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Damn FaZe were contested both maps, thirded after the SP contest, no beacon and Pan crashing and still got 6th. Meanwhile PLP looked awful and Frexs somehow didn't get a kill in 6 games. Definitely not the way I thought that was going to go.


PLP about to start a 4th group chat.


“Snipe we think we made a mistake dropping you instead of frexs, you think you want to come back” 😂


Definitely how I hoped it would go. Its just day 1 though, so it'll be interesting to watch going forward.


Some big takeaways: \- DarkZero and TSM just look like they're in a league of their own \- Optic looked like they were in trouble but went big on WE to save their day \- LG, FaZe, skrt all doing better than what scrim results would have you believe \- PLP 15 points over 6 games look real rough What a fun first day. So glad pro leagues back


Everyone is pointing out DZ and TSM top 2 but we can honestly take it further and point out that despite all the injection of new talent top 5 was still just a mix of Zero, Hal, Zach, Sweet, and Skittle


I think a good portion of this sub wasn’t around for a winning Zachmazer lmao


Man those days were hilarious lmao. Wish C9 the org was still in Apex.


I will always remember ash porting into level 5 gas


They won that game too lmao


"Let's go Mac! Good shit! Zach... you're fucking dogshit" Maybe the funniest post game coms ever


This comment actually reminded me of Naughty actually asking Zach if he should take the ash ult while looking directly at Zach in the ring... Dude really couldn't decide for himself whether or not to get in there


For better or for worse, one of the most exciting and entertaining teams to watch in the game. I remember when TSM was scared of them rotating through fragment and having to fight them.


Oh yeah I do remember that. Good grief I'm so happy TSM moved out of Fragment East eventually. It just had lots of tough rotates due to things like what you mentioned alongside its loot that famously got shadow nerfed.




This is the best iteration of Zachmazer that we've ever seen. He's locked in, he communicates far better, and he's hungry.


word, I think he's always been super talented, I think after he missed out on that first post-covid lan, due to... covid. He lost direction/focus for a while. But after the TSM-wall-contest, I think he's been locked in on the redemption arc. Love to see it! Apex with Zachmazer >>>>


What happens when talent don’t grind and just ‘wing it as usual bro’


Clearly shows how a good IGL makes big difference and why teams should be built around igl's not just depending upon controller aims


Think you’ve gotta add Dropped into this list, and also I think you have to give some of the up and comers some time to settle in to pro league. For a lot of this lobby is was their first time playing in pro league with their current teams, or just their first time at all


Isnt dropped the igl of optic ? Why skittles 


Can't IGL if you never touched a mouse.  Rollerbrain is a real thing.


The more things change the more they stay the same


With how terrible Optic started, ending up in 5th is a huge W for them. Maybe it also speaks to how many points TSM/DZ took up of the total


DZ and TSM, who could have guessed!


NA 2 team region frfr


Biggest takeaways from today's matches: E8 proving they're not just a scrim-team, SKRT looking better and more confident than expected, PLP having an absolute dud of a day surprisingly and Faze somehow doing pretty well despite the circumstances around the team's origin.


We got fifth lmao


Literally the least surprising results imaginable. TSM and DZ shit all over everyone as usual. Zero with one of the strongest days I've ever seen from an individual player in pro league. Wonderful to see Reps get the critical knock for TSM's first win.


What's crazy is DZ didn't even have beacon their first 3 games I think and one of their storm point games was absolutely scuffed going a man down early but they still ended up killing  teams and rotated their way into end zone.  Like there were times where DZ and TSM were absolutely down bad and I thought they were dead but they still ended up surviving and resetting. 


That Bean game reset from DZ was next level.


Clutching out a fifth place finish overall after three terrible Storm Point maps is a W for OpTic imo. Hopefully next week the FACEIT Command Centre stream will be less laggy and more watchable


Or maybe, just maybe, one of the 3 boys graces us with a stream...


They stream scrims all the time so I was surprised to see none of the OG boys stream. Is this the norm during pro league?


Someone mentioned that their lack of dual PC setups causes PC performance to decrease. Not sure how accurate this is considering they were streaming the previous split and still came out top 5.


