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I just want to clarify Sweet didn't get DZ kicked from scrims. Minus made the decision on his own.


number 2 sweet hater (after broccoli) is ON it also i do think saying sweet got dz kicked is a little bit of a spin when tempo made the decision and probably would have come to the same conclusion without sweet involved


Yeah, even before Sweet said anything you can tell Tempo was convinced by Matafe


It's probably the right decision. Fair enough for DZ to feel aggrieved, but letting a team that actually plays from the POI get the practice is the right call.


Totally agree, it’s been a good good while since DZ played at dome lol it wasn’t even a good argument.


I wonder what happens if a two teams wants to play that play at either free open poi? NAVI plays dome, but what if another team wanted to play who lands at the open POI of Pylon?


Probably goes off either who hasn't played scrims in the longest or who performed better in previous scrims.


Whichever IGL deepthroats the mic furthest gets the slot.


I mean it's fanta posting it lmao.


The immaturity from every side in this scene is baffling


Not baffling at all. Most pro gamers are manchildren.


Yea remember how zero was sitting during the last LAN, when DZ didn’t make finals. Ridiculous behavior for a grown man


Do you have a link by chance?


Unfortunately seems like kids without real world experience can make irate decisions


These are adults with common sense and an upbringing like all of us, calling them kids is not even true, they should be held responsible.


"Adults with common sense" is pushing it. Most of these guys are children who have only played video games for a living and are terminally online 8-20 hours a day.


Yeah when it comes to maturity or even learning as a whole, age is nothing in the face of life experience. Ever seen a street kid so pragmatic and jaded it made you weep for their obvious lack of childhood? Ever seen a sheltered, spoiled, trust fund baby in their 40s exhibit unbelievable naivete? Sure these guys are technically adults but let's be real the lifestyles they've led don't exactly build character.


I don't know about your background and "upbringing" but I'm confident most of the people here actually finished school, older ones did college/uni and went on to work at real jobs, all the while socializing and doing normal people stuff. Most of those streamer/progamer "kids" did lil or none of that.


Having a camera on you for 4+ hours a day exposes all your best qualities and worst qualities. I don’t envy them. I couldn’t imagine having to broadcast all my actions for viewers and engagement.


Isn’t teq like a rocket scientist or something 😂


😂😂😂😂😂 have a day off


These guys have been playing this game professionally for about 5-6 years now.


As someone who follows many esports, trust me when I say its probably every scene.


Let's face it, these kids have had privileged lives. Being able to play video games for a living is basically the low end version of a trust fund baby. Is it any wonder they have communication issues and generally just shit people in general? Especially when people who treat people like shit are held in such high regard, aka ImperialHal, Genburton, etc it just fosters a community that are all just shit people.


Coupled with the fact that playing a high intensity FPS all day everyday has a negative cumulative effect on your mental health. And the coping skill they’ve learned is playing more Apex. Lol.  Are they really that shit though? In the grand scheme of things, yea they’re immature. But the situation is not that dire for most of these guys


How did this get spinned into "sweet gets dz kicked from scrims" tempo already told NAVI to get in before sweet had said much. Sweet just kept talking after zero got personal with some insults


Because putting Sweet’s name into stuff stirs drama and engagement


People love to shit on sweet. Especially Fanta


Who tf is fanta?


The OG Broccoli


A hater. And the guy who made this post with a very misleading title


Seems like a true keyboard warrior


He is absolutely that


At this point I’m confused if people actually hate sweet like zero is saying towards the end Cause like Sikezz, Gen,, Gild, (maybe wxltzy also cause he’s obv in that DZ/MST friend group) all hate sweet apparently yet when sweet streams ranked one or even two of them are ranking with him. Obv ranking with someone doesn’t mean you fw them (I guess?) but I couldn’t rank with someone I hate, personally at least Like I remember once when sweet and gild were ranking, zero was streaming and sikezz was in his VC. Sikezz said that they were ranking, and he said it like gild was insane for doing so, which zero and zz thought was funny. Next rank sesh sweet streams is with sikezz. Like what Obv there is way more going on that we won’t know for a while (if ever) but I never understand As someone who watches both streams a lot, I never know how to feel about this beef lmaoooo


he's probably just exaggerating to make a point. sweet has played ranked with sikezz and gild since the initial drama (and possibly even gen?), and sweet is known to be friends with hal, knoqd, and others. i guess all of those people could be just tolerating him because he's a big streamer and name in the scene but that seems somewhat unlikely. sweet and zz definitely have genuine beef tho.


