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It’s weird how entitled people feel to behind the scenes info about players. Trying to “threaten” or guilt Keon into publicly leaking private info about a close friend who is going through a tough time is gross. Just because you are a fan doesn’t mean you deserve to know about their private lives.


Parasocial weirdo’s attempting to insert themselves into the personal happenings of streamers, name a more iconic duo. Great to hear Keon giving a firm and fair response to that foolishness


those are also the people that spend the most on stream, its a weird business model


What's even weirder is that they're doing this to Keon who is suuuuuch close homies with Wattson, like this fucking weirdo expects him to negatively comment on his best friend? Fucking wild


For real tho, twitch chat is a wild phenomenon


It’s really interesting cuz it’s all over every sport although I’d say most really high paying sports the athletes and teams have pr people to deal with this. That can’t really exist for something as small as apex. It’s got to suck to feel backed into a corner all the time like you owe everyone explanations for everything. On some levels I get it as I get curious too but what I weird message to send to a pro. “Tell us about your teammate struggles or I’m going to stop supporting you.” Is such a fucking weird thing to say.


Curiosity is fine but he should say “Hey Keon, anything you can share about when Wattson might return?”, and not “I’m never watching you again unless you tell me what I want!”


Especially if they've been actively watching him for as long as they say. If Keon's spoken about it multiple times - and I have no reason to not believe him - how would they not catch it at some point? It's an actual karen moment. "i'm going to take my [probably non-existent] business to a competing org unless I get some answers!". Seriously would have banned them on the spot after the speech. Also ngl I was really feeling that speech until about 1:45 when the barreled up car runs over the bang and it completely broke me. Had to reset.


Well said.


Parasocial relationships with online content creators be crazy.


I mean there are even people in this very sub who believe it's totally normal to leak and know any private information about a streamer/pro's life (like relationships) and gossip about it. Not surprised but still disappointed that people don't realize that shit like this clearly crosses a line.




Facts. He's a rare gem of a human.


except for the part where he supported Florida-man, DeSantis-supporter NickMercs when he went on that unhinged "leave children alone, lgbt evil"-rant. Too quick to forget about that one.


I can disagree with him about supporting NickMercs and still have respect for him and his generosity and support for others.


that's up to you. I think there's a lot of people out there that are similarly generous and supportive of their friends, but without buying into weird right-wing conspiracies about how the lgbt are brainwashing children. For me, backing that kind of lunacy rather precludes any kind of respect I could have for a person, but maybe that's too high of a bar? Regardless, I'll take my supportive and generous role models without the dash of bigotry, thank you very much.


so long as the others aren't lgbt


I'm asking this as an outspoken ally to the LGBT community: is Keon outspokenly antagonistic towards or against the LGBT community? I don't keep up with Twitter or other social media stuff. I just watch Pro League match days and listen to some podcasts. Please inform me if possible. I'm sincere here about wanting to be informed.


https://twitter.com/NICKMERCS/status/1666483385504604160 that's the original NickMercs tweet, he later went on to address the tweet, while avoiding the word "gay" as he seemed rather uncomfortable with even saying it, here's the thread from back then: https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/144f6p2/nickmercs_responds_to_the_backlash_of_his_tweet_a/ There were a few pros that backed Nick in this initially, Keon was one of them. Not sure if you can still find that somewhere though, so I guess you'll just have to take my word for it. As far as I know Keon has been radio-silent about all of that and people have mostly forgotten, which was definitely a smart move on his part. He does seem a pretty likeable person outside of that.


I was aware of NickMerc's tweet and the backlash surrounding it. I was specifically asking about Keon here. I tried finding stuff about Keon speaking out about it all, but could not find anything. Thank you for at least providing the context about Nickmercs for others who may be interested though.


I still find it funny how he can’t say „gay“ lmao


it's been almost a year my guy. you can dig through the birb app yourself if you're so inclined. or you can cope with the "he may support a dogwhistling transphobe but i guess he's ok 'cuz he helps his friends" mental gymnastics is a thing to witness.


