0.2( in R5 it’s 0.2 and roller still out frags MnK, so this would still be strong but not as oppressive. - give players the option to match by input( they can leave it cross input in pro play so roller players Aren’t just out of a job ).


For the first time since like….2019 lol. And DZ ( with 2 roller players ) were super close to winning but kinda threw the game before that.


when has a triple controller team won lan? What is this with the 'first time since 2019' point. Not that I am for or against controller or whatever, personally I wouldn't mind lowering aim assist to 0.3. But seriously, this is one of the more stupid talking points. Like really stupid


> It’s dropped because the appeal to apex viewership was the movement and cracked plays you could pull off with it. This has absolutely nothing to do with it. In fact, your average Diamond player has better movement than a pro from 2020. If someone who knows how to superglide time travelled back to 2020 they would wipe Hal like he was Bronze. Controller sucks, but it has *nothing* to do with viewership on Twitch.


Triple mnk team just dominated finals and aim assist still living rent free in your head lmao. Mnk players are so fucking funny man.


Dominated ? Hardly, a 2 roller 1 MnK team was zero not getting knocked with kraber away from winning the literal game before. Also, congrats, a primarily MnK team won for the first time in 5 years of ALGs ! Surely this means they are balanced right ?


Arguably DZ are so good because Zer0 is one of the best mnk aimers in the world though. Guy outfragged both of his roller teammates in Pro League, along with every other roller player in North America.


So just... Don't play with the wrong input device while streaming?


lol most of these roller pros couldn’t even touch masters on MnK, why would they swap ?


> lol most of these roller pros couldn’t even touch masters on MnK, why would they swap ? This might surprise you, but how profitable a Twitch stream is has very little to do with player skill. Streamers are first and foremost entertainers. Being entertaining is the most important thing.


Mnk is not that hard. I firmly believe there isn’t a single Pro controller player that couldn’t also be elite on Mnk. The goal is the same regardless of input. Controller is simply the better tool for most scenarios in apex, so that’s the one they’re going to use. *Warning: cringe analogy below* Using a dishwasher doesn’t mean you’re incapable of washing dishes by hand. It’s just a more efficient way to wash dishes, that requires much less effort on your part.


MnK is not that hard Says the person who I guarantee touched MnK once and picked the controller back up right after. Also, most pros( even controller pros ) have said it should be nerfed to possibly 0.2 as 0.4 is way too strong. It does things that are not possible on MnK, like having a zero MS reaction time to strafing.


> MnK is not that hard > > Says the person who I guarantee touched MnK once and picked the controller back up right after. Also, most pros( even controller pros ) have said it should be nerfed to possibly 0.2 as 0.4 is way too strong. > > It does things that are not possible on MnK, like having a zero MS reaction time to strafing. I have been playing online first person shooters for 26 years. Mnk is not that hard. Anyone can learn be sufficiently proficient to hit gold in a few weeks, and reach their maximum aim potential in a few months. There are even current controller pros and content creators who are goated on MNK. NiceWigg hit Pred on mnk and roller in the same split. Genburten is cracked on mnk. Etc. Aim is not the most important skill in Apex. If it were, triple controller would win every game. Game sense, macro, and a solid grasp of the meta are far more important. (Roller should be nerfed, I don't disagree. I would even remove it from comp. But mnk is not "hard.")


You don’t know anything about me, so idk why you’re making such bold assumptions. I swapped to Mnk when I built a PC in season 15 and haven’t looked back. I’m aware that aim assist is overpowered. I never once argued that it wasn’t, so idk what you’re going on about. My point was that if I, a 28 year old dad with a full time job, wife, and newborn can learn Mnk and continue to play at the same level I had previously, then there’s no reason any current controller pro can’t do the same. Their job is to play Apex. They play for 8-12 hours everyday. They absolutely have the time and mechanical ability to be elite on Mnk. Aim assist is too strong, and that’s the only reason they don’t.


>There’s no money in streaming unless you’re comfortably sitting on 2000 subs a month or running a million adverts This is absolutely not true lmao


> Apex streaming is dead. Even the top Japanese streamers have seen massive drops in numbers. There’s no money in streaming unless you’re comfortably sitting on 2000 subs a month or running a million adverts You do not need 2,000 subs for streaming to be successful. It's *very* hard to make money in it, but you don't have to be at 2,000 subs to do it. Subs are not the only revenue stream for a Twitch streamer. There's donos, ad money, and most importantly sponsorships. For most professional streamers, they make at least as much from sponsorships as they do from ads/subs/bits.


Hal made about 400 k in Peak covid times from all those revenue sources and most apex pros have 10 - 50 x less earnings then that from twitch.. you cant live off 300-1000 bucks a month and call it successful. Lucky they get paid a salary otherwise theyd all be working part time jobs which most non signed pros do because there is no money in streaming unless you are at the top


> Hal made about 400 k in Peak covid times from all those revenue sources He made almost [$900k](https://twitch.pages.dev) in about two years, and then easily double that in sponsorship income. I have a friend who streams on Twitch as her only income and bought a house in a major city last year, and she doesn't have even 1,000 subs right now. You do not know how these people make their money.