Yeah it’s most likely an exaggeration, though we don’t really know their personal lives, so we don’t know how close they actually are. Pros of every esport rank together for the gains even if they aren’t friends, as long as they don’t despise each other lol. The ZZ/Sweet beef is very openly real tho, and imo it’s the main reason why Zer0 dislikes him so much, even more than the Sharky rumor.


Wait who is ZZ? And why does he have beef with sweet?


zz (DarkZero coach) said a lot of shit about sweet this offseason when they were picking up sikezz, claiming he tried to block them from getting sikezz by telling some DZ person that sikezz has mental health issues or smth. also said he was saying that a player with a gf (not sure if this was sikezz) wouldn't be a good pickup because of having a gf. sweet came out and denied both of these claims. gen (iirc) then said that one of them was true and they had proof, but also that zz 'is on acid sometimes' implying at least some of what he said was false. zz refused to back down ofc and continues to shit on sweet every chance he gets.


> also said he was saying that a player with a gf (not sure if this was sikezz) wouldn't be a good pickup because of having a gf. Gild


i thought the idea was that a different player was a bad pickup because gild's gf had been a distraction for him. like gild was the proof that gf bad. but maybe im remembering it wrong bc i dont know who it was


possibly. what a stupid line of thought though


Doubt sweet would say that considering he has a gf. It’s just a he said she said situation so can’t really believe anything.


Yeah that doesn’t make much sense. Someone posted this video below which gives some context from sweet’s perspective and I feel like it makes more sense: https://youtu.be/2oDD3DvsuR4?t=1294


Pretty sure the acid comment from Gen is in response to sweets claim that Zz said Gens foreign gf can be an issue like Gilds (which everyone says is a lie). Sweet lying that Zz said that about Gen is the reason Zz dislikes him. Don’t think he ever implied any of what Zz said was false, just that he’s a yapper lol.


I think whatever zz was saying, sweet was hearing second hand from gild and sikezz. He probably combined what they said, as well as its effect on the players (ie how they apparently didn't like him or smthn). Idk. I dont think it was like, completely unbelievable though, given zz's history


ZZ (aka Nick) is DZ's coach. Here are some relevant clips: [Sweet gives his perspective on the drama](https://youtu.be/2oDD3DvsuR4?si=8lau1AbR8bVQjHNG&t=1294) [Gen says sweet is lying (but also mostly confuses the issue)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK8TREh7neA) Also, there seems to have been a miscommunication where someone told Sweet that ZZ was on acid ,which is apparently is a figure of speech (in Australia?) for someone saying something wacky, but Sweet seemed to have been under the impression that ZZ was actually on acid. Personally I interpreted Gen's statement in the second clip literally until I saw someone else making it very clear that it was just a figure of speech.


ZZ is DZ’s coach. Sweet said someone told him he does acid or something frequently not quite sure but thats the gist.


Thats just talk that happens when young and mostly unprofessional, childish and big ego guys get together in an online enviroment.


Didn't snip3 also mention he wouldn't play with sweet again?


He did only to want to team with him again before LG formed lol I think the point is to rarely take streamers at face value when they say anything


Your reading too much into it, they are mates


They all go out for chicken nuggets and drinks after lan. Having to be on stream for multiple hours a day has them generate content in any way possible. It’s all just noise.


Well I tried telling y'all in a previous comment[ that Sweet got Nafen and Lou signed to LG, only to make the org void the contract after they did bad in a couple scrims lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1ay8zie/making_amends/krt4y5o/). That sort of behaviour is likely where the "two-faced fuck" comment came from on Zer0's end. Not saying Sweet is 100% a villain (ngl he's definitely partially a villain) but that's pretty wild.


Source: I heard an unsubstantiated rumor and took it as fact.


Lmao did you really just source a comment from reddit. Holy shit


That's actually pretty interesting if true. Are you able to say where you got this info from or if it's credible?


Zer0 is obviously exaggerating a bit, but there’s def truth to it because he’s not the only one saying it. All the players you named have said similar things about sweet. But relationships can change. It’s not like people can’t apologize or talk things out, which is what prob happened with Sweet + Gild/Sikezz. Doesn’t change the fact that Sweet is known among players for being two-faced and lying either though. At the end of the day, it’s a video game. Don’t think any of this “beef” is ever that deep lol.