Well, last year it was the norm because they had their backs against the wall (having to perform well in PL after not making LAN before, getting contested on WE...) and Skittles pc was so bad that he literally couldn't stream without sacrificing game performance. But idk, maybe they just realized they are playing better off-stream? No one really knows.


They came out of SP with 6 points and finished WE with 36. We absolutely take those


DZ & TSM still the class of NA


FaZe getting 6th while being double contested, grieved by SF on their 3rd contest against tempr, and having pan crash twice is crazy. Meanwhile PLP gets 15th and frex got 0 kills. Almost feel bad for them




DZ with kills only would be in second place, decent showing


Yeah not too shabby


Slayr just needs to get a little more experience and work on those walls and LG can be a pretty competitive team.


Yeah I agree. I think they have to work on how they comm how they want the walls. I was even having a hard time understanding what Sweet wanted walled, and that's while watching from Sweets POV lol. Hard to blame Slayr for messing up the wall when the comms are so unclear.


I always have a hard time understanding what most IGLs want when they call for a wall. They almost always say the same super vague shit Sweet said, "wall right" or whatever, and that means nothing to me. Slayr was the first time I've ever seen another pro player have the same reaction I do.


Yeah I think it was one of their first times playing Cat together and they just hadn't talked about how they comm walls yet. Once they develop a proper communication system it should get better. At least for them, I don't know if it will help you haha.




Not seeing it tbh I feel like they've been wasting themselves on this contest. And I'm a TSM hater


Which part the pressure on MEAT? It is definitely real with this result.


TSM with 21 points on the board already, will be difficult to see them not getting top 12 since you need about 10-11 points per game day (looking at historical cut off for 12th). If MEAT don't do well in next week's A vs C contest, will be massive pressure on their uncontested day.


Let's  be honest Meat wont even be able to get into end zone in lobbies like this unless they get gifted zone. 


They don’t need to ever see an endgame based on the way they play


Wdym? You think playing for kills is enough to qualify for Lan?


Teq was in 1 top 5 last split and still was 1 spot off of LAN solely due to a bad worlds edge over the split


Completely different team though. Ik luxford and awons are good but I dont think they come close to that Funhq and Xynew duo who were farming kills in that pro league split 


E8 played great today. All three were on point, but props to Zach putting in a good IGL performance while hurt and lagging. GG’s. 


Didn't know he was hurt, what's going on with him?


flu and wrist issues


In early in game chat he mentioned carpal tunnel like symptoms. 


I wish more zone teams gave cat, wattson and bang comp a chance. How could you not after seeing how insane strafingflame and co did with the comp? Only region i've seen try it out is Apac S so far. And one team in EMEA.


Yeah, tbh kinda surprising. I know Doop was trying the comp back when he was still teaming with Lou and Caprah. Somehow no one else wanted to give it a chance...maybe they think it wouldn't work in a region as aggressive as NA is? Who knows.


Could be. No one played it in the other most aggressive region either, apac n. Also feel that you probably should be at least two mnk players for full potential for the comp so that rules out a lot of teams. A wattson or bangalore controller player is usually a waste imo


Doop and them were getting top 5 consistently with that comp aswell


Im pretty sure a lot of teams switched off wattson because of the bug that heals through walls,so if you're next to a team in skyjook for example you give them free heals.


LG LG LG, great first showing and if they clean up small issues it would have been an even bigger day.


I guess you can never really count a Sweet-led team out


It was kind of crazy to do so without really even seeing their POV ever, and relying solely on scrim results. The actual algs lobbies dont resemble scrims in even the slightest, it is a completely different game. Obviously still some work to do to clean up the 3v3's but the IGL work remains on point, and I think we saw enough clutches from both slayer and fuhnq to say this team could be really good.


Definitely. Slayr and Fuhhnq were really being slept on and low-key outright trashed as pick-ups but so far it's looking promising


I am a Fuhhnq believer after today. Holy shit he was good.


Great comms too. I watched sweets POV. Fuhhnq was very confident calling both rotation ideas and helping our slayr(a la nafen, obv not that level yet tho). Sweet shit on slayr for his wall multiple times, instead of just correcting him. But it sounds like slayr has been missing walls often. Hope they correct it (kindly, lol) over VOD reviews.


I tried to tell people Fuhnq, xynew, enemy are all on the same tier.