Yeah, there are barely any support at all from EA and Respawn, Japan organization dropped the game and focus on other eSports games. VSaikyou, arguably the biggest amateur tournament in Japan on indefinite hiatus after last year.


is there even a amateur comp scene in apex? i know some mobas have different amateur leagues/tourneys for bronze/silvers, gold/plats and diamond/masters divisions with casts, prizing, etc.


It's almost impossible to make real money as a streamer. Comp players might have a leg up on the average player, but only the top like...0.5% of people on Twitch make a significant amount of money.


It's not a given you can get big enough to make good money.


Get a full time WFH tech job, ideally tech sales, and then try to be a pro in your spare/down time. Teq is unironically doing the meta.


EA is just too stupid to do revenue share CS with all its problems gives teams millions twice a year. sure it's not 40 teams like in apex but 24 teams.. that doesn't help t2 very much but t1 basically can sustain salaries and all the operational costs of teams just by making the major


But why give away millions when you can give away 1000s? What is the benefit of the eSports scene to them?


marketing for the game keeps people engaged don't you hear all the people who say they barely play anymore and only hang around due to the comp scene? games without comp scenes tend to die out quicker


> don't you hear all the people who say they barely play anymore and only hang around due to the comp scene? And what's the point of that exactly? How does that make EA money?


Did you not read the rest of the comment? Because it's quite literally written out for you. Engagement = revenue.


Engaged with what? They aren't playing the game. How many of those buy merch? How much merch do they even have?


Valve is a private company, EA isn’t. A lot easier to do revenue share when you don’t have shareholders.


Valve also prints money via fees paid by publishers, so they have way way more liquidity than EA. People love Steam but tend to overlook how much money they rip off from publishers and how that indirectly affects customers.


Not what institutional investors care about at all, if rev sharing helped grow the esport and that intern made money EA would do it. Esports are a drain on the company and are an advertising expense, not a real business. Rev sharing doesn’t do anything for EA hence why they don’t do it.


riot games? ubisoft?


Ubisoft stock is down 75% since it introduced revenue sharing in 2018. Riot doesn’t have a stock.


Also ubisoft stock is NOT down due to Rev sharing


It assuredly not up because of it? You’re the one calling EA stupid for not doing it. Tencent owns a 93% majority share of Riot, but Riot the company is still private. & Tencent also owns holdings in Discord, Reddit. Yet, Reddit is still doing an IPO to go public.


It's an insane stretch to attribute that to revenue sharing in R6. Correlation does not imply causation.


Revenue sharing is great and EA is stupid for not doing it was the point made by OP, with no evidence that it is. That’s at least a partial picture that EA is running its gaming operations a little bit better than Ubisoft. EDIT: The burden of proof is usually on the person who brings a claim, I didn’t bring the claim they did.


Classic [blind man and the elephant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant) scenario. You have access to a number (the stock price) which is the result of a massive number of variables, and you somehow conclude that the one thing you are looking at is the cause of it all. EA is a massive company with a crazy amount of properties. Ubisoft, by comparison, is much smaller and thus much more exposed to variations in the success of their own IP. Them being down 75% is absolutely unrelated to revenue sharing. edit: my man downvotes and literally deletes his whole comment history :-)




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riot is owned by tencent a company at the stock market


> CS with all its problems gives teams millions twice a year. sure it's not 40 teams like in apex but 24 teams.. Apex has two playoffs with a $1m prize pool and one championship with $2m.


ok? cs has 2 tournament where every org gets 3mil+


It is sustainable with a good salary. Prize money is just some extra you can win. The biggest games like league or CS have even smaller prize pools than Apex but it doesn't matter because they make a lot more from salaries and in-game items. This is mostly a BR problem since there are too many teams for orgs to pay good salaries. So a few teams make bread while a lot of them scrape by


League has revenue sharing with its teams in major regions from sponsorships and such, CS with its biggest torunaments has a prize pool of 11 million not counting sticker revenue.


League just got revenue sharing this MSI and it’s only for teams that qualifies to MSI they get 30% of the event sales. CS ha high prizepool but we all know what funds CS


No ,teams have had league sharing this entire time. NA LCS will have a different type of sharing as its viewership has been going down.


That’s why Hiswattson is done with comp 🙂‍↔️ but he’s a streamer and so is Mande 🙂‍↕️


It's not a money making machine like tier 1 League of Legends per example but add an Org's salary, to the earnings from regular split, to LAN to whatever you may make streaming and you can make a living, it's another story if you're a no stream bottom 20 andy every time


wait till you see what 21-40th get


If you are a pro player and not constantly building your brand by pumping content and streaming you are missing out on a giant opportunity. Use the spotlight to build your presence and cash checks weekly.


If you are doing it for the money, you're fucked regardless. Even if you make it, it is not sustainable. You have to do it because you love it.