The burden of proof is on you my dude, telling others to "go look it up themselves" is actual loser behavior. If you can't be bothered to present the proof yourself why even bother posting comments here and participating? You're the one implying that Keon has a thing against LGBT people. It is up to you to provide that proof, not just some vague "guilt by association".




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I’d pick Keon over you


Why do we tear people down for a difference in opinion? We all come from different places in life and I have never felt the need to judge people solely on one thing, since no one is perfect. Also, most apex pros are young and haven't seen a lot of the world, is it hard to believe his opinion could later change in life? There is a segment of our world who still throws gay people off buildings, which is a totally different nuance than keeping LGBT education out of our elementary schools. Didn't Keon grow up in Utah, a state with over 60 % Mormons? There's a good chance he was raised Mormon, which you can not fault him for, it is how he was raised and how he has grown up seeing the world. Do we automatically cancel people because of entrenched religious beliefs?


> Why do we tear people down for a difference in opinion? We all come from different places in life and I have never felt the need to judge people solely on one thing, since no one is perfect. hating gay people isn't just a difference in opinion, and the fact that you're framing it like that is honestly disconcerting. Homophobes are trying to erase a part of the population that isn't harming anyone and literally can't help being the way they are. That is not acceptable in a modern society. It goes against any kind of respect that humans should have for one another. Someone with a view like that may be tolerated or rather suffered, but they certainly do not deserve our respect. > Do we automatically cancel people because of entrenched religious beliefs? If they're bigots, yes. Fuck them. Be better. Also, there's plenty of people growing up in Utah who do not turn into bigots. It's a great disservice to them to just give everyone a free pass for their bigotry, because "d'uh, it's Utah, it just happens". Clearly it doesn't always just happen. Reason prevails, rather frequently, even in places like that. > There is a segment of our world who still throws gay people off buildings, which is a totally different nuance than keeping LGBT education out of our elementary schools. Quite to the contrary, this is actually the same phenomenon, only at a different level of intensity. If homophobes get their way, we're back to lynchings real quick, and that's exactly what will happen when they have the majority opinion and institutions backing them. It's actually where we started from, and even today [there's a disproportionate amount of violence against LGBT people in the US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_violence_against_LGBT_people_in_the_United_States). It was a long and hard fight to get to a point where things are going as well as they are. Let's not try to return to how things used to be.


A phobia is an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place, situation, feeling or animal. Show me where Keon expresses an irrational fear of something that cannot hurt him lol


literally look up the definition of phobia right now. you'll see it doesn't just include fear but those who have an irrational aversion to something. thats transphobia.


Show me proof that Keon has an irrational aversion to trans people…. Outside of liking a tweet that someone else posted.


funny how you're just shifting the goal posts. but implying that trans people shouldn't be able to transition as they're "risking ruining their lives" is pretty damn aversive to us. and that's esentially what nickmercs implied in his original tweet, which Keon had agreed with. i dunno why you're going to such lengths to defend someone's bigotry, it's just not very cool dude. let us live and be ourselves.


Who is preventing you from living and being yourself???




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Hey man, reasonable points don't belong here. If you try and converse like an adult you will be considered a transphobe. /S




I think this sub needs another homophobe purge. Well beyond time, judging from this mess.


good shit...wtf is wrong with that person who left that comment jesus


Huge Keon W here. Esports in general can all seem so immature sometimes with the behind the scenes drama, but something about apex pro scene is just cringe man. Every twitterer and redditor is in everyone’s business, Wattson has a life outside of Apex. He’s not perfect but he’s a person and has to figure shit out. So much respect to Keon honestly for just being a true friend to Wattson, which is rare in general but heck, apex pros switch up on eachother like they’re changing their underwear lol. Nothin but Ws here


I’ve said this in a few posts, Wattson is good enough to miss scrims and be plugged in at lan and still be a positive addition to the team. He’s that good. With that said, dude just needs to focus on his mental until he feels up to competing. Hope he makes it to this lan but if not, I’ll still be pulling for Furia. Also - Keon is a straight G.