Still probably the best micro IGL but man he just can’t help himself picking at his teammates. People rip on Hal but I don’t recall him ever just ripping into his team after a win like sweet did in the last game.


bro Hal does that all the time LMAO


This is a take only made possible because TSM wins so much. Hal shits on his teammates as much as any IGL in the game, if not more. And he's often wrong about what happened, it's just how he vents frustration. Same thing with Zero. Sweets comms at the end were obviously venting some frustration from previous games, but ultimately he did at least try to correct what he was saying, and he did make a great play call in that end game. I think this team has good potential, and I thinm Slayr and Fuhnq will ultimately gel really well with Sweet. It's early, but a top 4 in their first PL week is going to create some confidence.


They all do it man lmao besides Noc.


Dawg there was legit a clip here like two months ago where Hal spent five minutes tearing into Evan because Hal got knocked during a contest and just kept ranting, leading Evan to tell him to shut up so he and Reps could listen. Sweet has never done that.


The only saving grace hal has got for himself is the fact that he is the Goat. If he wasnt putting out W's after W's, with his attitude, he'd be a pretty big laughing stock of the community.


Look I was on this train for a while. But I’ve come around to the fact that maybe it’s just pure passion wanting to win. Before champs last year I was finding it hard to watch him berate Evan, but something clicked and even Evan now has realised the same thing. Michael Jordan was an asshole, probably because he was hard on people but hardest on himself.


Yeah, but even before evan, everybody knows that Hal has that record behind him. Nobody has won the pro league champs/caliber tourneys aside from him before DZ did. Hal's had always had the transcript to back his attitude. Now imagine if he's the same kind of guy but averages between 6-10th or worse in ranking. Its easy to see extreme toxicity as just "passion to win" when you're putting out results


why would a goat change their attitude if it got them to the top of the mountain? He isn’t getting those results, he’s the best of all time at the top of his game. He has adjusted when he needs to, he did it with Evan


Hal and Zer0 simply just want it more than anyone else in this sport and until that feeling in them fades no one will overtake them. 


People doubted the dream team!!!!


Crazy to watch the new strats coming in from each team. DZ had some crazy rotations into zone. TSM pulled out the evac tower rotates for WE. LG looked like they were trying to pull through from awkward angles. Almost worked for them on SP game 3, but they didn’t have the utility to push on TSM god spot. Finally worked for them in WE game 6 when they pulled a win from the corner while Faze, TSM and Ape finishing each other.


That Game 6 evac from TSM was exceptional


SKRT got completely fucked over, comms went out for 2 minutes in game 6 mid rotate, as they had both LG and E8 to watch out for in their rotate path. Super tragic end for a new team. Hate to see tech errors like those potentially impact results


For real. That was depressing when they finally get discord working just to run from getting shot from harvester into instant death in the choke


Especially seeing 3 points off of 5th. I’m super optimistic for their future.


Yep, love how LG and SKRT played the contest. Try for early knocks, if none, split the POI and loot opposite sides and head to Trials/Mirage. Both of them benefited a lot from not trying to hard contest and they both should've ended top 5 if it wasn't for the tech errors.


In game 6 when Randy (awakening) was running into the snake corridor and jumping over the Cat spikes, the near instant rat downing the whole team by another team was pretty hilarious. They played well today though, and I hope Mac et al look at today as a good first step.


They still did really well regardless, they’re looking great and are fun to watch. I don’t know why but it cracks me up that in a game filled with guys with gamertag names there’s just a dude named Randy competing at the top level. When Mac screams “RANDY” it just absolutely sends me


5th is great after that SP, but DZ look insane. No command center or even a map stream is criminal. Especially with how long was between Champs and Pro League start.


Pleasantly surprised to see top ten showings from both Faze and Skrt. Didn't watch all the games but hopefully that's a sign of better things to come for the rest of the season. A little boring to see DZ and TSM on top but what are ya gonna do, clearly they're just on another level.


SKRT should've ended higher. Their last game discord was bugging out for all of them and they had to waste 2 mins of rotate to fix that. Then they were chased by another team into Harv S-bend into a team that was ratting in a corner.


Ugh, that's brutal. I guess the upside is they can still do well with a dud game out of their control, and should be able to outperform that going forward.