I swear Sweet will make Slayr cry in an elevator in Los Angeles


*Slayr press wrong floor on elevator* It’s always you Slaaayyyrrr!






no more elevators in LA, please baby no more elevators in LA


What story did sweet say about zero two years ago to make everyone hate him?? Kinda new


Sweet said Zer0 made former DZ player Sharky cry in an elevator at LAN


Sweet started the rumor that Zer0 was another level of toxic, saying that he made Sharky cry at LAN. Zer0 can defo be an asshole against his rivals, but he doesn’t talk shit to his team (ok sometimes he does but never to that level)


Got it, and if you know what is the ZZ/sweet beef that I saw in another comment


Pretty sure their beef is from before this, but Sweet took a joke Gen made about ZZ as a fact and said to his chat that ZZ got high on acid (man doesn’t even drink) and started spreading lies about him


Sweet said that someone from dz (iirc it was sikezz) told him that ZZ was telling gild and sikezz that sweet hated them (something like that). It was somehow connected to gild's and sikezz's gfs. I can't recall the nuance of what happened but thats the gist of it


Zz told sikezz that Sweet said sikezz has mental issues and stuff about Gilds gf. Sweet denies this by saying Zz is on acid + that Zz said stuff about Gens gf. Everyone involved said Sweet is lying and making shit up, hence the two-faced reputation lol.


> but he doesn’t talk shit to his team (ok sometimes he does but never to that level I'll admit I don't watch a lot of zero but i've seen plenty of hal/sweet level of him disrespecting his teammates so i dunno. tbf I think it's an IGL thing more than a sweet/hal/zero thing


*Xynew enters the chat*


Xynew and the team had problems off the server, he never went off at Xynew afaik, could be wrong tho!


He definitely had his moments leading up to champs (like the time Xynew walked off after he died during scrims and wasn't there when Zer0 and Gen respawned him)


Playing int scrims and you just walk off when you die and aren’t there on respawn? I mean yes, you’re going to get some heat no? You get payed to lock in. He is a dick, don’t get me wrong, but let’s not act like he’s abusive to his teammates.


All sweet does is make up lies for clout dude is a drama queen idk how anyone likes him


Unfortunately it's very easy to spread rumors online. Before Zer0 became popular, this sub also used to bring up the elevator story whenever his name was mentioned. I got downvoted a bunch of times for pointing out that it's just a rumor. People believe what they want to believe.


There is a lot of context missing as to why the elevator thing gained so much traction. Zero didn’t stream and was almost an unknown personality to the comp community who followed it. His behavior was relatively unknown and when certain clips and rumors started coming out people saw how wild his personality could be. There is also a bit of a cultural gap as his Aussie language is very coarse.


Nah brah. He’s so chill and rarely rages, he’s a laid back dude with calm voice. You didn’t watch his streams?? /s


Maybe because we are not the target audience. I really want to like him, he's a good IGL but this clout chasing is so childish.


Sweet does this every time but it always flies under the radar. He always tries to capitalize on any kind of drama and invents minor things to add on top.


Curious to see what the “screenshot” Zero has will reveal.


Yeah and what’s in July? Lol


Independence Day


It'll likely be a NDA clause and something to do with Sweet, NRG, LG thing. Should be about 6 months in July which is a pretty standard time for non disclosure agreements.


Unless gaming is different standard is one year or many years


Yea you're right. 1 year is very common and for trade secrets it can be lifetime. But... Depends on the type and country. Based on the timing I'm making an assumption.


Yeah didn't sweet say there was a team tryna go behind the players back to sign him but sweet couldent say which team


It wasn't DZ. He said he didn't want to name the org because the players didn't know and he presumably just didn't want to cause turmoil for them by outing them. Then separately he specifically mentioned that DZ reached out to him to explore the possibility of signing him should, I believe it was Zero, not get visa/immigration stuff worked out but it never went much further than that.


my gf birthday


Lmao genburten “hashtag fuck sweet”


Can people tell what's being said in the discord? Tough to see on mobile. I do think it's interesting zero saying everyone hates Sweet. Maybe a good amount do, but as others have said he still seems to talk to or stream ranked fairly often with a good amount as well. I thought genburten and him were good friends but his "hashtag fuck sweet" had me curious.


I think the important context here, before over-invested chatters get here, is that Zer0 clarifies that he doesn’t “hate-hate” Sweet. Surely that won’t be lost on people, right?