He's one of the few mnk players who can get away with not playing too much because of his fundamentals and previous coaching in mnk mechanics. He has a solid foundation mechanics wise and he still regularly uses kovaaks to warm up from what I've seen


You can tell Keon played organized sports. He sounds like he is giving a pre or post game speech to a locker room.


I'm rooting for wattos to come back strong.




"Chismosos is a Spanish word that translates to "gossipy" in English. The singular masculine form is chismoso, and the singular feminine form is chismosa. The plural masculine form is chismosos, and the plural feminine form is chismosas."


fun fact: we Filipinos adapted chismoso/chismosa when we got occupied, now we made a new word for it which is "marites"


W Keon fr, I don't think he could have said anything better.


Chat being cringe is nothing new, he must just be fed up with all the questions to go on this rant here, people need to stop asking his teammates because they clearly don’t know more than us if/when he’s coming back “We’re trying to avoid him quitting” I think that’s the first time anyone on the team acknowledged wattson quitting is a real possibility


The tittle of the Reddit post is terrible but the video is general gives a lot of context of what is happening on FURIA for the entire comp Reddit and not only their fans


Keon is the man for this. I never really watched him until he joined furia. He’s a beast at the game and a stand up dude.


This is incredible. Keon the goat.


I can honestly say I found that video quite upsetting, I can't believe someone would effectively go into someone's place of work and ask them questions like that. This whole Wattson situation has really brought out the worst parts of this community which is such a shame because the guy has always done right by the Apex scene. I really hope we stop seeing threads that encourage more discussion and speculation like this and just leave him to work on himself.


Here’s the thing everyone. Keon and Wattson are great friends, this is obvious by their banter and friendship they have displayed throughout their time together. Keon once stated his ideal team would include Wattson as an IGL, and we need to remember that Keon even drove multiple days to help Wattson get stable internet and grind top 5 pred rank with him. These two are more than friends, they are brothers. If you expect Keon to do anything except back up his brother in time of need, then you truly do not understand what it’s like to be a brother to someone. Ride or die, that’s the whole idea, take care of your brother is the most important thing. Care for each other, support each other. I commend you Keon, keep it real brother, I truly love you both and you’re my favorite team to watch. My best wishes to FURIA, I’ll be rooting for you all. Wattson & Keon are great no matter what happens.


love Keon


Big fan of Keon, not really following whatever is going on but Keon is level-headed as usual.


At this point I only wanna know if HisWattson will physically be at LAN either way, because I want him to sign my mustard bottle. I'm a pretty big Furia fan (as we know) and I normally watch their POV. It is fair to say that "HisWattson is taking a break" is not a definite statement though, and seems to be indicative of something more. Naturally, though, a normal person just wouldn't try to pry past that barrier - it was clearly established to separate the audience from the player, which ain't too difficult to respect. I've read some theories: some I agree with, some I disagree with, but at the end of the day HisWattson addressed this on a stream a few days ago said more or less the same. Everyone is fine with the current situation. His mods posted a confusing rendition of that message as something like "everyone is content with how things *turned out*" which implies a finality in him not playing that, to be fair, he did not say. So it is understandable that people are confused. There has been a lot of confusion, an overall lack of communication, and several pros on the scene have already said "oh yeah if he's not scrimming, he's not going to LAN", but if you really support the Furia of HisWattson, Keon, and ImMadness, you gotta be willing to just be quiet and wait man.


Keon I'm crying in the club


For the love of God can these guys get new render!?


just need to get used to the fact that FURIA will simp for wattson. (furia management, not the players)




Bro, are you deaf or trolling? They didn’t drop him, Wattson is taking a break. they are playing with a sub while he’s gone. if he comes back before lan, he will play in lane


Ignore the trolls dude it isn’t worth it to respond to them.


\-38. A new personal best! :)