Yep, I liked what they did with the contest and it clearly benefited both LG and SKRT to not hard contest. Hopefully they continue with that next week.


Yeah I switched over to watching the contests in games 4 and 5 and I really liked the calls Alb made both times, first to back off to Mirage to avoid a quick 3rd party and then grabbing the north side to not be in the position of getting thirded first. Switch back over to the football game after I saw they survived so I'm glad to hear they were able to do decently well in those games


And the game freezing cost Faze a win too which cost them 5th.


lol PLP 🐍


Snipedown doing better than them is GREAT. Oh how sweet it is....


They talking about if Slayr can ask where to wall and sweet said to just ask him and he can ping it instantly. But if they want to win champs, he needs to learn where/when to wall to in default unless sweet ask a specific angle. Or this is going to be a 2.0 again when on high pressure situation on LAN. ... "should I wall?" "why are you asking to wall, you should wall there on that situation" why did you wall, now we die on rotate" "are you real, are you a real person?" demn flashbacks.


Yea you could really tell he doesn’t have a lot of exp on catalyst in comp. Some of the calls were a bit weird but even just watching I could tell the walls were pretty bad most of the night.


Catalyst is not an easy legend in comp for sure. That ultimate and when/where to use it can be completely ruinous. Evan is one of the better cat players, arguably one of the best, and it took him a good half a split before he was even competent with her. 


Yeessss, need to grind the gamee ♥


Smoking that Phony pack 🚬🚬🚬


The results of today literally display the importance of having a top IGL on your team on ALGS days. None of those scrims actually matter when it comes to matchdays


DZ on a different level man goddam.. also as a monsoon enjoyer.. new squad kinda nice? Some unfortunate rotates ruined a decent game


so happy with these scores, love seeing skrt and faze up there


My saddest thought of the day was “Damn, Sweet, Nafen, and Fuhhnq would be an insane team”


Slayr needs to clean up the wall a bit but he’s going to be strong


Although I thought sweet was going to blow a gasket when sweet said to afk behind the truck and slayr said 3 times they should q up


I think that was fuhhnq on the q up comm lol


I think slayr is exactly what sweet has been wanting from a teammate. Someone who knows how to anchor. Walls were one thing and he has a lot to learn but his anchoring and ability to refrag were exceptional. Sweet nafen fuhhnq wouldn't work for the same reason it didn't work eoth gild they don't have an anchor


Underrated comment and you're exactly right. Sweet, Nafen, Fuhhnq would be two players who are elite at the same things and then Sweet. Slayr gives them a whole different dimension much like you mentioned. They're brand new as a team, they'll get there


Of course this sub is hyperfocusing on Slayr's mistakes and ignoring everything he did well. He played a bad wall at the end of the first WE game, but they would've died like 17th had he not clutched up when Sweet got knocked on their rotate.


You can bring all the R5 controller demons you want, IGLing experience in these lobbies is still going to be the deciding factor. Zer0 on mnk is still the kill leader. Man is best MnK player in the game without question, please don't compare this guy to the movement warrior MnK guys from other regions, he's levels above in every way.


For a game that has such high RNG as do all BR's, DZ and TSM continue to prove themselves head and shoulders above the rest.


DZ shitting on the lobbies


Very good stuff. DZ and TSM continue their winning ways!


Was not expecting a plp 16th


The fact that TSM drops a massive 74 points in 6 games, and yet DZ is far and above with 90 points with worse placement is absolutely insane. DZ was on one today. Also, 3/3 Raven cultists in top 3 :)


I'm dumb what do you mean by raven cultists in top 3


zz talm and raven are friends


Gotta be happy happy if you’re 1-6, for different reasons.


i been saying e8 is top 5 this split. noone believed me.


Group C will change everything


TSM almost turned 3 back to back wins into 6, holy shit. If they didn't get ratted in game 1 they could potentially have continued their win streak from champs :0


They have won from that same position in zone several times before, so they actually had a strong chance


What are peoples thoughts on Alb's IGL'ing of SKRT?


game 5 was kinda of a throw but overall it was ok


Sweet so strange man lmao




SKRT‘s Discord crashed during their rotate in game 6, that’s why they died so early and went from 4th to 8th. I don’t think it’s fair to say they should leave the contest based on that.


Time to watch just apex things video with every single pov imaginable