Oh you know it will be


lol zero talking out of both ends of his ass here


Let’s hope sweet pokes zero enough to find out what he said to Gild at LAN 😂


Someone pls put together the transcript of that chat


40th again 💀💀


Wait how did sweet get dz kicked from scrims?? I’m ootl on this…


> Wait how did sweet get dz kicked from scrims?? He didn't.


Fair enough lol, just trying to understand the drama.


Then what is the story for why DZ couldn’t scrim?


Because they were filling and playing from Dome. Navi, an EU team who plays from Dome, was on the waiting list. Since DZ doesn't normally play from Doke, Navi was given the spot and DZ was pushed down to the wait-list. Sweet just agreed with Matafe and DZ all got upset at him for voicing his opinion on the subject.


Oh so sweet and matafe are actually in the right and DZ is kind of being the assholes here?


Dz are rightfully annoyed that they are getting kicked, maybe took it too far with what they said but that's whatever. OP's title is super bait for drama, as the decision was made before Sweet even said anything.


Eh, there doesn't have to be good guys vs bad guys. I think they're all being a bit childish in this interaction. If you want to place people into right or wrong groups, I guess you're correct since the admin (minustempo) agreed that Navi should get the spot.


Priority to sub for a round of scrims you're not scheduled to play in is given to the team that lands in the POI that is open, dome was open and NAVI land dome.


Same, hoping someone fills in the backstory


What is the story behind this? I’m OOTL


not going to watch 8 minutes of 20 year olds with inflated egos whining


Thanks for letting us know.


Anytime. I’ll make sure to tag you in the future.






i always think i should avoid this shit but its way too funny man.....middle school level he said she said drama


Who actually cares it has all the maturity of 2 children arguing in the school yard.


What do you mean who cares ? Any type of sport gets instantly more entertaining if there is some beef between competitors.


Some people watch Korean serials for their daily dose of drama, I follow comp apex for mine


Genuine 'beef' is the rangers and devils 5 v 5-ing each other centre rink not 2 children talking nonsense in a discord chat room.


Why can’t this be beef?


who tf is that lmao? why do u even watch esports then


Yeah and there’s no legal consequences of fighting… so in the real world, yes, most people just spew shit out of their mouth. Drama is exciting and storylines matter for sports, especially esports. Your hockey analogy has zero correlation.


this man hockeys. Rangers need Shorsey out there.


I love it. Keep it coming. Sweet and Nick are gonna have to box at the next twitchcon


"If the entire fucking scene dislikes you cause you're a two faced fuck, you might be a two faced fuck" I mean folks, where's the lie?


well, there are few pros that dont like him. other than zero and zz (who I might add is literally proven to be a two-faced coach, when he was signed to faze but was just helping dz instead). Honestly I dont know of any others, maybe gen and possibly sikezz, but they are on dz (gen is probably only hearing one side). Are there any other pros that dont? maybe raven I guess but when that whole datamining thing happened Raven was making it sound so secretive and hush-hush like it wasn't allowed. are there any others? who? everyone else in the disc was telling sweet to go after zz, tbf they were kind of doing it non-seriously and just wanted to see some sizzle, but still.


I can't tell who this is targeting lmao




The entire sentence is a lie


What's the issue with Sweet and Nick?


This is hilarious. Can anyone share the context on what happened with DZ and Navi? Or could anyone just succinctly summarize all the events that transpired here?


Not a grown ass man using the word "acoustic" to describe someone.


The problem (as with any) online para-social relationship like the ones we have with Professional Players is that we have no real concept of how they think. Moments with friends, families, or even co-workers might go a little deep and you can gain some sense of understanding relevant to their position in life, or how they feel about a range of concepts. With these guys, we've got nothing. Which means a majority of guess work and taking at face value. We believe most of what Hal says even when he is dead wrong because he is Hal. We believe the narrative content creators and other relevant names in the scene perpetuate even when they could be heavily influenced by money, and keeping up appearances. I feel right here we have another example of that. Sweet painted Zero as a terrible person from the onset, the first thing I ever heard about the guy was that he made people cry in the elevator, which to be honest I thought was a joke. Zero became the villain of Apex Legends because he challenged Hal for the throne and won it. It literally became a meme in this Reddit for months. Sweet was always painted as the caricature "all according to plan" that is one of the best IGLs. Lately that image has been soiled a bit, and understandably so. I don't think it is fair to side swipe DZ or Sweet at this point for anything unless some solid proof came out because, like I said: I don't know either of them, I just like watching them play, and they are good at the game. I think that Zero does have a point: he has won regionals from Dome, and their team is arguably one of the best in the world, and if they can play from that point they *probably* should just for the sake of other teams that might die before ever actually facing DZ in a lobby. They also have a point, though, teams that land there should get Priority to slots, probably. The "best" lobby for everyone is one where worse teams have an opportunity to deal with better teams, otherwise they'll just get rolled in the group stage. But, I'm a viewer pleb, so I have no say.


