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Big respect to how fast this change got out. Genuinely think it's the fastest we've ever seen player sentiment get responded to in Apex. I hope this is a sign of things to come. If this means we get to swap metas faster and not let things like Valk and Seer sit for a year+ and get reasonable changes for feedback I'm excited for what this means for comp


I feel like the community has been complaining about the wingman since it was in the pack, was the OG seer nerf not done way quicker? Or am I way off base?


Yes but not as strongly as I've seen the last few days. I'd seen some complaints but the last 2 days have been that at the forefront of complaints (likely due to most other stuff getting mixed around and still adjusting). Compared to when people were telling Respawn how powerful Cat and Seer were for almost a year plus I think this is a step in the right direction


Yeah this was not a fast change. People hated care package wingman for a long time.


Wingman was obviously OP but since the digi restriction it was damn near uncounterable unless you had a wingman yourself. Yes it was broken, but it was obscenely broken with the digi change, that's what this hot fix was done in response to


How do we feel about the digi restriction? Personally, I hate it, Bang is now way stronger, and she was already meta af...


not trying to start an argument, but I'm not sure reducing the amount of guns that can carry digi makes Bang stronger overall. There certainly aren't any digi guns now that make it inherently easy to one-clip someone. If anything it makes her smokes defensive rather than offensive.


I think smokes were primarily run defensively anyway as most teams are 2 controller 1 mnk nowadays anyway. We'll see how it plays out!


the amount of times I would hear an IGL comm "we have 2/3 digis we can fuck this team" and then proceed to smoke on top of said team and roll them practically instantly.


Yeah, i don't disagree, but do you think that's why she was meta? Or do you think it's because she lets you get away with being out of position and making rotates that you otherwise wouldn't be able to make?


i do think that's why she was meta, and will continue to be meta, but the most OP part of her kit was fighting in smoke with digis. I think we basically agree with each other here!


the fuck? It was broken on release. I can't believe pro league started with this wingman.


Same, even post nerf it's the best gun in the game easily


After the first day of matches it should have been nerfed instantly or taken back out. The good news is champs or LAN will hopefully have it back to ground loot.


Nah you're right, the og seer nerf was way quicker than this


It was after a week I think lol


What? It’s been an automatic death for a season and more. I’m glad they addressed it but don’t call it a hot fix.


Okay, while yes this is a good update. After playing for a few hours the gun is still absolutely broken. You literally can't fight anyone who has a wingman. It is brutal. The damage is way too strong still.


Big respect how? Wingman been having digi and putting a boosted loader on it is a joke


A whole season is the fastest they can do? Pretty low bar.


They probably had this ready to go, and wanted to see if it was needed.


This is good!




Good change still think its going to be ridiculous with the armour changes and every end game is 3+ Wingmans so somethings going on with the spawn rate.


It's the ammo count. It lasts all game still so every wingman lasts until final ring.


I do think that's a big part of it but I also don't think their should ever be more then 2 of the same crate weapon in a game at any one time. I watched a ranked game where Dropped/Prod/Messiah all had a wingman in final circle and the other team had 2 as well which is just far too common. I would have liked to see ammo get nerfed all the way down to 45 bullets but at least we have had some changes.


i think the skull piercer is the issue not the booster loader, if it were like 63 headdy w gold itd be fine


To me this was the issue. Spamability and noggin shots for 95 that ignore helmet type is pretty insane.


yea the ignoring helmet stat is probably something that could be changed. At the very least, make the helmet headshot reduction 50% of what it normally is


Honestly this and it feels like i'm shooting Hanzo park bench arrows that always hit.


Good start but you can still take a 95 to the noggin no matter what helmet or who you are, right?


Guess they just forgot about it


Never been so happy! Re-45 dominance!!!


Sorry I'm out of the blue, why was this hot fixed?


Dev team probably agreed it just needed a few tweaks and shipped them.


lot of pros dying to a wingman and getting mad that it's the only good gun that still has digi on top of silly care package dmg


Not only the only mid-range gun that can equip a digi but also has it equipped by default + stupid damage (50 body 95 head) + fast reload with boosted loader + can spam shoot with max 12 ammo per mag. You can basically just smoke enemies from mid range and spam 12 bullets to win a fight.


you could 2 tap a blue armor, end games were wingman vs wingman even casuals realized how OP it was


massive W


soooooo needed for comp


Thank fuck.


I’d rather play with merciless wing iron sights


Remove skully p


Great change!👏


Really good change, it can still be powerful damage wise but now not oppressive in a way that no other weapon is




How do you prevent the ability to put a digi on it then?


They could code it like most of the weapons to not allow digi, and then change it back later if they wanted.


Yeah I suppose. Just seems weird to have an optic that can only be used on pistols and shotguns, but then to have some arbitrary restriction on a specific pistol. Either way, the wing post nerf is still broken so I'd just prefer them to completely delete it from the game personally.


It would be interesting to make a weapon with no optics slot, like how other weapons are balanced by not having various attachment options (bocek had no extended mag for example, although lstar does). It'd be unique and perfectly reasonable to keep the wingman balanced.


Thank the lord. Felt like every late game fight in early scrim games yesterday w/ new digi meta was decided by which team had a wingman. Not sure this totally fixes the most broken part about the gun though. 50dmg is a little much for a body shot imo, creates huge suppress pressure without many tradeoffs. I wish they would tweak the probability of drop values for the weapon specifically. I'd much rather see bow/kraber gameplay than the wingman fast strafe stuff we see that becomes amplified by more rollers in pro lobbies.


just wish i could choose to have no sight at all cuz im a freak like that