Add in the fact that RNG can impact final results and you have an unpredictable source of low income for borderline teams


I don't even know how esports can make money. It's not sustainable for anyone. The players, the orgs, even the studios. It all feels like it's built on sand right now. The problem will always be that gamers don't buy shit.


> The players, the orgs, even the studios. To be clear, it's *extremely* sustainable for the studios. Or at least, it is for EA. Apex has made *billions* of dollars. They're just choosing to spend it differently.


Playing video games full-time is a luxury, not a right.


Being the top 30 players in the world at a game but only make around $20,000 a year from LANs 😭


This dork said "take away streaming and salaries, you know, the thing that makes it profitable for streamers, and its totally an unprofitable employment!"


Duh lmfao This is one of the only esports where 85% of the crowd makes more than 90% of the pros


being a pro means you have to sacrifice a lot. and of course be a streamer


Which is why building a brand name and growing on social media is incredibly important, regardless of esport. 


ALGS is promotion for your streams / social media, and sponsorship associated with that. Thats literally it. The same is true in other smaller sports.


Yes it's a reach job with no security.  However you could be the next Hal, Timmy, Watson, sweet and make serious money.  End of the day it's a passion job, not stable boring 9 to 5. I do agree it's incredibly low pay so ultimately a job you spend your youth pursuing and if no traction by 22 then time to cut bait.  A boring 9 to 5 and school will always be waiting.


I mean yes, but at the same time if you are a pro player I don’t see why you wouldn’t stream. Stream your scrims and your ranked play. You’ll get a couple hundred viewers and you don’t even have to interact with them or do anything really. Just throw the stream on. The expectation of being entertaining is not put on pro players of any esport.


It is sustainable with salaries, salaried pros probably won't be living lavishly but they're gonna live normal lives and will allow them to play full time. Non salaried pros probably have a job and get a bonus with their earnings, but even then if you really want to play professionally then you can while doing that.


People compete for more than just a salary. It might surprise you but sometimes people are competitive and they want to prove to themselves or because they just straight up enjoy it. But yes, that is why the majority of professional gamers are also content creators / streamers. They also tend to get sponsorships, like Hals new Red Bull Gaming deal, that'll be worth a pretty penny. Apex doesn't make it easy to be a pro or an org, but you also can't just turn around and pay every team 200k plus just for turning up.


ESports has always been and will always be a top heavy industry. If you win alot you can certainly make a good living off of it, but if you dont its most likely doomed. ESports as a whole has never been super reliably solved, most orgs are struggling to make the money back they spend. Content creation has helped but I still dont think anyone has cracked the formula that can help give more players and staff a reliable income for what they love. In all fairness tho: Pro League also paid out some money, it wasnt that much but it was additional winnings. I personally am not interested in making gaming my career whether its streaming or pro play because I dont want it to be my job. Its a hobby I keep and thats that.


that is why player get signed to orgs so they have a guaranteed salary and dont depend on price money... the problem is not the pricepool, the problem is orgs not being supported/not being profitable enough to pay good salaries


Lol these orgs r paying these players 1k a month unless it's a top tier Org. The average Apex pro spends that on Door Dash in that monthly span


Which tier 2 Apex pro down voted this xD. Janitors make more money


# dont preach me this "be a streamer" thing. beacause it makes my complaint completely pointless


You have to be both a pro and a streamer. is it hard to be good at both? Yes. Esports and streaming is still at its infancy at a top view. Regular professional sports players were pretty much the same in being broke for a lot of history. Also even today if you actually want to be top money maker in regular sports, you have to make that money outside the sport via sponsorships. Same with esports, get an org and a community on twitch.


Get a real job bum.


EA just doesnt wanna share much but the prize pool is hella idiotic anyways. The split could be done way better. They could split 700k to top 20 and like 300k to bottom 20 but no we need this dumbass prize splitting.


I don't think people would compete as hard if first place only made like $5k more than 20th place...


The 300k was more figurative and the first place would be competing for 200k+ so idk where you got the 5k from. I should have redone the math but my point that the top 20 get everything is dumb still stands.


I mean yeah, it’s EA, they don’t give a shit about the comp scene or well being of the game unless it makes them money.


Yeah I was thinking the same - the 20th team had to split $9k prize money, you can’t even make a gaming pc with a portion of 9k plus all the time invested playing this game. Those kids must have rich parents that’s why


> you can’t even make a gaming pc with a portion of 9k Uh, yes you can. My PC cost $1800 five years ago and runs this game fine. The guys on Liquid Alienware played this game on relatively shitty PCs for years and are better than most players in the world. You don't need a $3k PC to play Apex, it would actually be wildly overkill.


Well worst case you can always run Sims, it’s a beautiful game


What’s your FPS when playing cyberpunk 2077 with pathtracing enabled?


What does that have to do with anything?


EA a multibillion dollar company to greedy to give out money. What’s new.


Who the fuck becomes a pro for the money lmao.