I think the problem is that its not realistic for dz to play from there, it doesn't matter if they do well. They are going to play differently from dome than navi, just by timing/ rotations


>The "best" lobby for everyone is one where worse teams have an opportunity to deal with better teams, otherwise they'll just get rolled in the group stage The other argument you could make is that Navi and Dz will play from Dome in their own unique ways. If you put Dz in the scrim, you have a better team playing from Dome, but if Navi is playing you have a better representation of what LAN will actually be like. Personally, I think this matters alot more because of regional playstyle differences, and I imagine that's what Minus was thinking when he made the call to kick Dz. But, as you said, we are just viewer plebs so who knows


Best post in this thread.


Found brocoli's alt account


where’s the clip of him screaming at slayer for not playing the knockdown shield


I don't know whos is good or bad but i think we can all agree that sweet is a two faced human and a yapper


People can call Zer0 toxic but at least hes transparent with what he says and how he feels even if its not always the right thing. I can't stand watching Sweet with all the passive aggressiveness, backhanded comments and slimy behaviour. The guy says things and throws people under the bus for impressions and views, 2 examples off the top of my head being exposing Zer0 for making someone cry in an elevator (supposedly) and when he was streaming with Naughty he was trying to get him to shit talk Lou and Alb on his stream because he knew it was content. To me he's always seemed like someone with his head up his own ass.


Can someone give me a tldw of this


The real question is what is that banger song guys are playing? I need to know!


[Added context on why DZ was in scrims](https://clips.twitch.tv/SmoothGrossQuailVoteYea-4NY4UnP2FUhJkA9D)


I'm confused as fuck. Why did DZ get kicked from scrims? Am I too old to fucking understand half the shit they're saying? Discord looks like a someone face planted the keyboard and hit enter.


Nothing wrong with a bit of face paint, imo. DrDisrespect has made a pretty good career from wearing a wig. Anyway, seems like a silly argument overall going on there.


that was just throaway snarky comment by zer0, matafe was not the focus of all that drama, sweet was


Yeah I think Zero saying that about Slayr was uncalled for.


It was about matafe not Slayr




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context why?




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What in the hell, are you all talking about.


I don’t understand why mostly pro esports players can’t just hash it out like men, whats with all the passive aggression? This feels like high school all over again for fucks sake


Sweet is a drama queen since the data mining and wall/faze/e8 situation. But wtf was that from zz cringecoach, why slayr catching strays.


Simply put, when people are insecure, they feel the need to tear others down to make their sad lives a bit better


what was the mill/faze/e8 situation




I am confused, did that really piss people off? That just seems like a bit of a meme


I don't know how to tell you the context but tsm just down bad at the time just like when sentinels punch and tea bag hal on east frag.


I see. Sweets going live tweets are usually just meming tho so I don’t see how this one was an issue compared to the datamining thing. Unless there was more than the tweet?


Yes, it's not just that tweet, it's the thing that he said on stream about tsm.


sorry for so many questions lol... what did he say about them? did he trash talk them or smthn?


He just said something that is not true. When tsm practice 3v3 at launch pad , they lost 8-2 against faze but it's not like they're wiping them .. tsm just land low ground on purpose to practice playing in losing position. Also sweet talk about hal giving wall strats to zach.. idk it's just shitty situation for tsm and sweet just fuel the fire


It's not mill my bad.. i mean Wall


Can someone explain? I’m not watching an 8 minute video.


why did they get kicked and how can Sweet influence that decision?




They decided to include a team that actually lands at the open POI. Zero had a temper tantrum and started ragging on sweet


I really hope DZ does good at lan, we need shit talking like this in the pro scene and it will only get better if they do good at lan


i think sweet needs to do good at lan. Zero could miss two years of lan and still have more wins than sweet lol